SML Movie: Jeffy's Piggy Bank *Reaction*

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what's up guys we are coming to you live from las vegas you're missing cash boy actually we're not live but yeah by the time you see this we either filmed it earlier today or we filmed it yesterday yeah so anyway if you're in vegas find us and say hi we're not shy yeah wow dr seuss in this mf so today uh we are going to be doing a reaction for you guys and we are going to be reacting to jeffy's piggy bank boy because jeffy always got that in that cash from all those murr here we go it's tricky to rock around anyway what were you saying honey so we're at that we're doing a reaction for you guys um today so i hope you guys like it and without any further ado let's begin one two three hey i'm daddy i got a question what is it jeffy how do blind people know when to start wiping their butt valid questions i don't know jackie that's a good question well i think that they oh jackie where'd you get all that money jeffy where did you get all that money i just got paid for my new song that was released on itunes you should go buy it daddy a smack piece home mario i don't think it's safe for jeffy to be walking around with all that money yeah you're right it's not safe jeffrey i think that video was the one that was in the top it's right on my diaper right next to him so if anybody mario we should get him a piggy bank that's a good idea a piggy bank jeffy do you want a piggy bank oh i don't know what that is donnie you'll love it if it's like a little things you put your money you'll love it i promise that's a logical thought well i have one at home that i'm not using anymore can you give it to jeffy yeah of course i'll be right back all right thank you all right jeffy i promise you're gonna love it it's a safe place for your money mario here's the thing i know jeffy it's a pig this doesn't look like a piggy bank it looks like a stuffed animal look mario oh all right jeffy this is a piggy bank you give it all your money oh daddy how's your piggy supposed to protect my money i like it right here next to him disguises you're reasonable i'll get it all right did you have a quarter no all right jeffy do you have a quarter um oh yeah daddy i went right here in my butthole okay i don't want it i don't want to touch it okay so in that scene it was extremely hard to do because i had to have jeffy on my hand and then we had to take a quarter and shove it up the back of jeffy's puppet like right exactly like right where his butt was and that's why it was so funny to us in that scene because we were saying oh he's plugging that ball all day and it was actually in his butt like in the puppet's butt that's crazy i thought that was funny hey what's up jeffy look you take your quarter and look you put it right here inside the pig look now it's inside the pig yo [ __ ] piggy you better get me oh no what are you doing oh all right jeffy look there's your quarterback right there thank you very much well jeffy don't be mad look you can get your money back and put it inside it yeah jeffy look oh well i guess i can get it now daddy all right so what i want you to do is i want you to take it go back to your room and put all your money in it so it's safe all right thanks daddy all right wow why is everything to be so hard with him i don't know mario the piggy stole his money i think that's about uh hello hi good evening mario i checked your mail for you but you checked my mail for me yeah it's a letter from my company to you and i wanted to personally deliver it to you just to make sure you got it okay make sure okay all right have a good evening all right oh you know how did you get so far behind on your bills i don't know i guess i just forgot all right i was always driving 100 i don't know how i'm gonna pay that yeah well you're going to figure out how you're going to pay that how did you get inside my house because i have a key because my bank owns your [ __ ] house until you pay it off oh well that's og miller well you better find a way by midnight tonight or else i'm taking your house i'm taking your red couch i'm taking your house and i'm even gonna take your girlfriend you wouldn't go with them would you no mario i have 10 million dollars in my lowest bank account my checking account in fact which means i am collecting [ __ ] on interest damn right i'm the hottest person in the world in her eyes come on rosalina don't believe it ton of money but you see the sentence right here bill pass due pay now that sentence makes my ball sack shrivel the [ __ ] up mario i have a raisin ball sack my wife likes being smacked in the face raising ballsack she likes to be smacked in the face with a watermelon ball sack i'm talking about okay okay do you have until midnight tonight to pay me my five hundred dollars because right now you're [ __ ] me out of five hundred dollars you'll get it you'll get it damn [ __ ] right i will oh okay oh i'm gonna smack her in the face with my watermelon balls well i'll be at the front door while you think of a [ __ ] sentence and my five hundred dollars oh he really did that to him rosalina what am i gonna do i have to pay him yeah by midnight can i can i borrow it from you why don't you ask that one black friend that owes you all that money what you mean black yoshi yeah for all the times you helped him out he could give you a favor well i guess you're right i mean i do give him a lot of money wow yeah that's a really long scene call of duty man hey black yoshi i was wondering i mean usually it's the other way around but i was wondering if i could borrow five hundred dollars what i i was wondering if i could borrow five hundred dollars hold up what are you doing like i'm yoshi uh looking for uh who the hell you think you talking to you just make that joke yeah oh my god well why