Smith & Wesson Revolver Nationals & the L42A1 | Shooting USA

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this time it's classic wheel gun competition at the USPS a revolver national plus the British sniper rifle that is now one of the three guns and growing IPA in Delaware by shooting a long tree this is shooting USA reporting the stories of America shooting schools [Music] in the news of new products this has to be considered the age of the autoloaders for police military and personal protection but the revolver still has widespread appeal it's reliable simple and easy to operate and for revolver fans who enjoy running gun competition the United States practical shooting Association or USPSA still maintains a revolver only championship it's the revolver Nationals at passo Park in Barre Illinois bringing in competitors of all ages and skill levels to be challenged on 14 stages of fire [Music] [Applause] it's competition based on a one hundred eighty year old design the iconic wheel gun the revolver the wheel gun is a very challenging platform people who don't understand it don't understand the allure of it but it's a very traditional platform today that tradition is being preserved at the revolver Nationals at pass a park in Barrie Illinois all right good morning and welcome to the 2016 year FPS a revolver Nationals presented by Smith & Wesson dozens of shooters of all skill levels compete ranging from amateurs to professionals suitors like a time national champion and a Tyson I am totally ecstatic it doesn't matter how the day is going to end it's just that everybody's having a good time you're seeing juniors out here more ladies one of those juniors is eleven year old JW aguar and with those reloads you've never guessed the young Texan has only been competing for two years well I started off with the 9-millimeter and then I saw this guy shooting revolver it looks really fun so I'm like okay I have to try that I want to positive learn that one stage it was it was awesome and I wanted to keep doing he's hot and JW has the health to improve even more I requested him to be on my squad I haven't ever had a chance to squad with him so just watching him it's so enjoyable I've never had that opportunity to be shooting at such a young age he has a lot of mentors here so he was four little things in his ears that he needs to know he'll build on his strength as he gets older but as you can see he's got he's having a good time moon clips and eight shot revolvers now dominate this sport since USPSA began accepting the larger capacity gun a few years ago six shooters are now a rare find at the revolver Nationals but they are here those six shots of 45 ACP make major power factor eight shots of thirty eight or nine millimeter make minor power factor and its shooters choice both guns are scored differently though they compete together two hits are required on every paper target it's in the a zone for both power factors are worth five target points B in C zone hits for major are four points but less for minor same goes for d zone hits steel poppers are also worth five points and must fall to score target hits and the stage time are taken into account the faster and more accurate you are the better but reloading cost time so it's hard to go fast with the six shooters it's typically an extra reloader an extra two reloads I've been missing quite a bit today so even extra reloads ah beginners you can agree when you get it you get to use it use this little point advantage but you know I have an Arkansan the 645 ACP is still competitive but we'll see the fastest men and women in the sport shoot minor power factor in a shot revolver [Music] the revolver Nationals are comprised of 14 courses of fire some with deceiving targets such as the drop Turner activated by one of those filled hoppers the drop Turner of course presents a challenge just because of the speed of it as quick it turns around in about a second and a half not all stages require movement this stage is called standards from the time the targets appear shooters have seven seconds to fire as many as 12 shots on three targets standing it's how many points you can accumulate on the targets no penalties for misses whatever you hit you get and that leaves shooters with two possible strategies I can either go try to shoot six shots and get six A's and get thirty points or I can go for the gold ring and try to get 12 shots off and get 60 points most people don't get the gold ring as shooters move up from 35 yards they must shoot strong hands and then we can't for these revolvers shooters with that double action trigger pull well that's a little tough other stage is probably the hardest phase I think I'm in 35 yards so they only got 7 seconds and that 15 yards get to the mandatory reload the right hand and 10 yards we go do we can only so I think it's hard to say it's that challenge that is inviting to all competitors at the revolver Nationals along with the enjoyment of shooting the wheel gun which has become a symbol of our nation's history coming next the top ladies take on the stages of the revolver nationals with the first lady