Slick + Sloppy Georgia Clay in Durhamtown - Feature Length Trail Ride - SXS/UTV Trail Vlog 014

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right way too dirty [Music] Atlanta of all places I never expected spend the night no I love the city seafood fried oh yeah everything is already up there somewhere area you ready bro ready bro [Applause] here we are we're getting the dirt down off row Park Georgia being raining a lot so it's mucky out here you can see the dirtbike track to the right of us their obstacle course another track coming up on the right could be a good time looks like a good little maintenance suppose there's a dirt bike race here this weekend but terrible conditions I'm wonderful Chancellor yeah so we're here with Razer division we're gonna meet up with some other people like Michigan dirt and a couple other viewers from the YouTube channel are gonna meet us out here so it should be a good time I'm looking forward to if you walk around here for a while that's from Razer division says they got some wicked trails here so it's gonna be awesome pretty sloppy he said it's gonna be muddy when we get in there so we're gonna get to playing that a red Georgia clay never written in Georgia yet before it's my first time so it should be a good time gonna be fun washing the machines after this so we're just gonna pull in here wow look at all those machines a lot of people here not dirt banks got store and restaurant there more here on the left we got cabins in red it's muddy I got there in shorts and I gotta change my shoes get up geared up in our Finn trail gear cuz it's gonna be wet and sloppy so we're gonna throw out the big trail that's gonna keep us nice and warm and dry oh yeah guys stay tuned gonna have a lot of cool video footage it's gonna be a good time getting to ride some trails I've never been on before so that's always good make sure you hit that thumbs up button check out her channel for a lot of other videos check out both the channels adrenaline junkie prod and adrenaline junkie projects and make sure you follow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook so you can stay up to date with all the awesome uploads and all the content we put up there on a regular basis [Music] be an awesome ride looking forward to it just gonna go ahead to trails now so stay tuned for a wicked ride guys subscribe to that channel thanks for joining us on another ride guys this is gonna be an interesting one there's a lot of unexpected events coming your way things didn't exactly go according to plan this arrived but that's part off roading right this is our first trip down to Georgia so I can't wait to see what this ride holds make sure you check out our Shopify store and follow us on [Music] yeah print flame welcome we're out welcome to Georgia south carolina the same this stuff does not like we are gonna get filthy well big shout outs of all our supporters are all distributing FXR racing super ATV trail all you guys can't do all this without you routed river power sports again everything I joy the ride it's gonna be a sloppy one i gutted the mbrp power sports exhaust and straight piped it and that's a Revlon blow off out of here the razor sounds evil [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that's awesome man it's what it's like out there [Music] so yeah boys first little rip there drift towns looking great already [Music] [Music] yeah I just second my family yeah yeah and my switch doesn't light up anymore and it doesn't contact so you gotta wiggle it sometimes yeah guys I'm here in Durham town Georgia Georgia with the Georgia boys got razor division here what's that yeah I'm at 12 pounds right now yeah okay it's slick out there it's slick it's nice what are three rings are they good okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah they do I have to ship in the floor I can keep control two wheel drive yeah damas fun I got that on the pretty white cell phone video - it's gonna be sloppy having our first stop of the day and there's already mud look at this Oh [Music] probably vibrates so much nothing can sting [Music] the clay doesn't look as red in the video it's red dirty [Music] [Music] [Music] we just decide to stop here really quickly and regroup one or two of the guys have to wipe off their windshields as you can see it's super sloppy it's really slick out there so I'm gonna do my best to keep the camera clean throughout the day so bear with me things are gonna get really interesting in a minute [Music] Hey hey your buddies in the blue there he's got a Aires tires down he's running like 20 pounds okay alarum down next stop [Music] [Music] really nice temperature up [Music] glad I like that [Music] under dollar hungry girlfriend [Music] oh my god what every sign numbered here we go hot dogging we're going to Georgia clay where [Music] what the hell just happened world thought way [Music] [Music] what the hell just happened your old flame it's too deep it's got a big lip right there she turn it off [Music] [Music] that's the part Oh you forgot there a good edge there what I know early this is a first found that it those are hobbles I listen to my dad yeah there's a big ledge right there fun perfect there you go priorities oh is it in a case perfect fingers crossed just turn it off and oh fur ball [Music] she's been baptized in the Georgia rivers come to initiation