Sloppy Joes, Kermits Key Lime Pie & More! Best of Key West

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we are all cleansed and bathed from our beach morning in Key West we're definitely going to grab some lunch at sloppy joes and then probably just see what kind of trouble we get in and how much we want to bring you guys along so let's fire it up [Music] so we are walking in most hotels I would say that you get on the island you'll be you're able to walk but that's another small time we get a pro tip is just make sure that your hotel somewhere in the I think it's called The Old Town District that way you can walk to most of the you know Duval Street all the you know touristy stuff yeah we flew in Uber to our hotel and ever since then we've been walking which yesterday I got my Fitbit on my wrist we logged 25 000 steps yesterday which is a lot but I don't know you're walking you're eating it doesn't feel that extreme but no it doesn't don't don't wear your uncomfortable shoes that's without a doubt but would much rather be you know closer down towards the main area than up a little exactly Happy Days still like grab your own seat s [Music] [Music] go back to you I love Tyler Childers and he's playing Tyler God knows Good Music Man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay are you you're on a first name basis with her I love Tyler Childers uh we're at sloppy joes and you got the Sloppy Joe's okay first of all it is sloppy [Music] very good good like a lot of tomato flavor I mean sloppy joe I like Sloppy Joe's if you know what a sloppy joe tastes like it tastes really good they give you no shortage of napkins they know what you're getting into [Music] I got a quesadilla whips with sloppy joe sauce I think sloppy joe sauce and meat so everybody knows yeah I got sour cream and salsa and I'm gonna use that oh my god oh that's a sloppy joe quesadilla didn't want to double down on a sloppy dough let's show the viewers a little bit different I got the case it is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've already fitting into it so you've sent the slop everywhere so now I gotta get messy [Music] that ain't no Hamburger Helper brother that ain't the sloppy joe I used to get back in the day that is good y'all can call me crazy of course you gotta get the sloppy joe you're at Sloppy Joe's after trying them both I for real think the sloppy quesadilla is amazing unique you've never had a little bit more too I don't know my mind's wrong I'll be dreaming about sloppy quesadilla tonight the sloppy sandwich was off the hook but in order to using [Music] a floppiness has reached foreign rum in it foreign it's very good it's got a lot of like banana sloppy Rita sloppy joe Margarita as featured on the sign right up there solid Margarita not too much it's pretty good I say not too much but it says please frozen drinks this amount of frozen drinks they come with an ounce and a half of alcohol so I don't think they slight you on the alcohol at all either way we're gonna enjoy these beverages and get all your sloppy merch here in the Mercantile and there's what look there's your sloppy Arena yeah that's cool very good you type in what they're doing Key West you're going to see Sloppy Joe's but yeah that place is on the hook man the music was good good drinks in that quesadilla was the best thing I've consumed in Key West when I when I come back the sloppy joe was good but when I come back I'm going straight for the quesadilla again that was off the hook yeah I was jealous my sloppy joe is delicious it's the same thing that was in this game drinks were good it was all good dude that quesadilla I'm gonna have dreams about that tonight yeah see what else we can get into town so quite unlike anywhere in North Carolina in Key West you can just walk out with a drink so I was done with mine we check out you can just walk out with yours who cares they only put other places Savannah they have open containers Savannah Georgia was same thing saying no I specifically remember Savannah was so I feel like I would remember so the boys had ran or what do you call it I don't know what he is well it's a board obviously where's head boar has retired from the meat industry and moved down to Key West and opened a saloon look at that tell me that's not the Boar Head right there that looks just like the corsets what is the Boar Head he's a boar [Music] I know [Music] he's jamming so we came in here yesterday and we didn't film anything we were just kind of tired and you know didn't feel like it but wait till you see what we stumbled upon in Key West Florida a local favorite wits Frozen Custard there's two in Asheville there's one in Hendersonville there's one in North Myrtle Beach oh basically all the places we normally go and there's one here now there's one in Key West That's so exciting and if you haven't had stuff go do it we're not gonna be giving me on this wits but we recommend if you've seen our video from this morning at the beach we inserted a clip where we saw a cruise ship that was docked here first time we've ever laid eyes on a cruise ship period and we were just in awe about how huge it was and we saw a carnival one that was coming in well it's all going to come to fruition because we are now here in this video at the Carnival ship and uh I do think that one might be bigger than the one we saw yesterday you might no mind about it I think it is look at this the size it is I told you yesterday I thought that is a small look at this Key West Ain't Even This Big this is monumental this is colossal the Carnival Dream we've never been on a cruise so if uh you're watching and you're a subscriber I'll send them comments and let us know have you been on a cruise if so what do you recommend what do you like about it what do you not like about it we would uh we'd like to do a cruise one time but don't even know where to start so comment section