Slow Feeder Dog Bowl Review - Everything You Need To Know!

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hey fur friends do you have a dog that eats their food way too fast and you want to find a solution to help slow them down when they're eating their food well then this is the perfect video for you because in today's video I'm going to be talking about all things slow feeder bowls and telling you everything you need to know about them and doing a live demo testing it out with my dog Fred to see if it actually slows them down so if you're interested in learning more about that then keep watching okay so starting off with what is a slow feeder Bowl so it's essentially exactly what it sounds like it is a bowl that helps to slow down the pace that your dog or cat are consuming their food what works is you can put kibble raw food canned food you can mix um like fresh food in here as well with your kibble or raw food and basically you can put it all in the different edges I'll show when we get to the demo part I'll show you what mine looks like when I give it to my dog Fred but it um just makes it a lot more difficult for your dog to get at the food instead of just putting a bowl down and then gobbling the food up and you turn around within one second and it's gone this really just helps to slow them down and they have to work for their food here is one for example that we actually got from HomeSense I think I actually did go into a few pet stores to see what selection they had of different slow feeder bowls so I'll put some clips in here and you're gonna actually see that they come in a variety of colors sizes and different designs as well and there's a few different brands that offer them I'll also put some clips that I found of some really cool ones on Amazon I will leave links down below also if you're interested in checking any of those out as well but it is nice they do come in a variety of sizes depending on the weight of your dog and also how much food your dog eats so for example this one that I got which is here's what it looks like um it holds up to four cups of food which is great because I can use it for my big dog and my smaller dog so the cost of these range depending on the size that you're getting from about ten dollars to like 30 35 this one that I got that actually came in this box was only 9.99 which is a really good price for a slow feeder Bowl okay so now I'm going to go through some of the pros of using a slow feeder Bowl so if your dog is just eating out of a regular um bowl and they consume their food very quickly like my dog does there can be a few side effects that can be dangerous for your dog such as um choking vomiting bloating gagging belching so all those things because they're consuming the food so quickly they're not they're not allowing their body to actually digest any of the food they're not chewing the food so all around it is not good for your dog to be eating their food very quickly it's just like with humans you know people will say slow down chew your food ingest your food because then also too you're gonna feel full longer so just the same with dogs you want to make sure that you can extend the period that your dog is eating for as long as possible and this is a great tool to use to do that another huge Pro in using a slow feeder bowl is that it's an amazing form of enrichment for your dog so enrichment is essentially mental activity that stimulates your dog's brain which is just as important as your dog getting physical activity as it is to get mental stimulation and this this is a great tool to use and you can be using this multiple times a day depending on how often you feed your dog because they are having to work to get the food out of here so they have to take time they have to think and it's a challenge for them to work to get this all out so it's a great option to use for your dog and at the end of them eating their food they are going to feel mentally and physically tired from working through getting their food out so it's a great form of mental stimulation to incorporate into their day-to-day life a few other pros and options that you can do to make this even more fun for your dog is you can add along with their regular diet food you can add you know frozen berries frozen vegetables a variety of you know liquids such as goat milk water coconut oil different oils you can put their supplements in this so it gives you an opportunity to get creative with the food that you're giving your dog and give them a challenge at the same time another thing too that is a huge Pro about this is if you're wanting to put your dog on a diet a lot of people will be like oh I feel so bad he's hungry or you know I can tell that this is not enough food but he really needs to lose weight this is a great option because when you give your dog one kibble or you give your dog ten Kibbles they can't tell the difference they just know oh I'm getting fed yay so if you're putting in say half a cup in here or a cup they aren't really gonna know the difference they're just gonna know okay there's food in here I'm working to get it out it's taking in a period of time so they're gonna feel mentally stimulated and tired from the food and feel full because they've taken time to digest that food so it is a great tool to use and especially too if you're breaking up their food and they're getting fed a few times a day then they're gonna notice it even less because like I said they're gonna be taking time throughout the day when they're using these bowls to work to get that food so it is a great tool to use when you are wanting to put your dog on a diet okay so now