SML Movie: Jeffy's Mad Cow Disease!

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all right Cal come on get in the blender yeah it's time for you to die get in there yeah you got to be a cheeseburger oh God it's like they know they're going to die come on get in the blender go go go how incredibly sad next oh a Double Quarter powder with cheese that was a good cow no not another mad cow no no no no no you're not going to be a cheeseburger you're going in the in generator what the hell's going on here this cow has mad cow disease so I got to B him no you're not you're going to make him into a cheeseburger but people are going to get sick I don't care Ronald McDonald only cares about making a profit now get in the blender now get in the blender no sell it Jeffy get in here I got you McDonald's for dinner um Marvin where's mine you're vegan oh yeah I forgot oh dang you got me McDonald's for dinner that's peepe daddy peee eat your McDonald's Jeffy all right daddy usually you give me green beans for dinner not this time Marvin um daddy we need to go back to McDonald's because the [ __ ] that worked there put a can of green beans in the Box instead of the Double Quarter Pounder that was me Daddy you know I hate green beans Jeff you have to go clean up that mess right now H Marvin where's his Double Quarter Pounder with cheese I ate it I'm going to eat the Big Mac too Marvin give him the Big Mac but I'm so hungry that's not fair Marvin give him the Big Mac all right Jeffy eat the Big Mac all right oh that looks good dad damn Jeff you ate that fast was it good it [ __ ] sucked what Jeffy calm down what's wrong with you I'm [ __ ] pissed Morin his eyes are all red is something wrong with him it's Jeffy there's always something wrong with him Jeffy use your words what's wrong [ __ ] you [ __ ] cheffy go to your room he he must have cracked out on all the sugar from the McDonald's Marvin do you hear that noise it's Jeffy let's go check on him Jeffy what are you doing Jeffy stop it [ __ ] this wall Jeffy come here hold still Jeffy let me go milk my little letters okay I just put Jeffy in a straight jacket I'm going to call a doctor to find out what's going on I hope jeffy's okay hey there somebody call it excuse me I was speaking how incredibly rude you know what I'm going to leave no no no no we need your help but he shouted at me that's why we called you he won't stop shouting well maybe he's just rude no look how mad his eyes are oh yeah he does have very mad red eyes you know I haven't seen eyes that mad since mad eyes McGee mad eyes McGee yeah he's this guy I went to high school with who had very mad eyes do you want to know why his eyes were so mad can you explain it really quick no no no I have to explain it with this lovely little animation so come on relax grab a drink go on this journey with me so when I was in high school there was this guy named mad eyes McGee whose eyes were always mad everyone in school always wondered why his eyes were so mad no matter what he did he was mad we went to the water park mad we got ice cream mad he got all A's on his report card mad he met the Pope mad won the Sweet Life with Zack and Cody goer Cruz and met Zack and Cody and Mr Mosby mad found out in 1991 Mr Mosby killed someone in a DUI accident because his blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit and he was sentenced to 5 years in jail but got out and won because he was good at acting that's true look it up but that made him mad he asked a girl out and she said yes mad he won prom King mad he won the high school football championship mad for his 16th birthday his parents got him a Mercedes-Benz G wagon and guess what mad nothing seemed to make this dude happy and I just couldn't take it anymore so one day I asked him mad eyes McGee why are you so mad and it turned out he had a stick up his ass not like the saying either I I mean like an actual stick up his ass just stuck up there so he wouldn't let anyone take it out so me and my friends got an idea we decided to play tug-of warar and I stood behind him and when it was time to pull I didn't pull the Rope I pulled the stick out of his ass but when it came out it ruptured his colon and he had to get a colostomy bag then he was really mad eyes McGee man I just feel bad for making him have to poop in a bag for the rest of his life I just thought if I pulled the stick out of his ass it might make him happier I guess I should have just left it up there anyway you think your son might have a stick up his ass you can check okay hemorrhoids well I don't see the stick but I do see the hemorrhoids okay so what's making him so mad well what was he doing before he got mad he was eating McDonald's I don't know what well you're telling me those french fries are cold I've been eyeing them and I didn't have dinner you can have one okay let's try that out ew it's all cold and Squishy icky okay why is he mad well what was he eating for McDonald's a cheeseburger oh no he could have mad cow disease how do you get mad cow disease from eating meat from a cow with mad cow disease okay so what makes you think he has mad cow disease well he has mad eyes like a mad cow would have move and he just moved is there a cure the only cure I can think of is if he ate meat from a very Happy Cow a cow so happy that it's happy meat somehow overpowered all the Mad meat well go get a Happy Cow okay but first I have to go tell the news to make sure nobody else eats McDonald's and gets infected breaking news m do not eat at McDonald's there is a case of mad cow disease from