SMALL AMD Ryzen 9 PC Fits in My Travel Bag - Beelink GTR5

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hey guys this is patrick from sth and today we're going to take a look at this thing right here now you might ask patrick what is this thing and that's a great question because on the front of this it says it's a b link and if you actually look at the model name it says it's a gtr5 but it doesn't say gtr5 on it instead it says gr9 which is one of the most bizarro branding things but it's not the only one in this system this system as you can tell is super small and it's actually been one of my absolute favorites in fact this image that you may have already seen this we actually took at the newark liberty airport because i was taking this in my just camera bag all the time because it was so small i was able to just go and hook this thing up and actually go edit photos and stuff like that for the sdh main site just hook it up to a display in hotels or wherever it was super easy to go do and the fact that it's so small means that it fits in a backpack absolutely no problem and this is not something that fits in a backpack because it's not powerful this thing has an eight core ryzen processor it has 32 gigabytes of memory a 500 gigabyte nvme ssd and room to expand beyond that and it's still in this little tiny package oh and by the way it has some pretty awesome networking as well so this is part of our mini pc series and i can't wait to get to show you this unit because even though it's not the best unit that we've looked at it's also become one of my absolute favorites so in terms of pricing on this pricing definitely varies if you see a uh kind of sometimes you'll see this thing it's about 900 dollars sometimes uh you just actually saw just before making this video go live we saw that this thing had a flash deal on amazon i think it was like 764 bucks or something like that so there are coupons on this thing it goes on sale i mean the the range i'm pricing this thing is actually pretty wild um but especially in the if it's around 800 i think that this thing is actually absolutely awesome at that price range once you start getting into the higher price range like once you get closer to a thousand dollars i think that there are other options in the market that i probably would start to look at but around 800 i think this is actually pretty darn good value and if you do want to go see the current pricing of this you can just go check the amazon link down below it's going to be an affiliate link because you know we buy these units so hopefully it makes money on and actually be able to pay for them but there's an affiliate link down below if you want to go and check out the current pricing on amazon the first thing that we're going to do though is we're going to go look at the system and go check out all the really cool things that are in it [Music] okay on the front of the system you're gonna see some fairly standard features and some things that are just totally different as well so first thing standard you get a power button sure love it you also get two usb ports one is usb3 and that's type a port you also get a type c port i really wish that these things started coming with like the higher speed usb cs and stuff like that because if you look at the project tiny mini micro series that we do with lenovo hp and dell systems they're one liter pcs those are starting to come with like usb 20 gigabit per second ports and stuff like that and i just kind of feel like it would be cool if we had that kind of port you know speed for usb on these it would just be nice the other feature that we have which is pretty standard is that we have a headset jack on the front cool there are things though that are definitely different and let's get to those next first there's this big green clear cmos button um which you'd basically never see on most systems the other thing is a little more subtle but you're gonna see them on both sides of this this actually has two microphones that are built in because this has a lot more features that i guess are more like like kind of nicer pcs or laptops or something like that and so having not just one little microphone but two little microphones helps you do things like you'll be able to do noise canceling and stuff like that if your software supports it all right so let's get to the back of the system first we have our power input which is just a dc power input pretty simple there then we also get usb so we get two usb 3 and two usb 2 ports also cool we get an hdmi end display port output so we get both you know 612 monitors absolutely no problem off the back but let's get to the networking because that's one of the probably the most exciting things about this you have two network ports now this is a feature that a ton of people ask for they're always asking like hey how do we get more than one network port especially on tiny micro whether you normally just get one one gigabit port you actually get two and these aren't just one gigabit ports these are two and a half gig real tech nick ports so these are not the b3 stepping but on the other hand these are real tech and you do get two and a half gig ethernet on them and you get two of them in a tiny little package like this absolutely awesome and just because it has two two and a half gig network ports that's not the only networking in the system you also get wi-fi that we'll see when we get inside but before we get inside we took a look at a couple little things on the system and the first thing i just want to show you real quick is the fact that you can see there's the b-link logo here and you might be able to see and just make out the fact that it says amd this amd we'll show you this when we go plug it in we're actually going to do you know show you the noise and stuff like that when we do that we'll plug this in you know you actually see that this amd portion this little amd logo lights up this is actually kind of like one of the weirder things because on this system you know normally when a you have a system like oem they're always like trying to like flash their