Smart Home Inventions That Will Take It to Another Level

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[Music] Sun oyster systems Sun Oyster Company has introduced a new device that aims to redefine self-sufficiency for individuals seeking autonomy by integrating solar panels and parabolic concentrators into a single Innovative solution at the heart of the system there are two concentrators strategically positioned to focus sunlight onto tubes circulating a heat transfer fluid typically water this heated water serves as a reliable source for heating the home in essence Sun oyster users can effortlessly raise the indoor temperature with nothing but sunlight for those looking for greater autonomy the concentrators can also produce electricity however this requires an additional investment in a compact thermal power station nine solar trackers make a fantastic addition to concentrators according to the creators the photov voltaic elements in this device outperform their counterparts producing nearly twice energy with a combined power of 4.8 KW the sun oyster device stands out in efficiency compared to regular solar panels because it automatically adjust its position on the platform to capture more sunlight cool chubby to enhance home autonomy we can look back to ancient techniques when people stored food underground without refriger frigerators nowadays it's much simpler you can just call a company to come and dig up the ground then install a ready-made storage unit it all comes with a hefty price tag of $25,000 if you'd rather not dig yourself sure it's not cheap at all that money you can even buy a car but we're talking about long-term autonomy here the storage space is a generous 3200 Gall allowing enough room for a variety of products position 6 ft below ground it maintains a cool temperature perfect for extended product storage with built-in shell specialized ventilation and LED lighting the storage facility comes fully equipped eliminating the need for additional enhancements the underground refrigerator is made from materials that effectively maintain temperature do not interact with the surrounding soil and provide protection against rods additionally it features an entrance Door designed to prevent temperature rise inside the [Music] cellar for $25,000 you not only get storage space for your belongings but also a secure shelter that can protect you from tornadoes and other natural disasters helos you can preserve food without relying solely on underground Refrigeration thanks to Innovations like this container Rockbox containers devise these containers equipped with solar panels making them autonomous refrigerators that effectively store your food without electricity expenses open the container and you'll find a cool space with with a consistent temperature ranging from 36 to 54° F all without the need for extra power sources let your imagination run wild as you set up your autonomous fridge with shelves drawers or any storage options to keep your items cool just keep in mind that the container doesn't have Limitless space measuring 40 ft in length and 20 ft in wdth while this container is great for keeping food fresh it falls short compared to underground storage why well it won't provide much shelter from natural disasters handling winds only up to 60 MPH so the steel roof might keep you dry from the rain but that's about it g200 many people are familiar with the idea of heating their homes using firewood nowadays you don't even need to install the traditional fireplace thanks to heat Master's boiler system to heat your home simply connect this boiler to your existing heating system the interior of the boiler Burns wood heating the water that flows through your home's heating pipes raising the indoor temperature what makes the heat Master boiler stand out as its distinctive combustion chamber its extended length causes hot air to swirl and tight spirals resulting in more complete wood combustion and reduced fuel consumption inside the boiler a recirculation pump further accelerates the water heating process using this boiler is convenient because it provides easy access to all the essential system components however heat Master boilers come with a hefty price tag the basic version starts at $1,350 while the most advanced option goes up to $116,000 keep in mind that installation delivery and the cost of firewood are not included in these prices overall one can say heat master has created an efficient heating solution for wealthy enthusiasts of an autonomous [Music] lifestyle Mar I sometimes you can make your home more self-sufficient with a setup like this one it features a flying kite a rotor and a generator the kite can take various forms but the key is that its design allows the rotor to spin as the rotor turns it activates the generator producing electricity it may sound complicated the way it works is simple requiring only one thing when using this device as a home energy source is a great idea because of its compact design the generator and rotor Tak up very little space allowing it to be easily placed on the roof or any other location the only potential issue might be with the air kite is it requires a considerable amount of open space despite its convenience for household use this solution may not be good enough for high demand appliances for example one system has a power output of 100 Watts while another only delivers 3 Watts it's unlikely that a significantly more powerful version could be created nevertheless wind kites add a visually pleasing element to the surroundings [Music] however there's a more aesthetically pleasing way to harness wind energy take a look at these wallmounted wind turbines they not only add an Artistic Touch to any space but also produce electrical energy solar heaters with the sun always shining above us we have the luxury of heating our homes by installing one or more of these systems in installing one or more of these systems isn't a simple task as it involves dealing with pipes and connecting them to various components then you need to link the system to a water storage unit and finally connect it to the home's heating system there are many ways to connect the system but one thing is clear it's complex and timec consuming which is why it's best left to train professionals after installation you might wonder how this whole system actually works it's quite simple water circulates through pipes getting heated by the Sun and then goes into a storage unit later this war liquid can be used for heating yes the system brings autonomy to homes and it does so quite efficiently however let's not forget about the cost devices like these can be a significant investment and they may not pay off quickly therefore they might be best suited for those willing to invest for the long-term or those in dire need of autonomy like people living in remote and secluded [Music] communities growing Dome having a self-sufficient source of food is perhaps one of the top priorities for those aiming to make their homes more autonomous luckily there are Innovative Dome