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today we're playing hide and seek but we could hide as The Smiling Critters we could transform into all of them and they're all scattered around the map but the person who is it will have the diamond sword with sharpness 255 and once you find us you can boom us to the face ooh who's going to be it you can be it Alexa you have to give us 20 seconds to hide okay 20 seconds not 10 seconds 20 all right uh I'm going I'm going I'm going come on go go go let me get you first no you're not you're never going to find me come on guys let's hide around the map luky where you going to hide my boy where you going to hide wherever you hide it's probably a good spot are you serious right now what about you Crystal where you going to hide where are you going to hide I'm going to hide right over here what Crystal this is not a good hiding spot it's so oh my gosh yo okay okay that's fire are you just going to stand completely still and act natural yeah and I'm going to be like what they're doing you see if we walk around their heads follow us oh yeah yeah so you just got to move your head a little Rand L all right I'm about to hide deeper in cuz I want to be more hidden I'm going to hide H right over here on top of this rock and I'm going to be uh oh I want to be catnapp cuz he's the main character no you can't be catnapped cuz I'm already catnapped I'm already catnapped I already cut you off I'm already cat up yes sir and I'm going to stay wait wait I'm Chang my SP Crystal wait hey hey hey what are you doing H really bro are you genuinely being serious right now and wait you're the Roxy one there's two of you ly are you the green one my boy yes sersi I I think his name is like napsack or squat rack or something napsack his name is not napsack oh my gosh I'm going to hide over here all right right well I'm completely so right now ready or not here I come butt faces guys she's on the Move she's right over there stop moving guys Crystal stop moving L stop moving is it this little purple one what oh god uh what is Alexa doing Alexa you are nowhere near us you are nowhere near us what are you doing I have to test every single one of these maybe one of you think you're smart and right in the front uh none of us think that actually I'll give you a hint you are very very very cold like you are freezing like you're brick my boy Super Brick my boy ooh you're giving me hints so that means you know where I am maybe you're there no way I'll give you a hint where uh chryst's right over here in the front of the playground she's the red one she's the red one the one she is oh she just transformed into like the pony one she she's she's over there she's over there get her lot of M over there I'm going to get you girl oh no oh no Roxy do not move do not move come here you oh my goodness gracious ly did you see that bro you was like a statue with that yes Siri I didn't even breathe W come on guys come on oh yeah wait where is Crystal Alexa oh hi Crystal did you f oh gosh oh my God bro it's crazy oh my gosh I'm not moving I am not moving L red boy bring py but over here what the did that are you Alexa get him he's right there he's right there Alexa are you going to get him you even know where he is anymore oh it's that one come back here stinky butt run oh my gosh R oh man oh my goodness gracious guys that was crazy ly how did you not get CAU it's because I'm that guy pal simple as that wow that that's a great explanation oh my gosh Roxy's here don't move don't act natural bro guys we have to switch our characters cuz right now Roxy made a to hot bro letter her to our location everyone switch your character I'm about to become the crystal one y I'm a pony with it easy crystal switch out switch out Roxy you too what oh Roxy not to your normal self dude are you serious dude really oh my gosh ly you to Lily and Heather come on and follow me we got to go down we have to find a new hiding spot cuz the fact that you're here Roxy means that Alexa is coming where are you we're we're stop stop no no she's right over there maybe one of you went into the laboratory yeah we're in the laboratory come on guys move move move move she's looking at the wrong spot she's looking at the wrong spot go go go go go go go everyone let's go and hide inside the ice cream store just act natural there's already a bunch of them inside here just stand around and just move your head like this guys boop boop I am a robot all right I'm going to stand right in front of the ice cream it looks really good bro just want some much ly don't make sounds bro cuz is about to be in here and you're about to reveal our position really oh my gosh don't move Roxy don't move I'm stand right in the front Crystal why are you literally on top of me right now are you serious right now I can't find anyone I'm going just get a ice cram she walk right past me oh no oh no she's right here actually this one right over here looks really good do not move bro do not move oh gosh oh gosh that's actually hitting the spot right now oh gosh this is not good guys have to save L distraction B oh my gosh oh my gosh everyone go go go go no no it was not the most oh gosh she's running she's running come here oh my gosh there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way oh gosh it's this one ro ro meing me all funing games now when I'm