names out there right you'd expect like the b-link to light up and have bells and whistles and whatever but this they actually just like have super amd branding which um i guess it's kind of cool if you're an amd fan but it's just kind of weird that you're seeing an oem do that but we'll show you that in a little bit the other feature though is a little bit different and that's this little thing right here what this is is not just the normal fingerprint magnet which is this glossy finish that's around a lot of this chassis but this is actually a fingerprint reader so if you just want to have a biometric so like you're doing windows hello and doing your sign in you can literally just go you tap it like this and you're getting into a system it actually works pretty darn well i was pretty surprised that it worked better than i thought it was going to and in a relatively low cost device the one thing i did not like about it was that i was a basically and i set up windows 11 hello using the biometric things i was like oh that's such a cool feature it has it i have to go use it but i had it up on my next to my tv and then i realized that when i wanted to sign in that meant that i could i mean i could go to alternative options and my password in but the bigger option was pretty much i would have to stand up hit the biometric lock and then i realized that that was dumb so uh i didn't actually end up using that a lot but it did work when i did okay and just another kind of interesting thing is on the bottom of this unit you're gonna see that has some kind of interesting instructions this is not just kind of little font saying all the you know whatever certifications this this box needs but it tells you things like how to get in the bios and also how to go and set this to either performance mode auto balanced all that kind of stuff in the amd cbs menu which is kind of interesting i don't really know why um you know you put it there maybe people don't use the internet and it's nice to have things like how to switch your power settings i guess there maybe and again you're going to see that we have a ryzen 9 sticker and a radeon sticker because you need to know that this is all an amd powered system also fun it says it's model gtr here and it says gtr5a on the little you know sticker that tells the serial number and stuff like that but then again when you look on this side or you look on this side it says it's the gr9 okay now let's get inside the system and i'm gonna show you another kind of little fun feature but it's this little tiny b-link tab right here you're gonna see this thing you're like huh why why does this have this like little little rubber thing and the reason is that after you remove the screws which you already did you actually can use this little thing and you can pop off the top now when we pop off the top you're gonna see inside the system looking inside the system you're gonna see that we have a nice little layout and this is actually super easy to go service now the cpu is on the other side of this and there's like a dual fan setup or something that is actually cooling that whole thing with all these heat sinks and what have you but on the main side where you want to actually go service stuff that's here and what we see is that this is actually super easy to service you just do the the four screws you get inside and once you're in there there are a couple of options that you can actually add to the system the first one we'll go over is just the fact that there is a sata connector that it sits you know and it's attached to the bottom lid of the system and what that basically lets you do is put a two and a half inch drive most likely you're going to put an ssd there but you can actually go put that in and there's a little sleeve that holds it in place and in theory helps the thermals but i don't know how much it really does that but maybe it does now let's stick on that storage path and specifically what you're going to see here is that we have the kingston nv1 nvme ssd we're going to get to the performance of that in our performance section but it is nice the fact that they're actually using a name brand ssd now kingston is probably not the brand that you know we would consider like the highest performing brand and this is not a pcie gen 4 ssd or anything like that but a lot of the systems that we purchase from places like aliexpress come with some very questionable uh ssds that are pretty are actually kind of known to fail after some time at a little bit higher clip and so having something that's from a name brand i think is actually something that's really nice that b-link is doing here the same thing actually carries on to the memory where we have two crucial memory so these are you know micron has a brand crucial which is really kind of more the consumer brand and you get two so dims there and each of these are 16 gigabytes we get a total of 32 gigabytes in the system which is absolutely great i think that's a really good balance for this eight core processor getting 32 gigs is awesome now one other thing that you do get is you get the option that if you want to there's a second m.2 slot which is a sata slot it's labeled sata um we didn't actually use it but you do have a second internal m.2 slot if you want something like that and next let's talk about that networking and specifically the wireless networking this uses the same mediatek wi-fi 6e solution that we've seen previously like on the minis forms hx90 this is one where we actually you know it's a nice feature we get instead of wi-fi six you get wi-fi 6e it's not necessarily like you know the the newer intel models or something like that so it is definitely a um you know intel in the wireless like these little m.2 wireless cards by the way it has i don't know it's like 80 90 some kind of crazy market share so any other solution than that is a much smaller solution in terms of things like driver support and things getting fixed and all that kind of stuff so i tend to always say tell people that like i prefer the intel solutions because of that but on the other hand you do