Slipknot - Solway Firth [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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Channel: Slipknot
Views: 55,071,009
Rating: 4.8908687 out of 5
Keywords: Slipknot (Musical Group), metal, Corey Taylor (Musical Artist), Jim Root (Guitarist), Mick Thompson (Guitarist), Roadrunner Records (Record Label), official video, lyrics, aol, all out life, new song, new video, rock, hard rock, unsainted, we are not your kind, 2019, solway firth, the boys, amazon superheros
Id: V3ADK6gsDGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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Reminder not to downvote other people's opinions if you disagree.
Their best work since Iowa hands down.
Best song since years imho. And, totally beside the point (from a musical point of view): who's the girl appearing around 2:46? Her looks just kill me in every way.
Just listened for the first time. Feeling it. That old Corey anger is back on this one. Fight me.
The more I listen to it, the more I like it.
Iām so glad I. H.a.v.e found a new love for Slipknot
Fuck, I like how god damn heavy this is. The intro is meh, but this is fucking solid
The song itself is solid, much better than I expected, but it could do without the intro.