of revolver shooting aiming for another title introducing the M&P M 2.0 a Smith & Wesson enhanced for complete suitability featuring a new aggressive grip texture to famous M in the optimal grip angle four interchangeable paws well grips for nearly any hand size a life crisp trigger with a clear tactile reset everything you love about the MMD pistol made even better the new m TM 2.0 advanced by design shooting USA is brought to you by the M&P by Smith & Wesson advanced by design in u.s. PSA competitions scoring is based on the hip factor the number of points per second or the target points divided by the time to shoot the stage in hundredths of a second on the shot timer in simplest terms the faster a more accurate the better and at the revolver Nationals in Illinois the top three ladies shootin the match all happened to be competing as members of the same tank [Music] she is the first lady of revolver shooting and that Ison with more championship titles in revolver divisions than any other woman in the shooting sports when I first started shooting I was the only not only was the only woman I was only revolver woman shooter that's not the case anymore and that Ison now has tough competition at the revolver nationals she made few legal and Randy Rogers the ladies are first to take on the stage called swinging this is probably the hardest day to the massive got to swingers got lots of feel lots of moving have to reload those swinging targets are activated by the steel poppers there are three poppers overall plus seven paper targets the 17 round course of fire is worth 85 points and that is first guns must be unloaded to start so we'll see at least three reloads here are you ready [Music] she's fast with her performance center 6:27 with eight rounds of 38 super a little hesitation on that second swinger for the defending champion but she sets a good pace overall a very good run time is 22.75 with 77 target points they were on different swingers I am ecstatic now Randy is up her second time shooting the revolver national slow and steady on the first swinger patience can be a virtue on this stage to maximize those five point alpha hits on the swingers [Applause] [Music] solid run for Randy time is 23:55 but with only 71 points I was really happy I have all my hips and they weren't perfect but they were good enough now here's Julie she's shooting class today so far her overall score has her in second place and that is putting pressure on a net a tad slow here on those long shots now the smith & wesson team captain is moving right along and a close one for Julie a light firing pin strike luckily it happened on her final few shots so no extra reload is necessary she is faster than a net but not quite as accurate time is twenty two point three four with 75 target points total what happened what happened I don't know what happened I bet it I felt like I wasn't done I did have a clicker which one went through and that was a little bit but I finished it I think I did right I think it did already look I don't know what happened an ad is currently leading the pack here she is on the stage called fiery criss cross 120 points possible here this stage can make or break the match for a net she's vying for her ninth usps a revolver National Championship title and that maintains her lead time is 2652 down only four points it all comes down to the stage park bench 8 paper targets in one steel popper a 17 round stage worth 85 points Randi is up first gun is loaded and holster to start sitting on the bench holding a simulated newspaper here these targets can be shot from both sides of the stage so a lot to remember a lot to keep track of Randy second-guesses herself at the end her time is twenty point fourteen down 20 points she's just happy there are no misses I got a mile I got a ma how'd it go it was really a lot of fun you know I love shooting revolvers I don't get to do it very often coming out here and remembering how to load and how to pull the trigger it is the challenge but it's so much fun next up on the stage Julie Gallup and it could be for the win Julie is shooting her performance center 929 today with 8 rounds of 9-millimeter she's going for the long shot [Music] Bobbo on that final reload time is twenty point four seven with a great score 81 points down only four uh I had a little bit of a problem loading the cylinder on the last position but the point four great and that's what I'm trying to do today so even if I don't manage to load these super fast on all the distributor her strategy work so did her time and her target points on the final stage Julie jumps ahead of a net to become the new lady's usps a revolver champion a great performance by Julie and by her teammates Annette took second and Randy took third all within ten points of each other congratulations the ladies of Team Smith & Wesson but we're not finished yet coming up some men super squad and the race of a championship title and what makes a legacy is a quality craftsmanship maybe it's the idea that every American deserves their life to security in peace of moving on and on what makes a legacy here at Colts we're