Smart Plant Monitoring System Using Nodemcu and Blynk 2.O || Smart Agriculture Project

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foreign [Music] video and today in this video I will let you know how to make a smart plant monitoring system using blink 2.0 in which uh we included a pil sensor temperature humidity sensor and a LCD display which will show temperature value humidity value soil moisture value and a motion detection uh valued whether it is turned on or off and um a water pump uh button so which we can uh see like if uh if we press this then the water pump will be on and uh we can see the status of the water pump and this is a manual switch uh to uh to control the water pump instead of water pump DC water pump I uh used this DC motor to demonstrate the project and we can even control this water pump uh throw blink iot also here we can see the water pump is off and uh this is a soil moisture sensor uh through which we uh we will be collecting the uh soil moisture value and uh here we can see that the soil moisture value it is zero now and while putting uh into the water I am getting a soil moisture value similarly I will getting uh the soil moisture value in the display also and this is the water pump uh to operate uh according to the uh soil moisture value so this is how uh this project will look like similarly we will be getting the uh all the values in the uh blink mobile application also uh here this is the uh gets for temp to display the temperature value and this is to display humidity value and this is a gush for uh display soil moisture value and uh this is a switch for activator PIR uh uh switch okay let I on and this one LED uh will close this led will glow one in any uh any movement occur uh in uh in front of PIR motion detection sensor so now it's off similarly we can so uh the uh so the status in LCD display also on so as you can see the motion occurred uh here we can able to get a notification so this is all about the project uh before moving forward if you are visited for first time to my YouTube channel then don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell icon to get notified in each new tutorial videos and please finish 500 likes for this video which will motivate me to do more such kind videos so without any further Ado let's quickly get started with this video to make this project the requirements that we need are enormous you to control all the uh sensors is 16 Cross to LCD display to display the values DHD 11 sensor to collect the temperature and humidity value a relay module to turn on and off the motor PIR sensor to detect any motions soil moisture sensor two lithium and batteries lithium and battery holders DC pump a push button breadboard and a couple of jumper wires follow the circuit diagram and make your connections [Music] [Music] thank you after all connections you need to plug in the nodemco in your PC do follow the steps in your PC [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] remember the event name in the blink and the event name in the code should be same if you are looking to change you can change the event name but remember you should change in the code also foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] copy the authentication code from here which will be required in the coding section to follow these steps in your mobile [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign part here we need to install the libraries these are the libraries which we need to install if you don't know how to install a libraries in Arduino do prefer this video and if you are getting any issues with LCD display then do prefer this video these are the lines uh I copied from the blink iot platform and here we need to copy the authentication code and paste over here similarly we need to uh change the Wi-Fi credentials I am changing the SSID and password and that's all nothing has to be changed uh now this time to verify the code after compilation select the board and ports and this time upload the code into our node MCU and this is all about uh the project I hope you like this video then do hit that like button and also share this video among with your friends and also don't forget to subscribe for more such videos and please finish 500 likes for this video which will motivate me to do more such kind of readers and I will see you in next one [Music]
Channel: Projects with mani
Views: 10,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arduino, iot smart plant system, iot agriculture system, smart agriculture system, esp8266, smart irrigation system, iot project, soil moisture sensor, iot arduino project, temperature humidity, simple smart plant system, smartphone controlled, arduino in hindi, arduino smart irrigation, automatic plant irrigation system, plant watering arduino project, arduino plant watering project, arduino mini projects, arduino agriculture projects, blynk esp8266, projects with mani
Id: a12etFe8x_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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