SMG4: If Mario Was Smart

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Despite being a super genius, Mario's unquenchable hunger for spaghetti prevails. I'm sure some people will be happy to see a Mario recolour in the video too.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/SimulatorSam 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hi! I create the thumbnails and artwork for SMG4 // Glitch Productions, occasionally I’ll post aternate unused versions of the art on my instagram, this video’s thumbnail was based on Emma Stone’s “Easy A” but was eventually changed up a bit:

Take a look!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jordielebowen 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Never thought I'd see the day... an intelligent Mario with his personality and memories intact.

Thanks to E.Gadd, Mario gains IQ. He's hard-working and helpful, and puts his intellect to good use aiding the entire kingdom in their problems - but he's still the same old Mario underneath.

THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. Mario loves his spaghetti above everything else, and although he is now a genius, he still acts like a spoiled brat when he doesn't get his way. How does this all pan out? Watch the episode to find out!

PS: I love how Bob is put under E.Gadd's smart machine as well. His text-to-speech voice even changes!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/overlordof 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

These two words are not even compatible

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kamilowski1234 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

i send it myself and it didn't get any upvotes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Steam_On 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
I have the power of captions! Hey guys. Sponsors play a large part in helping our channel continue to make content, such as "SMG4" and "Meta Runner", for you smexy fans.(N8: smexy? Really?) And that's why this video is sponsored by Youzu and their game "Saint Seiya: Awakening Knights of the Zodiac"! *Actually in Southeast Asia name Saint Seiya Awakening. I have my phone too!*(N8:WAT?) Saint Seiya: Awakening Knights of the Zodiac [AKA Saint Seiya Awakening in outside america and europe] is a strategy role-playing game with HD 3D graphics. It's a mobile game masterpiece that perfectly restores the classic of the Japanese comics. [Kevin] Twelve golden Saints and all classic characters are back to the sanctuary are waiting for you to summon them! This game is all about strategy as an epic action-packed god man! [Mario screams](btw if you see N8 thats my opinion)(N8:OH SHIT IT'S MARIO!) Goddammit, Mario! D:< [Luke transforms to SM64 SMG4] [Mario] Haha!! I got it! I got it! (mario kart music :D) oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh [Luke as SMG4] Mario, get back here!! >:( [Mario] Oh, ya mama mia! [insert italian gibberish translation here] [SMG4] Why!? I'll tell you why The game looks super smexy with fantastic special effects and an art style based on the original animeh! The story, music and characters are all directly inspired from the original anime! It's even officially licensed by Masami Kurumada! (Who dahell?) Mario: That's so nice-a! [SMG4] The original author of Saint Seiya! [Mario] Mah ass!! [SMG4] Finally, the game is all about using strategy (10000000000000000000 IQ, thus why mario gets smart in the video) to outwit your opponent in epic PvP and PvE fights! Mario in a screaming raspy voice] I need it!!! [SMG4] You can download Saint Seija: Awakening Knights of the Zodiac and start playing now, "Links" in the description! [Link screams, smashed] The first 100 people to download the game and use my special code "SMG4" get a free Extra Rare Gear! :o [Wow, i want too!, but in my country doesn't cause it's a only outside continents] [Raises voice] Now give it back to me, Mario!! [Mario screams, SMG4 puffs and pants] [Glitch Production presentation] A challenger approches! His goal? To do what he did in Something is wrong with Meggy, enlighten the readers. We find Mario taking a beauty