making it every day Colt built one at a time proving every round shooting USA is brought to you by les baer customs 1911's hand fitted to perfection because you'll accept nothing less it's been four years since smith & wesson stepped in to support the USPS a revolver nationals as a standalone event which makes sense since virtually the only revolvers in the match are from Smith & Wesson and the top men in the revolver competition are from Team Smith & Wesson so there is much to defend in reputation as the men of the super squad take on the stages of fire get the steel topper to activate the swinging target not one but two and they appear just as quickly as they disappear it's one of the more difficult stages at the revolver Nationals called swinging 7 paper targets 3 poppers make this a 17 round stage 85 points are possible here the gun is unloaded on the table to start which means at least three loads are needed for these eight round revolvers defending champ de Ville hustle is up first and the Smith & Wesson team member is flying his run will be tough to be [Music] he's just eight points down grain to safe 13:59 1359 I woke up pretty good yeah everything girl reloads worked around I think I could get it rich wolf is up with a fumble on the initial reload but the team Hope Souter recovers overall a good stage for rich even with a little hesitation on those swingers time is 1448 nearly a second slower than Dave that run went pretty well I thought I called a couple cleaning alphas on that first slinger it's not that far but definitely deceiving next up josh lens another champion revolver shooter and team Smith & Wesson members Josh has some of the fastest reloads in the game but he's not as accurate as Dave or rich those one point D zone or Delta shots will hurt him I go Josh couple deltas there but my plan couple my plan there and everything hooked up Josh's time is 1488 with just 73 points now for the shooter known as the great one Rob Latham an eighth time epic world champion and 26th time USBs a national champion but with a semi-auto Rob takes his time with the revolver but he is very accurate his times 16:51 1651 down only four points putting him just behind Dave and rich [Music] next the men's super squad takes on park bench hidden and hardcover targets will be the challenge here another 85 points stage 8 paper targets and 1 steel topper 17 rounds again the gun is loaded and holstered to start here's Michael Poggi he's setting a good pace but that's a hit on the white no shoot target time is 1463 and the 10-point penalty is Michael 72 points now josh is up and he was on a roll reloads are not a problem today the five-time international revolver world champ is quick his time 13:53 down 12 points josh has set the bar high for his teammate now we'll see if Dave can top it with his performance Center 929 and this may be it [Applause] [Music] time is 1335 down only 10 points and with that dave is now leading the path now to go to it's awesome Charlie too often the hard one that gave up two cellies on the easy targets I say yeah worked out good [Music] now it's up to Rob Latham to make or break his match in the final run no hesitation here his strategy is different and he takes the reload at the fence time is a tick slower than Dave and Josh 14:48 but he has 77 target point so no one can match his accuracy and that produces another championship title with a great one at the revolver national not the fastest guy out there but Rob knows accuracy will carry the day congratulations to him and to James McGinty 2nd with David Oh ha so the defending champ finishing third well still ahead today an Olympic gold medalist shows how to choose the right shot but up next Great Britain's solution for snipers that is now one of history's gun out of all you'll spend on shooting this year this is the most important membership in the NRA join its shooting and I'll pay $10 for you it's that important let's just say you're in too big a hurry and what is how about yeah that's good no matter how it gets broken shattered cracked or crushed yes that's covered no questions asked lifetime warranty from Bushnell has your back will repair or replace your product and ship it back at no cost to you it's the strongest warranty in the business for when you need it most only from Bushnell shootin USA is brought to you by Blackhawk honor as a way of life and by Colts built one at a time proven every round a lot of people will tell you the oh three Springfield is the finest bolt-action battle rifle ever made in fact it was so well built and so accurate of version of the O three the old three a-four served as America's primary sniper rifle in World War two America is not the only nation in the 20th century that built on an existing firearm to create an effective sniper weapon Great Britain did it too and the result has become one of history's guns [Music] it is one of the finest sniper rifles of the 20th century and the descendants of the very best sniper weapon of world war two this is Britain's l42 a won last in a long line of military arms built on the famous Enfield 303 caliber bolt-action he took original