Smiling Critters Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 React To Origin of Dogday II Naomi 🐰

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[Music] oh no it's Poppy gas we've got to get out of here oh my gosh that thing is huge ouch it's poking me here let me find a light switch my eyes kissy what [Music] the what what is that thing I don't know I I can't see that light's too bright dog day dog day you you used to be so cute you what happened to you catnap is what happened to me he took me under his wing back when I was no more than a plush pop and now he's gifted me with this incredible new body you you mean you're working with catnap of course I'm catnaps best friend after all it's been us against the world since the very beginning dog day what would possibly possess you to work with that that monster what's going on well you see I was an orphan growing up spent most of my childhood being moved from foster home to foster home so when I was first invited to live in the Playtime Co Factory I thought it was a dream come true but I was wrong as orphans we weren't allowed to leave the factory under any circumstances not even even for a little sunlight our whole existence was built around testing out their new toys which meant we were under constant surveillance in the end us orphans found that living in a toy factory wasn't all it was cracked up to be in fact the only saving grace was catnap [Music] Yahoo [Music] catnap do the trick for us yeah do the trick do the trick Oh you mean this trick I don't know what it was but something about that cat just made us all feel safe made us all feel loved well all of us except for Theodore that is uh-oh you know what that means it's not 9:00 p.m. time for bed a do we have to go to bed catnap yeah we don't want to go to sleep we want to stay up and play oh well I want to play too but if we don't get a good night's sleep we won't have the energy we need to play all day tomorrow well what if we don't want to play tomorrow canop why won't the doctors let us leave and why aren't any of us getting adopted um Theodore made some good points and all of a sudden all the other kids were starting to wonder about the same things for the very first time catnap didn't know what to say to make us all feel better so I decided I had to help him out hey come on guys let's look on the bride side sure we might not have families or total freedom but at least we're all safe and we have each [Music] other all right catnap I'm ready for sleep right hold on a second I just wanted to say thanks for what you did back there it means a lot to me that you had my back I want to give you this as a little reward for always looking on the bright side thanks catnap you're the best sweet dreams Kid sweet [Music] dreams but I don't understand where could he have [Music] gone what the catnap C catnap what happened to you and where's Theodore Theodore ah yes Theodore Theodore isn't going to be around anymore but I have good news I found a way for us all to get adopted where're going to become one big happy family and all you have to do is trust me oh gosh I don't know guys do you think he's telling the truth I doubt it I mean just look at him something's not right about him well I trust him catnaps never led us astray before and I don't think he would now there we go that's the spirit now what's happening I can't breathe I I'm a toy this is incredible no it isn't this is terrible I mean just look at what he's done to us yeah you said you were going to make us a family but now we're just a bunch of smiling [Music] freaks what do you think you're doing get off of me you ungrateful little oh no what have you [Music] done oh no wait uh-oh that's not good suddenly our home sweet home had gone up in flames and catnap was nowhere to be found I searched all over the factory hello hello and eventually I found him H I can't see anything hold on wait what's this wa cool I didn't know it could could do that catnap catnap are you okay what is this thing I failed you all of you I was supposed to help make you children feel safe help you sleep keep you happy but I I had never seen catnap this distraught so I decided I try to brighten his mood oh it's okay catnap you didn't fail us you did turn us into a family after all yeah I guess I did didn't I hey you know what I just got an idea next thing I knew catnap had brought me to this incredibly strange room catnap are you sure about this positive I want you right by my side to brighten my mood even during the worst of days from this day forward it's you and me against the world you got it got it so you see catnap isn't evil he's just misunderstood we both are I wasn't trying to trap you in here I just wanted to brighten your days and you did an excellent job of just that my K9 companion but I can take it from here excellent work dog day just excellent you can consider my day Brighton for sure great that's what I love to hear but what's the plan now boss are we just going to let them sleep let them sleep oh dog day don't be ridiculous we can't leave them alive I've concocted a new mixture just for these two specifically a spin on my original poppy gas that will put these two to sleep permanently poppy poppy wake up huh what the where am I come on we don't have much time it's almost 900 p.m. I've got to get you two out of here and fast it's stuck now what do we do stand back W that was a close one dog day you say
Channel: Naomi Official xD
Views: 42,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lmI9ypjiYDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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