moving on to a few cons that I thought of with using a slow feeder bowl and we'll start off with the first one is that it is plastic and it is what it is dishwasher safe which is great but you want to make sure that after each use you are cleaning this thoroughly especially with raw food because with all these edges it's really easy for food to get stuck and trapped in there and bacteria can grow if you're not cleaning it out really well so a big one is make sure you are cleaning this after each use another one is if you have a dog that really loves chewing with all these plastic edges if they get bored and you leave it out and food was on it they could end up chewing on this or they could end up chewing on you know tipping it over and chewing the bottom so you just want to make sure once you've um once they've finished eating that you take it away from them and clean it and then they can have it the next time but it's not something that just stays on the floor um another one that I thought of which won't apply to all dogs and is really only if you have more than one dog is if you put two feeder bowls down and you have one dog that eats their food faster than the other dog and if the dog that's finished their food encroaches on the territory of the dog that's still working on finishing their food that could cause a little aggression depending on your dog it's not in all circumstances but it could be a situation that arises the dog that's working on finishing their food because they are you know focused and mentally being so stimulated on eating their food it could cause a little aggression towards the dog that's encroaching on their territory which is understandable but you want to make sure that you're not leaving the food unattended when your dogs are eating so you want to make sure you're there just monitoring it I never leave my dogs unattended when I feed them just you know in case something did happen I want to be there another con that I thought of as well could be that if your dog just gets frustrated enough and doesn't want to you know work on getting all the food out they could if there's not um enough grip on the bottom to for it to lay flat on the ground they could just tip it over with their nose they could get it up and tip it over so that all the food falls out so that is another con I don't think that's as likely but if your dog does get frustrated enough it could it could happen all right so now let's jump into the clips of I'm gonna show you the first clip of Fred eating his food out of his regular bowl and time that and see how long it takes and then we'll do the clip of Fred eating out of this bowl and see the time difference okay so here's his food just in a regular Bowl and it has water in it and it's gonna have the exact same thing that I'm going to put into this so I'm gonna grab my timer flip the food down wait wait and let's go [Music] okay a minute 20. and I'm adding in the water as well which I always add in to Fred's Food that okay and then we're going to put this down that's it good boy so this is what it looks like and we are going to start the timer now okay go go [Applause] foreign [Music] wait Fred you got one more piece in here 10 minutes wow so you can see like it's all wet and slimy and really needs to be cleaned but wow 10 minutes for him to eat his food is amazing was that fun was that fun ready you like that huh okay I am back and as you can see from those clips the slow feeder Bowl made a significant difference in the amount of time it took Fred to eat his food which is absolutely amazing I was actually shocked I did not think that it was going to take him just over 10 minutes to eat out of this because as you can see it took in the regular Bowl it took him one minute and 20 seconds just gobbles it down and it like you turn around and it's gone but with this like 10 minutes and he was not getting frustrated he enjoyed it I could tell that he was stimulated as he was using it you know it did move around a little bit which is a little bit frustrating because I need to get one that has more grip on the bottom because this one only has these little bits so it did not stick very well on our tile floor so that's one thing I would recommend looking out for when you are buying one of these is trying to get one that has a good either rubber or grip on the bottom but overall Fred really did enjoy it um and I am definitely gonna use this again I want to try out some other ones as well so if you have any recommendations of other ones you recommend especially for bigger dogs please leave them below I would love to try them out overall I am very happy with this and I'm going to incorporate this into Fred's daily food regimen and see how it goes so thank you so much for watching and if you have any video recommendations or any questions please leave them down below like I said I will include some links of some other ones I found online that if you're interested in trying them out and please leave your feedback on them below as well thank you so much for watching I hope you guys have an amazing day and we'll talk to you soon bye for now
Channel: Furry Friends Zone
Views: 6,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slow feeder bowls for dogs, slow feeder bowl, dog slow feeder bowl, diy slow feeder dog bowl, how to make slow feeder bowl, how to use a slow feeder bowl, benefits of slow feeder dog bowl, slow feeder dog bowls, slow feeder, slow feeder dog bowl, slow feeder dog bowl results, slow eating bowl for dogs, slow feeding dog bowl
Id: tjs6K9ibxDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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