Sleeping with Dead Horses?! REACTING to Daniel Haqiqatjou

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is the fertility ritual described Brahman where a horse is suffocated to death and then the dead horse's penis is placed into the genitals of the queen what what Deb say how many user did you say abuse him address him address him personally okay um wiow look at the bottom screen like under the guy marriage problems the most [ __ ] wife School dude what the [ __ ] is wife School dude oh my god do you see it I yeah I'm in disbelief man oh my God pause we hang miniature paintings of the same act in our homes proudly of the Lord kishna stealing clothes of women bathing in the river and teasing them and enjoying the sight of their naked bodies they hang that photo in their houses proudly oh that's [ __ ] just it's it's celebrate our differences man this first this one this this this the literally first video the one I told you to watch yeah please please is what is this thumbnail man should we do the full thing or this the highlights highl let's go man this is the highlights this is highlights oh it's the highlights yeah funny how long is the full thing if it's too long it's the bottom one how long is that 4 hours no no no just the first one just the first one Highlights Highlights okay let's see you know what to do man blast that volume go many Hindus feel no shame in making the most absurd ahistorical statements for example the Sanskrit term vanana means a palace that flies through the sky in the late 19th century the Hindu reformer dianda notes that the vas mentioned V why what this is proof that ancient Hindus had developed airplanes thousands of years before the Wright brothers do you believe in ancient spacecraft Hindu spacecraft I'd show you the Indian so did so was the first man on the one of these Hindu sages were the Rishi the first Mo or Mars El mus wants Elon Musk wants to go to Mars but I guess the ancient Hindus already were on Mars maybe J may even though it's a other planet out of the system recently India's current prime minister Narendra Modi has argued that ancient Hindus had developed plastic surgery thousands of years before modern medicine the proof Hindu scripture features a god known as ganesa who has an elephant head but a human body so obviously ancient Hindus must have had the medical technology to surgically transplant an elephant head onto a human body what did you think about Modi saying that ancient Hindus were practicing plastic surgery and medical technology like do you accept I can still give you references for the first plastic surgery in the world being performed by an indianic Sage named shush you can Google that but that is not the topic of the debate today you do believe that you do believe in ancient plastic surgery yeah sure I do CS says question for Daniel plastic surgery was a hoax then why the Royal College of Surgeons have trua statue as father of surgery Su that is what I was trying to tell him because he has no idea it's I I'm trying to be convinced you know you told me to Google this shusta and I'm convinced you know I think the ancient Hindus did have plastic surgery and Med they're able to get an elephant head and put it on a human body with I I don't know about that man he's making bro heing don't don't deny Ganesha okay don't deny this happen you're a denialist transplanting heads onto human bodies happen stop lying to your audience telling you that is it isation why do you have to believe in it I do you technology SE technology and space travel and we had mad right stop denying the vas stop denying traveling to the Moon St you to Google one more thing just Google mad Newton just for once you'd be amazed mad Newton just Google it now let's talk about shocking Hindu rituals there is the ashva this is the fertility ritual described list Brahman where a horse is suffocated to death and then the dead horse's penis is placed into the genitals of the queen what what debates they say how many times are Hindus having sexual relations with dead horses give up that false belief and embrace Islam they are not my dear friend uh yes the horse is dead so that justifies it holy [ __ ] is distributed among the kingdom people dude this guy's logic I'm hoping I'm interpreting this I hope I'm interpreting this wrong but based on this guy's logic if it's dead you can have sex with it that's crazy man necrophiliac man holy [ __ ] that's CRA [ __ ] Ana says question for heated debates answer the question on the Hindu right of the ritual of beastiality with a woman and a horse something we should practice today or no no you should not at all practice this tality because uh you can see in my videos on asna I can if I could share the screen I'll show you this full video because that horse the SE that does it in the way it is described that horse is cut into three pieces can you please name this guy so that I can abuse him personally bro just stop trying to defend him you like to abuse him his user did you say abuse him address him address him personally okay um encourage a widow to throw herself on her deceased husband's funeral py and burn herself to death Hindu apologists quickly point out that widows are not forced to do Sati they freely choose to do it but what they conveniently forget to mention is that Hinduism generally prohibits widows from remarrying after their husband's death [ __ ] oh man I going to get what women used to live with their husbands be in relationship with their husbands at such an age that the only love uh for their after their family they felt was for their husbands they GRE very attached so yes there was cases of suicide ulation after the uh death of the husband even if we take your interpretation the rig Veda is not prohibiting and if it is prohibiting are you saying Viva Cananda is ignorant it's not real man I know but it's like are you saying that uh the puranas are ignorant of the the wives of Krishna that eight of them wies wait pause pause pause bro this is this that we got to make fun of this guy look marriage problems wife's School enroll at look at the bottom screen like under the G marriage problems a Muslim [ __ ] wife School dude what the [ __ ] is wife School dude oh my god do you see it I yeah I'm in disbelief man wife school I mean like wow man like okay it's not as crazy as what the other guys saying the Hindu guys