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hi guys what's up I hope everybody is doing good so this video is to give you a preparation strategy for Strategic Management wow as it goes by strategy for a subject that teaches us strategies right so let's get this done the idea of this video is to give you a a solid preparation plan for Strategic Management now I hope many people have done their classes if you have not done the classes first finish the classes this is a preparation strategy that you need to Target on in terms of using it for two purposes one is obviously the factor of revision which is a very important thing to get the exams done the other factor that is also important is about retaining it for the exams now it is not very easy to uh retain all the answers exactly as what you see and write so the second aspect that I'm going to deal with is retention so what what are the things that you are supposed to focus for a proper revision is choosing the right chapters and how you are going to get this done then for retention we need to revise properly which is by using what is called as uh summary notes now nothing better than a summary notes would be help you to retain the content so while you do revision it is important for you to prepare the summary notes and should you by heart each and every question the idea of by Harting should be skipped because at this level of a professional exam you are not expected to byart anything anymore but the essence of the answer should not change many people have asked me this question in the past sir can I write in my own words now mind you what you are mentioning as own words if you are framing the sentence in your own context but by using the same uh words that are expressed in the book then it's still still absolutely okay because the meaning of the answer should not change so in simple terms all I'm saying is while revising in your revision you should focus on your keywords now coming to Marks wise 50 marks is what the paper is for which means The Institute is going to ask you questions around 57 to 60 marks 50 marks which spans up into 15 for mcqs and the other 35 for description now what do you need to do to do the mcqs no specific preparation is required for mcqs going through lots of questions and all is not required in fact we by ourselves have already provided you with a question booklet of 350 plus McQ questions for your practice after finishing your syllabus if you revise them that itself should be taking care of the task when it comes to the other 35 marks though what you are writing will be five questions of seven marks each which is for 35 The Institute is going to ask additionally one more question which is obviously meaning that they have a spread of about 42 marks so that is again rough they might have an internal choice for a three marks again so which might between a three marks question there can be an internal choice so this totally can go up to 42 to 45 marks and whereby which now poses a new challenge of you preparing first 60 marks right so 50 marks is what the exam is for but the question spread is 60 marks now what you also need to understand from the latest marking pattern that has been given by The Institute you will be surprised to know or you already known right all chapters have equal weightage all chapters have equal weightage okay there is no specific breakdown also as such so if you have seen that weightage pattern for subjects like costing accounting audit taxation they given chapter wise weightage in SM there are only five chapters and all five chapters you know they have equal weightage now the idea of doing this video is also to tell you a very important strategy which you should be using in the last last days of your preparation now since this video is being posted well in advance to the exams I personally do suggest that you consider grabbing as much syllabus as possible so that you will be comfortably be able to write the exam for 50 marks now sometimes it so happens that you know people may not be inclined to a particular topic so much so what we are doing there is by trying to set up part certain things like say for example in this case where you can Maximum take a leeway of one chapter which means you will still be covering around 75% of syllabus okay now how does this approach help of covering 75% of syllabus thoroughly now if you're covering 100% thoroughly I am 100% game for it I'll be absolutely alongside you like I said at certain points of time because you do have other subjects and you have a lot of preparation to go through this is something that you can use as a resort what is that that you cover four out of five chapters thoroughly and that to in the context or the order of what we have in our syllabus you can cover the first four chapters okay and the first chapter is not a big chapter of sorts right the first chapter it is going to have only introductory elements it is an introduction to strategic management but if you see exam potential questions are very much there in it like they can ask you what are the benefits of strategic management what are the essentials of a vision what are the factors that you have to keep in mind for a mission so like that even this chapter it can bring you exam level questions you should not leave that saying it's a small chapter it is a irrelevant one from exam many question may not come no so many possibilities of questions are there in that first chapter including a lot of mcqs can be made so your attention should be focused on through that chapter then going by the context the second and third chapter in the new syllabus is about strategic analysis which much of it is also something which you know from foundation in the external analysis chapter of course here they have been given little elaborately and also the content has orientation towards management right so going by that the second and third chapter that you should be doing will be external and internal analysis which have limited and good number of topics easy to understand kind of topics the external analysis is a longest chapter of the syllabus so I suggest you completely do that chapter because even if an extra question is being asked you should be in a position to take care of that now coming to three and four sizewise these two chapters are same right strategic analysis of the internal environment and strategic choices I would suggest you should do chapter number four 100% because it has portfolio tools and it has