SMG4: There's Something Up With Meggy...

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ayy just pretend u/BoopkinsBot posted this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jeffiper 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Seriously, did anyone else heard the HuniePop theme at 5:10-5:24?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/jastrongames 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was an episode I knew would inevitably happen due to the scars burdening everyone in the Anime Arc especially with Desti but they handled this one really well. They have been on a roll and I suspect they will after this go right to splatfest which will be a fitting end to an old chapter and an interesting new chapter with Meggy. Also great job with the five stages with grief.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/_theghost_ 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AshCreeper10 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

So I did like the episode, giving that it dealt with the aftermath of the Anime Arc more in depth. However, given that Meggy had promised to win the Splatfest in Desti’s memory, a question had popped out in my head. What would happen if she lost?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ToadspanishMinecraft 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sooo she’s on her period?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mxrtinezz1322 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cleche as hell episode, but alright then

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/coconoku 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies


I noticed the easter egg.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrRedditUser5000 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jeffiper 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
Wii shop channel theme wII SHOP CHANNEL THEME SMG4 gets assaulted by his own bro [FAIL] 'Sup? Luke: So we have a very important announcement to make. Kevin: We have designed these SMG4 X Meta Runner cross promotional merchandise. (noice) If you check it out. You have the Meta Runner Tari alongside SMG4 Tari acting like best friends to hype up Meta Runner. And because all of you guys are such a big SMG4 fans, we thought we'd have this special shirt just for you guys. Luke: But that's not all. Kevin: We also have an SMG4 + Meta Runner poster Luke: On the poster, we have Meta Runner Tari on the right and SMG4 Tari on the left. Two worlds joined together. Kevin: The title of this poster is "You're never too old," because the idea is you are never too old to play video games. Y O U D O N T S A Y Just like you have Meta Runner Tari and SMG4 Tari both there holding their controllers... Luke: ...being best friends Kevin: Being amazing. It is only up for a limited stock. We only have a limited amount of these leading up to the release of Meta Runner. Luke: You check all of this out at Kevin: Links are also in the description guys and without further ado Luke: Its time to go onto the video!! Woo.... AAH! Glitch Productions presents A film by Super Meme Generator 4 One fine day... Enter Luigi Luigi was watching a dancing Garfield Luigi: Oohoohahaha. Oh Yeah! When he suddenly heard a loud noise! Luigi: Waaah. Huh? Mama mia. Hmmm! Luigi: Oh, ho. Wow. Luigi runs outside to investigate the noise (what the f*ck is this?) Enter Meggy She is building something that will be revealed in a moment Luigi: Huh? *gibberish* huh? Meggy: *inkling sounds* (BC: god why did Meggy still makes inkling sounds, she is a human now right?) {Reply: Although she is human now, she is still Meggy who is known best as an inkling} Luigi: Okay... Hmmmmm Meggy: *inkling sounds* Luigi: Riiiiiiiiight. Trying to understand the situation better, Luigi decides to climb up to the treehouse Luigi: Hi. Oh no! Meggy: *inkling sounds* Luigi: Hummmm.. *gibberish* hoo ho ho (BC: same) Upon hearing those remarks, Meggy froze... ...which makes her drop her hammer Meggy: *VIETNAM FLASHBACK* Luigi: Oh no... hmmmm Meggy: *screams* | Luigi: okay... Meggy kicks Luigi off her new treehouse in an astonished enragement Luigi: