Sloths Move So Slowly That Algae Grows on their Coats | Animalogic Wild

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[Music] along the pacific coast of costa rica lies a park filled with a whole host of wildlife sloths monkeys caiman land crabs and tourists [Music] [Music] hi i'm danielle and you're watching animal logic today we're at manuel antonio national park where the ocean meets the jungle and it's immensely biodiverse [Music] home to 109 species of mammal 184 species of bird and some of the most pristine beaches in central america manuel antonio national park sees a lot of activity from both animals and tourists [Music] the stars of the park are the sloths the three-toed sloth is the slow grinning species that relies solely on vegetation to survive the three-toed sloth is the slowest mammal in the world [Music] they spend so much of their lives not moving that algae grows on their coats this tints their coat green providing them with camouflage against the green tree canopy that they call home there are many differences between two and three-toed sloths but as their name suggests two-toed sloths have two claws on their forelimbs and three toes on their hind limbs the two-toed sloth can be surprisingly agile and can zip around quickly if necessary though they still spend most of their time just slothing around though the three-toed sloth may smile more they're both famous for constantly looking as high as a kite [Music] stay cool [Music] out relax cool relax let go [Music] sloths have very long limbs allowing them to easily grab tree trunks and branches while climbing they use their incredibly long claws to dig into the bark while they climb [Music] they are so good at hanging onto branches oftentimes when they die they'll remain hanging from the trees [Music] but it's not just their claws sloths have highly specialized retractor muscles which allow them to hang onto trees in increasingly difficult positions with ease [Music] though they have very little muscle mass about 30 percent less than what most mammals have sloths spend the majority of their lives in the trees and only really climb down when they need to poop which they strangely only have to do about once a week on the ground sloths lose any agility they had in the trees in order to get around they must pull themselves forward with their fore and hind limbs none of their limbs can support their body weight and because of this they are classified as four-armed rather than four-legged animals though in water where they don't need to support their own weight they're quite adept swimmers it's just getting out that proves difficult [Music] sloths share the jungle with a whole host of other wildlife three species of monkey live here the howler monkey occupies the upper canopy while the capuchin and squirrel monkeys live a little lower down howler monkeys [Music] howler how how howler monkeys sound like they're the ultimate terror in the jungle and that's the idea yet in reality this is far from the case while howler monkeys are the largest and earliest of the new world monkeys they aren't particularly confrontational and their loud scary call is meant as a warning to other monkeys to stay out males are the loudest and have large specialized throats which contain a large hyoid bone this helps boost their bark-like call being constantly observed by tourists howlers have developed an interesting strategy for keeping unwanted humans at bay they pee on them if you're near a howler monkey it's probably best not to stand directly under them unless you don't mind getting wet oh this one's got a baby cappuccins have developed a special relationship with humans and have learned that tourists can be an excellent source of food they have lost their fear of people and are often found raiding unsuspecting beachgoers bags for food this can be harmful for monkeys because processed foods can be either toxic or indigestible for them when there aren't any tourists around to feed them capuchins are excellent foragers unlike many other new world monkeys cappuccins spend a lot of time on the ground looking for food and they're quite resourceful they'll strip bark they'll use sticks as tools and they'll even use rocks to break open hard fruit they even have a few tricks up their sleeves for finding water cappuccins are considered to be one of the smartest new world monkeys and they've learned to rub different plants on themselves to keep ticks at bay and possibly even to treat inflammation whiteheaded capuchins live in large troops a big part of coming of age for juveniles is playing chasing and wrestling and oh do they play [Music] [Applause] [Music] at manuel antonio national park a lot of that play involves stealing things from tourists and then chasing each other for the stolen goods [Music] of course they tell us not to bring chips in for a reason [Music] other animals have learned to do the same kawaiis and raccoons have become very bold and can be seen patrolling the beaches in search of snacks [Music] [Music] these raids really show the limits of our bonds with our fellow man as instead of stopping any of these animals people tend to prefer getting cute pictures for instagram i mean it makes sense [Music] costa rica is home to an incredibly vast amount of wildlife and if you'd like to see more of it i highly recommend that you watch costa rica wildlife under the rainbow which is streaming on curiosity stream right now the documentary captures some amazing animals and behaviors that we weren't lucky enough to see while we were down there you'll see nine banded armadillos scrounging for ants tarantulas on the lookout for prey white-nosed kawatis taking to the trees in search of fruit and more of one of my favorite central american animals the howler monkey the documentary is a beautifully shot and expertly narrated guide taking you from costa rica's cloud forests and volcanoes down through its biologically intense rainforests curiosity stream is a subscription streaming service with a huge library of over 2 000 documentaries non-fiction titles and exclusive originals they have a lot of really interesting nature documentaries which if you like animal logic i think you'll love to watch costa rica wildlife under the rainbow and support animal logic go to animal logic and claim your 30-day free trial with the promo code animal logic so what should i talk about next please let me know in the comments and be sure to subscribe for new episodes of animal logic every week thanks for watching
Channel: Animalogic
Views: 2,008,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animals, animal, logic, education, show, animalogic, crazy, ugly, weird, gross, beautiful, interesting, facts, animalsfacts, about, information, info, school, research, learn, learning, fun, easy, smart, sloth, two, toed, three, brown, monkey, capuchin, howler, costa rica, wild, manuel, antonio, national, park, raccoon, coati, mundi, why are sloths so slow, sloths moving fast, algae, marmot
Id: 879Y3kL3_l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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