Enfield action put a heavy barrel on it you know modified the stock took the scope and basically recalibrated it for 76150 one NATO which the gun was reach aim bird to the bolt has changed and you ended up with a really really superb superb typewriter the l42 a1 was adopted in 1970 and refitted by Holland and Holland makers of fine British sporting arms since the early 1800s it saw action in skirmishes in Africa Northern Ireland and in Britain's can week war with Argentina in 1982 in that conflict Her Majesty's military forces recaptured the Falkland Islands British snipers were well armed we've got especially the l42 a1 in your hand you know you've got a real fine piece of military hardware like most British guns it's certainly not the most attractive rifle ever made military rifle you made but by gosh it really really works the Enfield action is fed from a 10-round internal box magazine high capacity for a military bolt rifle with scope attached ammunition has to be loaded one round at a time if you remove the scope and use the iron sights you could actually use a stripper clip with it because it does have a quick guide on it all in all it's uh it's a it's a very good system very smooth feeds well it's one of my favorite guns the l42 a one's action is superbly built and both quick and easy to operate though that feature is surely not as critical as with an infantry rifle cocking closing smooth action reliable not the strongest action in the world but good another important feature of this firearm is its standard-issue optics a scope that gives the l42 an effective range of a thousand yards the scope originally called number 32 was now called the l1a1 but it was still removable it could be kept in its transit cases had a real fancy transit case with all the tools you needed to service the gun plus a scout scope because British snipers are basically I am played in two-man teams the action in this sniper rifle was read chambered for a potent military round the 7.62 by 51 millimeter NATO cartridge that replaced the British 303 that had been in service for nearly a century the 303 was was old-fashioned and it was a rimmed cartridge and the 760 of a 51 is not it's a real miscarriage so it's more adaptable to a number of different uses great round 147 grain bullet to divide 2,700 feet per second and it's a very reliable accurate round nothing wrong with it whatsoever this sniper rifle is no longer in service replaced after 20 years still gary believes nearly half a century after the brits first took this rifle the war the l42 a1 remains a formidable weapon by today's standard that somewhat archaic but I'll tell you in its day it's a heck of a gun and I still would feel pretty comfortable in the battlefield yeah the scope could be better obviously it's old technology Bricktown it's a real sweet shooting rifle the l4 to a-1 was the last in a long line of British military rifles built on the famous Lee bolt-action designed by James Paris Lee in 1895 the Brits retired the l4 to a1 in 1990 so yes British soldiers carried rifles built on the Lee action for 95 continuous years amazing service record well up next a local gun club is growing IDPA by keeping matches cheap that's part of the success in delaware this is custom gun making hand fitting slide to frame and cutting the mag well blending the surfaces of the slide the frame and the beaver tail at every step a les baer custom 1911 his hand fitted to tolerances no CNC machine can match for max grade accuracy and a les baer custom 1911 is priced at one-third of what you'd pay any other gun maker see all the 1911's and rifles at les baer dot-com shooting USA is brought to you by Hornady accurate deadly dependable the secret to growing shooting sports participation is welcoming new shooters into competition everybody would agree with that but we found one local IDPA Club in Delaware that's having remarkable success by not only mentoring new shooters but by holding six matches a month and keeping the match fee at just five dollars that formula is bringing people from surrounding states into IDPA competition at the Bridgeville rifle and pistol club [Music] welcome to Delaware southern Delaware that is slower lower is what people call this region of the state because the pace of life is more leisurely than it is for those in northern Delaware Sussex County is the birthplace of the broiler chicken industry the county produces more chickens than any other county in the US but just down the road apiece from the chicken houses they've hatched up a shooters paradise with everybody going flat out folks are on the move at the Bridgeville rifle and pistol Club we like to shoot and shoot they do the club averages six IDPA matches a month every Wednesday and the first and third Saturday but even better they only charge $5 to enter a match and it's open to anyone who wants to give it a go you don't have to be a member to run through the stages of fire how can they do that basically it's a kind of a buying thing first of all our club isn't reliant on the income from the IDPA matches to support it so as long as we cover our cost of materials and consumables