rest on his bed /Mario-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ah spaghetti ZZZZZZZZZZ ah ravioli (N8:WAKE UP MARIO) Mario then yawns to get ready for the day when... He realises/Mario-waaaaa! OOOOOOOooOOoOooooo.... HE WAS NEVER IN HIS BED FROM THE START Mario-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Mario: What are you doing!? What'sa going on here!?! [bigfoot stomp] Someone approaches from the shadows with a creepy laugh It was Prof. Egad, who has not been in an SMG4 episode for months on end ooh yaw! [Gibberish] Hey stinky!! [Gibberish] [Gibberish] But Mario was wrong (SIKE) VERY wrong This was a setup by his friends and family (and asshole)! But how?! (Inkling noises) But...But why? Ooohhh...hoh,hoh hoh HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM... Commence Eddsworld style flashback (we miss you Edd) [Italian singing] We find Mario taking a bath [shivering] Oh no! To solve the problem he runs to his space heater. Obviously only using one of his two brain cells. S M A S H Let'sa go! S M A S H X2 Do I honestly need to tell you what is going to happen? I am so smart, i am so smart, i am s- C H E R N O B Y L OOH GODDDD Oh god, jesus christ! Augh! (WHY IS THE PISS EVERYWHERE?!) Oh yeah! [Gibberish] D: Mamma mia...HHHHMMMM... Bob: We'rE GonnA mAkE yOU nOt A DumBaSs (well look who is talking) Prof. Egad Decides to then take the role of every James Bond villain ever with a hint of Doctor Doofinschimertz Dumbass motherf*ck! [Gibberish] GENIIUUUUSSS!!! No! Mario so good! Move! Go,Go GO!! [Gibberish] Oh no! Help! (You literally have an alternate universe ego that takes down corporations, SHUT YER MOUF) Egad changes the course of history S P O O P Y That does not look rather pleasant, anyone got popcorn? Doctor E. G. Frankenstein: It's alive... it's alive, IT'S A L I V E ! dAmN, ShoUlD'Ve BroUGht somE poPcoRn (ikr) WeLL,I THink We KiLLeD hIM Mario is different... Mario? No.... MARIO! D: [yawn] ooo.. uuu... YeAh HeS b R o K E n HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (thonk) Hey Say Something Smart. [Gibberish] (more gibberish) (EVEN MORE GIBBERISH!!!!!!!!!!!!) Mario Whos The Most top character in Smash (eachother in the ass) ultimate?? Thinking Mode Activated [Gibberish] [Sigh] E-Gadd: Hohohohohoho :D Oki doki, Oh yeah, Ohhohhahaha, Let'sa go! Oh lord jesus it's a fire..... Hmm...[Gibberish] it-sa me robo merio at ur service man dis plaic smells like-a my mama-mi4s r4v10l1 be gone fier you little b*oof*y you don't scrw with moi oh look a flaming babi f0etus deleteu5 *DUN DUN* mario paint music W O W ! Hey, that's pretty good! Wow! (Bowser secretly Sans confirmed...?)(N8: no that's just hotel mario shit) Ohoh Stinky P O O P ! H A H A H A H A H A H A H A H A H A H A! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaauh... hmmmm...... [Mario coding] and thus... the youtube community got lazy and did not caption until the 12 minute mark until i came along YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY *idea* smg3 rave DUN s(mg3)creaming h o l a building a S E N T R Y DONK wat now activating instant ki- WAIT WHAT fine and dandy le cheering JESUS yEET DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *boom h u n g r y very wordy and formal *nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom* tru TRIGGERED (anybody else can caption from here i'm bored too, done by Nexus Freestar) Howdy doo bitches! That is correct! Now i can calculate the square root of smashing your fat ass! OH IT'S ON ASSHOLE!!!! Nice try bitch! [Gibberish + Alarm] I am unstoppable, Muwahahaha! D:< okie dokie homie ghast out for these captions, the next person will be able to finish them, I think. (no I will not)
Channel: SMG4
Views: 7,761,617
Rating: 4.9029088 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Super, Mario, gaming, video game, Super Mario, Super Mario 64, SM64, SMG4, Supermarioglitchy4, Hobo, Bros, Hobo Bros, bloopers, sm64 bloopers, funny, comedy, lols, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Toad, switch, nintendo switch
Id: qrLnbaBeuo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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