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[Applause] what's going on you know well today is the fourth and final installment in this series I'm doing low and slow today now I'm gonna go through in detail what I'm gonna be doing so since my first video where I did why I just open up the dampers I just let him go and to see which one would actually go I didn't notice that there was a few things that I could change for y'all but most of y'all actually wanted me to stack the deck in favor of the slow and sear which I find actually pretty funny that you guys are actually longing to stack the deck cuz he this is a thing the slow and sear has been marketed as basically that five-star blue-chip athlete that everybody wants every no one can get enough of I mean ranks right on the top of everything at least that's what the parents say about their own kid but what they don't realize is that well the other charcoal baskets there's a little 304 stainless steel charcoal baskets doesn't them marketed and have been sneered upon and look down upon it's almost like the equivalent like a third-grader so what the parents don't want to want people to know is that well the third grader and the first test whupped the crap out of the five-star blue-chip athletes so now I got two parents say no crying foul oh that's foul oh this tiny other which Auto realize that I'd actually called ABC I got one of their brochures on the slowest air model that I have and nowheres into slim net and that brochure and his brochure here does it say I need to put like a a wire mesh on the bottom it doesn't say that but I got two kettles same color I got two exact kind of digital probe same eight and I checked the calibration on both of them and the food reading how I bore the water the food readings at 214 which I'm going to use actually I'm going to use that to test like the the outside temperature barri know what the outside temperature is because well I looked at all up today the Hyatt today is going to be 89 with a low of 73 and 95% humidity so if y'all were hoping I was gonna do some kind of water pan water tray water dish I ain't doing that because he here's the thing y'all are gonna complain and whine that I put more water and the the 304 stainless steel charcoal basket y'all gonna go play I put too much water water in that one but I didn't put enough water into this is slow it's here so we're just gonna do just straight-up coals I'm going to take a number-two pencil and that's what I'm gonna close the dampers to to a number two pencils with on top I am bottom gonna pour gonna do 80 coals you're gonna do to heat up 12 on each one 4 to 12 in and we're just gonna obstacle n ride how am I the monitor temperatures try to do it every hour but we're probably got to go pick up my son from school so while we're gone not gonna be able to monitor the temperatures in so I'll get right into that here real quick but I do want to hit on one thing I did notice I watched a pretty funny video it was there was this slow and sear versus the big green egg y'all know what I'm talking about right because there's like a lot of dislikes on that video let me ask you something did y'all ever do guys I know you guys did your homework on this one right so you guys actually went to Big Green Egg and you found a and you found a steak video that actually our steak recipe that actually fits your agenda so y'all think anybody's gonna call you out on that did you ditch day digi day no you did it I am okay so here's the thing if you got if y'all watch all y'all to go to the Big Green Egg site I want you guys look up recipes okay they have six pages of recipes the perfect steak recipe is the second to last one on the very last page now look I don't own a a ceramic grill I don't own a Quemado or a big green egg I don't own one all right Oh what might have a one but they're pretty expensive let me read you guys something these are the these are the steak videos these are the steak ones that they actually passed up on so check this out reverse sear steak that sounds like they might fit near a jet I might know I sound pretty good reverse sear steak New York strip steaks cowboy rib eye steak dad's grilled steaks fire grilled steak with steakhouse butter Frankie Ballard's rib eye steaks grilled buffalo steaks Chris Lane ribeye steaks on the egg filet mignon a sirloin and leeks a steak and mushrooms with whiskey with a whiskey cream sauce Cindy's steak marsala Justin more ribeye sirloin steak Chipotle and the very last steak recipe that they actually have on there is the perfect steak so you guys really grasped that I mean you guys just I mean we're grasping and really region to try to find a recipe to fit your agenda you're not getting away with that here buddy that ain't happenin here another thing I want make something perfectly clear I have zero issues with anybody that's affiliated with I don't you might think I do but I don't any affiliates of any of the anybody that works for them look this ain't between us this is between me and a call my show y'all saw here is the comment that he sent me [Music] so put up or shut up I checked off that put up that hole shut up thing you can actually take that back to sixth grade dude I mean or third grader or wherever you got shut up from okay but you don't tell a grown man to shut up because I'm gonna call you out on truth and common sense is more powerful than anything than a science guy can never come up with just the other thing science this is what actually kind of made me suspect of date when somebody likes to champion the word science and what they're saying be on alert because he this is what it is it's like Al Gore Al Gore likes use the word science to