Small Arms of WWI Primer 113: Mausers 1912

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in a war of attrition material counts and the largest arms maker in the world Oh aw gee on stock room would be emptied for the effort including contract overruns from South America [Music] all right now I'm Matthias this well this is the rifle model 1912 an export Mauser and in this case I'm holding the Chilean version but there are several others let's go ahead and get this over the light box at forty nine point two inches in length and weighing eight point eight pounds this is again another very standard looking Mauser export rifle as a five round magazine flush fit stripper clip fed feeding that excellent seven by fifty seven millimeter cartridge hello again my old friends we are finally at the tail end of our Great War Mauser saga we saw the 70 180 sort of 71 84 1887 all of these serving as rear line reserve arms with various nations during the war and the 89 and 90 1893 and 1899 and the pinnacle the 1898 in both domestic and export flavors these guns were all front-line acceptable in a variety of cartridges well as you're starting to see the Mauser family of firearms is a big deal one that by World War one ended in the 1898 long rifle and if I'm being honest we're now on the sixth episode about this action today we're talking about the model 1912 which is in no way significantly distinct from the export 1907 we've seen before but for what it lacks in mechanical changes it does reveal a wealth of historical information worth knowing truly unique for this show that history is found in South America at this point in history South America was poised to be the next great industrial market economic potential is everywhere the nations were all growing nationalizing and setting their borders forming alliances in clashing with opponents and four arms makers war was always just around the corner thankfully our story mostly centers on one country so I only have to burden you with so much regional politics and really it all begins with the war of the Pacific this conflict between Chile and a Bolivian Peruvian alliance lasted from 1879 to 1884 and was fought over coastal land in the Atacama Desert the end result was a Chilean victory having secured more ports more resource rich lands in having landlocked Bolivia Chile was in a much better position to keep growing going forward but that also obviously left its neighbours pretty t owed this tension carried on into the early 1900's as the landlocked Bolivia negotiated with Chile for rail access to the sea once secured this largely pacified the Bolivian issue but Peru they also lost valuable territory in the conflict much of it was decided in the treaty that it ended the war but the provinces of tacna and Arica were not hard negotiated instead they were left to in 1893 plug the site which was never held due to political squabbling and so in 1909 Chile unilaterally decided to start colonizing both and Peru would protest and then break diplomatic relations in 1911 this obviously caused rising tensions and could have broken into another war and so Chile thought better to be prepared just in case presently they were armed with the Mauser 1895 as produced by de Ludvig lova in Germany later renamed DWM don't get confused on this point throughout the intervening years just like we saw in the Ottoman Empire Chile and honestly much of South America was being enlisted in the German school of warfare this is often talked about as a means of modernizing warfare generally associated with emergent smaller nations or older empires in need of reform basically Germany would have Li ship out martial advisors around the world who would give you a good old advice on training military personnel particularly officers using equipment that sort of thing this bread is certain loyalty and when it came time to purchase armament be it small arms over artillery they would naturally turn to German industry you can see more of that sort of thing in our ottoman 1887 episode a gun that exists almost exclusively because of German influence in Chile unlike the old Empire armament contracts were less about personal favors and more a mix of bribes in public opinion Krupp steel had already al stood the french firm schneider crews are using an effective defamation campaign in the arms department there were only two real competitors to DWM on the world stage the belgian firm fabrique nationale was already under their control so safe DWM just simply ordered them to stand down and then the only real problem left would be Oh a WG in Austria the largest arms maker in the world wasn't going to be pushed out easily and as a german-speaking ethnically German you know country with extremely close personal allegiances to Germany this usually ruthless tactic of you know slander and alignment would have to be dialed down at least a little bit on DWM part so much so that some time around 1904-1905 DWM and owg had managed a conversation on the matter essentially they decided on regional monopolies at first limited to Russia Japan China and Ethiopia I'm entirely unsure who got which region in this negotiation though I strongly suspect DWM didn't get China in that deal and thank you know 7 the agreement was expanded DWM locked off from Germany and the Ottoman Empire in Spain its subsidiary company fabrique nationale kept its native Belgium and the Congo o AWG laid down claim to its native Austria Hungary Bulgaria and Romania Latin America however that was fair game sorta in order to deal with the markets still up for grabs both companies agreed to some good old-fashioned price fixing any and all long rifles had to start at 75 Swiss gold Franck and whoever won the contract had to pay a set fee into a common fund that would be split by the remainders I've heard it was 15 Franck but I can't be sure I know this seems entirely unethical but given some of the usual political backstabbing bribery fear tactics