Small SGC Reveal and a Scammer Update

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hey folks hope you're doing well today i have a small sgc submission a reveal here five cards nothing big some cards i had laying around for the most part i also have a little story about the bottom card and an update on a story that i had in may or june but jumping right into it i just had some lower end stuff sitting around i didn't want to wait i don't know when psa will open back up at their lowest level so i didn't feel like waiting till then so i thought well i'll just ship these off to sgc see what i can do first card here is a 2013 mike trout got a nine five i'm not sure why it didn't get a 10 but nine five is eh it's still profit so does not matter this one actually interesting i have two bgs 10 pristines of the 2019 tops fernando tatis rookie 410 and this one so i ordered a case of 12 hobby sets i think it was late last year early this year and i sent off most of the ones that were gradable to psa early this year i held this one back because it looked better than the pristine card so i thought well maybe you know maybe i would send it to bgs down the road when they open up their lower tier to see if it gets a pristine i said no i'll send it to sgc and see if i can get like a gold or even a 10 would be great but a gold pristine whatever they call their gold label but it actually came back a nine five so i would guarantee this looks nicer than the bgs tens that i have but there you go i grabbed a couple of vintage cards from my box or boxes first was this uh this mantle all start i expected it to it got it too not a bad looking card not a great looking card so this next one the 1959 roberto clemente i thought it would probably get a five i was hoping for a five i actually got a five five it's a pretty good looking card a little off center left to right but looks good so i was pleased with the five five excuse me this next one this last card not a bad grade it is a 2017 optic mahomes nine five now i showed this in an earlier video and when i got this back i showed this raw after i picked it up and the only concern that i had was i thought it might be a little too off center top to bottom but after having looked at several other my home's psa tens i thought no centering looks good on this scenario is fine and i just got it back and i noticed that there's a little white down here on this corner and a little you can't see it well right now but this top right corner is a little messed up so i speculate that it was dropped or mishandled at some point and so i thought you know what i'm i'm not upset with a 9.5 but i went ahead and emailed sgc and i said hey so got this 9.5 back i'm not mad excuse me um i had captured a screenshot from that video where i showed it when i got it that showed the back looked great and you can see this corner in the video and the picture that i got and looks great i said i think you know i'm not mad but um i think this something might have happened to this card while it was there and um you know if you have metrics or something that you're tracking to to maybe help improve your processes your handling processes or something you need to need to add this into those those numbers because uh i think this is probably damaged a little bit i said is it devastating to the the appearance no i said does it hurt the value maybe a little bit but it's still a good card and the guy reached back to me from their customer service and said you know send the card back to us i said okay i said well i'm i'm planning on setting off another sgc uh submission anyways but and i asked if i could sit in that he said yeah just put a note with it let us know that this is the card we've talked about i didn't even ask what are you planning to do with it i just said okay so this is going to go back off to sgc don't know what they'll do with it update to a previous story in may or early june i told you about a guy on ebay who purchased a he was the winner for a 2017 prisma homes uh raw card that i put up and i felt like he was trying to scam me because he said he never got the package or he never got the card he got the package he said the package looked like someone had stuck their finger in and pulled the card out or it had fallen out on the assembly floor the the sorting floor or something i said that's highly unlikely he said well my wife worked at a post office or worked for the post office for 20 years and you know stuff happened sometimes and i just kept saying that's not right and so he filed a claim i submitted the evidence that showed it was signed for signed by him by the way if you're ever selling a high-end card put signature required on it so ebay found in my favor well the 90-day window of when you could search that on ebay completed listings and i think when you can i don't know what the the time frame is for having a a case submitted but the 90-day window passed and wouldn't you know that guy threw up that exact same card and sold it recently for about a thousand dollars more than i that he wanted from me so if you go back i think it's the past week or so and you see like a 2500 uh prism my home's out of florida that was mine that i sold him and he said he never received um i'm not going to say his name just for legal purposes but you can go do the search i don't want any legal issues there but yeah and i actually i got a little perturbed and i told my wife i'm going to message him and i saw a message to him and i said finally found out my homes huh he said this is a different one i pulled this one from a box recently and i had the listing photo from when i listed it and the centering front and back centering same exact centering there's a little bit of a it probably would have graded a nine so it wasn't a bad card but there was a little like surface thing not not the dimple that's next to his arm that you find a lot but a little surface thing towards the top same surface thing on this card so i knew 100 or 99.9 percent certainty that this was the same card and uh he was just scamming me but there you go i'm going to send this back off to sec i really like the look of these sgc slabs they're growing on me especially with the vintage guards i think that's just a really good looking card old bob clemente if you don't know about bob clemente roberto look him up short story great player defensive offensive died december 31 1972 assisting was it the dominican republic i'm not really sure his plane went down in the caribbean but just a fantastic player had 3 000 hits exactly so all right there you go there's your little history lesson for the day go forth have fun till next time hope you have a great day bye
Channel: Lord Cardboard
Views: 1,791
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Id: DSPnmid4Fq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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