is wide open cruise ships yeah two days in a row yeah two cruise ships definitely a shark in there yeah massive and it doesn't eat all the rest of the dishes in here it's supposed to be Tarpon feeding at four o'clock the birds seem to know what they know what time it is not Pelican up there is looking at me oh no the Buddies what is the name of this area we're on the like Harbor walk is the name of the area so we walked over there because we saw it we were running to the bathroom so we kind of bypassed all that on the video yeah when we talk about knowing public bathroom that was it right there but we saw where they were doing a tarp when we were running by to go to the bathroom we saw where they were doing a tarpon feeding so um we kind of headed back after we went to the bathroom because it wasn't quite for you so the happy hour starts before so we're gonna try to hit it up before but I wanted to see the tarpon feeding it for definitely be going to kermits maybe after happy hour yeah that's probably going to be a best key lime pie Contender right there we might get a few things to try a few things yeah and then we got some I love this area over here like walking on the Harbor walk and I got a bunch of little restaurants we might try one at the restaurant yeah definitely a little bit of a different vibe than like Duval Street Palmer yeah a little bit a little bit calm down these shops right here aren't the same like wow manatees are one of my favorite animals really my favorite animal not one of them y'all know Tommy Bahama you do not know Stingray Steve we're gonna hit up the Waterfront Brewery for some happy hour brewskis definitely giving off aquarium vibes Carver walk um so we'll do some of that but it's basically just like a boardwalk and I got a bunch of restaurants around the harbor so happy hour starts at four which is just about now so I'm gonna grab us a pair of beverages so you're getting craft beers for like three dollars you're crazy yeah it seems like really the going rate for beer is six dollars which you know us us coming from like the Asheville region like six dollars honestly pretty good for like a craft draft beer so three dollars all right what'd you go with I went with the 35a IPA it is a juicy and tropical IPA with big notes of sweet pineapple mango and orange and it is a hazy which is y'all should know by now I like pastry it's very good [Music] coffee on the end it's not too sweet you can taste the tropical notes but it's not like fruit The Truman double IPA as much IPA as I can get it is nine and a half percent so that's like Voodoo Ranger level of alcohol but you can see I got the tiny little fancy glass it says multi with a balanced bitterness sounds like my type of beer [Music] that's definitely like IPA just like malt I don't know why we're like throwing stuff at the camera and then I just wanted to copy you the fact that we got two waters here beer water stay hydrated folks it's hot out there we're out here drinking stay hydrated yeah for every drink we drink I think we probably drink like three Waters it's hot this is why restrooms are so important because we drink beer but you got to stay hydrated with water yeah you got to know where the closest bathroom is at all times you never know what's gonna pop off the first thing we did was go to CVS and get about a 24 pack of water and we're almost done with it and it's day two so we drink a lot of water so small town weekend Pro tip hydrate yourself we got another three dollar round I went right back to the trimming but you switched it up what'd you get yeah I'm a normal human try more than one I got the lazy way IPA so it's a tropical fruit mango Citrus and slightly Piney hot Aromas um and this is definitely more like a traditional IPA like you like the pineiness is there on the end definitely I don't taste as much of the fruit but it's still very good definitely a craft beer jabroni IPA right there this is good good craft beer I mean it is quality deal of the week so far we came in here got four craft beers it was 12.90 that's just dumb that's just dumb Waterfront Brewing does have a bit of an arcade going on here I got this term and they got another room on this would be a great place if it was like a rainy day oh yeah and keep pulling through the white tarp on right here we just pulled up a little white tarpon right here where we saw them feeding the tarpons right across the Waterway and you know grab us a little bite to eat we have a beautiful outdoor seat but it's kind of like an indoor Outdoors yeah indoor looks nice but man it feels so good out here tonight so we're gonna continue out here what'd you grab here it is a world famous so I had to get but it's a key lime martini and it's got a graham cracker crust vanilla vodka um I don't know it's a bunch of stuff and it looks delicious and they're playing Britney Spears around here this is Millennial like Millennial radio basically where they're playing graham cracker crust how about that I see why it's world famous really it is you ain't playing I'm gonna go ahead and say it right now say it this is the best drink I've had since we got here nah you're lying let me let me hit this it's creamy let me hit this it is delicious this is a key lime Martini yeah that's not the best drink we've had since you've been here it is creamy do not spill it do not spill it I hate to tell you key lime pie is my favorite dessert favorite dessert period Point Blank yeah that drink with the graham cracker crust legitimately yeah like that actually tastes exactly like a key lime yeah I am not a martini person that's off the hook I went with a beverage much more sophisticated you may have heard of it I went with the Miller Light in glass bottle crispy as it was when I was in college you go with it I got the half chicken roasted chicken this got obviously green beans and mashed potatoes and this beautiful Little Flower