try to justify the reason why earth is warming is because of Kyle fortuned if you lose that's what Al Gore tried to do okay which is complete garbage y'all know my politics on that now so anyhow whenever somebody is is a champion the word science be on alert okay because this is this reason why he's doing it it's the Alpha doggie I call the alpha dog syndrome he's trying to shut down any kind of contention any kind of argument against his point so what he does is is he says that it is a science so therefore he can shut down your argument and that he wants to put himself above you and that he thinks that if he says it's science that he's not gonna be any argument on it well that ain't happened here I will argue with it cuz you know what I've already found out that his cold spin great is a gimmick and no one's gonna change my mind on that and once again if you don't believe me do it yourself well I get the camera turned around I'm gonna show you guys what's going on let's let's take a game to ride got going on here all right so this is how the set it's gonna be got a number two pencil here and what I'm do is I'm gonna shut the the damper to where it's a number to cuddle with okay like that girl great temp ropes there's gonna be two readings on here the top one is gonna be for food which almost gonna I'm probably going to tape them to the legs just keep kinda like keep like connect outside temperature then the bottom one is going to be the actual grill grate temperature itself those are spot-on and then this is kind of good the configuration I'm going to do with this lemon juice alright so the last video to slow and Sierra had the crepes learned this way where there are long ways then I had the slowest year the grates turned this way which was which was run the same direction so that could have maybe made some coals fall out a little bit sooner look I had a brochure and had it turn this way but this right here and there's nothing else on the bottom that's how this is gonna stay okay that's how it is alright cuz I looked at the brochure and that's how it struggling to do it just like that okay over here this is how I'm gonna construct these now I want to show y'all some these old charcoal baskets are still smaller than the slow ones here like actually fit these inside that side the slow ones here that's the configuration I do when we do charcoals right here down now I'm a bridge over some charcoals to come over into this basket right here I still have all this room right here there's gonna be no water I'm doing no water he's just gonna be mano-a-mano she's gonna be charcoal versus charcoal and I'm gonna go close the dampers down to pencil width then the dampers down here I'm gonna be closing as well these dampers are here I'll be doing to it to the pencil lip nothing's pretty good hey there we go so they're both even or both pencil wit the dampers both pencil with the part that's how these are gonna stay okay there we go I'm gonna get the coals counted out we're good this thing 60% of the time that doesn't make sense [Music] [Music] okay so here we go I am it's only about nine o'clock in the morning I'm sweating pretty bad right now there's a 60% chance of rain today I'm going to be putting these on my porch use both these grill my porch let's count these things out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and we have over here at 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 8 by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I'm only using the most perfect pieces of charcoal so if there's like anything as I met might be missing or anything else I take it out I remove it so oh yeah music Kings for blue there we go music Kingsford believe alright so the reason I'm using Kingsford blues because uh in the first video somebody mentions of them about me using Kingsford blue so I'm gonna go ahead just use Kingsford blue whatever see I actually listen to people so Kingsford blue could make the grill grate a different direction for the slowest ear so I'm actually am doing some stuff differently for the slew ins here as I'm doing in this video than what I did in the other video who do I predicts gonna win Merlin better freakin win because I tell you what if Merlin doesn't win there's gonna be gnashing of teeth neither one of them are gonna go with thumb water is look you see one on my face I I'm like I've got why I sweat my eyeball right now I mean it is it is humid out here so there's no need to put a water in there I've also going through this I'm gonna take a quick little diversion right here I have come across a lot of other people have said the same similar stories as I do about Dave a lot I've come across other youtubers that don't even have Weber's that only have him that he's offered to bring it to their house then they tell him no I'm good he insults what they have I mean this guy is like come on now I mean so I don't have fun doing this I got why I got the sweat going my eyes is burning banane how let's get started on this oh you have twelve twelve twelve charcoals in each one let's do this 12 8 10 12 the rest of these are going to go into the baskets that's it [Music] [Music] all right so over here I have placed the grill grate temp probe halfway in the middle ripe against this barn right here which is also the same place I put the one for the Merlin so Merlin's got it right there - I got the coals going in on this side on the Merlin so that's gonna be burning from this way to that way this could be burning from this way to this way I'm a point out something real quick the last time they all said that the Merlin was at a disadvantage because the coals were falling through these slats right here and but you know