in your face oh no Roxy don't don't get booed Roxy you better run don't get Bo me oh man is it this one hitting me it's this one and this one oh no oh no this is is it this one Foy Foy dip oh my God hi Crystal we're both I knew you were going to move oh gosh wave wave oh no no no this not good this not good this not good help help oh gosh some hit her someone hit her why is the distract her likea turn around turn around I got to switch I got to switch I got to switch don't you dare hit me oh my gosh don't move don't uh hi Alexa I don't think she knows who I am oh oh oh this is scary this is scary which one of you is it oh no oh my gosh Alexa there's no point of swinging your sword you're just wasting your swings you should like look somewhere else no cryst what why are you doing that oh no crystal is dead crystal is so dead crystal is so dead oh my crystal stop right Roy we have to save her oh no it's over for it's over for it's over for oh my gosh oh my God Ro's crazy I'm I'm not moving I'm not moving I'm not moving I'm not moving oh gosh ain't no way oh oh Crystal's dead what how did she not see that you just changed in front of her are you serious I don't like the games you guys are hey y this one was a different color oh now crystal is K oh now Crystal oh my gosh Crystal that means crystal is on the tagger team Alexa if you could hear me I'm like really far away uh give Crystal a duplicate of your sword just give her a duplicate okay I got it but I know one of you are here I'm not here I'm nowhere here oh go this is not good we got to go we got to go Lily come on dip dip dip dip dip dip dip they're going to be for run oh gosh Crystal SE Roxy Crystal sees us we're going to go inside and then we're going to switch okay we're going to switch okay B maneu go oh switch to Green don't move Rox gosh I don't remember there being this many people in here oh no or is it this one they're attacking them just act a good spot would be in the wrestling ring no it's not Roxy let's slowly make our way out if you're okay my boy just normal Crystal maybe there in the girls room what oh my gosh uh Roy oh gosh Roxy come on hey those two just go dip di dip oh my God this is not good go l oh my go this not good this not good this not good oh no oh no oh no stay still do not move don't I'm not moving I'm not moving I'm going under I'm on your but running you you don't see me you don't see me don't see me you don't see me don't see me oh go oh go oh go oh go oh go switch switch skins skins uh Pig p p p oh I got you in hand reach uh Alexa please don't hit me I'm right in front of you I'm doing 360 another 360 another 360 B uh what where are these guys NOP uh seriously Crystal I I be Rock are at the park we're we're at the park right now no caps uh by I think you're this one oh hello hey girls SL hit he's behind you ponon you're a snake you're a snake oh my gosh are you serious now Shey picking oh my gosh oh my gosh Roxy Roxy I'm over here over here Roxy I SAR mying o w catnap w catnap I'm the pig I'm the don't move don't move Crystal's right over there she doesn't see us na na boo boo crystal is poo poo you don't know are you say past you ah no no no Roxy she literally doesn't see us we can do wait what I thought this was you boo boo crystal is poo boo Roxy she's running for US dip are you serious really bro really bro Ro I want a piece of those butts what the what did you just say oh my gosh wait hether move are you serious yeah yeah get Heather Heather I think they watch you I L see you later my Heathers it to with the girls oh gosh wait cryst give a sword give Heather a sword give Heather a sword give me some time give sword I'm taking him are you serious right get your bab girl oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh where are you dude where are you please all right I'm pulling up I'm pulling up I'm pulling up I'm pulling up oh gosh Crystal's hot on my tail bro so switch your character right now where did he go is that you dropping is that you dropping is that you dropping yeah yeah chis I'm back over there yeah go go get to Green yeah yeah this a great place oh yeah and it's already colorful all right Roxy what are we becoming what are we becoming uh I might to become this cuz yellow oh my gosh that's actually genius hide inside the color don't move don't move don't move sh H I'm just going to go the trampoline for now what oh my gosh Roxy I think she's playing wait until you guys to come we're not here Crystal we're we're not no no that moved oh no ly why if you stand still she won't notice I'm out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh bro's crazy bro's crazy oh my goodness gracious yeah quickly quickly oh gosh Heather's also on Luke's B Luke go to the movie theaters okay oh this is not oh no wait Lily where even are you at right now have you been hiding good I am not moving I'm standing in the ice cream shop still oh my gosh all right Roxy let's meet up with Lily then we go to the movie theaters okay and then we can watch come through what we're not oh my gosh we're not actually yeah we should watch a movie sure we can watch K fors Lily Lily don't move Uki you just ran past the like so what oh my gosh go just go to the movie there Lily meet us there meet us there oh gosh oh gosh Lily three I'm you boy no that's not us that's not us okay boys the plan is once we enter inside