day ten minutes in the ride here we are bro ab shake god I love it hey Brooke I just amaze you I just means you were given a hell girl don't be mad at yourself I hope you deal with dad a minute well the carnage has begun guys we got a time you insert the ride we got a high lifter Ranger flipped over wet too deep [Music] you know fast what's my best route [Music] [Music] so here I'm just trying to find another way around but there doesn't seem to be a way to get across that Creek the current they're super strong and it's about five to six feet deep at least in the middle there there's no way I'm getting my razor through there so I figure I'll just go back the way I came [Music] it was at this moment that adrenaline-junkie knew he had done yeah I need him to hook up my winch right now come over and help me don't get watch out that's deep I'm almost taking on water actually my CVT exhaust is completely submersed right now I gotta I need her to pull me exactly the way it is that way okay so I'm about a half inch from taking water into my CVT intake pipe here the driver's side is buried but for some reason in my head I thought that I was about to take in water through my engine intake so I was stressing out here straight back Napoli go back I can't stay here much longer hurry up I'm almost on my intake [ __ ] muscle man will be back pull me back pull me back I can't go I'm gonna take it man take tell them to just drive backwards like I said my mom was playing a trick on me I thought my air intake for my engine was on my driver's side for some reason but it's high up in the air on the passenger's side you know hold the brake but for some reason I just wasn't thinking straight and I thought I was gonna hide her lock here because my CVT intake was almost underwater which at this point didn't really matter because my CVT was already full of water because the exhaust is lower than the intake and that was already completely submerged but in a stressful situation like this you're not always thinking straight so who go ahead and bust my chops through this one guys as a lot of you will know from firsthand experience you get pretty stressful when you're about to write off an expensive machine keep going so as you can see I'm a little stressed out here my belt case filled up with water that's the first time that's happened this razor with me I really try to avoid that the clutches don't like to get wet they're supposed to stay dry my belt case is full of water right now to the very top so I'm going to pull it off clean everything out and dry it out if this happens to you it's not the end of the world whatever you do resist hitting the gas and slipping that belt and spin in those clutches party here you can see me draining the clutch cover with removing the little drain plug that's not gonna be enough I'm gonna open it up make sure there's no debris in there [Music] gonna let that belt and those clutches dry out real good don't try to drive it until everything's completely dry or you're gonna wreck that belt and possibly the clutches to and back [Music] rook you need to get in that ride it out it's can you want it to come this way so get in there and ride it as it starts to topple you climb in okay oh by the way we lost something down that way I'm sure there's no little the only thing I saw gets loaded on that way it's a little long looks like the camping gear yeah and then our bug spray went somewhere Julian's done for the day is budgetary little water max at work thank you Hey I like them she won't pull it up this way it's this evil mug right there just go that way yeah that we is that we're not gonna do anything guarantee there's no power no turning around yeah if she touches through that other side if they have another toe strap you can tell a strap is in the back we have another thing right here hey good Steve I got water up the waders [Music] I'll go back across can you make it oh yeah get this down around the bottom of the bumper [Music] Yeah right there it's all pretty solid in here though [Music] baby might be a good idea [Music] I go this way it's all sturdy [Music] [Music] I'm everywhere right now Julian's taking apart his blood she was trying to drain them see if we can still ride the rest today hey Dad he wanted to loop on this side down here cuz it slipped on this side he's got another one behind you coming open on this side and we're gonna be okay they have another one yes I'll come back when we can attach this end you got a ring and it's even deeper in that section Oh everyone was laughing at our waiters I didn't tell me to do it because I know came straight across oh oh well that is it yeah [Music] [Music] I'm free I will get to you [Music] it could be the correct [Music] [Music] hold on put that what mark [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah [Music] you're good to go but slow I try to keep it that side there you go good job you got it Brooke yeah cut it that way yep we're at our max [Music] we're gonna can you I mean I can let it out if you want I think you'd be good from nerd oh hey yeah put it in Park it on a hook at I'll bring it yellow rope back over with can you toss it in park we'll try we're gonna have to reattach yep put it in park stay there Mad Max to the rescue baby no one left behind no one back up the little we're gonna have to reattach [Music] well we're gonna have to reattach