don't you wait till your welfare [ __ ] come in well black i don't get welfare why because i have a job i i i don't get welfare checks super man i get a check every month every single month i'll be getting cash i'd be cashed out like hey that's why i was wondering if i could borrow 500 for i already spent my money for me i already got some cool day i got a new controller man i cashed out this month well black yoshi i really need 500 by tonight or they're gonna turn off all the power and i might even lose the why would you house it though steal it yeah man absolutely what we say in the hood all the time is if you ain't gutsy then you go get it okay i can't steal like you do i i just can't do it yes you can fold baby you white people are crazy as hell boy man i can't do this i can't do that yeah you can if you put your mind to it you can do anything both well i mean you put your mind through it you can do no even better i found a way to get the 500 oh wow okay jeffy how do i put all that money in his diaper yeah mario are you going to ask to borrow some no i'm going to steal it mario you can't see it that's what i'm saying [Music] and stealing isn't embarrassing well see look i'm not gonna get caught i'm wearing gloves see you know mario this is not a good idea it's a great idea this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go into his crib while he's sleeping i'm gonna take five hundred dollars from his piggy bank smell video mario exposes his hands it's not stealing it's just borrowing it without asking you know mario i don't agree with this it's a great idea look baby it's gonna work just i'm gonna get the 500 and there won't be watermelon balls on your face tonight okay sleeping okay there won't be honey how chivalrous i can do this oh my god how convenient that it's just sticking out on the bottom where's your place hold big mario he didn't wake up no he didn't even wake up he was just fast asleep well go pick goodman no no okay i'll go pay him oh stay right here okay uh are you out here of course i am where's my money uh it's actually right here five hundred dollars right right did you have to get this oh no it wasn't my savior well great don't let this happen again next month or else you'll see my face again it won't happen again sir right now i'll have raising balls oh that that's nice to hear yeah every month is the same same okay that's good mario but what are you gonna do when jeffy realizes he's missing five hundred dollars he's not gonna notice would keep my money safe safer than him being next to my ballsack daddy did well maybe you misplaced it no the guy did because i made sure it was tucked away safely in the piggies daddy and i swear to him i'm gonna get to the bottom of this daddy oh that's for me i'll be right back okay what seems to be the problem [Music] 500 for my piggy bank whoa 500 that's a lot of money see anything more than 499 dollars is a serious crime we're talking mega felonies yeah mega felony i mean 500 is way too much money to steal from somebody you know why don't you just get a loan i mean what if that person couldn't get a loan you know what said we just abolished the cruel and unusual punishment law today so if we find the guy we gotta torture him people vote on how we're gonna torture him and whoever's suggestion wins that's what we do oh whatever you find who stole my 500 i want you to eat their pee pee well we'll see what the people want but if that's what they want we're going to eat the peepee so do you have any evidence something they left behind maybe yeah all i have is your stupid hat oh hello let's see well there's an m on the hat oh look at that m stand for huh murderer we're looking for a murderer and a thief i think it stands for um a money thief it all adds up yeah this makes sense it's not money theo okay so we're gonna run the dna on this we're gonna we're gonna put out an amber alert this is gonna go national kid an amber alert uh uh you have to come clean you have to tell the truth tell the truth he says you're gonna eat my pee pee he's gonna put my pee in his mouth he's gonna chew it up dude oh here it is 500 has been stolen from a child's piggy bank yeah yeah 500 has been stolen from a child piggy bank and the police are actively searching for the individual who stole it we have brooklyn t guy on the scene now thanks goodman i'm here at the scene of the crime right now where 500 was stolen from a child's piggy bank this is obviously a very serious crime and we are taking this investigation very very seriously it's got to be a real sick bastard to steal from a child so right now the only evidence we have is this red hat with an m on it we've determined that the m stands for money thief because that seems to fit the suspect pretty well uh if you have any information on somebody who owns this hat please call 9-1-1 and you may be given a cash reward or an ending front row seats to the torture speaking of which we have a poll going right now on how we're going to be torturing the suspect when we capture them let's take a look at that oh it looks like we have 70 people okay yeah we gotta pause there money thief oh people go oh god the wood chippers winning oh my god slowly push by mountain lions oh my god how did we get away with this yes those are all awful that's horrible oh my god what's your option what would i rather have i haven't really the only two that don't kill you or the last two yeah like the bottom two yeah i guess paper cup yeah i can't do it because oh no yeah that's safety all right anyway let's get back i don't like it slowly pushed into a wood chipper wow uh 15 for run over by a steamroller okay uh 10 for eaten by mountain lions that's crazy people are getting real creative poopy this is all [ __ ] scene paper cut on the eyeballs that it won't because that won't work but i'm into it okay and uh