we have to switch our characters okay yeah let's do it go go go what what do you mean you need like you need to change your pant oh my gosh I knew you met that go go spin it spit the block switch switch excuse me sir have you seen three yellow boys U no no uh you should go check somewhere else that's Roxy Roxy come oh gosh I'm not moving I'm not moving uh oh my gosh Roxy you're crazy you're crazy luk she's going inside the movies bro dip somehow dip oh door to nothing Roxy what up this all leads to nothing oh my gosh Luke Luke you're toast bro you're toast unless you oh gosh Roxy she's here oh gosh Roxy dip she knows her here she knows her here ly dip get out get out now's your chance bro now's your chance I'm dipping oh my oh gosh Roxy oh my gosh here coming for back up oh my gosh guys where we go Li are you so nice cream sh Li yes I am and I'm not moving oh my gosh Lily we're going to meet up at the ice cream shop and then we're going to go to your bakery okay oh my gosh I'll you guys some cakes we need cakes right now Roxy where are you go to Lily's Bakery all right my boy I'm about to grab Lily okay what uh Lily I'm inside I'm inside really oh gosh okay don't move don't move don't move we're both pink we're both pink we're just chill we're just chill don't move Alexa how they're going to be here any second they're all on me wait what what do you mean they're all on you oh hi Roxy wait oh they coming don't natural but where did they go oh mine are Lily is you is there always one standing on top of the table Lily on three we dip one three go go go go go go go go go go guys let's Go's house wink wink we're actually going to liily house we're going to SS's House crystal you heard they said they're going to SS's house go yeah yeah go go go guys go go go um you guys should try and cut us off and meet us there quick cuz we're going to go around the long way right guys oh yeah yeah great idea Crystal go that way come on Roxy you're so smart going to's house go go go go go go oh okay guys line up with pink line up with pink right over here ly where are you my boy I'm coming in a bit late I almost got caught my boy oh my gosh right now we're no Roxy don't go upstairs you're going to be super obvious come over here and hide as a pink piggy so they will not know that it's us it looks like it's just like random pigs yeah yeah fire fire Luke where you at bro I'm right outside the front door I just pulled up oh my gosh turn pink bro turn pink they're about to be here any second Crystal were you able to find anybody no I haven't y look she's under oh my gosh oh my gosh switch right now bro switch right now she just went upstairs are you genuinely being serious bro transform into the dude what are you doing my boy oh my gosh hide over here don't move don't move don't move don't move oh my gosh moving oh my gosh is there supposed to be a a bunch of pink in one place H gosh everybody everywhere else there's like random oh gosh Roxy don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move we're not running we're not running we're not running you see you boys later are you serious right now oh gosh this is bad see you boys later are you serious Roxy wait what now there's only three Lily this is literally case for us so what do we do that means someone was here uh yeah yeah Crystal we were just there and we left where where where we're going to Luke's Rock no we're going to Luke's Rock oh my gosh why Alexa here Alexa we're at Luke's Rock yes girl this is really weird that there's three pinkies oh my gosh Lily one one it's actually one of those oh my gosh's here too Luke's house my house we're going we're going we're going we're going we're going to Crystal's flower Crystal's flower we're going to go go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh go I'm moving moving I'm moving now moving now moving now moving moving I'm in the soccer field Roxy don't move she's right above you do not move do not move do not move oh my gosh Roxy cleano oh run Roxy run run run run run now's your chance go go go downstairs where did these Baka butts go oh [Music] no Crystal go to the top of the stairs there's one at the top oh gosh guys I might have just did it a little oopsy oh my gosh I'm just not going to move oh I'm just not going to move what oh gosh wait let me the fall push it's over it's over Luke's the purple down Green L's green L green go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh we W IEX your face dip dip dip dip I was tying my shoes oh my gosh oh my by by go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh don't move don't move don't move don't move oh are they I'm at the onid shop yeah yeah we're at on kid shop we're at the 24 hour store yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes girl he can't run from all of us oh gosh Roxy run bro run i s them out I'm at the Rock wait what oh my gosh Roxy you're actually a w mans W Roxy W ah that was fire dude oh oh don't move don't move don't move don't move oh gosh uh Crystal what are you doing right now me and Roxy are shopping where are you going oh really thanks for the hint oh no problem Crystal no problem there's actually no way she fell for that inside H uh inside inside Alexa we're inside we're inside we're totally not to say that while we're looking at you go inside the store maybe you wait what was that last part uh oh let's