this is it's downright civil let's see how long it holds so in 1910 Chile is colonizing a pair of provinces no one is sure who technically owns and Peru is getting pretty mad about this so it's probably time to prepare for war and wisely Chile started what the easy stuff spare parts 20,000 rifle and 6,000 carbine barrels were immediately contracted for with owg a happy victory for the Austrian firm from their Chile sought to buy 20,000 stocks 30,000 rear sights to adapt their rifles to spit their bullets an unknown number of spare bolts firing pins and receivers later 46,000 rifle and 12,000 carbine barrels were suggested as well and so on and so forth basically a lot of parts but after the initial owg ordered Chilean officials began to comparison shop DWM Ando ewg which triggered more than a fair bit of competition Oh aw gee not only beat out DWM on the price but also is able to provide updated ladder sites which DWM scoffed at and sought to provide only while tangent sights like we've become used to so again the Austrians took the ball and DWM began to worry because spare parts weren't the only thing at stake Chile would need more specifically they would need more firearms 30,000 brand new rifles and 4,000 carbines along with 30 million more cartridges these being again seven by 57-millimeter they had followed the Spanish lead and adopted this excellent cartridge back in their 1895 mousers although it was now making the upgrade to a Spitzer bullet the austrian firm Keller & Co took the ammunition contract and while the weapons commission were already in the area well they reached out to OE WG about their rifle problem who happily agreed to produce them at a reasonable cost so all is well and the story feels pretty standard up until this point which is when DWM decided enough was enough and got involved using their local officials and media contacts they began a firestorm since oew G had not been the original producer of the Chilean mousers there was some fear that the parts measurements were gonna not align and soon concerns came forward from the Arsenal staff who said that the owg parts were not a correct fit on the original dwm guns now Oh aw gee had been extremely precise working off the original measurements jigs and instruments but when the first parts came and we're tested well the pro TWM camp got some backing most notable was Inspector General George a Bonin Rivera who immediately left to attack officers politicians and owg for wasting funds on bad parts which in turn jeopardized the security of Chile right in a moment of crisis he was overzealous on this matter and very public this sentiment combined with incentivized news articles led to a firestorm against o AWG and a panic to secure more modern arms in response to the controversy the Chilean government dissolved the weapons Commission in 1911 and reformed it outside the oversight of the embassy which it had previously operated under and then again they sort of rebuilt the whole thing again this time with Ambassador real support is a mess DWM was now petitioned to produce the rifle and carbine contract though and the 30 million rounds of ammunition they replied suspiciously quick with their rate and we're just about given the contract which is when dwn realized their mistake Brazil had ordered 100,000 more model 1908 rifles and now they didn't have the capacity to take on the chilean order so after all that they would actually have to defer to OE WG the Chilean officials were not too happy about that fact and said you either take the whole order for rifles and everything or you don't get the ammunition order while all this was happening under special commission oew g was cleared of all charges of poor parts manufacturer there were a lot of little incremental problems that were highlighted but really came down to two big things first the mixing of old and new parts meant that warned stretched receivers or barrels being fitted with factory-fresh replacement parts well they weren't gonna line up and owg couldn't be expected to predict the individual wear or distortion of each original part second the initial research was conducted with make-do whipped up smokeless powder which was suggested by two former DWM employees who were currently working in chile with DWM exposed o ewg threatened to leave the cartel agreement and that means that they would begin openly competing and undercutting them for price across the globe with that threat o aw gee um in the Chilean officials well they sat down for negotiation DWM in particular had already locked down the really big contracts in Brazil and Argentina and sold some to Peru so they would not be too heartbroken to make way for owg this time and of course they got to keep their partial kickback from each order and that ladies and gentlemen is how the rifle came to finally be ordered out of OE WG after all that mess it just ended up where it started and under the same agreement the cost well of course it was 75 Franck so the only loser here is Chile since the contract was set for 1912 that is the name associated with this particular batch of Mausers so let's get a closer look again I don't think you're gonna be surprised metal buff plates and my pistol grip stock moving into a Mauser 98 action flag safety Cochran open you get all that what is different and I want to point out here is that these guns usually have a quick detach sling point here or on occasion you'll find them with a standard wire sling a little bit further forward like this one is those are shallower fit and I'll tell you about that more a little bit further in the episode it's kind of critical as we go forward we are going to see something kind of unique which is that a receiver is in the white so let me let me get a little closer look at brilliant white as in unblurred bra polished metal looking that beautiful crest that is fantastic and then we're gonna move further down the rifle so coming on in we've got a rear