Smart Licensing Using Policy - Part1

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hello and welcome to sdn tech forum so we are back with a real networking topic today and let's see what is in our agenda so today i'm going to talk about the new smart license so i have done a couple of videos earlier uh around cisco's policy uh changing policy towards smart licensing so very if you have some legacy devices and you're dealing with cisco gear for a long time you know that the license is perpetual license used to be perpetual right so there was no subscription method uh initially then cisco moved towards the smart licensing uh where you your licenses have certain duration and now there is a another evaluation or another enhancement to that which is called smart license using policy so in our agenda we will discuss smart license using policy the new framework then we will compare this new framework with the old earlier framework not the older one earlier framework then i am going to introduce you with cslu cisco smart license utility and this is just another flavor of satellites so if you guys are using smart license so you must be aware of the on-prem satellite right which i work as a proxy to talk to cssm or smart license portal there is a new variant of that which is called cslu then we will discuss about different connectivity types to cssm so all your network devices how they are going to talk to cssm direct connection direct internet connection proxy using proxy or you are going to use cslu and we will compare in contrast finally i'll show you a demo in that demo i'm going to uh show you the some pre-checks uh before smart license using policy what happened and when you upgrade your device to new new release where smart license using policy comes into effect what are the key things you need to check all right so smart license using policy enforce in ios xc uh 1732 onwards right and i think 1733 is ga now okay what is changing no change to the ordering process of hardware or software you still use uh your uh same ordering uh process whatever you are following right via partner directly there is no change into that what is changing really is now there is no evaluation eval license right so there was initially 60 days of eval license there is no concept of evil license anymore no registration per device to so you really don't need to like have all your devices talk to on individual basis and we you i'll talk more about it when we go into demo no ongoing communication to per device that's great right so you don't have to like keep on communicating with the cssm on daily basis you can set some policy you can do it like every 15 days 13 days 90 days and so on and send report with software license use on change per purchase so whenever something is changing you can send the report and this is the hyperlink which talk about smart license faq i'm going to show that in later section but i'll put this all this hyperlink in description please please do read it then in agenda what we have slp versus sl so sl is an earlier framework before 1732 slp is a 1732 onwards smart licensing on my left side day zero registration required using policy no registration required you can just upload report mandatory eval mode it always start with eval mode 60 day uh 60 days and then start consuming license no more eval mode here regular interval license reporting uses report uh required on change so if you change your license level or you are adding or reducing license licensing then you only need to report that you don't need to like have a regular interval like uh reporting we use software compliance requirement per device per use and software compliance is managed on change right and again there is a hyperlink shown below which talks about the new slp framework finally what is cslu as you can see it is sitting in between and it is deploy as a micro service or windows host host basically it's an application windows based application um you have you can have vm flavor also in future this application will be inbuilt in cisco dnac right so if you have a cis you are a cisco dna center customer then you don't need a separate cslu the functionality will be inbuilt within dnac and dnac will be talking to cssm uh all and all your network inventory i will be talking to dnac right but we will i'll have another video when the feature is available okay able to deliver online or offline connectivity model for licensed data so csl you it's not like that you have csel you have to be online and uh talking to all the network element all the time no it's not like that um there are a couple of method you can utilize cslu and we will talk about that in next uh slide key functionality it send authorization code requests receive auth code from cssm and call can install this auth code on devices depend how csv is talking to devices it collect uses so it has a pull model also in push model it can push authorization code and other things in pull model it can collect users report and upload this to cssm ram report report is like your users report basically it is collected online or offline let's talk about different type of connectivity on my left side you can see all cisco uh infrastructure or our gears right router switches wlc's uh i even i's right all i o s xe and other things and then in between we have cslu on my extreme right i have cssm network devices want to report the license users to cssm they may have two options for connectivity one they can have enterprise connection to cslu application and csl application in turn is connected to cssm via internet and report the license users another way is network devices themselves they may have a direct connectivity to cssm uh you may use proxy rights because not all devices in enterprise it have direct connection to internet so whatever it is direct or proxy connection to cssm and upload the report directly and finally demo time but before i do a demo i want to go through all these links right which i have shown in my slides so here is a faq smart license and smart account faq very useful document it's a must read i'll i'll highly encourage you to you read this so it's not related to smart license using policy directly it is uh overall smart licenses okay please uh go through this and it will help you in case you have some legacy devices and you are moving upgrading software and moving to the new uh releases here see it's doing the same compare and contrast smart license previously smart license post member release which is smart license using policy or sometime called uh slp uh what is different systems is 1732 you can see a user can manually upload record directly to cssm and all those things so you can you don't have to be online all the time you can do offline model also all right and this is i think in my earlier video i have already talked enough about smart accounts so let's go to other deployment guide smart license using policy this is our focus and this is the very nice deployment guide available and you can use this to change different type of configuration because some configurations are also changing when you upgrade uh the defaults changes and then you need to go ahead and configure i'll when i do the demo it will be clear like what default changes and what is the new configuration you have to do but keep please bookmark this keep it in your back pocket it will come handy and then we will talk about cslu cisco smart license utility user guide what is cslu what are the different method available please if you are planning if you are a satellite customer satellite won't be supported anymore so you need to use csldu read through the guide understand the capability and different model so that you can pick what is right for you all right so as you can see system uh supports up to 10 000 product instances single tenant right now it is only single tenant one sa one va but i am sure they will be coming with relax requirement and this is the recommendation you need it's not too heavy application but uh yeah to be safe because it's critical right now how to configure cslu you can see license smart url cslu and then uh whatever is your csl uip address and then the port number and don't forget to add this api section okay once you have your csl you configured an application installed there are a couple of things you can do this there are not much screenshots here and but please root read through the document and mostly i what i want to show you here is the connectivity method from cslu to devices okay so there are a couple of connectivity method um supported as you can see product in instant initiated only that mean network element will reach out to cslu okay using http then we have other three cslu initiated method that mean cslu will reach out to network element first is csl uni initiated net conf so it will use uh netconf rpc call cls cslu initiated using restconf and cslu initiated rest api which is like uh i think it's the simplest one uh maybe i understand that that's why so three ways csl you can reach out to cus to network element and fetch the user's report upload it to cssm otherwise product can also initiate the conversation say hey cslu this is my users report and csslio will upload it to cssm all right so now it's time for a demo in demo what i'm planning to do is i'm going to pick up a isr 4451 with older release so that i can show you how i'm using the legacy transport which is call home and report my licenses to cssm and then i'm going to upgrade that device to 17 3 2 or 17 3 2 3 where slp comes into picture and then we will see what are the things changing and what to do to [Music] bring the communication back up right and then we will talk about some advantages of this new method so thank you stay tuned for the demo
Channel: SDN TechForum
Views: 1,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Networking, sdntechforum, monitoring, cisco
Id: EJbzCqcdADg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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