go really far back oh yeah yeah good point good point all right um maybe they watching us from the ice cream store yeah yeah yeah yeah yo Lily luk come on we're going to the water park we're going all the way around they're never going to find us let's go no one's ever been there so they won't expected exactly um right now we're at the we're going to the ice cream store guys the ice cream store no cap cap obviously cuz your big tummy wants some ice cream all right really bro no well whatever bro we're we're going to water I mean oh gosh I may have just said you just got roasted wait and you leaked I did not leak they see us all right everyone slide right now slide right now slide right now go go go go go oh oh Swim Up Guys swim up we're swimming we're swimming yeah Smiley Critter swi I can't really swim guys I'm not going to lie wait oh yeah okay I'm doing it I'm doing it yeah yeah yeah yeah and I made it to the top F now we have a whole view of everything what Crystal what are you doing not for long pois oh gosh ly you're sacrific there you go bro there you go I don't want to build that no go go way oh thank you L run run run run run run oh my gosh I will actually boom you for that no no no no no no no give me a sword give me a sword Alexa I think I made made a little bit of a mistake wrong see I'm not going to lie go that slide jump down how do we go to other oh go Roy oh my gosh Roxy you're crazy oh I'm jumping for you l jump behind you you go go go I'm going up I'm going up Crystal did you just for behind place oh no Crystal do you trying to jump in the water let's go hey you can't teleport what the Y Crystal's cheating oh my gosh Lily are you good yeah I'm good hey stop teleporting Crystal go away I have my sword oh wait jumper Roxy Lily jumper get her get her get her what's up what's up what's up yeah what you going to do what you going do yeah Sho go get my sword oh yeah yeah all right stay up here guys stay up here we have control of The High Ground wait wait guys become our colors become our colors I'm going to become the blue one and Roxy you become the red one and lill YY the pink one yesi we looking swag with Y oh smil is Critter Squad and Crystal where even are you my boy are you still trying to get us hello and I have a sword now guys I think she knows who we are but bye oh my gosh oh my gosh let's go got her follow me guys follow me come on guys let's go let's go let's go oh okay we should be good we should be good Lily follow us jump in the water oh yeah drop in the slidey we in the green one with it oh ly shark LC is a CBO cow what are you LC a cyborg Cowboy yeah oh I'm the cowboy shark what AKA CG shark two three you're never going to catch us we're way faster than you no no I have super speed do you actually no you're just running at normal speed I have the speed of three horses oh gosh wait guys go go go jump over the fence yeah okay wait L's actually F oh my gosh going to be you next no turn around no I'm not turning around look at this sheep this is going to be your butts oh my God and then I grab the butts and I oh my gosh R A but spit it out what the what is even happening and then your blue sheep wolf from your fake dog sheep fur are you serious right now and then I right fo Creep walking on that heat on that omy creep what is bro yeah you're distracting me so everyone gets here you're distracting me I'm I'm dipping bro Heather you're not catching me where should we meet up meet up at the gym no don't meet up at the LA no don't meet up at the I don't know rock remember how I became the person with the sword I'm going make you have a sword yeah I'm getting chased by a crazy Cyborg and I'm not sure which one's worse I'm going I'm going to distra oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh yo H Roxy behind you oh gosh they catch up they're catching oh gosh Roy Ro on the team oh my gosh this is not good this is not good is not good meet up at the lab bro meet up at the lab I'm almost here oh five minutes to lab I made to the lab I minut to lab oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Roxy are you okay my boy are you okay he's wait I'm perfectly still in the lab Rock get in here get in here oh my gosh bro let them here it's definitely this red one it's this one why wait why is he not D skin right now dude where did Roxy's try hard butt go Roy let go to the ice cream store they don't know that we're over there right now oh they're at the ice cream shop come on Luke oh my gosh there's actually no way there's actually no way there's actually no way no no no yeah they always say where they're going we actually going to get them before they're even there Roxy oh my gosh Roxy W ww we're actually that guy we're actually that guy we're actually that guy we're actually that guy easy let's just eat some ice cream while we wait to find them are you serious oh my gosh that was so easy pickings Roxy now Luke and Heather are just going to eat ice cream we're totally good it's not like there's more people that are it right yeah where are these boys Lily have you seen them oh gosh Ro I to the have a feeling they're in here I know a secret spot come on oh wait don't Roxy be with the movement be with the I think I see one of them moving but we have to be lowkey about it cuz I know they're going to run Roxy they see us dip dip di they see us go go go wait what is