they're cool with us just shooting it at the what it takes to replace the stuff generally speaking by the end of the year once once all is said and done everything's been bought and paid for we might have $1,000 at the end of the year for the good of a club for the good of the club and for the good of the sports growing the shooting sports is the target in Bridgeville and bringing in new shooters is what they're aiming to do and seeing to it they're instructed and safe for their first match reload and then start to retreat you more than 40 people come out to compete on any given day Chuck I'm makes the two-hour drive from Philadelphia he's a new shooter in this club the incredible value was what helped him pull the trigger on finally coming here the $5 was the first reason I decided to come down but then I met the people this is a good group they have good matches challenging scenarios they really give me a chance to work on on the pistol craft as it were the club has been holding IDPA matches for more than ten years but in the last five years the number of new shooters has exploded the club's IDPA database includes more than 400 shooters including now Melissa Cavender it was awesome so exciting there's that 150 man stop shaking before this but I was just really psyched that I I hit the Congo I don't assume you don't have to relocate is loaded like run up front a lot of the credit for the success in bringing in new shooters has to go to Chuck limpert who kind of got volunteered into the job of running the club that's what I mean another threat target he goes you should be our match director what an idiot I didn't know what was involved so I said sure and now three four years later I found out how much work it is and why he took the back teeth but chuck has gone from the back seat to the driver's seat here under his direction people started shooting more and one new shooter told a friend who told another new shooter and so on Chuck says word-of-mouth was bringing in new ID PA shooters who heard about that low entry fee that $5.00 price was the value that made it possible and I think that's a big fact you know you can spend five bucks you can bring your wife your girlfriend your son your daughter with you it's not an expense day let's face it ammo is not cheap and if you're going to shoot 100 rounds apiece there you know you've already got some expense into it so consider it the formula for growing IDPA competition and inexpensive match fees and good mentoring to get new shooters started right and for Chuck it's constantly meeting new shooting friends we like to shoot and it's more fun with more people well chuck is definitely meeting more people and it's not just the match fee bringing them in there is another reason why so many shooters are showing up now my next will meet a few and find out what keeps them coming back the next evolution in single stage press technology the lock and load iron press from Hornaday the heavy-duty cast iron frame provides industry-leading superior strength featuring the available automatic priming system patented shell holder platform accessory mounting deck and Lock and Load bushing system the hornaday Lock and Load iron press will deliver match accurate ammunition round after round year after year shooting USA is brought to you by STI and the continuing evolution of the 1911 and by comtac every day carry holsters as you can imagine it's such a bargain to shoot at the Bridgeville rifle and pistol club that people shoot a match many times a year so the club should be growing its membership right and that's exactly what's happened but who were the new shooters and why are they driving to compete in southern Delaware well it's not just value and opportunities to shoot that's bringing them in please get it I hope so a little nervous my first time ever but first timers are more than welcome at the Bridgeville rifle and pistol club and many of them end up shooting like this I think I got them all how'd I do on the property look at the copper not the poverty no Bridgeville ITP a match director Chuck limpert says he's seen quite a few first-time shooters react just like Melissa after their first IDPA experience we enjoy seeing their accomplishments as much as you know they do they get excited but will be excited with them about did you see how that your two shots were this close did you notice how your reloaded almost became automatic and they don't didn't notice it but we did and then when they get that feedback you know they get their old Gideon stuff and again something to chat about you're gonna rock they do a lot of chatting at Bridgeville because new shooters are having a blast being a part of this club and it's not just the shooting that keeps them coming and it's not the 76 IDPA matches a year held at Bridgeville for only $5 per match oh shoot the next month it's the mentoring that's provided here by everyone from the match director on down assistant match director Jeff Harrison explains the Melissa how she was crowding her cover first thing we told you just back up so you're trying to shoot like this if you simply take a half a step back