Slowpitch Softball Hitting Tips - Stance

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when you're on deck watch the pitcher watch to see if he has a pattern for example if he's throwing everything deep when you're on deck and you're watching the other guy that hits before you watch where the pitchers throwing so if he's throwing deep consistently you might want to move back in the box if he's throwing short you might might want to move up in the box watch the pitchers pattern if the pitcher is trying to throw that first one in there for a strike and then the second one's deep or the second one short pitchers will get in a rhythm and watch what they do and then you can have the advantage over that the stance is really more of a comfort thing it's not going to make or break you when you come to a ballpark most the time you're not going to find a nice even flat batter's box like this so you want to kind of fill in the holes if they're holes especially in the front because you don't want to land into a hole you want to make it nice and smooth as smooth as you can what I like to do is to come in try to make a mound or get a good footing so that I can push off good so as I'm making my mound or digging a little hole so that I can get my weight on the inside part of my foot with the muscles in my inside part of my leg ready so I'm ready to go I'm prepared got my weight to go forward to go back so I come in I'm in my stance about shoulder length apart whatever is comfortable you can try many different stances like I said it doesn't make or break you I see a lot of guys I have a closed stance open stance it's all preference whatever you're comfortable with now people say where do I stand in the box it depends for me it depends on what sanction I'm playing for example with a sa the ark is a little bit higher I want to go a little bit deeper in a box because normally I want to catch the ball in my chest or just above my waist now in you triple si or ISA I want to move up in the Box because they're trying to just get it in so that way I can get it up into my waist as opposed to down by my knees now the other thing if you're trying for a base hit what I do a lot of times is in you triple si or ISA I'll move back a little bit because then I want that lower pitch so that I can keep the ball low and get a base hit I'm hitting down on the ball I'm just hitting level so I'll move back a little bit to get that lower pitch to hit a base hit another thing that a lot of people ask me where do I stand in relationship to the plate close to the plate or far away from the plate and most people always come to me and say hey I'm always hitting it on the handle so I try to move back away from the plate well if you're hitting it on the handle that's a timing issue it's not necessarily where you stand in the plate I know guys that get right on top of the plate and they still hit the ball good they don't hit it on the handle and what that is is they hit the ball out in front of the plate for example as the ball is coming in it's a constant going to the catcher okay so the difference with hitting it on the handle is not moving away from the plate the difference is getting that timing and going a little bit faster out in front so you're here now I can get right on top of the plate and hit the ball a little further out in front of the plate and I've hit it on a sweet spot but if I let that ball get to me then I'm going to hit it on the handle because instead of the hit making contact with a ball in front I'm going to make contact with a ball here if I'm late and then where do I hit it right on the handle because I don't have my arms extended I'm coming through so then I'm going to hit it here as opposed to if you hit it out in front and that's timing then you get your arms out you hit on the sweet spot so if you're hitting it on a handle be a little faster hit it out in front quicker if you're going to hit to the opposite field don't do a different stance because you want to hit to the opposite field you'll give it away getting your normal stance as the pitch is released then you can turn and hit the opposite way but always get arm extension out the other way
Channel: Video Library
Views: 1,086,689
Rating: 4.7147679 out of 5
Keywords: slowpitch softball, softball, slowpitch, Long Haul Bombers, Miken, hitting tips
Id: 5aeaewUiGf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2012
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