sight more on that in a second and we'll come on forward again wraparound handguard halfway point middle band walking forward to a hey we are up to an H lug bayonet style with that deep 98 log this is probably the strongest bayonet style that we could go with this is excellent front sight all that good stuff coming on back cuts long we do have a reinforcing lug which is interesting I'm not sure if this was added because of problems with seven millimeter operating or if it was because they just over built the system in order to make it sort of more Universal or maybe it's a Spitzer reaction there's a lot of questions as to why specifically this shows up now not on the previous guns especially since they were all in reasonably similar powered cartridges but regardless it is right there and honestly it makes the gun stronger overall if you're curious about what these do by the way I don't think I've ever really explained it this is attached to a metal bar that sets up against part of the receiver and then beds it down in the wood in such a ways to distribute the load more evenly into the wood in such a way that it does not deform the wood and eventually compress it and have the action rattling around there which will then draw Drive splitting usually if you get that splitting it will sorry clunk well usually show up actually let me get this in the other camera that splitting would usually turn up back here because what would happen is without the reinforcing lug this becomes a wedge that starts splitting the back of the stock so if you don't have a recent reinforcing log where yours is a worn-out you'll start to see cracking back here as a result all right so the one thing I want to point about this rear sight on this gun is is the great disappointment of this rifle in my eyes because it is a great tangent rear relief very shallow because it's definitely for Spitzer cartridge from the outset and then if I go to adjust it I'm up okay I don't push on that and okay I'll push both we'll get started with buff now I put I don't know what happened somewhere in the process but we are back to pushing both buttons before we can adjust the site at all I guess because of flatter shooting they weren't worried about site adjustment as incremental anymore but I can no longer just walk that site up I consider that to be a negative honestly compared to what we've seen on the previous 19:07 pattern but I suppose it's a small negative it just means a little more fiddling I can't have everything in one package I suppose but overall a beautiful beautiful military Mauser now of course this gun is not unique enough mechanically from our earlier Gewehr 98 episode 2 worn an animation so we can go straight to shooting it well one that looks very similar to it hopefully I know more on why they are slightly different a little bit later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that range gun doesn't look quite like this one here and there's a good reason but we're not done with our history lesson yet so that's why you're confused in the end thirty-seven thousand five hundred rifles and five thousand six hundred carbines would be produced for Chile in 1912 by oew G reasonably these should have been delivered before 1914 but we'll see why that's curious in a bit Chile would not be the only purchaser of the model 1912 once in production it proved a tantalizing offer for two other countries that's going to be Mexico and Colombia the former had tried their hand at domestic production back in 1910 they had switched from their 1893 pattern guns to the 98 pattern with the model 1902 produced by both DW m and OE w G some years prior in 1910 they attempted their own production of this rifle pattern but and you might not know this the Mexican Revolution did indeed happen in Mexico making domestic manufacturer untenable so they rushed an order of model 1912 from a low AWG one hundred thousand to be exact at a price of eighty-four Franck's apiece so that's a bit of a hike the contract was signed in July of 1912 with a 40% down payment but the revolution halted any further monies and so only 33,000 rifles were delivered the remaining 67,000 or so were stored over at OE w G awaiting funds well I don't have a Mexican model 1912 on hand it's identical to this gun except for the crest yep that's Mexico alright and while we're at it this is the Colombian again the same rifle overall except for the marking although like Chile they had a carbine as well roughly 25,000 rifles and carbines combined would be ordered they also bought up a handful of stores loads of machine guns unfortunately for Colombia who did intend to pay their entire bill and receive all their rifles by the time the final lot was due for delivery war were declared [Music] and with that only 18,000 500 or so were received with the start of the great war the austro-hungarian war office ordered no more exports in the arms presently on hand were bought up for reserve use in this case a pile of Mauser model 1912 all in seven millimeter were in excellent reserve weapon so let's take a look at the board roughly 5000 were left over from Colombia and nearly 67,000 from Mexico but Chile that's where it gets weird I've seen it written at 37,500 rifles in five thousand six hundred carbines were seized but those are exactly the same numbers I've seen four confirmed production in 1912 did the original 1912 contract get fully completed was there another unfinished contract I have not heard of were there very few Chileans left over from failed inspections that one's kind of weird too because the the serial blocks can be all over the place from the handful that I've seen that actually were used by austria-hungary honestly it's a mystery to me and I do not have what I would call a reliable answer and so I'm not gonna pass that on however whatever the total is those guns were purchased by the government for 84 kronor a pop and designated collectively as the model 14 and there