SLEEPLESS on the BEST B787 - Japan Airlines

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- Welcome back and I'm flying Japan Airlines 787 to Narita. Only 15 minute to close to check-in. Are you a big fan of Russian food? I am. (upbeat music) Beautiful seat. (upbeat music) Good privacy. So I found this amenity kit so different and so cool. So this is an incredible value between Moscow and Japan. So what did you prefer, course by course or one tray? JL 787 is the only one Dreamliner in the world. The toilet of Dreamliner is just top of its class. These are the bidets. It's actually my eye's feeling really warm now, there's heat coming out. This is actually really terrible, you can see the light coming thought the window. The only thing is I didn't sleep well. I'm in the Moscow taxi here on the way to the airport. The traffic in Moscow horrendous. Sometimes take two hours to get to the airport. So much times waste and a bit scary because I'm a bit close to miss my check-in deadline. I'm flying Japan Airlines 787 to Narita. (bubble pops) Just got off the taxi at the airport, running to the check-in desk. Only 15 minutes to close to check-in. (upbeat music) - Hello, welcome to the lounge. - Oh man, this lounge has great food. It's like a big Russian feast. There's soup, salad, bread, pies, whole courses, salmon. Unbelievable and sweet. So much food here, love it. Are you big fan of Russian food? I am. (upbeat techno music) - Okay, bye. - [Sam] Bye. (upbeat music) Hello. - Hi, welcome aboard. 2A is supposed to be this side. (upbeat music) - This is good, this is as good as you can get for a business class seat. You've got aisle access, wide seats, fully flat, beautiful seat. (bubble pops) (flight attendant speaks foreign language) - [Sam] Is this a pyjama? - No this is your robe. - Oh thank you, thank you very much. So here's that cardigan they gave me earlier. I'm wearing this cardigan here. Very, very caring on Japan airlines. (upbeat music) (aeroplane whirring) (upbeat music) A good privacy when this board comes up. (upbeat music) So I found this amenity kit so different and so cool. They have a moisture mask. (upbeat music) Well here I want to talk about another great thing about JAL is my flight only cost 40,000 JAL miles and so this is incredible value between Moscow and Japan. Nine hours flight, 40,000 miles one way and there's no additional surcharge, just the tax, that's all. (upbeat music) This is called JAL Skytime which is their signature drink. It's like a kiwi flavoured drink. (upbeat music) This dinner come just in one tray. Japan Airlines gave you one plate as a tray but, you know, other airline business class might give you course by course. So what did you prefer? Course by course or one tray with everything so you can finish everything in one go? (upbeat music) You know what's special about JAL 787? JAL 787 is the only one Dreamliner in the world that has two, four, and two economy. This is called Sky Wider, and it is much wider than all the Dreamliner in the world. (upbeat music) The toilet of Dreamliner is just top of its class. Especially the Japanese because I think Japanese they love the component of the 787. And as you can see here these are the bidets. See in the toilet here I found this really, really cute note here. It's written in Japanese and Russian. I think it's telling people that flight time eight hour 40 is such a nice gesture even the toilet there's information. (upbeat music) Now I love this white mattress behind me. It gives lots of good support and it's good padding here. (upbeat music) This is really comfy with the mattress on top, really great. All right I'm going to use that eye mask earlier, that steam eye mask with ginger. All right, let's see if I can sleep well. Some heat's coming out actually. It make your eyes feeling like resty with the warm, it's actually my eyes feeling really warm now there's heat coming out. (calm music) (bubbles pops) (calm music) (bubble pops) This is actually really terrible, as we're flying towards the East the sun comes up quickly and you can see the light coming through the window, the Dreamliner's window shade doesn't block all the sunlight so now I have a body clock of midnight but, you know, it's really bright. And then like this is not good for sleeping. (calm music) (bubble pops) (upbeat music) (bubble pops) (upbeat music) Good morning, just 30 minutes before landing to Tokyo. Another exemplary flight on JAL which is almost everything up to perfection. It is just as good as I'm telling you. The only thing is I didn't sleep well, I only slept about one hour and right now it's about 1:00 a.m. Moscow time. This jet lag hit my body and, you know, I was trying to sleep but, you know, earlier I told you that Boeing window the sun was on my side coming out so it was a little bit warm. And the only downside of this 787 JAL is there's no individual nozzle on the fan so it feels a bit warm and I cannot control the temperature around and I cannot control the airflow around me. Just be careful JAL has three versions of the 787. This is the best one probably, the best seating, forward seating, very wide, very long, very good flat sleeper. The other one is a herring bone or they have a old one that one is the lying flat, angle flat seat so you better check which one you get on the JAL 787 when you fly them. This is my person of the flight. She's so kind she knew I liked the cardigan and she just offered me a brand new cardigan to take home with. (upbeat music) (aeroplane whooshing) (aeroplane banging) (upbeat music) Thank you, see you. Bye-bye. (upbeat music) (logo dings) (bubble pops)
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 538,365
Rating: 4.8869004 out of 5
Keywords: japan airlines, japan, airplanes, airplane, airline, japan vlogs, japan travel, japan vlog, japan (country), Japan Airlines 787, Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Dreamliner, Best B787, Japan Airlines Business Class, Japan Airlines Economy Class, JAL, JAL Upgrade, Japan Airlines Upgrade Business Class, Business Class, Luxury Travel
Id: -797KWnQHCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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