Slow cooked beef stew with porter | How to make the best beef stew

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howdy folks and welcome back to the Addamses kitchen how are we doing hope you had a good weekend and you escaped most of the snow if you're here in the UK you'll know what it's been like the past week it's been pretty bad to say the least I mean you know you look at places like Canada they must be laughing us because they deal with this on a day-to-day basis but we're not used to this kind of weather hence wave that comes to a standstill and we end up sitting at home eating soup and feeling sorry for ourselves but that's the way it is for us we just have to get on with it I mean it seems to be subsiding somewhat the snow started to melt it's getting a little bit warmer I mean it's still bitterly cold which is the perfect reason to make my beef stew now this recipe is actually a request from a viewer her name's Aisha she asked me to do this a few weeks ago have got round to it because well the gas problems have been poorly so this one's for you now I'm not just going to do a recipe I'm also going to show you some techniques and give you some advice which should hopefully show you how to turn an ordinary shoe into a better one so let's crack on with it then if you look down below in the description you can get a list of what you need and also if you press that pause button now you can get a list of them there as well and the first thing we need to do is go and prep the beef [Music] right so let's talk about the beef then now I'm using brisket you could use chuck you could use shed you know it doesn't really matter now personally what I think makes a really good stew is big chunks of meats now don't go out and buy those packets of silly little cubes that you get from the supermarkets they tend to be too lean they dry out and there's no flavor in them whatsoever so by having a whole cup of beef you can make nice big chunks but also because of this Curtis got lots of fat in there it's gonna keep it moist and it's going to add lots of flavor as well so what I'm going to do now is just remove the string from the beef just using a knife smooth that plate out the way and basically all we're going to do is to roll this out as it comes in a sheet like that and all I'm gonna do is just trim up a little bit just take off some of these really thick bits of fat okay so once you've trimmed off those bits of fat all I'm gonna do now is just to cut it lengthwise into strips as it were and then all I'm gonna do is just cut it into nice thick chunks okay nice and big like that okay not like those silly little cubes that you get in the supermarket nice big meaty pieces okay so I'm gonna work my way through this cut this beef up and then we'll move on to the next step [Music] right okay so I finished chopping up the beef you can see look how nice and big those chunks are that's what you want and now what I'm going to do is to season it with plenty of pepper be generous with it because beef loves it and also just a touch of salt give it a good old mix make sure that beef is coated and all that seasoning once you've done that we now need to brown it off okay so what I've done now is I'll put some oil in the pan we're going to get this onto a nice high heat the flipping thing will work tell you what what is your problem minou thanks and also this point you want to pre-heat your oven to gas mark 3 I'll put the conversions down below somewhere and I'll just get the oven nice and hot ready for the stew to go in also just off-camera I've got a nice big casserole dish with a lid so it can transfer everything into it ready for the oven so once your pan is nice and hot we need to get the beef in you may have to do this in batches it depends on how big your pan is now you don't want to overcrowd the tank to put too much beef in it's gonna stew rather than brown so I'm going to fry these off in batches so the beef is nice and bayan all over and I can't stress the importance enough right you want a nice golden brown color is if you don't do that these two is not going half as good and this is what I'm talking about when I say you need to get that beef nice and brown all right it's called the my ode reaction you can see it's got those really nice golden caramelized bits on the surface and that's going to be the foundation for your stew so I'm going to leave this to one side whilst would get on and prep the veg right kay so I've got my page here I'm using carrot onion celery using some parsnips as well so the first thing I'm going to do is take these carrots out of the bag these are some tiny carrots they're nice and sweet and literally all I'm going to do with these let's just tip them out and I'm just going to take off the ends because I don't want that kind of muddy root part you know in the finished you I might just rinse them under the tap just to get rid of any bits of soil or anything that's left on them and once you've done that you just need to transfer them into the same pan that you cook the next thing mr. onions again we're just going to take the ends off cut in half that's on my shut-ins knives again I mean and then peel them obviously and once you've done that all I'm going to do is very simply chop them into smallest chunks you don't need to be too fancy because they will kind of break down in this to you anyway take and then add that to the pan as well same with a celery top and tail it and then just slice it down the middle then again into small chops okay so then add that to the pan as well and then I got to take some parsnips I'm probably gonna use four and I will peel these and then again just top and tail them get rid of enough bits and then just trim off small end piece and then turn it over and cut the thicker piece in half this sort of ensures that they're roughly all the same sort of size and I'm gonna add that straight to the beef so I don't really need to do anything else for these now I've got four cloves of garlic here and all I'm gonna do is just take the skin off and then all you need to do is just to slice it nice and thinly again don't worry too much because it will break down in the stew okay and then just add that straight to the beef but so I think that's