were some changes made the original contract long rifles all had receivers in the white but the Austrian guns well they looked a little bit more like this one right here not exactly a little bit more so let's get a little closer look at this guy the major difference of an Austrian gun is going to be that the receiver is blued I do not suspect sadly that this gun is actually blurred I think this is just browned its way here over years of handling so I do not believe this to be an Austrian service rifle however does have something that can show you approximately what you need to look for to be sure at the rear instead of the quick detach or anything else and tucked up right against the wrist we have have a sling loop let me get that from above to and right there that's sling loop see that guy it's pretty critical we zoom in on him this plain wire sling loop and don't get too excited yet because it does appear on a lot of chilean guns and other 19 12s in addition to the quick detach --is if you have one of these that is bigger than this one very broad and even wider sticking awkwardly off the side of the stock that sling loop is designed for Mon liquor style Mon liquor 1895 style slings as a matter of fact if you have them on liquor 1895 you can hold up its sling loop and see exactly what size they should be unfortunately again this is not technically a 1914 but it's going to shoot exactly the same same cartridge and everything else I think it's perfectly adequate for what we're doing today these guns obviously saw limited service compared to the standard infantry rifle as production was not continued and oew G turned to making more moniker 1895 so straight pull and block gun that we've covered long ago still I have found plenty of photos of these seven millimeter mousers in the hands of Austrian troops and while I cannot find any mention of personal preference I imagine the rifle and cartridge would be a match or frankly better than the standard-issue given the gentle curve of the magazines of several Austrian Madsen's I've seen I suspect they were also fielded in these seven by 57 millimeter cartridge which was put into production domestically for the war I have also found images of a 19-12 being used as a test bed for an austro-hungarian prototype scoped rifle project so I'm sure they were held in some regard for precision accuracy and handling now the Dual Monarchy really was the premiere user of these rifles for the war and if not for their significant role there I might not have mentioned them because the handful that the British used that barely counts interestingly Britain had already produced seven millimeter Mauser ammunition for domestic production back in 1903 it was needed to arm the machine guns aboard there you Swiftsure class ships named for the HMS Swift Shore and its sister the triumph these were both Chilean ships under construction just before the russo-japanese war thanks to treaties at home limiting naval power the Chileans sought to sell both and when the russians outbid japan on the matter Britain stepped in and bought the pair instead this situation would repeat itself on the eve of World War one with British shipbuilders working on to 28,000 ton battleships again for Chile along with several 1500 tons of Shores many of these ships were nearly complete and already outfitted with ammunition and rifles in need of whatever they could get though the sail to Chile was halted by the British with both ships bought up they would change names over to the HMS Canada which managed to join the fleet for the war and the HMS Eagle which couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to be when it grew up the ships though they're not our main interest rather roughly 800 Chilean model 1912 rifles and apparently carbines were soaked up into British naval service there they served alongside the Ross and other reserves used for drill minesweeping guard duty in defensively armed merchant ships additional small numbers of auxiliary rifles came from another South American country Brazil the massive battleship Rio de Janeiro was launched in January of 1913 but proved too expensive to keep and was offered up for sale in May the Ottoman government would bite in December and renamed it the Sultan Osman the first leaving it with armstrong's in Britain Freight a lavish refit it should have been delivered in July but the British stalled its release seeing war on the horizon First Sea Lord Winston Churchill penned out an order that foreign powers should not be provided British built ships in the current political circumstances and the very next morning armed British troops boarded the ship and escorted off the Turkish officials overseeing the final touches this was done just 24 hours before it was due to be delivered to the Ottomans because the ship was actually funded by a large public I've the seizure didn't just upset Ottoman officials but also the people themselves it was deeply insulting and is often quoted as the final wedge in relations between those two powers anyway in the Brazilians back at the beginning of this didn't remove their Mauser 1908 rifles and so some few hundred ended up in British service as well like the Chileans they used seven millimeter ammunition which was produced at home in handy packages conveniently marked by the British seven millimeter Chilean whoo alright guys that is a long history of export mousers but we're at the tail end of it this is ultimately being the final the 1912 which was produced right before the war and is honestly extremely robust and in my mind everything the ninety-eight should have been at the time of adoption but we're gonna have to get Mays opinion on this one to be absolutely sure so let's find out our gang we've made room for May and yes this is another long export Mauser and there's been a bunch of these little episodes together however one day you'll miss it trust me everybody raised the fit about the 32s and now guess