then come over and you got them all we just give them that little that little nudge and most of the time that's enough to get them back on track and get them where they need to be we'll talk about what they did right and wrong after they shoot so that they get a little helpful push and keep them on the right path I think because of that they keep coming back Rangers prayer who are they well Chuck says half of his new shooters are women who feel welcome at Bridgeville because of what Chuck calls guiding light and a sense of joining a family of shooters they've just been awesome they've been a big help very supportive Jeff has let me borrow equipment before both of them really is again he walked me through what I needed to be doing with cover that's better the move to cater to more first time female shooters at Bridgeville was not by accident it's a strategy one of the founding members of the IDPA here in Bridgeville told me once that he felt that there's not enough of us old white guys around to keep the shooting sport alive and we need to bring in you know the women of minorities the people of color and kids so that they get an educational proper gun handling safety and it is fun and Chuck suspects the women like shooting at Bridgeville because they get it quicker as a matter of fact the women take up the guidance that we offer quicker than the men do and maybe that's because the guys kind of think is their bravado oh I know how to do this and then all of a sudden you know your wife's beat you maybe you should listen hear whether male or female new potential members keep stopping for a tour and then applying to join and some of the new members are young like Colin Weldon who's doing quite well mastering his 1911 and impressing club member Jeremy Noblet I've always got the same you can get good at anything all it takes the time and money he's still got time on his side and what about first time high DPI shooter Melissa Cavender how does she rate her first Ridgeville competition if your since one mostly no question about it this first-timer will be back oh my god I'm excited because I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish the folks at the Bridgeville rifle and pistol Club say another key to their success is Wednesday they shoot every Wednesday 52 weeks a year and if it rains or snows they move indoors a success story built on building matches and they will come well still ahead the new cold rail guy in nine millimeters John's got that next introducing the mm TM 2.0 a Smith & Wesson enhanced for complete suitability featuring a new aggressive grip texture the famous MMD optimal grip angle four interchangeable paws well grips for nearly any hand size a light crisp trigger with a clear tactile reset everything you love about the MMD pistol made even better the new m and PM 2.0 advanced by design shooting USA is brought to you by the M&P by smith & wesson advanced by design and by hoppy the gun care people since 1903 when you think of factory built 1911's chances are you'll think of Colt and for good reason they have been producing some of the finest factory built examples of John Browning's masterpiece for nearly a hundred years and this is the newest in their progression this is the Colt rail gun it draws that name from the underbarrel Picatinny rail here perfect for mounting lasers or lights from there you've got a full-size government model available in forty five or nine millimeter like this one this gun feels right in the hand due to the heft of the forged steel slide and frames fully loaded with nine plus one this gun tips the scales a little over two pounds 12 ounces the National Match barrel delivers the accuracy as long as you line up the Novak three dot sight there are some key elements that make this gun stand out like aggressive front and rear cocking serrations one interesting note a smooth front strap no serrations here at all the thumb safety is extended but it's single sided so left-handers may opt for an AM be safety aftermarket replacement there's an undercut to the trigger guard that combined with the upswept beaver tail grip safety make getting a high on the frame grip easy and that lends itself to accuracy the colt rail gun is just under twelve hundred dollars the howe brothers have been expanding their products beyond grips and stocks by bringing some of their technology and materials into new products and that's the case for the expanding line of Hoge knives they've utilized their overmolded technique to add grip to this four and a half inch clip point fixed blade this has a locking sheath to retain the knife until you press the thumb release retail price is 150 then they've used their g Mascis grip material in their folders this one is milled gmasks with a three and a half inch drop point then there's this one also three and a half inch but a drop point in an anodized aluminum frame with g10 inserts both folders use a new thumb button lock that's easier to release than the usual liner lock these are priced at 240 dollars then there's this in its own padded case the tomahawk that comes with a really slick holster with a magnetic catch and