strategies stability expansion retrenchment in which you have you know this diversification vertical horizontal concentric conglomerate and of course all the four portfolio tools of BCG ansoft uh ADL and G lots and lots of questions have always been asked from that so I read this chapter to be a most most vibrant chapter that you should not miss at all and the first one of course now going by the 75% coverage strategy you should be in a position to take care of this which also means if you are not absolutely touching the fifth chapter at all now if you're not touching the fifth chapter at all because in fifth chapter you have little DDS Concepts you know like uh the 7s framework and then we have the concept of strategic change then all the eight organization structures are there leadership is there control is there so eight is again a white I mean five is again a white chapter with about eight n topics now that is where I am coming close to the understanding of how Institute May rate it so if you are doing this to be your 75% of all your strength you might not really want to break your head on the fifth chapter because there is so much of theory and if you are able to retain certain Concepts out of the fifth chapter like sir I really don't have a problem with ordination structures leadership is a damn easy concept because it has only transactional and transformational leadership style roles and respons of leader are also easy like that if you selectively choose certain topics and you are comfortable with them maybe at least the mcqs you should be in a position to rule with so if at all now First Choice as I told you if there is somebody who is doing the 100% syllabus I am absolutely game with you I appreciate you guys and that should be your first and foremost approach we suggest this second part of the approach only because at least if you are 100% thorough with 75% syllabus you should be in a position to be able to get good marks my logic goes very simply instead of writing random answers of 50 marks you can write precise answers for 40 marks when you write random answers for 50 marks and get 30 or write precise answers for preparation of solid preparation 40 marks the outcomes are almost going to be closer right exceptions May notably be there so I'm giving the disclaimer that you cannot completely Bank on only this and later you should not cry that maybe if I would have put a little more time I would have done that strategy itself is pushing you to range somewhere between the 40 marks okay so if you are confident enough to do that then I think this strategy will work fifth chapter is where you can take the leeway here I'm not saying leave it I'm saying you can take a leeway which means you can put that on hold until you know the first fourth chapters are thorough even if you are not absolutely thorough the fifth chapter at least get through a glance of few topics and you can still go to the exam and confidently perform for about 45 marks easily that's my range because as I told you questions can come from you know the fifth chapter which you can leave in choice if they fall in that bracket and you might even sometimes get lucky that if both the questions from the fifth chapter are falling in a choice bracket you might as well completely leave it and you will be able to write even for higher marks and that until the exam happens we will not be able to tell but this would be my go at your 75% preparation levels okay so all the best guys do well in your preparation stay focused while you're preparing even if you prepare for limited time the time that you're preparing focus on uh the context very well understand what you're doing very well and also repeatedly if you don't want to come to the same place and study again and again this will be a golden technique make a summary notes and keep re-- revising those a cumulative revision strategy has already been shared with you right follow the cumulative revision strategy the idea will be to make the most of what we have in the limited syllabus and get great marks and also a very very important suggestion that I would like to give you is now that the paper combinations are rated to be FM and SM I would like this is my personal suggestion you would still choose it on your own but I would like you guys to do SM first not because I teach SM and I have that partiality it is because FM is about solving and uh you know you can have your brain work much faster while solving and you know you may not uh get carried away while solving but while writing answers you might need little time to think and write and uh if you start FM first and you end up solving it for a long time in that limited time with that pressure you may not be able to write good descriptive answers it's actually going to be a challenge this combination but that is why I'm suggesting take a little time in that first one and a half hour you should be able to finish SM first even if you are missing out that one and a half hour mark a little bit here and there because in FM you can solve the problem faster uh don't be under the wrong impression that you should follow this only you can always choose at your comfort but my goal would be that because there is also a downside that if you are a slow writer and you write stories then you end up using your first two two hours 15 minutes only for writing SM answers then you won't be able to solve SM which is exactly what I'm telling take some time be spot on keep that one and a half hour Target in mind and finish SM first and then probably you should start solving FM this is my personal suggestion because the combination goes like this no sir I have my own way of dealing things in this regard you are most welcome come to use your own ways I hope this 15 minute video would have helped you with a idea and a direction of what to prepare how to prepare and the areas to focus we've already given you enough content that is worthy of helping you get great marks and this video should add up to boost your preparation to a great level I wish all of you get great marks in this paper and also in all the other papers and ensure that this would be the last time or the first and last time that you are writing the exam wish you all the very best guys I will see you with in the future videos thank you bye-bye
Channel: CA Ram Harsha
Views: 9,594
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Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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