there like a secret thing over there yeah we can climb up a ladder what oh my gosh Roxy knows about the map Roxy knows about the going to the back of the bank get yo yo stop following us what is wrong with ala it's two purple boys don't forget oh my gosh jump Roxy I'll grab you I'll grab you what what is this parkour doing I got you quickly quickly oh gosh I'll just carry you oh my gosh Crystal's here Crystal's here this jump is so hard what the what even is this Roy I did not know this existed what the what is this what is this oh my gosh hi Crystal bye Crystal oh no oh no there's a secret room Roxy we're literally sitting ducks in here oh my gosh hide over here Hide over here Hide over here behind the gold behind the gold oh my remember they were two purples so where did they go oh no this is not good Roxy I am not moving right now moving oh gosh Crystal's right over there Roxy transform into something and then we have to dip around okay I'm blending in Roxy there's actually no way how are they not you girl see any purple there's no exit in here Roxy do you see the ladders right uh no wait where do we come in from oh my gosh where do we come in from Roxy is there anybody here gosh Roxy we got to make a dip for it where is the ladders we were just next to it we have to be lowkey about this there's no exit why is there actually no exit are we stuck in here Ro why is this piece of gold moving girls Roxy I think it might be case for me my boy I think it might be case I'm doing it I'm giving everyone jump boost wait what jump boost hold up oh wait there's a way out Roxy jop over Roxy drump in the middle jop in the middle get but back here Roxy I'm coming oh got you oh my oh my oh my gosh fell in the lava drop Roxy jump oh my God Roxy is missing so badly oh you made it dip all right see you later girls we made it Roxy we're in the bank vault right now we have to go like the reverse way oh no normally we would break into the Vault now we have to break out and uh what do we do I don't know this is not good okay wait Roxy I'm going to grab you and I'm going to throw you over and and you can grab me okay all right okay let me grab you like this and place you down now Roxy you have to catch me okay you ready this this might end up really bad and we might lose the entire game all right jump all right 3 2 1 I'm going for it you're crazy with it you're crazy with it oh my gosh ow oh no my girly girl Alexa told me that yall could be in the bank vault oh gosh Roxy it's sideboard Cowboy L this is not shame if I came to you boys I hit one of you the uh what just happened Roxy I'm throwing you over y okay catch me Roxy catch me catch me catch me f w catch W catch W catch and why is Crystal here yo Crystal what are you doing oh don't worry I have some blocks uh oh my gosh Ed Heather's here but what are you going to do when I'm right in front of your face stop going for it what's up oh my gosh I'm crazy with it I'm crazy with it come on Roxy we're making it back we're making it back this jump looks crazy at Crystal also died N na boo boo oh Z Roxy r w team W Roxy let's go let's go we made it back we made it back we made it back okay okay just actual we could be in the front of the bank switch your character right now Roxy switch your character all right that was so crazy I know right W you guys are never going to find us we're like on the other side of the entire world right now no cap so hes that's the biggest cap I ever heard in my life then where are Roxy I see him I see Cowboy cboard ly he's up there oh go act then I'm full of Rage no he's full of Rage I think it's cuz we boomed him um do you know any Secret locations yeah yeah I know a w secret location on the map follow me follow me follow me oh gosh he's right over there we have to be low key we have to be low ke if I see one of you moving you're going to be gone don't move Roy don't move sh oh gosh this is scary just move when he does it I can't wa to squash you like a bug where are you uh where are you we're at the ice cream shop yeah the ice cream shop we're at the ice scream shop no caps oh oh gosh why is bro making ey Conta this is not normal for these boss to be offro it moved um is this one going to move oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh it's not the good oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh go oh go Roxy follow me follow me secret location I'm taking it's not sweet no more it was sweet before but now I'm not sweet no more guess what L you never go catch us cuz you sweet you sweet you a candy corn bro you a candy corn yeah that's disrespectful cuz I'm not sweet cuz I came from the dirt yo why yeah you came from the dirt cuz you dirty boy ly cuz you never going to catch us little bro you never going to catch us little bro oh when you talk like that it gets me so mad okay well you're not going to catch us and guess what the secret location is coming up follow me rocks you've never been to this side of the map bro secret location is a secret if I know about it well guess what ly you're a bug no no no no come over here come over here 10 come on Roxy we we have to hop in the roller coaster to get here oh my gosh Roxy there's only one spot uh okay wait running this is working go we out of here ly see you later oh my gosh bring that juicy butt back here yo yo you're never getting it we out we out we out we out oh