a rotating safety lock now I'm not sure what you're going to do with this short of last-ditch hand-to-hand combat but it's a really slick design with a healthy price three hundred dollars from hope and up next picking the right shotgun load for your sport a five-time Olympian explain Oh out of all you'll spend on shooting this year this is the most important membership in the NRA join its shooting and I'll pay $10 for you it's that important on March 29 to 1911 the Armed Forces adopted a pistol that would change the world for decades to come men and women relied on the most trusted pistol in history as they fought the toughest battles to protect our freedom today we celebrate another great country introducing the all-new cold competition pistol design in three heroes created from champions we didn't just make history we're still making it shooting USA is brought to you by Hornady accurate deadly dependable if you're a hunter or enjoy shooting clays you know there's a wide variety of ammunition to choose from and there are some shells that are more effective than others depending on your sport well that is something five-time Olympian sergeant first class Glenn L or knows best he's been competing in double trap for the Army marksmanship unit for a decade but now he's about to show us the choices in choosing the right shell for your game [Music] well I know sometimes shotgun shells can be overwhelming there's so many different choices in the store well on today's pro tip I'm going to show you how to choose the right shotgun shell for your needs whether it be clay target shooting or hunting in clay target shooting we're limited by the amount of shot we can have in our shotgun shells for the Olympic Games that's only 7/8 of an ounce which is not much shot so we have to change the size of our shop based on the distance we're going to shoot the targets at well now what you just saw was me shooting Olympic double trap that's a little bit quicker than I typically shoot the targets so I've got adjust my shot size so I can break the targets where I would like to in competition here I've cut open a 7/8 ounce number 9 so you can see how much shots inside of it you can tell they're quite a few pellets but they're small which means when you shoot they're going to slow down quickly upon exiting the gun and won't have as much downrange energy here I have the seven and a half as you can see there's a lot fewer pellets but they're larger so they carry their energy further downrange that's why I use them on my second barrel of doubles to make sure I get as much energy on the target as possible alright let's go shoot some targets so I can show you what we're talking about so here I'm loading the nine in the bottom barrel for the closed bird and the seven and a half and the top barrel for the far bird bah [Applause] in hunting it's important to choose a load based on the game you're going to be pursuing and how much recoil your shoulder can take well here we have three typical loads that you would find at any sporting goods store a light seven eight seven and a half an ounce and a quarter seven and a half and both of those can be used for small game like dove or quail and last we have an ounce and a quarter number twos which would be used for waterfowl hunting as you can see the only difference between the ounce and a quarter and the seven eight pounds is actually the number of pellets in the shells and the amount of recoil that your shoulders going to take the last shell we're looking at today is an ounce and a quarter number twos it's a heavy load made to reach out third ducks and geese at long ranges it may not be the most comfortable shell to shoot but it can be effective at long ranges now let's go shoot a few shells and I'll show you the difference in the recoil well as you can see the light loads are fairly Pleasant well the medium loads still aren't too bad well and there's some kick I hope you enjoyed watching this pro tip as much as I'm not going to enjoy shooting this last shell so next time you're about to go to the store before you go hunting or before your next trip to the gun range hope you use these tips well how can he Aspen thanks sergeant for taking the punishment and that is our army team making a difference for shotgunners in knowing what they're asking for in recoil well if you want to review the shotgun loads you can find the explanation in the pro tips section of our website and you can find where to sign up for next year's revolvers nationals or your first IDPA match in delaware it all its shooting for all of us I'm Jim Scout and shoot safely shoot often and keep us in the ten ring [Music]
Channel: Shooting USA
Views: 256,439
Rating: 4.7670774 out of 5
Keywords: Shooting USA, guns, Jim Scoutten, firearms news, shooting sports television, guns tv, 2a, Outdoor Channel, Smith & Wesson, Hornady, Colt, John Scoutten, USPSA, IDPA, Three-Gun, Precision Rifle, History's Guns, Pro Tips, Revolver Nationals, Revolver, Wheel Gun, Annette Aysen, Team Smith & Wesson
Id: I_AA2jxbQBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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