the brochure that's how it has it that's how they made it that's how I'm using it the charcoal grates over here just if you can just case you guys notice there are cut out of the metal right here so guess what false T's there ash and coals that just burning everything's even there - all right let's get these on [Music] I have a pair of tongs to put this over here but relatively we're pretty good I'm gonna give this a few minutes to burn like this right now the time is 929 I'm gonna give these till 931 to burn and then I'm closing the lid okay why points something else out since this is shaped a little bit differently here the I made sure that the tip of the hair shape I made sure that the tip from here to the charcoal baskets is approximately the same distance it is from here to the Merlyn okay so it's all equal distance as well all right I'm about shut these lids well I talked a little bit so 933 by I'm burn therefore for minute all right this show on the road there we go leaving it just the way it is pencil wet pencil went pencil with on the bottom that's it some of y'all almost like suggested that I try to control the temperature and try keep a ride around the 225 to 75 area well I thought about that but here's the problem with that if I touch the damper on one grill and not the other or I mess with the damper on one more than the other then that automatically negates and that automatically gives an advantage to one or the other so I did a pencil with apart I figure that's probably a pretty nice setting to have the the dampers at you know I'm trying make this as fair as possible despite you know the first test I'd come across um and also I'd like to like I said earlier I don't have any problem with any of the people that that are on the videos with Dave and doing all this I don't have a problem with many affiliates none of the youtubers and he's gone to their houses hey I don't blame you and we all we all have our gig you know we all we all do our thing I my only problem is only with Dave himself recently I consider him a mentor somebody I really like watching Justin babyback maniac here easily come out with a video that his dad went in for gallbladder removal surgery and he found out the head he had lymphoma do me a favor and and let's keep his dad I don't know his dad's name is keep his dad in our prayers I truly don't want that to happen to anybody you know despite what's going on right now and and and you know kind of a battle that I'm going bet back and forth with with ABC that has nothing to do with it has nothing bearing on on individuals so keep just as baby Beck maniacs dead in all your prayers please and if y'all don't know Justin baby back maniac first off where have you been the guy is like all over the place he has great videos he has great editing he's funny he has a great presence in front of in front of the camera I feel like he truly is a genuine and honest guy and he really is a good guy so anyhow it was fun all right let's get back to the video so right now it is 1002 I went ahead I opened up the the top bent all the way the the Merlyn is reading 82 outside 147 on the inside these are reading the same thing to both reading the same exact thing there's not to get the temperatures rise up a little more I'm not touching the bottom one I'm not going to go ahead I open up the top one on both of these all the way open until these things can give a little or air in there a little more circulation let the temperature rise up down machetes back down to being a pencil list [Music] current temperature charred the charcoal baskets 2:23 Merlin 201 so this one's run about 22 degrees hotter time now 11:30 it has now been two hours zooming on here you can see that the top this is outside temperature this is inside the pit the Merlin which isn't currently at 239 just literally God above 230 about cube above 225 about 15 minutes ago stainless steel charcoal baskets has been there has been between this 230 and 240 range now for right about 45 minutes so this actually got the temperature quicker than the Merlin so it's been approximately there goes down to 237 so it's approximately it's been been doing that for about 45 minutes now we're leaving we're gonna go we got some errands to run and I'll be back in maybe two three hours so after two hours temperatures exactly the same I'll be back okay so it is 123 so it's just shy of four hours so this is what we got so far the outside temperature keeps bouncing around if you wait a second this here will change Polly to 90 or this here pie change at 88 so right now the Alpha depth it just about to tell you see 8888 running the same exact temperature over here just turned to 275 just over here it's 273 this is after four hours they say that the slow ones here should go last eight hours so let's see see how much coals we have in here all right here we go all right slow it's here well not bad not bad at all for four hours or something coals we have see after four hours Wow okay so it's just got a dopey and it just breached over to this basket over here so far I'm saying just write about tied after four hours this is gonna get real interesting four hours it is an even ball game alright so it's been 11 then that's just I'll show you guys what's going on here the temperatures have pretty much have recovered except for Merle Marlon's only got about six degrees the other charcoal baskets have well recovered and they're just it's just below 300 degrees right now internal on the three or four CNC little charcoal baskets the slow in sear is at 277 so I was not sure that was going time now is 3:30 it has been six hours you can tell right here outside temperature 91 90 so that's been fluctuated back