crazy drop oh gosh and Roxy the secret location is the lighthouse no one has ever been over there we're going to go all the way to top and we're never going to get caught baby hes you know there's shortcuts in the roller coaster right shortcuts what do you mean shortcuts where are you oh go taking shortcuts Roxy drop out right now drop out drop out my boy drop out follow me L those are fter than you think we're out of here oh go go go go go they do not know about this why are the carts empty uh no reason ly just keep oh gosh oh gosh go Roxy go go go go go oh okay go inside the lighthouse go inside the lighthouse I've never been inside this ever in my entire life go go go wa this is perfect it's like a spiral going all the way up H the door at the Lighthouse is wide open they're never going to find us uh we may have a problem oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh not at the top no this is not good Roxy go go go go to the top luky shark is here he's in the building no caps I know you boys are up here I could run longer than you cuz I'm way more athletic no you're not even a human you're a cyborg lra and guess what guess what guess what guess what what chicken butt n around the corner no we're at the top baby wait are we actually at the top Roxy I'm still running I see I see it we're at the top baby and wo we have a view of the whole down wait Roxy that is a big problem how do we get down uh ly how close are you to he's there we got to jump boms we're not making this oh my gosh hea's here too gets the end of the road pick me up pick me pi mey what do you guys think you're doing you jum yo you're actually crazy for that you're actually crazy I did not think you were actually about to do that oh my gosh Luke's coming Luke's coming luk are your cheeks with his made it oh my gosh Roxy dip oh my goish my I bet you didn't know that the hunters come with free boats what they you're literally just cheating how do you have boats oh gosh Roxy dip dip dip a Bo we're running and you're never catching us ever so just give up on your dreams go go go go go oh my gosh Roxy they're on your butt right now they're on your butt wait that's just Luke and Crystal where's everybody else oh gosh Roxy keep her eyes actually waiting for you at the next position you're going cuz I read your mind before you even thought about where you're going they're going there okay then where are you right now Heather where where was your location I'm chilling next to the roller coasters wait that's actually where we are oh gosh oh gosh um Roxy where do we go where do we go where do we go where do we go where do we go house we're going to Lily's house wi yeah we're the Lily's house yeah yeah no that's not true I'm at Crystal's house what the gosh L at Crystals um Roxy let's go to your house go to your house go to your house we have to blend in with all the other ones cuz there's like none of them on the side of the map crystals on my but Roxy run oh gosh oh gosh we have to switch we have to switch um guys me and Roxy are not purple and red we're different colors we're different no but we see you right here you're in front of our face oh my gosh Roxy we have to switch okay once we go upstairs why are you running why are you running we're not running we're not running that's not us we're just standing still go Roxy go go go in the corner oh see you guys think you could hide in roxxy's house and get away with it uh no but remember we would it be funny if you were two red Boys in roxxy's house right two red boys huh H yeah H oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wouldn't just one sword hit take out both of you hea what do you say we on three wipe them both out yes let's do it no down what just decoys one jump now go Roxy go I see the WW oh go go tostal go to Crystal go to Crystal wait Lily where are you at Lily where are you at I'm at Crystal's house don't go to Crystal's house turn turn turn turn turn oh no Roxy we're running out options we're running it's actually over oh yeah yeah go to the 24-hour store quickly quickly quickly um um you guys are never going to find us we're like far away we're totally not running in front of you are you guys going to go to the police station yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're going to the police station right Roxy you that's why I even asked you okay really bro all right go inside Roxy go inside go inside go inside where do we hide hi there's like a secret room back there oh yeah there is there is there is okay okay go over here go over here and switch skins they coming they're coming they're coming a I'm unicorn I'm unicorn don't move don't move don't move he could be anywhere oh no oh no if I were a Roxy and a omy but where would I be do not move Roxy do not move it smells like pooping here are you serious right now I'm out oh gosh W this is bad the sky parkour up I know you're up there what what are you doing ly oh wait I could just bow clutch I could bow clutch what are what are you doing what you mean hes I know what you're doing don't do your tricker oh gosh Roxy careful show it the movement show it the movement oh gosh Roxy it's really funny when you think you're the clerk but you're not you don't got no job you're not Mama a what Mama who's Mama on three we have to run all right all right ready one three go go go what where did they keep going oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh mying I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm hiding oh no Roxy it might be case for me it might be case for me I need a distraction Roxy Roxy please Roy hey Crystal she's about to kill me guys I think I found Hammer Roxy Roxy Roxy he yes Roy oh my gosh oh my gosh Roxy on your run Roxy no no turn around you oh gosh there's so many there's so many there's so many there's so many I'm hitting I'm I know you guys went in here uh yeah yeah we went in here we went in here which one is it uh don't move Roxy did we both switch are you the yellow one yeah I'm the yellow one oh my go which one is it which one of you I'm a SM youever pink one green one we have to make a secret plan yeah Roxy I can't believe we already escaped and we made it to the bank that was a really good Escape right dude no I'm hitting every single one of these before I leave oh gosh Roxy this is not good we need a distraction we need a distraction um um Heather Heather if you can hear me I'm at the bank right now but if you kill Luke I'll give you a smooch on the lips I want to smooch I want to smooch you wouldn't do that you wouldn't do that run Roxy run run run run run run run okay I just bought us some time with ww there's no smooch either I come back here yes sir we're out we're out go go go go please please please please all right Roxy go all the way to the top and then we're going to psych them out okay okay 3 2 1 y over 100 baby yeah yeah y them out yeah oh wait what we didn't we them out you guys thought it was sweet now it's not sweet at all this is bad this is not good Roxy dipping oh go Crystal on my but Crystal you have speed yes sir speed oh weave okay she actually has speed potions that's not allowed in the game well The Seekers get it uh uh really it's cuz you guys have creativea oh my gosh go no we don't guys everyone get cars oh my go yeah yeah we're going to the hospital we're going to the hospital Crystal I went in the hospital we I'm in the hospital there's actually no way I just fin her I just fin her you seen a red boy and a yellow there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way go go go go go go ly any last words bro cuz this is getting too easy I'm going to find you and I'm going to get you what the what was that he how did he not see us we were literally running oh no girl bathroom what really Roxy they never going to know oh wow that's genius and we have to become girl crators okay okay let's see what's like a good girl crator uh going to be pink uh yeah yeah pink I'll be yellow cuz yellow's low girl with it in the St oh yeah yeah cuz then they can't open up is it smart that we're both in the same Stall oh gosh this is a little bit sus don't move sh they would never going in the girls bathroom would they that's something they would exactly do oh gosh Roxy say oh she's right here I'm going check every single stall uh excuse me you can't open the stall there's two gires in herec there's two girls in here hello knock knock um there's two gir and wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait um excuse me girles do I see a boy name tag in here um Luke what are you doing in here I know one of you boys are in here excuse me we're not boys and we will be calling the authorities if you don't leave right now got to go Crystal got to go and take your girlfriend with you take Crystal with you Roxy there's no way that just works by the way he's not my boyfriend I already have a boyfriend his name is what get get out of here girl me and my girl are using the bathroom out now okay okay okay oh my gosh Roxy there's no way there's no way we have to dip go go go go go go go shh be lowkey about this what what is Crystal doing she just stuck with this car is stuck oh gosh wait jump come on let's just get out of here that was really awkward dip dip Roxy there was no girls it was us and they have car still a car oh yeah oh yeah thank you L for the whip we oh no l this is too easy I'm dried on you you're not on my butt this is too easy you can't catch me taking this disrespect oh my God guys you guys dare I'm here Heather why are you even trying bro I'm on a whipping tin what you going to do I'll let meet up at the Apple Store oh yeah yeah go there go there go there I'm pulling up and excuse me I have to hide from you and you're not that fast bye yeah well you're not that guy yes I am cuz I'm swerving yeah and then I'm swerving yeah Roxy are you in the Apple store right now yeah I'm in I'm waiting for you oh D you I'm pulling up right now I'm actually a duck right now I'm literally a duck cuz of yell yeah me too I'm blowing up I'm BL up I'm blowing up and skir oh made it Roxy I'm here I'm here and I I see I see I'm here I'm here oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I'm hiding I'm hiding oh what's up what's up what's okay okay act natural act natural I'm going to change my skin let me become me me me the red one oh yeah smart smart smart I'm the red one oh double you okay don't work and I'll be like the extra worker like the one that like helps them find oh yeah yeah you're you're the assistant worker yeah yeah yeah you're going to be like hi how can I help you today but you have to be in character okay all right I'll be like hi how can I help you today do you want to buy a laptop that's awesome that's actually