one percent for eat his pee i home this has gone too far you have to confess confess do you not see that seventy percent run over my steamroller people are sick mario you have to go talk to jeffy tell them what you did before the cops find out well i mean jeffy's not gonna take that lightly i i i can't tell i can't tell them mario you need to go talk to jeffy and i gotta run some errands i'll be back like bye goodbye oh okay well uh i came here to tell you something oh you didn't did you find out where you stole my money no i i came here to to ask you hypothetically what would you do if someone you knew uh stole the 500 oh that's easy daddy you wonder what i would do what all right tell him daddy what what no he never breathed oh my god this earth again i would stab their eyes out i'd rip off their hair and rip their head off daddy just thinking about it makes me so mad that somebody would even do that to me i was like cut hey mario so how did telling jeffy go it it went good and until he flipped the table so you didn't tell him uh i no no i didn't well i figured so i sold something so i could give you this what 500 yeah mario i didn't want to see you get run over by a steamroller you didn't you didn't have to do this what did she sell in two minutes i want you to take this and put it back in jeffy's piggy bank before things get worse oh oh my god thank you you don't have to do that but yes yeah if we put it back then he'll just think that you know someone put it back and we'll all forget about all this there'll just be a big misunderstanding yeah mario okay we'll wait till he goes to bed tonight and i'll put it back in the piggy bank oh my god thank you no problem okay time to make this right what's he gonna do about his hat actually jeffy i'm gonna tell you the truth i took the 500 i was just borrowing it i needed to pay bills i really needed the money so i was just going to borrow and i was going to pay it back well daddy all you had to do was ask me and i went to let you borrow it i know jeffy i just i didn't want to be embarrassed well don't be embarrassed daddy it's okay wait wait wait [Music] okay time's done for me oh what are you doing here an interesting turn of events wait a second this isn't my house oh they'll silly me i'll i'll be leaving now well no no no no no where'd you get that hat out oh uh this is a zeke oh vanderbilt money thief jeffy that's a robber tackler wow can't believe you guys actually caught the money thief he's even wearing the hat too yeah yeah he crawled in right through the window wow you know you're gonna get run over by a steamroller right no no i have a wife for kids that's too bad you should have thought about that before you stole oh wait wait wait wait wait wait officer can you bring it back real quick uh yeah sure uh i i i need that hat uh oh okay yeah all right come on you hey daddy no questions ask sml question has someone ever stolen something from you oh yes they have and i have a story about that so you want to go ahead yeah i'll tell my story first i just i had a college roommate who had a friend move in with her for a little while and her friend stole some of my clothes did you confront the person about it no i did not because i did not realize that they were missing until i had already moved out okay so i'm gonna make a long story short and say when i was in high school i had an ipod touch and i would use it to listen to music during uh our art class that we had well this one kid he saw that i had it he stole it from my backpack gave it to this other kid i'm not gonna name drop and then when i confronted the other kid about it when i knew that he had it he told me no and then later on found someone found it broken in the men's locker room at the gym so then i knew exactly who had it and the deans and the resource officer at my school just didn't do anything about it quick enough so it ended up getting broken well the kid since he lied about it and everything he lied to the resource officer lied to the dean and lied to me and i was like i can tell you 100 and so there was two other people who witnessed him either stealing it or breaking it or having it in his possession and so he ended up having to pay me back for the ipod and uh like the case the ipod and the headphones so don't steal kids especially if i see you do it or if i know that you did it don't do that it's not worth it it's never worth it to steal anything so but that does it for this video guys if you liked the video hit the thumbs up button what other videos would you like us to react to make sure you're putting comments in the comment section letting us know which videos you want us to react to and uh what do you think about jeffy's piggy bank i was hilarious yeah i definitely that was funny that was definitely like one of the og videos you know oh yeah because it's it's definitely not anywhere similar to the videos that you guys make these days yeah yeah for sure so i know that we had to beep out all the cussing in it and so it doesn't make it as funny but we had to in order to keep providing reactions for you guys so with that being said guys we'll see you in the next video oh if you see us in vegas come say hi
Channel: Audrey Thirtyacre
Views: 299,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml reaction, sml, sbl, sll, lance thirtyacre, sml lance, sml logan, funny, hilarious, couples reaction, reaction, reaction videos, funny reactions, just aud, audrey, silly, fun, goofy, SML, vlog, Audrey omaille, cute, tiktok, sml crew, lance vlogs, bright, happy, new channel, lances girlfriend, beauty, Q&A, movies, BTS, Mario the babysitter, Jeffy's Origin, jeffy, lance and Audrey react, SML reaction, SBL reaction, couples, just_aud, Jeffy's piggy bank reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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