get a wi-fi 6e and this thing came with windows so i actually think that you know having a solution that works under windows fine i think that for a lot of people that's going to be a home run and just on that note something that was kind of weird is that this doesn't have like a windows sticker on it but we did get a windows i think it was 10 pro uh license and it worked and then we were even able to upgrade it to windows 11 pro that all worked uh perfectly so i guess it's valid license but i do like the fact that the system came with it so it's not something you have to go and pay for to go and upgrade or you know add on later if you want windows if you do want to go put linux on it you can do that but on the other hand it is nice to always have that windows license just because frankly it's such a pain to go get them now the other thing is on the other side of this which is the processor the processor is the amd ryzen 9 50 900 hx which is an 8 core 16 thread processor and a little tiny system like this absolutely awesome but hey why just talk about the processor let's talk a little bit about performance first [Music] now in terms of performance this processor frankly the eight core 16 threads it's a you know newer zen architecture i mean this is absolutely a great processor it's not necessarily as fast as when we see things like the 65 watt amd uh you know ryzen pro series systems like so if we are looking at the amd systems from like hp or lenovo you do actually get more performance from the higher wattage just to get a little more tdp you actually don't necessarily get that much more than the 35 watt system so but you do get a little bump for having the 45 watt overall though i think that the performance of these is great and frankly um you know compared to some of the older project tiny mini micro nodes these things are just way faster this is a very legitimate processor so a lot of people ask about two applications they ask about gaming and video editing um i'm just gonna give you some thoughts on that first off on the gaming side i tried this again with steam uh and you know frankly if you are streaming like you know if you have another pc that has like a big gpu and you're streaming high quality games um i think that actually looks really good on this and that's something i really like and even doing over wi-fi with that wi-fi 6e you actually have enough performance that you know if your aps can handle it and rest your network and handle it i think it looks great two and a half key ethernet all that stuff is absolutely great for doing the in-home streaming so if you want to do something like that and hook it up to a tv i think it looks great for things like video editing personally um you know can you do it yes it's just like if you had a ryzen 9 5900 hx laptop so it's not not necessarily i would say a super great experience i still think that you know my preferred setup and what i use is i'll still use an nvidia gpu for adobe premiere and if i'm not using that i'm on the road using my macbook which has a lot of the accelerators which is absolutely by far the best solution the m1 silicon and i don't haven't tried the m2 yet but i assume that's going to be good as well but you know the apple silicon with the accelerators that actually do a lot of that offloading i think are actually great for video editing this is probably not necessarily at that tier because you just kind of have the amd gpu still can you do it yes and you do have an eight core processor so it's not gonna be terrible but it's definitely not gonna be you know a top tier experience so if you're thinking like oh i'm gonna buy this pc and everything's gonna be like super silky smooth if i go do like 4k 60 or like 8k 30 or something like that you're definitely definitely not going to have that great of an experience just because you need the hardware accelerators really for that in terms of the ssd performance we mentioned that we're going to look at the kingston nv1 ssd and the performance was actually pretty good now this is not necessarily the maximum that you would get if you did see like you know the maximum for pci gen 3x4 ssd but on the other hand we did get pretty reasonable speeds and you know it's much faster than having a sata ssd so i think that that's good now if you do want the maximum storage like if you just all you care about is storage performance i don't think you get this i will go get a pcie gen 4 nvme ssd because they are much faster i mean you can get you know sequential read speeds that are you know seven gigabytes a second-ish uh you know that's just way faster than this so again i think this is good it's not necessarily top tier but again you know the system is small i mean this is not a big system at all okay so let's talk about power consumption and noise so before i plug this in because i don't want to ruin the audio before this but i just wanted to go point out the fact that this system in terms of overall power consumption if it is sitting at idle you're gonna see idle uh really like in that like seven six seven watt range is actually really good sometimes you see like 10 watts so while idle on this is not too high the other side of it is really well how much power does it actually use so when you're just kind of in the windows desktop and i'm just kind of like browsing the you know internet or something like that you'll see something like i get like 35 maybe 45 watts like kind of in that range is pretty common you can get up to like 80 watts and something like that no problem you do get a 90 watt power bricks if you do need to replace it you can you're probably not going to be running this thing over poe with like a pe split or something like that just because it uses a little bit too much power for that all right so let's plug this thing in and get it going so you can hear what it sounds like okay and so while we do this i want to actually show you and just kind of look right here at the label and hopefully hopefully this is going to show up maybe you can even hear this thing start up but if you didn't notice this thing actually light lit