Sleepless - Social Media & Artificial Intelligence | Stand-Up Comedy by Mohd Suhel

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Firstly, I have stopped sleeping. I feel sleepy, but I can't sleep I'm different when I'm working When I sit down for work, this is the only thing in my mind It happens friend, health is very important a person should sleep on time And when I go to sleep myself I can't sleep, strange thoughts in my mind Let's see what is the age of Alia Bhatt After checking I can sleep Then I pick up the phone to check & After watching people dancing for four hours It hits me that I didn't google the age. And this was happening to me so many times every day The sleep cycle was very bad so I Said I will have to learn how to sleep I went to YouTube Searched how to sleep properly a 10 Minute video came ok and this video Video to improve sleep cycle His 10 minute video started First suggestion all electronic devices put it aside, I put it aside, I lay it down now I can't sleep Because the whole time, in my mind What did [_he_] say the next 10 minutes? what kind of video was this why did you make the video The video could only be 10 seconds Video has started, go to sleep quietly I can't sleep at all, so I went to my friend. He explained to me and said There are some ASMR sounds, They have a background noise which helps in sleeping. I found that ASMR, The sound was the noise of rain. I am from Mumbai. I am drowned for four months I am hearing the sound of rain in the month of March Earlier I just couldn't sleep, Now, I am lying in trauma People give strange advice Told me to go and get that therapy, I went I thought she will help me sleep. I went to her and said, I can't sleep, do something. she scolded me She asked do you use social media apps I said, I use everything. I met you today, I have been following you for six months. She scolded and said stop using social media apps only then you will sleep I stopped using social media apps Now tickets for my shows have stopped selling. Now I can't even sleep, I am getting poorer. I feel angry I can't sleep at night now I'm angry I am lying down I am angry at myself, for not sleeping. Then new things come and I can't sleep like artificial Intelligence has arrived, do you know? Artificial Intelligence people have accepted I am very scared of it Artificial Intelligence, I have watched all the movies Have you seen what happens in all the movies? Artificial Intelligence is so smart it tries to destroy humanity. That's why I'm scared that's why I sleep with the phone all night Let me drain the entire battery of this [__] I know what you guys do with your phones before sleeping. Don't sleep, don't do it while charging. you are giving it power It will kill you twice. absolutely taking no risk Earlier we used to be very different Technology has advanced so quickly now. Earlier, we didn't grow and didn't accept quickly Now we used to it. We do this every three months There is a change every three months & that Elon Musk Bring something completely new every three months He says let's go to Mars! Just stay here. I am from Navi Mumbai I don't have an airport, How will you send me to Mars? He does some pointless work. I learned to drive and got a license after 3 months. He came and said I have brought this driverless car [Appreciation] Okay, we're driving very carefully. Everything was fine in India. The skill was so good. He created that AI based Tesla Runs on Artificial intelligence and takes decisions on its own Send that driverless car to India, I will see. When the auto driver cuts from both sides Let me see what decision your car will take. You buy Tesla on day one, both side mirrors will disappear Wasn't even running, in the parking lot Just a society kid checking if the car is alive taking its both ears And I'm so afraid of Ai Because that chat GPT came He had made it and he was very happy with it. look at that i made it myself it works That bitch lost his job now you sit at home, this will work for you I wrote this set I knew that I can scare people I am with you so there is absolutely nothing to fear No need, ok, it's all jokes It's not at that level yet to kill us I don't need to tell you enough I performed this set in Bhopal The entire audience put their phone aside And they said about the microphone, talk at a distance might attack But it's not at that level yet. Will reach slowly the more advanced we are it will happen but it is not there yet Very much we are behind like I asked chat GPT to calculate 6 liters of water, we have two containers, one is 6 liters. One is 12 liters. What is the human answer? how do I calculate? Audience: 6 liters you all are absolutely terrified Although this was a very easy question If you all are scared of this question and if you are in self doubt then even with this AI We can die even at this stage Even in such easy questions, there is fear that at first let someone else speak we could also be wrong There is only one person in the entire room who answered. Or maybe the way it happened, I was performing my set, I was doing so well that suddenly