a-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa! (BC: oh god) Luigi suffers pain when he hits the ground (BC: poor Luigi...) Luigi: Mamamia. Mario! Help! Meggy: Uh, bye! *inkling sounds* Enter Mario Luigi: *PUNCH* MARIO!!! Mario: *gibberish* what's up! Luigi: Help. *gibberish* Meggy goes through the struggle of studying for college midterms (BC: uhhh) Mario: No. Hmmmm... (BC: doubt that) Mario: Hello! Mario: Hoohoohoo (translation: Mario is brain dead.) (BC: oh gosh that's gotta hurt) Mario: See! Luigi! Ha, ha! (BC: the real results that she's not lol) Luigi: Oh, ho. Oh, no... Mario: Hoo, hoo. Yahoo!!! Mario: It'sa Mario. HELLO!!! (BC: MARIO THAT'S A BAD IDEA) Not listening to BC's warning, Mario proceeds to hump the tree vigorously Mario: I always wanted to play! Boing! Meggy realizes that her "masterpiece" will not survive sexual assault, so she goes into a full blown panic The tree hits the ground with a nice loud *THUD* *press f to pay respects* F Luigi: Wah! Eh, heh-heh-hoo, hoo! Meggy is going through the 5 stages of grief, she is currently on the stage of A N G E R *OH GOD OH F*CK* (BC: she goes sicko mode) Mario: *gibberish* What's wrong with you Luigi: *gibberish* Ohhh Oh look! My water is hot enough! Does anyone want tea? (BC: YOU GOTTA RUN MARIO, AND LUIGI TOO) Mario: Oh, ho, ho. Patootieapato? {Reply: it is spelled Ah-DO-tere-dei-to} Meggy: LEROOOOOYY!!! (BC: too late...) Mario: Hahahahaahaaa!!!! Luigi: Whaaa! Meggy: Time to die! Mario Bros.: AHH! Oh my god! AHH! Meggy: Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? Mario: Oh Brother. C'mon! (BC: oh shit...) {Reply: What? It is just ink, it cannot hurt you} Mario: Wow, what an asshole— AHHHHHHHHHH! (BC: press f to pay respects) Mario and Luigi land on the bridge with a not as loud *THUD* Luigi: Ah, ha-ha-ho, ho! Please! Have Mercy! Luigi: OH, GOD!!! (BC: right in his nuts?) {Reply: I take it back, that ink is too powerful} Mario: Run, bitch! RUUUUUN!!! Mario and Luigi decide to take shelter inside the castle Luigi: Huh? The door crashes open and Meggy rolls inside with her FUCKING CAR Meggy: *inkling sounds* What's up, bitches?!?!? The Mario Bros go into a full blown panic attack while Meggy attempts to do something very illegal to the fabled heroes With no other choice, they bolt into the higher floors of the castle This time, they barricade the doors with whatever household objets they could find Toads: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... Luigi: (Italian from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga) Mario: Maaamaaa-miiiiaaaa. No! Suddenly, the barricade starts to shake Before Meggy breaks the whole door open, shouting one of broadways most infamous lines Meggy: HERE'S WOOMY!! (BC: you fucked up now) Mario: Hello. How about a nice game of— Meggy: YOU'RE DEAD, SON!!! (BC: NO MARIO) Luigi: MAAARIOOOO Ah, ha-ha-ho, ho! Luigi runs upstairs to the part of the castle with the painting of the skeeter bug thingy Enter Tari and Archibald Tari is spending quality time with her boyfriend {Reply: Someone plz ship aer and her duck, I am not a fan of shipping but I would love to see that XD} Tari: Wanna Play? Tari: This is gonna be good. Archibald: Yes. Okie Dokie! Tari sets up the controller for them to both play a super happy and peaceful round of... Dark Souls! {Reply: WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!} (BC: why the fricc is Tari playing a "relaxing" game like this) Luigi enters the room screaming Tari: What the... Luigi: Help meeeeeeeeee! Tari: Huh? Meggy barges into the room yelling like a maniac {Reply: She seriously needs a therapist} Luigi and Tari: *Screaming* Meggy: DAT ASS! Upon seeing Tari's boyfriend, Meggy is filled with jealousy. pushing her into the next stage of grief... Bargaining {Reply: Sorry about deleting your comment BC} Tari: Meggy? Meggy: *inkling sounds* Tari: Hmmmmmm. What? Luigi: *Italian gibberish* Meggy: *smug inkling sounds* Tari: Huh? What the. No! Meggy: What? I NEED IT Meggy promotes cheating on your GF {Reply: C'mon SMG4, realty} Tari: Watch out! Luigi: *PUNCH* Help! (BC: oof) Meggy: Just take it! take it, take it, take it, take it! Wario: Owa! Shrek: Oh, hello, there! Hermione Granger: I'm Hermione Granger. Tari: Huh? Meggy? Don't! Mario: Hey Stinky! Hmm. It's-a me, Mario! Mario: Hmmmmmmmm... AWAWA! Meggy: *inkling sounds* Luigi: Hmm.... Luigi: Guys! Tari: Huh? Luigi: *italian gibberish* Meggy: *desperate inkling sounds* Luigi: Oh, ho... Mama mia. Tari: Oh no! Mario: Ooooh. Oh, no. Tari: Hmm... s-sorry. Mario: *gibberish* (BC: OH GOD WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN?! I THOUGHT MEGGY WAS POSSESSED OR SOMETHING) {Reply: They SHOWN Desti dying in the beginning of the vid!