SML Movie: Jeffy The Chiropractor! Reaction Mashup

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attention the following video is totally going to kick ass if you enjoy any other or have a large please click the sub and like button down below enjoy I love you godamn it Swag Master shut the fu up being healthy or [Music] win is an intro y my catano Stu your catano stuck where I where I where I just go follow him he can use it words he's 19 years old where is it stuck in right there Jeffy how' your cat get on the roof I threw it Jeffy I'm not getting it it's gone forever okay Jeffy I'll go get it stay right here all right Jeffy I'm on the roof I'm going to grab your St cat piano oh my back D is my C okay my back my hurt so bad okay morvin so I printed out your X-ray on normal printer paper cuz our Hospital doesn't have much of a budget but if you'll see here your spine is all crooked so it's pretty much broken you know when I first saw this x-ray I thought maybe this wasn't yours I thought maybe this was the X-ray of one of the many women that I banged you know cuz I I break the back from how rough I am at the sex right that's what women like they're like oh he broke my back from sex it's not the motion of the ocean it's the boat doctor can we please F or do I have to go to and again no no no no no you you don't have to do that your mess up I know I fell up the roof oh the roof the roof the roof is on fire I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't take my ADHD medication I got it so yeah your back is all crooked and it's supposed to be straight can you fix my back my neck my back my [ __ ] and my crack I'm sorry he just keeps saying song lyrics was a movie with Will Smith and Margo Robbie and it was not very good you know I'm pretty sure they actually fanged yeah so I I would recommend that you wear a back bra okay there's nothing else you can do to fix it well you could see a chiropractor what's a chiropractor well somebody who pops your back to make it feel good you know I consider myself to be a chiropractor of [ __ ] that's it I'm going to LR no no no no you don't have to Linda [ __ ] hates me I've been written up so many times before I'm probably going to get fired just okay Marvin I'm sorry your back hurt yeah me too what's wrong with D I broke my back when I fell off the roof trying to get your stupid cat piano Jeffy don't annoy Marvin look his back's all crooked why you just fix it you can't fix it Jeffy it's crooked forever because you Bab can you please turn on the TV so I watch where is he tell me where a chiro is with a bable this that's right call the Batman if you don't want to be charging on all right I'll just charge your insurance I defeat back pain or vengance the night you either die with back pain or you live long enough to no longer have back pain I'm the backman aactor you have to call the backman and give me an appointment you can fix my back okay I'll call him right now I'm not getting any phone calls honey have you had any luck inting business no Sharon I'm a chiropractor named backman I thought that commercial was going to go crazy I'm getting a call hold on hold on Shar your mother again shut up Sharon this is back Wayne speaking oh I'm sorry I was looking for bman yeah yeah yeah let me let me go get him uh Batman you're you're getting a call oh oh I am oh that's crazy let me let me just come right over here hello this is the backman oh yes my husband's having a lot of back back my where is he where is he going where's Rachel well I don't know who Rachel is my H's laying on our couch to uh I don't know can I just make an appointment of course you can but the backman only comes out at night okay can you come tonight I can I'll be there before the BG get I cannot keep doing that voice that's killing me to The Back m all right Marvin I called the Batman he's on his way oh thank God my back hurts so bad can you roll me over on my stomach okay now feeling a little bit more better try hell are you okay wait a minute my back feels so much better what yeah it does no Marvin we need to go to the hospital and get it checked out yeah you're right maybe Jeffy like paralyzed me I just don't feel it come on let's go all right Marvin this is your old X-ray and this is your new x-ray see your spine looks great now when I first saw this I thought maybe that wasn't your spine I thought maybe I'd accidentally SLA my dick down in the X-ray machine and she's already writing that that's Linda from HR she's here to watch my performance as a doctor not in bed cuz if it was in bed she'd give me a d well actually I'd give her the D and she'd give me an a for how good my D was stop writing guys this might be my last day as a doctor but whoever your chiropract is he did a great job well Jeffy he hit me in the back with a baseball bat okay well I wouldn't recommend he do that anymore I think you got extremely lucky this time just like I might get lucky later right Linda no well guess what I I wouldn't even bang you if you wanted to how about that I wouldn't even P you in Facebook actually I would I'm going to get her some you just wait okay so my backck is perfectly fine yeah yeah it's fine okay come on guys Marvin I'm so glad your back is back to normal yeah maybe I can put it in your back door tonight icky who's at the door hello did somebody call the backman oh yeah