smile & noob tube TC (item asylum)

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hello well that was it I lost that one hello oh well it looks like it's a kchi player oh it's an OM man hello yeah I do hello is that all he's going to do okay bro it's lag a bit too please don't do this to me bro no I'm good I killed my wife sh oh he got me with the grab okay he's he's not really a a very skilled on me man I don't have to be [Music] scared he just keeps hitting grabs Get Loud [Music] ouch OU I keep messing up drink your pro Juice drink your pro [Music] [Music] juice your [Music] pro [Music] yep get out you know what to finish it take this finisher take your pro [Music] juice look bad click next match and please all right just quit that's better trash I shouldn't be talking like this I hello two characters that I'm afraid of right what's her name maybe K she kill [Music] Sub Zero to I don't need to go against Subzero actually not smoke out of all of them please don't be like either of like the five or that I just mentioned [Music] help oh no think he's an OB [Music] man he's uh and it's what is this lag you must be I can't bro I can't do anything forg if you're getting kicked by me and I'm lagging bro you yeah he's lag yeah he's a lag switcher what I can't really C right now I'm in [Music] battle he's still lagging hard okay is it really just nothing I can [Music] do [Music] okay [Music] hell [Music] ouch behind
Channel: Displaying 21
Views: 40,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XSpFuqb7qmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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