oh yeah [Music] okay now it's been part now oh yeah residents notes about this time so nice going green see what happens when you come to initiation they are first off first and your initiation day and we're up raised division team a JP but we back at it look at that God good this guy look how good he is this is why I trail with the best bro see that some habits break it would fix it in the church and we keep going not months can deal with this though look at this look how brutal this is before y'all judge the Machine and what happened first of all look out of waters rushing and oh my god and the whole thing is like this talking about badly control back a little dirty there Julian oh yeah but I'm Drive [Music] [Music] [Music] all my which Oh yep I knew I should have done it when I said it [Music] yeah yeah they're not exactly fast [Music] [Music] well I definitely lucked out I pulled the belt case off there's not much video but there's just too much going on so I have to work on the race or while Shelby helped extract the other machine and the festival razor division was helping with that too so not much time to get video of what I did but I always make sure I carry a lot of gear with me some tools some various supplies on longer journeys like this a lot of you guys have asked me what I do take with me on trip so I'm gonna put a little video together in the next little while when I get around to it to show you guys all that but basically what I did is I pulled the cover off I sprayed the clutches out really nice with brake cleaner then I spun him up got everything dry made sure it was nice and clean there was no debris in there I sprayed a bunch of wd-40 in the moving components of the clutch just to make sure there's no water in there after I was positive everything was nice and clean on the clutch was engaged and it popped the belt cover back on and here you see it everything's good as so I'm really lucky I'm happy there was no damage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] Zachary and Nick from Michigan dirt just got here they're rockin a 20-18 razor Turbo S with a bunch of mods on it Michigan dirt an adrenaline junkie probably working together quite a bit in the next little while we're not that far apart from each other we met through YouTube so make sure you subscribe to Michigan dirts channel and stay up-to-date with him as well as we'll be having some project coming up from both of us in the next little while so it should be a good time they drove about 16 to 18 hours from Michigan to get here so we're gonna spend the rest of the day riding together should be a good time hopefully it's the first of many adventures we end up going on together any wrecks right well I'm said I'm wearing the wrong tip yeah right sorry clean the visor man my buddy penguin like Mars one in there you can give up I eat that yeah thanks man now that we're all regrouped it's time to get back on those sloppy trails and see what else lies ahead these are not the best trail conditions for this area and this isn't the best time of year to be riding here but it's kind of when we had some time before Christmas we wanted to get out here and feel out the trails around here the off-road parks and what they had to offer the plan is to come back here in the spring or the summer with a bigger group of people and organize a nice big ride for viewers and some of our friends so we just wanted to get out here and get some rides on so we're doing some recon here so that we know that when we come back we kind of are prepared for what we're gonna see and we can really experience them and the pika this like usual I will keep you guys posted as to when we are planning that ride so that hopefully some people want to get out on the trails and join us there you'll be able to come out ride with us and be in some of the videos with us as I've said in the past one of my favorite things about this YouTube channel is just the community that's growing around it and the fact that it connects us like-minded people together so that we can go out and have fun experience these trails together my goal is to ride with as many of you guys as I can and to ride in as many places as I can over the next few seasons so I love getting out with you guys I want to see more of the viewers in the videos that's one of my major goals so next time we do plan a ride I'll hopefully give you guys more notice so that more people can join us out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we just double back to where we started our ride near the parking area to link back up with Mike who had the flooded Ranger they managed to tow it back to their truck and trailer and now he's back out in his Razer 900 with his daughter [Music] get the machine all loaded up [Music] when you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be drowned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] so wine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my my man rip on the track later maybe I think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I did too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why do you keep stomping I can smell your belt yeah [Music] I can smell it for a while so we got a broken belt in the razor for dynamics from razor division his turn to bite the dust Karma's a [ __ ] here basic cat with blew a belt [Music] yeah hey guys so