I asked you something, you all got uncomfortable. don't involve us into this just keep talking we are laughing The answer is the same 6 liter container. I asked chatgpt to calculate its answer was that you can pour water in that 6 liter container then Pour that water into a 12 liter container If this 6 liter container is completely drained When empty, you have 6 liters of water. okay brother this is what I will do Meaning, there's slight delay in its process. There's a little extra added step It's a process that takes a lot of time. It means that we have time By the time AI comes to kill us we can turn off the computer I am very worried because All these people are ahead of their technology. Our lifestyle is getting worse like all the other apps for reels and shorts on Instagram have come They have reduced our Attention Span, we are spoiled. Now we want everything in 15 seconds that someone is dancing behind and the text is written exactly the same Movies and TV shows are not watched at all. Why is it not over in 15 seconds? Now it's too much for me to even dream for more than 15 seconds Everyone's common nightmare is that I I am falling off the bed and then you keep falling. I keep falling as soon as I drop on the ground my clothes are changed after 15 seconds I would be doing this And it is known that Instagram also knows that it has spoiled the lifestyle a lot. So the people trying to fix it are like they brought screen time in mobile, they have to reduce the screen time. Now they have brought quite notifications on Instagram, turn it on, they will not send you notifications tonight. Whenever you notice that anyone whose quite notification is turned on, if you message him, he will immediately reply. Because he is not getting notifications Stays online all the time in case anything happens I couldn't sleep all night And I was worried so I overthink so much I have reached the origin like we all are evolved we know When you feel sleepy then you have to sleep when humanity was at the beginning. They didn't even know about sleeping when it started. For them, life was stay up or someone will hunt you They didn't even know there was sleep. The poor guys would be out hunting and for them It was normal that someone would go on a hunt for a week. passed out and someone fainted It was normal for him that he will wake up soon. And I feel like we are the same. We are going towards origin. like we've peaked in smartness the previous generation, they have peaked and we have done everything. You see the generation that is coming. It's very [__] So we have peaked in evolution Now we have started de-evolving You yourself notice five years from now Earlier, when you used to search, how much should I sleep? then the answer used to be 9 hours 10 hours of sleep, now it will gradually reduce It's eight, seven, now you will search. Just say five hours sleep is enough because What are they doing? They keep increasing the work hours. They have reduced entertainment as well. Work for 12 hours. Watch someone dance for 12 seconds. Go to sleep. So gradually we reach the same point You will reach there and you will not know even if you sleep. We just keep working and suddenly will faint But at this time our whole The process will be reversed this time we will be unconscious & After waking up, we will suddenly think Man, what is Alia Bhatt's age? Don't appreciate me so much. I will give up going to college. Thanks for listening, that's the end of the show, thank you so much for coming. I don't like this okay Do this for Vir Das No one is thinking logically about AI There is no emotional factor inside. This is what happens to AI in movies later tries to destroy humanity In the normal movies you watch There is a human villain, isn't there one emotion inside him? There is an emotional factor before killing. He also asks about your last wish. To AI, it doesn't matter. It seems that he will give the opposite task to prove. Prove you're not a robot Now you're selecting zebra crossing before dying You will see normal villains, when they come to kill a group of people In group killing he never kills any one or two. leaves whether one was weak or one was disabled. After calculating backwards, AI will kill the disabled person first. It's a 10 minute video that I still don't know. I still wonder what he said in 10 minutes whenever I I put that video he is like all devices aside I am trapped in a loop hole
Channel: Mohd Suhel
Views: 1,467,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Standup comedy, stand up comedy, mumbai, new standup comedy video, hindi standup comedy videos, mohammad sohail, mohammed sohel, md sohel, storytelling, self deprecation comedy, alternative comedy, absurd comedy, deadpan comedy, comedy clubs, sad looking comedian, chatgpt, chat gpt, ai, ai jokes, chatgpt jokes, technology, science jokes, smart comedy, humour, elon musk, elon musk jokes, tesla jokes, sleep jokes, how to sleep, asmr, instagram jokes, alia bhatt jokes
Id: 5NTulUzQimY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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