what's in my inbox all the time we're gonna do another 32 episode well you guys wait it's gonna be 32 - electric Boogaloo soon enough so wait are we gonna be the old master surely all 32 channels it depends on the week I'm sorry guys but it really helps for me to be able to research within a narrow band and not lose my mind so we talked about the mousers together because it made it the easiest to research and the easiest to present and you're finally at the end of it and I'll bring you something whacky next time but when we're done apologizing let's talk about something that's really actually very cool and again it's another one instances where we have a gun that is so familiar that we forget how important it is we have the Chilean 1912 in our hands also known as the Colombian twelves and the Mexican twelves there's a handful of people that bought 12 and even if they didn't buy 12 a lot of people bought guns like the Brazilian 1908 that are just like these they just have various numbers on them but we're talking about what in terms of ergonomics at this point alright guys just for a quick review jeez long heavy bounce is still decent send my pistol grip medium-range comité not too bad we've got the Gewehr 98 action nothing different there of two-stage trigger a lot of this is similar oh hey we've got that nice H band up here so up here with the banette look so everything's nice and tight and solid up here which is great and then yeah I guess we got the same rear wait a minute this doesn't it just buttons every time they got rid of the best feature they probably saved a penny actually back that is probably quarter of a penny you might even that's that's actually a lot better can't funny you know it's just of why they got rid of that but no maybe it wasn't actually being used Oh so the good look back when we did the Kaveri 98 episode I'm at the longer the Vizier I had people writing me a left hand right being like my gun doesn't do that and it's just like well you didn't stick around so there's only a handful of tangent rear sight mousers that have the ability to alternating click so now some of you can feel special and some of you can feel disappointed and never know the joy of they could have it it could just be broken ya know you have to hit both buttons in order to adjust these I know I'm sorry I tried it on both - I got really worried you had a dream and now it's gone I mean I can just take this off and solder on no no no no ok well rear sight is obviously disqualified this gun from military service but let's keep on going ergonomics the same the only thing that's really gonna stand out from the last couple episodes is its despite still being chambered in 7 millimeter Mauser these have the reinforcing lug in the stock right up under your pinky there yeah but that affects nothing for the shooter honestly I didn't notice much of a difference it's another spot for gunk to get into when your collector and you're trying to clean all that rust back out of it so it's annoying for you just hose wd-40 down in there because oh stop telling people that even as a joke people do because they're dumb 34 years the devil alright so Argan AMA Klee there's no real difference from our previous episodes and it's the same cartridge so I think we know how this is gonna shoot don't ya there's nothing there's no real big surprises there unfortunately it it's just not them is there's really not much of a difference even though the weights leaving the weight was pretty similar just in the gun itself so the only reason for this really in this episode is to tell the story of the trillion miles it's cuz it's absolutely fascinating there's cartels and there's like you know political pressure and all those other stuff at least they've already heard it all the time we're talking about this so the only question for this gun that we could reasonably ask is compared to the 1907 because other than the bayonet log and the incremental adjusting of the rear sight like the lack of having that that one button press that's it JD's the same everything else is the same so I guess the question becomes kind of twofold one a German issued actually there's a couple questions we could ask let's let's do this let's go down the line this fight because I can think of a way to make this more interesting number one between us between that gun and the Austrian standard-issue Mon liquor 1895 straight poll yeah no I don't know I don't know why I would pick that and that was a that was a had a in black feeding and a hole at the bottom that would poop out the little clip I mean no it was weird and blocks load faster than stripper clips and you can't convince me otherwise this is true but then you gotta worry about preserving the in block itself because then if that's not preserved it's not gonna feed properly or it just will stay stuck in the guns yeah if you if you're carrying around the ammunition the clip gets bent or damaged when you load it in the clip is now part of the feed lip system I think one of the worst ones we've seen is with RSC when that clip had any sort of like dings into it it just would not work okay so you don't trust end blocks even though they load much faster I will agree I will concede that point they do a little much faster so don't trust it alright and then compared to the straight pole action it's super fast slick straight pull action when done exactly properly in wartime manufacturer I mean yeah then otherwise you're stealing with some stiff stuff there that you got a didn't kick open hopefully so if you're an Austrian soldier he's issued this instead of mom like are you happy yes okay now we'll talk about comparison to the 1907 which is its nearest kissing cousin same cartridge same weight same length different bayonet log but in German service that was chambered in 792 and had the single button incremental adjustment so which is better this with the two buttons but seven mil or that email single button I was