up right here so it's lighting up the amd logo but the b-link logo is not lit up it's just i don't know why i just think that's so fun okay so let's do a couple noise things here just to kind of give you guys an idea the microphone is right here and so i'm going to hold this all the way up there and this is kind of what the startup sound sounds like okay now this thing is fully booted into the windows desktop i actually am already peeing into it and there's nothing open right now okay now let's listen to idle this is uh fully booted into the windows desktop here's idle and this honestly like if it's if it's about that far away like arm's length away it's basically pretty not necessarily silent at idle but it's pretty darn quiet but it definitely gets a lot louder when you go and push the thing so let's go run some benchmarks and show you that okay i just stuck geekbench 5 pro and that's actually starting right now on this and you can just kind of hear i'll let you guys hear this i think we're still on the single thread side but usually it gets a little louder a little bit later okay so geekbench is running you can hear it it's definitely a little directional in terms of the noise so overall it's not definitely not the loudest system but on the other hand it definitely makes some noise so if you're expecting like a completely silent system this is not it it's not too bad uh and overall you know i think the performance is pretty good and i would say this is a good system in terms of overall just what it offers [Music] but with all these systems i always love to have a key lessons learned and this one is actually going to be a little bit different this system at first it just sat in a box and i didn't actually even open it because i'm so busy i just didn't have time to go open i started traveling but during may i actually pulled this out of the box and i realized it was so small it actually fit in my camera back and just to kind of give you guys some sense of scale i know it's not great but this is like a canon r5 with a 28 to 70 and a battery grip on it and this is how big the pc is um and you can kind of see that these things are not necessarily like like this is way smaller right and it's also it's also way lighter so this little system has actually been to four countries now with me it's been to spain germany it's been to uh canada and also all over the us it's been as far as california texas on the other side it's been all the way to new york city and that's actually why i ended up pulling it out just waiting for a flight in the newark airport and it just kind of made a cool little photo of it because it's so small that actually just fits my backpack so for me personally i tend to be more of i guess a power user i use like a threadripper pro and the macbook pro and all that kind of stuff so i tend to use pretty high-end compute platforms this is a little platform i actually love this thing and i have thrown this next to a tv in the bar and i think that this is absolutely a great little system to just have connect a keyboard wireless keyboard and mouse too and you're basically all set up and ready to go and for a lot of folks that are out there and you know watching sth i mean sth we tend to have an older audience and all that kind of stuff just because we tend to you know cover not just these but also kind of really high-end servers and stuff like that for that audience i think that these kind of make a lot of sense for folks that have to go do like demos on the road and stuff having a little platform like this that is amd based that has the two two and a half gig network you know ports as well as the wi-fi has all that kind of stuff allows you to kind of do some pretty darn cool things in terms of being able to go set up like demos that you can actually just go put in a suitcase i mean this takes up not a lot of space and the 90 watt power supply that it comes with is big but it's something that you can always tuck away and like a carry-on or something like that now the system is definitely not perfect i think that for one you know you can have higher speed usb ports i also think that frankly i don't necessarily know if i love the ryzen 9 5900 hx like if you gave me like a maybe one or two steps below that that was still a course and maybe used a little less power was a little bit quieter i think actually i would prefer that i also love to have had pcie gen 4 but you know i know that there's platform things and you know reasons that you can't have it in here but still it would have just something in the future i'd like to have would be pci gen4 and something like this overall though this is a system that i really like and i think this is probably my favorite mini pc that we've actually done in terms of kind of like the higher end ones i think you know we talked about the lower end like router appliances i think that's a different category and the tiny micro nodes those are a different category but i think for the these kind of like higher end mini pcs i think this is actually a great little system but i'd love to hear what you think about it so feel free to let me know in the comments down below and hey if you did like this video why don't you give it a like click subscribe and turn on those notifications we have a ton of cool content coming out in the next month or two so definitely subscribe because you're not going to want to miss it and as always thanks for watching have an awesome day
Channel: ServeTheHome
Views: 45,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini pc, best mini pc, beelink, beelink gr9, beelink mini pc, beelink gr9 review, amd ryzen 5900hx, amd ryzen 9 5900hx, amd ryzen 9 mini pc, ryzen 9 mini pc, amd ryzen 9, 5900hx, beelink amd ryzen, 2.5GbE, wifi, small pc, pc build, amd mini pc, most powerful mini pc, mini pc review, ryzen mini pc, 5900hx mini pc, mini pc 2022, amd ryzen mini pc, windows mini pc, ryzen 6000 mini pc, mini pc gaming, mini pc build, best mini pc for gaming, mini gaming pc
Id: plbGmkwWWL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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