the presentation is Stellar looks really good I love green beans and I really love this kind of green beans like the fresh not the butt green beans for sale I do not like buttons if you want to know what a butt green bean is you'll have to go back to our warmer videos I think oh oatmeal yeah but the old mill green beans are good they're wet green beans but they're good but green beans I think there's really only one Burger on there I don't specifically remember what it was called I don't know what kind of sauce I got here but we're gonna find out wow the only thing I can really compare that sauce to is honestly scream insults but this actually has a lot more kick on it screaming sauce is from Juicy Lucy's and it's kind of spicy it's kind of like a spicy mayo but this has got a lot more kick on it so I'm putting my skip out on the ketchup and go straight for whatever that is but so far so good pull that leg right open yeah foreign this was very good we needed this one I mean everything was good and we got it look at that there's your boy is that Kermit right there you make a meme key lime pie brother maybe it's just the ambiance I think this is the Premier Key West Key Lime Pie location I mean come on you're sitting here there's some koi fish up in here chilling come on so relaxing this is it I remember last time we came here and we just we knew we wanted to get a key lime packing permits because if you look up like key lime pie in Key West that's one of the top places and then we walked out here we were like oh my gosh this is next level and I think we sat right here I think we did too honestly it's right here I went with the coconut key lime pie I like coconut and it's got some little shaved coconut pieces on there looks delicious and then you just went with the quite polish of a move I went with a normal ordinary Old Key Lime Pie yeah which so far on this trip the only frame of reference has been Blue Heaven there's meringue which is whipped egg whites which and you toast the top so it's got that brown like Blue Heaven did this is just whipped cream I'm a little biased because I've been here before this is probably gonna be where it's at laughs that's it 11 out of 10. 11 out of 10. that's it it's that easy you ain't had it yet though you can see the coconut pieces on there shoe look at something like this that's very good so we're at Kermit's what would you call this location I have a Duval Street but then this is like the more original this is the original one yeah towards the harbor the harbor I don't know I mean this is obviously there they're number one because check out the koi pond I mean come on but the one on the mall and we'll have to go there again they have a little back section so you can sit and eat your popsicles then area so we'll have to go there and try that where is this ranking I mean I mean no disrespect to Blue Heaven whatsoever but as far as key lime high and Key West Kermit's taking that easy number one spot over there for sure I get it they got all that meringue on top whatever I'm not here for all that personal preference to each their own for me Hermits is number one not even I don't want to say not even close because theirs was good but they're a solid number one I would have to agree this is number one so things I like about the other ones is that aesthetically it's really pleasing like I said with that big meringue and meringue it's hard to it's hard to make that's definitely the Instagram key lime pie yeah I think Kermit's pie in itself is a little better so we might try to check out the the whistle bar right above the ball the whistle bar Garden of Eden it claims well you're so smart you ain't coming down these steps if you tore up I'll tell you that much we're up here chilling at the whistle bar we went to the top floor just you know filming checking it out saw a set of stairs stw's going up they were like they were kind about it but they were like hey no no photo no video oh okay no problem we turned the GoPro off came back downstairs they were kind about it no big deal come to find out the top floor of the whistle bar is called the Garden of Eden and clothing is optional so luckily I I am too because at the time we were like okay you know they weren't mean about it but it was like okay no problem you know cool we'll turn it off we'll go back downstairs but now that we know it's kind of embarrassing we go up there with the GoPro so y'all say a prayer for us because I was pretty embarrassed luckily nobody was up there you know letting it hang out a little bit pina colada the Flying Monkey Saloon and let me tell you right now this is the best place to get any kind of Frozen drink I'm gonna go on a limb on a limb here and say this is probably my favorite drink in Key West via my experience so far pina colada flying monkeys it's just it's always warm down here and this is so refreshing this is my go-to unlike other frozen drinks where I feel like you don't get a lot of alcohol in them you know and at least you can there's alcohol in them you can taste yeah so these are stout so we got these we can I mean it's Key West you can walk around with it these are nine dollars in a cup you can get a squeezy like cup for 12 and the refills are nine dollars and you get like a jumbo Mega cup for like 18 right this has been uh somewhat miscellaneous afternoon of Adventures in Key West so uh we're probably gonna wrap it up here we've got a ghost tour scheduled for tonight so I'm very excited that's probably going to be the next video so check that out but as for right now in this video this has been a small town weekend in Key West we'll see you next time peace and I ask you don't record this to her please [Music]
Channel: Small Town Weekend
Views: 9,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g_6s7KtKa0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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