} Meggy: *inkling sounds* We enter a flashback of the previous day, Mario and Meggy are in Inkopolis, picking out clothes {Reply: All I can think about from this is that one scene in Stanger Things 3} Mario: *gibberish* I'ma tired. Meggy: *inkling sounds* Meggy notices the sweater of her rival, Desti, who was tragically murd- oh wait you say that part already *Meggy having some more VIETNAM FLASHBACKS* (or is it PTSD?) {Reply: Both work for this context, but why is having flashbacks of someone she HATES?} Mario: Uhhhh, Hello? Luigi: *gibberish* Oh, ho! Meggy: *inkling sounds* ahahahahahaha! (BC: actually you are not) {Reply: Do not smile like that, Truth or Dare is a bad movie that I do not want to relive} Tari: Meggy. You can do it. I believe in you Mario: Yahoo! Let's-a Go! Adohteredeito Luigi: he's right, you know Mario (as Markiplier) AH! HEY Get the #### out on me!!! No! Mario: *gibberish* Tari: Hmm, Sorry Wait... did we just go backwards? Denial is the FIRST stage, not the fourth and THERE we are, the fourth stage... Depression Tari: Wait! Luigi: Oh, ho. Ah, ha-ha-ho, ho! Mario: Woah. Ooh! Money! Luigi: Mmm, mama, mia... Meanwhile at Meggy's house No captions for this part, it is too sad to be memed Mario: Hey, it's okay! Hm? Meggy: *inkling sounds* Luigi: *Italian gibberish* Gotchie-gotchie! Meggy: * inkling sounds* {Reply: that is an anime chic crying, not an inkling dumbass} Tari: Meggy. Umm, keep going! Meggy: *inkling sounds* Meggy: *inkling sounds* Meggy is surprised by Tari' embrace Tari: Mmmm... Hm? Ha ha! And with that embrace, Meggy goes into the final and best stage of grief.. Acceptance Mario: WHAAAA!!! Luigi: Wooo! Mario: WHAAAA!!! Luigi: WHA! *Top 10 Saddest Anime Stories* {Reply: This is legit bringing tears to my eyes Luigi: Oh, ho, ha-ha! Go Weegee! Oh, yeah! Meggy: *inkling sounds* Luigi: Hahaha oh, LUIGI! Yahoo! Oh, yeah! Weegee! Mario: Ha, ha! *gibberish* Oh yeah, oh yeah! Phew... oh... Meggy: *anime laugh* Tari: Meggy, you can do it! Yes! Meggy: *inkling sound* Luigi: Oh, Yeah, who's number one now? Meggy: *triumphant inkling sounds* Mario: Yeah! Ha-ha-ha!!! *Mario jumping sound* Meggy: *confident inkling sounds* Mario, Luigi, and Tari: *excited sounds* Meggy: *inkling sounds* Mario and Luigi: Yaah. yippee. Oh yeah haha Meggy: *confident inkling sounds* Mario: Yahoooo... Luigi: Ohhh let's goo... Meggy: *confident inkling sounds* Meggy: Woomy! Mario: Mama, mia. No! Oof. (BC: uh wouldn't say that) Meggy: *determined inkling sounds* Mario: Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Meggy: *determined inkling sounds* And so... Meggy, Mario, Luigi and Tari begin to vigorously train for the final splatfest {Reply: Yes, the next splatfest is confirmed to be the last one} (BC: i smell a new arc coming...who's with me?) {Reply: I am not, Kevin and Luke said they were taking a break from story arcs T H E E N D (Subtitles by The Creative Guy and dh1) (BC: and me, did the commentary and stuff) {and also Rubano The Wise, I butchered the whole thing, adding the replies} Nice Fan-Art Trickster05! Here are some sponsors Here are some more And some more Here are the last ones (BC: let's hope for a new story arc! see ya!) This is Rubano signing out
Channel: SMG4
Views: 4,174,994
Rating: 4.9020224 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Super, Mario, gaming, video game, Super Mario, Super Mario 64, SM64, SMG4, Supermarioglitchy4, Hobo, Bros, Hobo Bros, bloopers, sm64 bloopers, funny, comedy, lols, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Toad, switch, nintendo switch
Id: ES2gfQgFsCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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