honestly hoping he was gonna forget about the fact that it was eight mil for the 1907 because I know you know honestly I would I've got the single adjustment for the site but I have lost the H band on the 1907 and then I am dealing with eight millimeter Mauser but you know what honestly I think it's still pick the 1907 because weirdly I'll be for it I do like that incremental adjustment that you can do on the site I do think that's pretty great and over seven milk or it's still a decent cartridge I'm not and I'm not knocking that down and that rifle is not gonna get any shorter it's gonna stay as it is so I may as well stick with the one that I like the best that I felt the most proficient with I'm honestly torn I'd probably go with the twelve no mister I'm gonna do I just been crying over this you have to stick somebody with the poker eventually and I'll take the X I don't know the problem is I don't know how much extra reinforcement you're getting out of the age band or not but somehow I feel like having to more carefully walk this up on the time the few times I adjust it versus having a stronger bayonet lug and having a cartridge that I feel a little bit better about being flatter shooting and having to make fewer adjustments overall I'll probably do that so I'd go with the flatter cartridge I'd go with the H band okay fine you've got your favorite I've got mine how about that well I mean that wraps us up though because obviously these are exceptional for World War one like these these are among the top rifles for World War one except for their length I can see why Mausers dreams were were something that we're gonna definitely come true because they are fantastic creations no do these make in your top five though mm that's gettin up there isn't it boys and girls cuz it has been a while since we've done a review of this um yeah but when we have an exceptional gun we have to ask you did it make the top 5 didn't make the top tens getting hard to track is it to keep so many models in your head we'll see yeah that's the problem is that I wish these were in carbine versions because that's the part that I think I keep getting hung up on because I feel like when it becomes a carbine it instantly goes up there because I'm able to just gain more mobility back with that so I maybe want to say the top 5 but I would say I think am I made into the top 10 okay and just to be clear there is a carbine version of the 1912 hey it's just the only the the tulane contract theoretically had in them were they in production and where they cease I can't tell because a lot of the notes that we have around these being seized by austria-hungary are very unclear to me and I can't say for sure that any or a significant number of carbines saw service I haven't found any photo evidence of the carbines all I see are these big ol long rifles everywhere and so they're exceptionally long rifles but I'm with May they're still long rifles and long rifles aren't our favorite thing a universal short rifle was a very good idea going into World War 1 and the universal short rifle guns tend to be the ones that sit near the top of our preferences and if not their long rifles that have something unique like a rear aperture sight or things like that that really drive them home right so still extremely good rifles yes that's why I'm thinking it my sweet its way into the top 10 okay cool well I think that's gonna wrap this out and I know they seem plain but that's because they are so good you should take it that the fewer things we have to say the better a rifle one other than that have a good one bye guys [Music] [Music] again just a quick reminder that we do have new product in the shop for your holiday enjoyment number one we have the Russia t-shirt from our world power series this thing is black with brilliant red screen printed in high quality you guys know the drill it's available over at slash shop and along with that our brand new patches now this first set is themed off of the trench gun and if they sell well we're gonna start doing other patch themed sets for you to enjoy and remember things that you've learned on the show or just drive home some jokes that we all know now again the patches are new and we don't know how many of them you guys want so even if this patch set isn't your ideal patch set if you think that you like this general idea they're very inexpensive you may want to grab a pack just to send us the message of how many we should start to order of these things going forward because this sale is what sets that sort of number that keeps us from over buying or under buying them as we go forward with the series again if you want all of this before the holidays you should probably get on as soon as possible because we are running a low already and once they are out yes we can order more but the turnaround will mean they won't be in time to put anybody stocking so thank you for participating in that in addition to that of course you can support us on patreon and if you do that we do have a new ongoing hybrid podcast it's an audio only program I'm working on how to distribute it a little bit better at the moment but it is available through a youtube link to all patrons right now in which may and I talk about what we've gone through for the past two weeks to get the show going I've also tried to roll in different guests so like Susy who is rarely talkative about the show has been on at least one and I've got some buddies from other channels and things I'd like to roll into a future one so if you'd like to hear more about what's going on behind the scenes give that a try become a patreon it's available to everybody at any level of patronage alright have a good one
Channel: C&Rsenal
Views: 63,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WWI, History, greatwar, bf1, battlefield1, worldwar1
Id: sk_pFDY3CuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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