and forth the grill inside the grill tap for the Merlin is 244 and side for the charcoal baskets is 273 there you go can't fake that y'all 244 after six hours 273 after 6 hours alright gonna like keep on running when this hits 200 test is over alright so so far while I'm discovering is the high temperature so far for the 304 stainless steel charcoal basket it's been 318 that was the highest temperature it got up to at least that I that I've seen that I don't have nothing that into like monitor the attempts of the internal but as far as I've seen so far 318 and for the Merlin it's been 294 so there basically are kind of staying you know kind of even with each other and they are fluctuating going up and down and another hour when it's our number seven I'll pull the lids off I'm going to take a look at it right now the little charcoal baskets are keeping right with the Merlin I mean you don't make that determination it's it's cloudy today very humidity humidity is very high ninety-five percent you know it's it's even across the board same grill same outside temperature I'm keeping everything the same saying with the the damper being open you know I could probably actually extend the life of the coals even longer if I were to shut down those dampers a little bit more especially on on the on the charcoal basket once the to charcoal baskets if I close that down like actually extended life of that charcoal even more but I'm not doing that I'm actually keeping it extended it's pretty yes pretty telling right now so stay tuned time now for 11:00 just shy of seven hours test is over the Merlin which is also known as the slowin seer currently at 199 I ended a test at 200 it's a 199 so it didn't even last seven hours and the 304 stainless steel a charcoal basket is at 214 currently let's pop the lids open and let's look at them all right so let's look at the loser which is the is the there's still such articles in there but however all is fair hit 299 it's a lot of a lot of ash not a whole lot left there that's what you get Sloane's here Merlin after 6 hours and 45 minutes is what it lasted right there I'm not sure if I want to look at I'll wait till the 304 stainless steel charcoal basket I'll wait till that gets I'll wait till that right there gets to 200 and we'll take it to look at those coals right there okay time now is 450 - internal temp of the charcoal basket is 199 so that was so I started 930 it went till so lasted about a half hour longer than the Sloan's here which is almost exactly my findings from the first time I did this look at those coals still in there that's impressive so one ninety nine after seven half hours so this last is 45 minutes longer than the slowest here almost exact finding some uppers for my first one I'll be right back my final words and that's gonna be fun I shall keep it like this okay so this is to answer all the people that said well how about seer once you show that you can sear with these right here so like I do since he's a little bit lower they don't fit for anything all he needs money's old flat bricks pick that up there you go there you go you're already this year position need like so position nose like so I heard a metal like that you're ready to seer there you go go air coming out from right there there yeah put your chart put your charcoals right here put your great you'll be able see your steaks just as good or better than Merlin let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin I told y'all after that first test I told y'all ain't none skewed come on everything was even-steven it doesn't matter the slow and sear Merlin should have whooped it no matter what all these scientific terms that Dave uses oh it does this it does that and and all this other stuff look he even says that dead that the the that the Merlin is angled so that the charcoals all go down nice and even you know if that's called people that called gravity hello gravity makes the Coles filter down has nothing to do with some great magical invention that he did I mean this is it hopefully hopefully I don't ever have to revisit or do another video on this on this subject well yeah let me talk about the dripping griddle real quick the dripping griddle really that's just another piece of product that was given a cutesy little name - try sell more of it look if you wanna look why would you want to drip on something just put some aluminum foil down the bottom maybe make like a little Ridge going around it don't cost you nothing and you want a griddle you want a really good griddle you can go get those cast-iron griddles that cost a fraction of what that dripping griddle cost now here's an exclusion to the rule I did see Harry sue use a dripping griddle as a Paia a pan that was pretty smart so I'm not totally off board with the at the dripping griddle but I think that that ABC can come down on their prices on their on their products and goods that they offer y'all you know they got about an 80% mark up on it anyhow if y'all like this which I don't know why you wouldn't unless you're an ABC fan and no matter what I say you're still gonna defend them so if you are whatever you know you can't come in to everybody get be everybody's friend and I don't care about it so anyhow like subscribe and I will see y'all next week I get back to cooking thing I love to do most getting back to cooking I'll see you ciao ladies and gentlemen can I please have your attention I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying story [Music] [Music]
Channel: MeatCranium
Views: 192,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8rw1j2saxAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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