someone who ate at their restaurant eat somewhere else instead until they can get the disease under [Music] control who the [ __ ] is calling me hello what do you want to try to sleep hey Ronald it's me Steve Steve baby what's going on Steve hey Steve you try to hit the strip club stripper Steve big old big stripper titties your face Steve not Bo as [ __ ] Steve no Ronald we're in very serious trouble what did somebody let grib us out of his cage again no okay well is the Burger King making some [ __ ] commercial saying his food is better than M Ste no okay we startop flapping your lips Steve cuz I'm starting to get impatient well apparently we sold somebody a burger that was infected with mad cow disease okay give him a refund well Ronald I think this is more serious than a refund okay then right him with check for like $2 million or some [ __ ] settle out of the court of [ __ ] Steve you know how we do it baby we'll be back in 15 minutes or less but Ronald more people are going to get sick hey hey Steve Steve Steve you remember that stupid ass dumb ass old lady that spilled coffee on herself and then tried to settle out of court so we did the same thing Steve I'm starting to think we should put a warning label on the french fries so people know the salty Steve even a 2-year-old knows the copy is on Steve yes I understand that Ronald but the FDA is breathing down on next Steve don't talk to me about the DEA I did all the coke last night that got not going to fight [ __ ] on me no no Ronald the FDA the Food and Drug Administration oh those [ __ ] you know what Steve I got a genius idea I'm going to hold an emergency press conference and I'm going to tell people it's like May MC che's birthday or some [ __ ] and gave him free McFlurries for whole ass day I'm going to see people walking down the streets double fisting MC flurries they're going to have so much ice cream in their stomachs they're just going to [ __ ] the Mad Calas out their ass Steve Ronald I don't think you should be giving a press conference Steve when's the last time I said something bad my wife's funeral Steve all I said was rest in peace you stupid dumbass bimbo gold digging [ __ ] hole thanks Ronald but hey but seriously God bless us all or some [ __ ] okay Ronald I just don't think you're fit to be speaking to the public Steve I'm so baby listen no one's better fit to speak to the public than me hey I'm not shaving though but hey you'll see me on TV I'll talk to you later baby let's do this [ __ ] freaking news M Ronald McDonald is holding an emergency press conference about the mad cow disease outbreak let's go to that now all right let's get this [ __ ] over with hey hey hey hey hey calm down on a flash photography I'm hung over his [ __ ] seriously it's $5 a photo and I will come by after to collect my money I'm just kidding I'm playing I'm playing it's $6 a photo and seriously I will beat your ass if you don't pay me after this so I heard that some [ __ ] kid got mad pig disease or some [ __ ] from eating my the delicious nutritious food and I got one thing to say to him hey kid guess whose birthday it is May MC cheese and because of his birthday I'm going to give away free Mc flurries for the day and today only hey [ __ ] you think you got enough pictures you tough guy huh piece of [ __ ] where was I uh yeah two limited two MC flurries per person today only I want everyone double fisting that [ __ ] I want hashtag on your Instagram # I love Maya MC cheese happy birthday and also # Fu Burg King your boot sucks dick that's right I know you're watching this Burger King and if my food has mad cow disease then your chicken nuggets are made from the woan bat and your waer is made from the bubonic play you piece of [ __ ] F you turn off the TV [ __ ] oh Ronald okay I found a cow oh my God Marvin he's so cute who's a good little cow oh my God Marin I love him can we keep him forever no we got to kill him so Jeffy can eat him what no baby we have to no if you're going to cry you need to leave so how do we make the Cow happy well I could jerk them off I don't think you have to do that you're right that should be our last resort okay cow sit back I'm going to give you a cdy show moo yeah okay so how do you count cows with a calculator yeah you like that one okay how about this one what do you call a cow with no legs ground beef oh no okay how about this one what's black and white and red all over moo you when you cheer up cuz we're going to kill you boo oh no no you didn't like that one either okay okay how about how about this why do cows have hooves instead of feet cuzz they lact toes yeah good okay he's happy quick Jeffy eat him quick swallow before he gets sad D look I'm happy again I knew that happy cow meat would overpower the mad cow meat looks like my work here is done hey there I'm Steve stalberger here on behalf of McDonald's McDonalds we were going to sue you guys because my son got mad cow as ease from eating your burger Well we'd like to settle out of courp oh Jeffy you about to get a huge payday I'm talking Millions $100 that's it yeah people are pretty distracted by those two free McFlurries they're deep throat that [ __ ] left and right so here you go well I'm the one who suffered so this is [Music] mine
Channel: SML
Views: 4,312,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffys mad cow disease, mad cow disease, mad, cow, disease, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, laugh
Id: vNNvoHsEu14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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