you're the chiropractor guy chiropractor where cuz I'm the bman Now where's the back that needs saving oh we don't need your help anymore my back feels fine now yeah so my back was hurting really bad but then I got it fixed so we don't need your help you the backman why why did you shoot the back signal oh well we I did need your help but I don't need your help anymore you could like call me while I was driving here in the back mobile I just got Stu and fill it up with gas man that shit's expensive I can't make it home now oh well I'm really sorry I did need your help I don't need your help anymore are you sure you don't want like a backrub or something no my do actually feels really good help meing no we don't need anything anything nothing come on this is really an inconvenience I'm I'm so sorry like I I really I don't know what to say I mean I'm sorry for wasting your time screw you man don't don't call me again sorry backman who's at the door marker it was the back yeah he was very upset that we didn't need his Services anymore let's see let's see I swear that's the backman do you have any money I can give him like a dollar um I think so a dollar I'll give him this dollar it's annoying look here's a dollar go away you really think a dollar is going to get me to go away you ow $ 2,999 more of these for this month oh good I didn't know it was you I thought it was the Batman are you on [ __ ] bat sace no no no there's a guy named the Batman and he has a picture of a back on his stomach one the money man and so I need 2,999 more of these and I'm sure if you have one there's more around your house so let's get the No No there isn't all right so where's the rest of that money at there is no more money Mor what's good doing he's here for the house P oh another dollar I knew I was getting hard what's wrong I have a s disc in my back from banging prostitutes in my Lamborghini you ever gotten a plumpkin in a Lamborghini Marvin it's called a plini it'll change your life and yes I do [ __ ] in my Lamborghini and I just sell it afterwards well if if your back is hurting Jeffy can fix your back really yeah just lay there he'll do it hold on he's not going to pee Diddy me is he no no just stay still Jeffy do it wait a minute I think he fixed me yeah I told you Jeffy could fix your back you know what Marvin you don't owe a house payment this month and you can keep the $2 never mind I'm going to take that with I think you could actually be a chiropractor with your bat back oh my God who's at the door this time hello hey there I'm Sergeant chief of the Department of Homeland Security oh how can I help you has your son been fixing people's backs with a bat lately yeah he's been hitting with good well you see the president of Russia Vladimir Putin has a herniated disc in his back and he heard about your son's Miracle back fixing technique so he's on his way over to your house right now for your son to fix his back now we think this would be the perfect opportunity for your son to paralyze from the neck down so while he's fixing his back just have your son beat the crap out of his back until he's paralyzed then he won't be able to give orders well I guess you can still talk just have your son kill Vladimir pu kill him yeah yeah he's on his way over here right now though he pull up just right after I actually can I hide inside your house I don't want him to see me leaving yeah sure who was at the door it was the Department of Homeland Security why they want Jeffy to kill Vladimir Putin oh that's nice all right Jeffy that's him bring your back hello hello it me Vladimir nice to meet you Vladimir Putin yes nice to meet you too so how was your flight from Russia it was fine listen my back hurt i h a disc so you wet yes you back yes we will whack your back with the backat Jeffy I want you to hit his back really hard with that bat okay whack all right Jeffy hit him in the back go so fast no one kills on my wife what this hold though come on Batman give him his Batman we got to kill B boy I'm not [ __ ] I can take what come on give him the Batman who's your Batman yeah okay what this [ __ ] you fix back or I look America tomorrow we we we got to fix his there's no need for that turn around Mr now you're going to Cross Your Hands you're going to one two my leg feels so much better thank you very much don't thank me thank goam okay well I guess your back fix yeah I feel fine I'm not the hero that this town needs but I am the hero that this town deserves what the [ __ ] is that that was the back well thank you for fixing that it what the hell was that boys the backman came and saved Vladimir Putin's life damn it that was our only chance he had no security or anything that just hurts my back well the backman still on my back so I can't help you there [ __ ] so is Jeffy ayoor now hey to do the way he like you know fing back I honestly think this was actually like a good video not going lie I that was the video You enjo the video please the Bell wi I a new video comment what you guys want that was the video I'll see you guys later [Music] bye you can't you then I give all your dreams it's time to take a [Music] [Applause] stand
Channel: SZH4
Views: 1,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eKg17uNnmE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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