afloat we just blew a felt now we're gonna get her fixed up and hit the trail again make sure you subscribe to the channel make sure you subscribe to Michigan dirt razor division and adrenaline junkie prod give us a thumbs up and check us out on Facebook and Instagram too I find they don't hold up Ranger hey what's going on there that's uh no cost and carnage here oh yeah I only clean spawn the whole thing supposed to be shiny no one's gonna see it guys like 99 I did don't let him take from 1850 and it's like really really old and yeah I mean you could tell that you just feel and I'll get the socket [Music] teamwork makes the dream work yeah this is torque 276 foot-pounds again you got snap ring pliers the front end looks nice on these could you put the lights in here you can talk too fast over there he just ordered a second version he's got him yet not from I'm sure it won't be long till they're available in the aftermarket oh yeah what's going on man just chillin rippin getting dirty make sure you subscribe to Michigan dirt and Rowin junkie we're gonna be ridin in Michigan with them in the summertime you know maybe you'll take a trip down and see us they would like to yeah that'd be sweet we'll take you up north or something I mean I like it all dude I'm pretty okay we'll start with that and if we still have razors Shelby and I that's she'll be absolutely real friend so we were thinking it'd be cool we got this we know this guy that has like an off-road resort no it's a bar up north like you do it's like 12 hours of course and it takes six hours in side-by-sides to get to the hunt camp we want to do a group ride so it'd be cool to get together with like a bunch of people that are down I have a lot of kids that place sleeps like 20 people yeah that's badass you're in known for like their bear hunting and stuff and snowmobiling in the winter it's outside a place called Wawa Ontario yeah I was actually just there yeah whole cars for a living sorry right so you're all over the place yeah snap ring pliers yeah all right nice to meet you guys Mike quickly drove back to one of the trucks because we left the snap ring pliers in there he also took that chance to drop his daughter off at the lodge so that she could dry off since she was soaked from swamp in that Ranger [Music] you are not getting that out down there yeah anyone got a phone yeah [Music] all righty [Music] just gonna send it right let me be a light holder I'm always a little more yes sir see I think I got a [Music] rope there you go money [Music] Tork horrible recording there's some screws bro I got all you got we got that control arm on we forgot to break it in forgot to add a new belt on and just like it charged to don't notice a difference when you change the change of belts it's ours to get our charge tube they definitely helped by vines are those are plastic ones they're like a [Music] [Music] that rotational noise ear hearing the driveline noise that's developed that's developed because of me being stuck in that mud hole for an extended period of time all the water and the grit managed to creep into you joints in my prop shaft that were already worn I didn't have all the components I needed to maintenance the prop shaft before I left the parts in coming to the dealership soon enough so I had to salvage what I had and just make the best of it sitting in that water really screwed me because that water and that grit man just to find a way in everywhere up into the seals of the u-joints and now you're hearing that grit grind those you joints apart the noise is gonna get progressively worse throughout the drive but it's not anything to worry about it's not gonna lead to like an instant catastrophic failure or anything like that but I will have to service the prop shaft when I get home as a lot of you know when you ride harsh wet muddy conditions like this it takes a toll on all your seals your bearings your your joints all that stuff really wears out prematurely in these conditions that's why it's so important to do preventative maintenance and keep up on on your machine make sure it's top-notch or it's gonna lead to unexpected failures on the trail and collateral damage [Music] behind me here in the Razr 900 is our buddy Mike Mike met us out here in Durham town he's been watching the videos for quite some time it was his daughter driving the 900 range or XP that swamped in the first section of the video there he's back out run with us in his razor they got the Ranger back to camp to the trailer and his daughters warming up at the at the lodge at Durham town there by the fire getting all dried out Mike and his daughter ride out here pretty often but unfortunately sometimes things don't go according to plan so like a lot of you know unexpected events do happen when you're out off-roading that's part of the thrill part of the fun you got to take the good with the bat she handled it like a champ she jumped out of that machine helped extract it helped get it all back out to safety didn't care about the water didn't care about getting wet made the best of a bad situation and as far as I know right now Mike's dripping that machine down it didn't hide your lock it turned off before it went under and it's looking like he's going to be able to salvage that thing and it's not gonna have any serious long-term repercussions we'll be back on the trail in no