all the prep done so let's move on to the next step right so here's my bench then I'm just gonna another touch of oil if there's not enough in that pan and I've got to turn the gas on to nice and low okay at this time and what we're aiming to do here is just to very lightly caramelize the vegetables you know you don't want and golden brown not like the beef just a slight hint of color and I'm also doing it in the same pan that I fried the beef in so all those caramelized bits of beef that are stuck to the bottom of the pan it's gonna add a really nice flavour because like I said at the beginning this is also about technique and advice not just a recipe I mean you could just throw the bed straight in the pan bung it in the oven yeah all right okay if you want to but you're not going to have a students half as good so I'm going to keep this on a low heat for about five minutes just to likely caramelize that veg and then we'll move on to the next step okay so I've been cooking this veg out for about five minutes now on a fairly low heat you can see they've just taken on a little bit of color and they've also helped lift off all those brown bits from the bottom of the pan so now what we need to do is add some flour just a couple of dessert spoons and that'll act as a thickening agent for the stew and just cook that flour out for about a minute just to take the rawness out of it and then we'll add it to the stew [Music] well a case watched you is almost ready for the oven I'm just going to add in some bay leaves I've got four here we're just gonna lightly squish just to release the oils and I've also got some Porter here which is going to add body it's going on richness and it's gonna also add some nice color to your stew you as well now you what about but to say about 350 ml then we're going to add some beef stock so I've got about 500 mil there you can always top it up with some more if you need to and then just give that a good old stir and what I've got here some baking parchment I'm just gonna rip a sheet off that's a bit larger than my casserole dish and I'm just gonna scrunch it up fold it back out and then just place that on the top just sort of tuck it in now in the world of Chevy they call this a cartouche now it's not just some fancy Chevy gimmick it does work and what it does is it acts as a barrier so all that steam hits the top of that paper and goes back into the stew rather than a hot lid so it keeps all the flavoring keep some moisture in and you end up with a much better stew so now I'm just going to pop the lid on to that and that's now ready for the other milli - one a really good now that students going to take around four hours to cook I mean the longer you leave it the better it's going to get but around about the four hour mark we should be golden so what am I going to do for the next four hours I'm going to drink the rest of this and I'm going to go up and finish my Sunday chores right so through the power of editing it's been about four hours I've had a good old snooze so let's get out of the oven and have a look right so here at least then let's take the lid off and have a little peek remove that cartouche and here it is the stewed you can see how lovely and glossy and viscous everything is that meat is going to be really nice and tender now if you just sort of press it you can see it goes through easily with a spoon and I'm just going to taste the gravy for seasoning that is packed full of flavor you wouldn't get the sweetness of those parsnips it does need a bit of pepper and just a tiny bit of salt and I'm also gonna add a splash of Worcester sauce that's just going to help cut through some of the fat and just add a nice bit of astringency so that's it that's a finished beef stew let's give it a proper taste now brought you in for a nice bit closer here so you can see how tender this beef is look I've got a spoon not even using the knife look if I just press in nice and gently you can see how tender that mean is and because of the size of the chunks is going to be really nice and moist as well just give it a taste yeah bit like carrot as well let's go in alright so so good now for us to have this for dinner you know I serve this with some nice buttery mashed maybe some greens on the side but it's really late at night you know so half 10:00 at night so I'm not gonna have it now I'll probably have some tomorrow it's really rich it's really tasty it's good for you that beef is really soft is tender full of flavor and one thing it doesn't need is any kind of tomato based products it doesn't tomato puree doesn't need tinned tomatoes it's fine as it is uniting recipes out there that call for a myriad of ingredients that you just don't need because really what it's about is using good beef good stock and some good cooking techniques because if you get those things right you're going to end up with a stew that tastes wizard well there we have it guys that's mighty easy to make beef stew I'm gonna have to be quick because of battery lights flashing on my cameras going to run it any second if you like what you see then please leave a like down below comment share across your social media platforms and also if you'd like to show me some love then please subscribe and as always if you stick around at the end there be some links to some other videos and if you're not a subscriber there'll be a button for that as well and I'll see your beautiful faces next time for more tasty fun and frolics and bye for now your harness leave it won't fade until you paint it black burn your fiber gay butter feet buddy
Channel: Adam Garratt
Views: 136,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef stew with porter, slow cooked beef stew, how to make slow cooked beef stew, simple beef stew, how to make beef stew, slow cooked beef stew recipe, beef recipes, best beef stew, easy beef stew, comfort food, british beef stew, british food, beef stew recipes, adamseats, homemade beef stew, best beef recipes, student food, cheap eats, beef stew recipe, easiest beef stew recipe, home cooked beef stew, tender beef stew recipe, home made beef stew, beef casserole, stew
Id: tcManSK4CC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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