green houses that can help achieve this goal in these domes people with a passion for self-sufficiency and gardening can cultivate a variety of crops throughout all four seasons these Dome green houses made of 6in polycarbonate panels are completely sealed making them resistant to UV rays rain and even winds not too strong though with the addition of heating equipment they can withstand winter temperatures as well depending on the planting capacity needed you can choose green houses of various sizes for instance the smallest and coziest Greenhouse has a diameter of 15 ft suitable for a small household with modest food needs on the other hand there's a gigantic option with a diameter of 39 ft perfect for supplying food to a large family it's clear that these kinds of green houses won't come cheap the smaller version will set you back nearly $110,000 while the larger one comes with a whopping $52,000 price [Music] tag septic tank achieving a fully autonomous lifestyle would be incomplete without an autonomous sewage system however it's important to note that such an Endeavor would require a significant investment of time effort and resources developing an independent sewage system means extensive excavation a and installation work setting up a sewage system can follow different steps for instance you might Begin by installing a septic tank this buried waste container requires Excavating an adequately sized pit then with the help of the equipment position a large tank within it once operational waste enters the tank goes through anerobic digestion and then the remaining liquids flow into the soil filtration system this system can be installed as a Next Step following that you'll need to set up the internal household sewage system and connect everything with pipes ultimately despite the considerable costs having such a sewer system is genuinely important in an Off the Grid home no matter where it is however this Independence is somewhat theoretical as it's unlikely one can maintain the system without help from experts solar cooker put together this unusual device step by step and now you have a cooking tool that doesn't need any electricity whatsoever the solar cooker can come in various shapes and designs and the one on the screen for instance is like a plate that easily assembles and disassembles a feature not common in all solar cookers as you can notice this one stands out for its larger size covering an area of 18 square ft allowing it to capture more sunlight and boost efficiency this is how cooking Works harnessing the power of concentrated sunlight this happens with the help of a reflective surface in the oven and a stand positioned at the center where the cookware with food is positioned the cooking time with the solar oven varies depending on the weather and air temperature in ideal conditions it can boil water in about 5 minutes and cook dishes at a similar speed to traditional ovens investing in such a device can enhance your home's autonomy however it's important to note that the sun isn't always shining so having a backup like a gas or electric oven is a good [Music] idea the solar oven not only offers autonomy but also promotes a healthier lifestyle as evident in Kenya where the adoption of solar ovens made a significant impact on reducing health problems caused by emissions from traditional wood burning Stones underground cooler dig a hole that's 8 in wide and 37 in deep then insert this cylindrical storage container into it and voila you've got a small refrigerator that doesn't need electricity you can store anything inside with no restrictions it's essentially a robust pipe capable of withstanding shocks and weather conditions the base is impenetrable to moisture and pests while the resilient top Shields your stored items from external elements with UV resistance ventilation and durability against physical impact and Rain the top can even blend in seamlessly with your lawn what's more you don't need to retrieve the food container yourself it's done with a hydraulic system this is an excellent and budget friendly solution for those who prefer a Frugal and self-sufficient Lifestyle the basic version costs only $110 while the advanced one is priced at $27 solar Greenhouse you're looking at a greenhouse that not only supplies you with fresh produce but also generates the energy needed to make your home more autonomous the greenhouse looks pretty big but that's not a problem it can be as large as you need it to be you can grow different plants inside to have your own food source but the most important element is the roof of the greenhouse Bri company equips its green houses with two types of glass containing photovoltaic elements the first type enhances crop growth with 77% transparency and a power output of 115 watt the second type designed primarily for energy generation yields 250 WS of power but has a lower transparency rating at 49% with the help of this glass you can make a greenhouse completely self-sufficient as the energy from the solar panels will be used to maintain the conditions [Music] inside solar shower this is an outdoor shower that lets you enjoy a warm water wash even when you're off the grid away from regular water and power sources as is often the case the sun plays a crucial role in making this possible GF Garden decided to keep things simple and practical by incorporating a tube water heater as the backbone of their shower system instead of just adding fancy solar panels the water's drawn from a natural source and flows through these tubes getting warmed up by the sun however having a heater doesn't mean you can only shower with hot water the shower is equipped with a mixer allowing you to mix warm water with cool water to adjust the temperature simply turn the special knob this is a simple and practical way to have a constant supply of warm water throughout the year although this shower may not offer the advanced features of larger solar water heaters it's a real bargain at a cost of $150 ignis to get electricity and have lighting all you really need is fire it's best if you use a stove as the fire Source this way the lamp can work for a longer time and be more efficient let's keep it simple and not delve into licated terms to explain how this stylish and beautiful lamp generates electricity basically inside the lamp there's a heat conducting aluminum surface on one side right above the heat Source on the other side there's a heat sink that keeps the ambient temperature the temperature Gap creates a current saving it up in batteries for whenever you want to use it after the device warms up ignis isn't limited to powering your devices it doubles as a lamp to brighten up your space thanks to the Ingenuity of its creator this versatile device not only boost the autonomy of your living space face but also adds A Touch of [Music] Elegance
Channel: Fresh Tech
Views: 10,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fresh Tech, tech, freshtech
Id: XdnCQknUl5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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