time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we decided to stop here for a little bit - there's this nice little jump in this whipped out section here Michigan dirt took the drone up in the air for a little while unfortunately we didn't have the drone for very long because he kind of crashed it into a tree but we got a couple cool shots and hopefully we can get a few more in the future so there's gonna be some nice action shots from us ripping up and down here the live valve suspension and the razor turbo s is just unreal it's on my books it's pretty much like cheating [Music] I thought the suspension my 2017 razor turbo and can-am x3s was awesome until I saw the razor turbo s [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] even on the razor turbo for the dynamic suspension works awesome in the forge Motorsports blow-off valve sounds insane [Music] [Music] razor division sending it but in the limo the limo yeah baby original you boys having fun or why yeah we got Michigan dirt Bamburgh guy extraordinaire that's right yeah we got orchard dirt we take hub right rockin that blue turbo s sending it like he's supposed to I don't even recognize you man who the hell are you he's a rookie man first ride out he's already he's already planning his first race [Music] like literally scrape your diary to that me to hit look he scraped your tire man like he literally touched it we can we can get it on video that was close it's gone it's done it's done that was as close as you can get and that would have been the worst place to hit it it is just gonna morrow yeah we should get ken block to bring his x3m [Music] [Music] [Music] look we got another guy strapping in now he's going to show us how to do it you got it but you should have seen how close to you he came that's about as close as that I actually think I might have still been pointing the camera away while I was running for my life they think as well yeah do another one up I know it's not easy [Music] [Music] Oh your mud flaps hanging off and you're losing your toe strap welcome to the club I heard you hit a tree maybe with your drone I've thought I was a skilled pilot I was stick to the razor piloting man you clapping for you get yeah man we're definitely going to have to make a few more rides coming up I think we got some good trail ride oh yeah stay tuned guys there's gonna be some wicked content coming your way next season for both of us it's like trails who needs them give us a muddy flat section of anything we'll just do donuts all day you know how close you came to smoking him when you actually touch his rear tire yeah you touched it that's how both of us yeah that was skill ken block's gonna be jealous man that's a stupid question yeah me too oh my god no we gonna tow him back now yep pretty sure we did you you endnote' it real nice the first jump oh yeah yeah well what the heck that fogging up Phil Harris head lake life it's cuz they've got little like it looks pretty good you're rads nice and kit all your intercooler yeah that's that's definitely who did it don't worry man drop it off at his shop they do detailing and stuff right lewis your exhaust is the only clean hang on there yeah oh nice because it vibrates so much and gets so hot nothing in stick to it and says it was clearly he got it dirty freakin felt it or dude there's so much how you liking this razor man do is you having fun it's such a wicked machine if any of you guys are thinking about getting the side-by-side or considering a razor just quit thinking and go sign that paperwork and polaris you guys can contact both of us with the royalty checks yeah yeah someone's stealing my razor someone's stealing my razor [Music] horn I feel that might be overdone but over this jump something like that can be overdone exactly the opposite that though we can always make it not in funny [Music] well that just about concludes our first ride at Durham County off-road park in Georgia it was a blast it was sloppy it was messy but was still an awesome time we had a lot of unexpected events from swamp and arranger to blowing belts to having other issues part of the game when you're off road and you never know what's coming around the next corner so you just kind of gotta adapt and make the best of it I can't wait to get back here I can't wait to come back to Georgia area and ride again looking forward to our next ride and kind of see that's probably gonna be one of the next videos we check out brimstone and I also can't wait to get back here in the spring and summer and really take advantage of these off-road parks when we have a little bit more time to spend here before we load up and leave we're gonna head over Durham town Lodge we're gonna get ourselves some dinner at the restaurant there they've got pretty good food I think we've been out all day I haven't had anything to eat so we're gonna get ourselves some nourishment we're also gonna rinse off the razor a little bit before you load it up on the trailer they have a full pressure washing facility on site as well as cabins and camping and lodging and stuff like that like I mentioned earlier but we won't be spending the night here we're heading back to Atlanta and we're gonna spend the night in the condo with fest and do a bit more riding tomorrow on some of his more local trails around home thanks again for watching hope you enjoyed the video