SML Movie: Dunken Donuts! REACTION MASHUP

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okay [Music] okay okay [Music] well I have two problems with that one why were you drinking Dunkin Donuts Coffee Starbucks is for Superior and two wow that coffee must have been really hot that's why we called you the coffee was so hot it burnt plastic he's a dog [Music] because that coffee was way too hot so hold on let me get my lawyer out there all right let's talk a lawsuit Dunkin Donuts well okay I think you have a case so let's go to court judge poop versus Dunkin Donuts made their coffee too hot and it burned the feast off of his boyfriend yeah explain your respiratory explanations I picked up some donuts from Dunkin Donuts I was going to angrily take a sip of Dunkin Donuts terrible coffee but then it was so hot I dropped the cup in my boyfriend's feet and as you can see the coffee melted his feet beyond all recognition I see yes yes it really does what do you have to say about the allegations of your coffee beans lost today okay Dunkin Donuts has provided me with their statement that they would like me to read in court okay allow me to read it okay they say and I quote and healthy is hot no [ __ ] be careful when you drink it coffee this is coffee be like that [Music] Cody what do you have to say about coffee hot coffee do me like that well no [ __ ] it's coffee I I think what my client is trying to say that yes we all know coffee is hot and coffee do be like that I think we can okay the Dunkin Donuts coffee should be so hot it burns a doll's feet off of shoes just trying hard emphasis on trying to enjoy a couple of that horrible awful disgusting diarrhea drink that Dunkin Donuts calls coffee now I don't know why someone could choose Dunkin Donuts for coffee when there's so many better Alternatives Starbucks is way better and even McDonald's is the [ __ ] and then Krispy Kreme is way better I mean they say American ones on Duncan American ones from Dunkin but no I'm right here is a few customers Dunkin Donuts does have should not have to worry about their feet being scalded off if a spill should occur now I don't know how how much we're trying to get out of Dunkin Donuts because I don't even know how they make any money but his boyfriend can never walk again and how much do you think that's worth it for Dunkin Donuts how could you possibly defend this well your honor all Dunkin Donuts says in their statement is coffee hot and coffee be like that I mean it goes without saying that coffee is hot and that you should be there alone's Dunkin Donuts I wish I could see just how hot this coffee was does anyone have a cup of Dunkin Donuts golfer yes sir I have a cup of Dunkin Donuts bring me in this hot beans 20 million dollars between 20 million dollars [Music] break the legs off okay okay thank you sure I'm not a doctor did somebody say doctor yeah okay um [Music] will it fit it's not working okay what happens right okay [Music]
Channel: Abnormalplayz
Views: 4,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3K12I7WGXaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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