saying but like dude wife school man like wow man radical Traditions man that's just crazy they were ignorant of the vas so your argument is completely incoherent earlier this year a female Brazilian travel blogger went viral describing how she has traveled to countries all over the world but it was only in India where she was brutally gang raped by eight Indian men studies confirm that a large percentage of the Indian population justifies the legitimacy of rape by appealing to the be justifies rape that's crazy are you kidding me they they actually well no no and strive to emulate the gods the young man grew up seeing listen to the story in amused tone yeah he's saying because their religion their scripture the clothing of women yeah teasing them and enjoying the sight of their naked bodies just keep playing it keep playing it sorry I'm just that a large percent oh my God pause we hang miniature paintings of the same act in our homes proudly of the Lord kishna stealing clothes of women bathing in the river and teasing them and enjoying the sight of their naked bodies they hang that photo in their houses proudly oh that's [ __ ] that's just it's it's celebrate our differences man some differences legitimacy of rape by appealing to the behaviors of their Hindu gods right data from United Nations office of drugs and crime I'd just like you to focus uh this over here here's a map oh yeah cuz India is giving correct statistics buddy per capita rape in how many are getting reported as you can see India is shown in a lighter shade than neighboring Pakistan and Bangladesh this is because despite everything the culture the economics being the same much much much later Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan let's go over some of these rape statistics that he presented oh my God the point is not statistic so if you notice the argument um that I made holy [ __ ] look how dark Brazil is oh Brazil is bad bro these these are like okay look some countries actually give true statistics like look at like like Norway or some [ __ ] up there it's super red at the very top in like North Pole region country is super red like they're just being honest with the reporting like you really think India is giving accurate reporting you think America has more rapes than India dude per capita like I don't think so no man come on man Mexico has more like they're just giving they have better reporting and Russia has more than India I really don't think so my man they're not crowded on subways there's like so many less opportunities like molest like they're probably considering like groping someone on the subway like that that's not rape it's like you have to like penetration or something something weird man some like weird [ __ ] basically that's [ __ ] I was going to mention about the Brazil thing so back when I was at uh VF like we had it was like 75% of my class were uh female and within that 75% there was like I think 50% of them were like from Brazil and and they were saying how like dude if you were like if you're from like the favellas over there where it's like the really ghetto I and like there's like scenes they've seen like women running out of their houses and like a guy with like a machete comes and like trips her and then like drags her back into the house type [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah and it's like that they said that [ __ ] happens all the time over there that's what they were telling me so I was like holy like messed up within Hinduism if your gods are depicted in these holy scriptures as engaging in rape and gang rape then that's going to have an effect on your Society I'm pointing to the tech I am raping people in the name of my God like Ah that's a difference Brazil is Brazil probably like it's like a poverty issue or a social this is like religious their religion is advocating these behaviors you know what I mean and in Islam he didn't point to any text that says that a man can go and just and rape daughter you you can refer to this Union is's smiling look at the guy it is personification before du there was these scriptures are ancient though man like reproduction what after d is what we consider the first or organism to have sexual intercourse to produce U their offsprings feel like they should have adapt this is just really old this [ __ ] we're talking about the texts you're not addressing the texts um that are describing what are Gods engaging R rape rap reported 100,000 Sweden is so high what the [ __ ] no way just I don't I don't know swen Granada what is Granada that's a separate country I thought it's in Spain India okay yeah buddy like India's not India next to Canada right dude Japan 1.02 get the hell out of here man Japan is like [ __ ] like groping [ __ ] culture look at Egypt 0.1 actually Egypt might be low cuz they're all Muslim they're all like super religious I don't know man these statistics seems sus I feel like the US is is like more reliable like us UK those are those are like 27 per 100,000 that's that sounds right that's that's Sweden that seems that's that seems crazy high man rape and gang rap they have a lot of like refugees and [ __ ] I don't know and his incestuous attraction to his own daughter gave a kind of explanation for that I'll I'll address it um what is this headline Bengal monitor lizard raped in Maharashtra like Indians raped uh this thing why and how it's crazy I have no comment there's nothing I can say uh he gave a kind of apologetic explanation that no this is prior to sex even existing let's read the whole thing this daughter of praat mean Brahma became ashamed on noticing her father's lecherous love for her hence she assumed the form of rohita dear inclined to have sexual diance with her Brahma too took the form of a deer as she went ahead in the guise of a female deer he too followed her on seeing him intent on having sexual intercourse with his daughter all the FU oh [Music] I said the the H the H the
Channel: Brick Beach
Views: 114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, Commentary, politics, religion, islam, ideology, hindu, daniel haqiqatjou, horses, insane, funny react, wtf, weird, cringe, reactions, react, react Daniel haqiqatjou, muslim, christianity, atheist, agnostic
Id: XKhOsfe_CYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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