SLENDERMAN Spotted In Real Life.. (HELP)

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[Music] what's going on guys infinite here back with another spooky video are you guys ready to be spoked it's the spook season it's Halloween almost this is what I'm gonna be for Halloween I'm just gonna wear these glasses pretty spooky right anyways guys we're gonna be looking at some really really creepy Slenderman videos Slenderman spotted in real life do you think Slenderman is real or fake let me know in the comments about it check out some videos guys they're gonna be freaking creepy look it under the blankets get a drink and a snack and you should be good to go or about it gets so frickin spoked I actually made a video where I went and hunted for Slenderman take that video out guys it was freaking terrifying there's gonna be a link in the description if you guys want to watch that but anyways guys let's just get right into the video but I got a bunch of clips lined up of videos where people actually spotted Slenderman in real life as I do post videos every single day so if you guys want to maybe subscribe and turn on those notifications SiC rotate let's just press play on the first one apparently this guy could not find his daughter one day so he went looking outside for her and spotted his daughter with Slenderman here's the clip Sally Sally Sally [Music] slowly no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is so creepy to me dude he daughter is literally walking away from him with a tall dude in a black suit freaking Slenderman that's who it is apparently that guy never found his daughter his daughter went missing dude I don't know I don't know if that's real I don't know that's what the video says dude it's all God that is so creepy and sad and terrible dude Slenderman how about you just stay away from everyone all right screw you man don't take away people's daughters that's messed up dude Oh Lenderman if you ever try to come mess with me oh you already know you're about to get boss maps card papi this is what I'm gonna do to you headshot don't freakin mess with me Maddie anyways guys we have another clip right here apparently these kids were walking outside trying to find their friend and then they spotted Slenderman across the street so yeah let's just press play dude let's go back up to the dude oh my god dude he's got that like white face and there seems to be someone else with him I don't know who that is I don't know what it I don't know dude all I know is that I'm Franken spooked Slenderman 'he's got to be one of the creepiest things out there like i don't know if he's real - i don't know if any of these are actually real or fake but they look real and they totally could be real dude anyways guys the next clip is actually not Slenderman but it's this really creepy ghost looking figure with long black hair these guys were just driving on this road in the middle of the night and spotted this white figure so yeah let's just press play [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god that is actually so scary you can see the figure was like slowly running at them like they had to back up in their truck to get out of the wait do like oh that is so scary like in the middle of the night - dude you could tell like that guy was like crying almost he was screaming because of how scared he was because this frickin weird long-haired ghost thing is chasing him in the middle of the night dude am i scary does this scare you if I'm like chasing you you know oh no I would be scared if I looked like this I look terrifying how's it going again anyways guys on to the next clip this next video is a guy who was just doing a random video was like testing his bike out just in the middle of nowhere and in the background I'm not gonna tell you where but just look in the background and you can actually spot a very very tall figure just wandering around just watch this [Music] good stuff dude dude just just just stop Slendy you're not I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't exist does that mean no it's not alright you steal people's daughters and you just look creepy like why do you have to be in the foggy background like it's just so mysterious to me like he's just super foggy he's just walking in the background of the distance I don't like this dude I don't I don't like it Slendy just just just just we have a couple more clips this next one it's got to be the scariest one dude it is so creepy I don't know if it's real but apparently this was spotted in Russia Slenderman is known to like shape-shift apparently he's not just like a tall dude in a suit like he can actually shape-shift and like get places really really quickly and this is probably how he does it here's the clip [Music] like are you freaking kidding me dude is oh my if I ever saw that I would I am I'm gonna head it to the moon I don't want to live here anymore if that's a thing oh oh dude I have the chills I have the chills we have one more clip let's just get it over with this is not Slenderman but this was spotted in these girls video they were just making a funny video I don't know what the doing and they just spot this creepy figure in the background check it out okay we're gonna watch that one more time because it's really short but like did you see how fast the figure went from downstairs to upstairs that was a matter of seconds oh he's gonna play it one more time guys [Music] it had a scar they would have been fine I could have bopped that ghost up the stairs just boom and and it would have been gone dude victory royale right there des that is fricking terrifying I don't know if any of these are real but guys these are so scary if you guys want any more creepy videos like this I'm just trying to you know get in the spirit of halloween halloween is coming up dude it's the spoke season so that's why you're seeing so many spooky videos but guys if you want any more videos like this make sure to drop a fat thumbs up and leave a comment below which one was the scariest you guys are dope thank you guys so much for watching to the end make sure you subscribe with those notifications on make sure to cop the merch guys look at that one isn't that dope and that what dude just frickin saw first link in description the cop is also click the second link down below if you want to check out me hunting first Lenderman but anyways guys I will see you guys all in tomorrow's video you
Channel: Infinite
Views: 9,303,853
Rating: 4.8345418 out of 5
Keywords: Infinite lists, entertainment, family friendly, Elders React, Kids React, SLENDERMAN Spotted In Real Life.. (HELP), SLENDERMAN, Spotted, In, Real, Life.., (HELP), infinite, lists, infinite lists slenderman, slender, slender man, slender man spotted, slenderman costume
Id: JuNX4EC0Iho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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