so oh gosh she's here oh no oh hi how can I help you today would you like to buy a laptop Roxy I'm sorry to think that this is not going to work have you seen two boys they're like smiling Critters wait wait wait hold up hold up do you guys got airpods though though what oh oh yeah come to this wall and they should be this one we're going to run yeah this is a really good product do you guys do a warranties on it yeah this just St to the wall for 5 seconds and I'll bring it for you oh go there's that is amazing customer service um actually going to give you guys 10 out of 10 Stars wow um is it that easy Roxy wow I guess lying just gets you everything you want in life come on let's go let's go let's go all right uh where's my airpods what is he still waiting on the airpods no no why are they taking off in my whb wait Roxy you stole the car Wait Roxy stole the car no no no Roy if that's you no no no they can't be you it is who else could it be bro we're all Smiley Critters up to the did you guys at least get the airpods there is no airpods Loki we just made that up mmm no no no no no no I'm getting Roxy then I'm getting Ms and then I'm getting all over your bod go up lad I'm coming Roxy wait there's ladders to get up oh go chryst's right next to you dude careful careful what she's doing donuts excuse me crystal you're never going to catch us watch Donuts it's oh yeah Roxy actually go go go go go they're never going to catch us watch our jet Roxy do not slip oh gosh Roxy I'm at one heart I'm at one heart oh my gosh oh my gosh this is bad that just backfired oh go Roxy where' your other friend go huh huh huh oh you think you could do jumps and stuff oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh this is bad oh oh no I just can't move oh goodness gracious wait I want in on this action oh no may they went up Roxy bring that bucka back here Roxy oh my gosh Roxy are you okay bro bring that bucka Sushi over here Roxy keep eating them off keep eating them off dude oh gosh they have no idea I'm down over here it's actually so easy right now wait you said you're down over where uh underwear underwear underwear underwear under who underwear I'm nowhere L I'm not down below and oh gosh I could smell a stinky but what where where do you that's oh did you poop yourself when you're driving the car that's that's Heather's car dude that's literally Heather's car oh my fa Heather hey I didn't poopy myself oh no yo yo yo yo yo yo Roxy crystal is literally oh no this I I just shed her up I jumped off this is actually crazy they have no idea I'm about to take Luke oh no Roxy I know you're still up there wait Roxy yeah I'm totally up there I totally just didn't leave Roxy wait left and took the cars I'm taking this one too bye Crystal tell your friends I stole it ow ow where they B it's you come over here oh gosh Roxy why are you back here run Roxy I want a car I just want I I want to get out fast really oh my gosh well we're already out of here and there's nothing you guys can do about it so wait a minute Rox you know what I just realized you know we could kill them with the car we just got to run into them Yo Alexa yo Alexa yo Alexa what's up girl how much damage did that do how much damage that do I only have three hearts stay away stay oh Roxy run into them that's overpowered method yo Alexa guess what I am the Seeker easy yo Crystal yo Crystal guess what bow not for long I'm going to crash it to you now no not happening cuz my whip is bigger okay Roxy get run into them so we could survive okay we already got down Alexa we already got down Alexa and Crystal stop stop running no oh my gosh whatever Roxy we're the ones that have to hide so let's just do where should we meet up I'm right behind you dude follow me we could go to ooh follow Follow Me This Way Follow Me This Way hold up hold up sneak attack sneak attack Rox Roxy come here are you serious I just got ramped in a car by Heather and then boom by Alexa Ro you're next are you serious right now I'm still alive give me a sword Crystal Roxy I'm not no no no you really think you're him right you really think you're him you're the last one surviving buddy Roxy's going to the ferris wheel Roxy I'm literally about to pull up and boom you count to like five bro it's over Luke I'm teleporting I'm to I'm to oh my go where is he where is he okay somewhere near okay where is he guys where are you where are 16 17 I'm not even in the map where did he go may he went off into the ocean 21 22 23 24 I'm in the ocean I'm r i see him he's in a submarine what what do you mean he's in a submarine Where is the submar went off into North the Eastern Direction I'm teleporting to him yo Roxy where you at look into the sun I'll tell you the hemisphere what Alexa he's underneath the are you serious oh my gosh Roxy come here bro come here come here let's go The Seekers win and wait we're all on the Seekers team so does that mean we all win nope that means I win and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here by
Channel: Omz
Views: 543,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, maze build, noob vs pro, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, kory, omz, mia, maizen, SMILING CRITTERS CAMOUFLAGE HIDE AND SEEK in Minecraft!
Id: aK6tctJ8P8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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