make sure you check out some of our other videos I mean have done so already and subscribe to the channel to stay up to date with all the new content and if you're looking for more videos to watch and also check out and subscribe to Michigan dirt on YouTube you can also watch his version of this trail ride video on his channel he's also got an Instagram page if you want to follow him there you can also check out the Razr division Instagram and Facebook pages see pictures from this ride and other cool content from rides in the area there's a lot more videos to come like I said I'm a little backlog I'm a little behind takes a lot of time to edit these videos I'm a one-man team so bear with me I try not to skimp out on quality I put a lot of time into these edits so that's why sometimes it might take a little while it's my goal to get all caught up with the content by spring so when spring summer rolls around me can be really active with going on a ride filming it editing it and uploading it as crap as quickly as possible but until I get caught up there's gonna be a big jumble of videos they might not all be chronologically in order but I'll make sure to let you guys know when they were filmed and where they were filmed so you have an idea of where we're riding so thumbs up if you enjoyed it please share the videos with your friends we're trying to grow the subscriber numbers the more subs we get the better our videos rank on YouTube the major goal is to get as many people viewing these videos as we can as the view numbers increase and the subscriber count goes up hopefully other teams of youtubers and maybe even businesses will want to work with us and help us create even better content for you guys to enjoy into the future like I said in the past all the proceeds generated from this channel which isn't that much do go directly back into the channel I use all the proceeds mostly just a fun new camera equipment and gear to make the videos better quality also if you feel like you'd like to support in a different way then you can check us out on patreon as well as check out the Shopify store get yourself some t-shirts and some other swag as always thanks for the support thanks for watching [Music] those guys go over there [Music] the lodge is just a short drive from the parking area that's also where you get your trail passes and where the restaurant and the park store and stuff like that is just pulling into the car walk here on the car wash here can a walk off the razor get this baby cleaned up our trip to Tennessee that's coming up shortly we're leaving tomorrow meeting up with our buddies from blind TV [Music] razor is filthy got a [ __ ] you knocks coming from it be rude sounds and noises I'm gonna wash it off and hopefully get everything sorted I got a bit of play in the front end here somewhere I don't know where it's coming from something feels loose in the front almost like a loose break out here but it's not that so I'm gonna have to figure out where that place coming from maybe it's like a bushing oh that explains that I got no TV dude great I'm completely missing a CD and I didn't bring a stair front axle by accident looks like this has wrapped itself around my axle great very good so we'll have to figure out a way to salvage that for the ride and it's full of grass in there damn it that sucks so we'll wash your out and hope for the best see what we can come up with see what we can do see about fixing up CV boot somehow [Music] [Music] not too happy about that doesn't look like there's any other significant damage that I can see right now well that's silly I didn't see that happening [Music] Kantar get our hose off and see what we can do make sure he goes the thumbs up guys subscribe to the channel follow us on Instagram and on Facebook stay tuned with this thing as it gets a views on the trail on a Waffle House yep heading to Tennessee gonna meet up with her buddy Chris just gonna get some calories in us before the road trip are about four hours away we're coming from South Carolina or what parents are we're heading to Tennessee and we'll be staying we'll be we'll be riding that brimstone for two day so it should be a good time so stay tuned for that footage it's coming up it's gonna be a blast oh yeah the dollar PHA had those arias gaza slaw hope you enjoyed the video make sure you check out more of our awesome content on the channel get out there guys hit those trails have fun riding and stay safe out there we'll see in the next video huge shout out to our current supporters royal distributing super ATV effects are racing thin trail and mbrp power sports you [Music]
Channel: AdrenalineJunkieProd
Views: 251,724
Rating: 4.7573528 out of 5
Keywords: utv trail riding, feature length trail ride, durhamtown off road park, polaris rzr trail riding, polaris rzr, rzr, rzr 900, polaris, sxs, utv, trail vlog, RZR Turbo, RZR 900S, off-road adventure, rzr 1000, RZR Turbo S, RZR 4 seater, durhamtown off road resort, RZR Dynamix, Polaris Ranger XP, Ranger Highlifter, Swamped, Offroad carnage, Mudding, AdrenalineJunkieProd, Michigan Dirt, Water Crossing, #TeamAJP, Ranger 900 XP, Georgia clay, Durhamtown, side by side mudding, Mud Ride
Id: iVt3ce5j-xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 8sec (6128 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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