Sleeping in My Tesla!

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(footsteps tapping) - Honey, tonight I'm gonna sleep inside my car. - You are? - Is that okay? - Where? - I have a Tesla bed. I'm gonna build a bed, I'm gonna sleep in my car, I'm gonna put it in the driveway, I'm gonna order Uber eats, and gonna live in the car all night. - Okay - Is that okay? - It's okay, it's kind of strange. - You gonna miss me? - Of course I'll miss you. London will be happy she gets to sleep with me tonight. - So yes, I have a bed that is made for a Tesla. And today we're gonna go set it up and then I'm gonna test it out. And what better way to test it out, on a cold night, in the driveway. I'm just gonna sleep in the car and give a real review. Does it work? Is it comfortable? How good is the sleep? Let me show you this bed. (upbeat music) Okay. This looks like a good spot to park the car for the night. Cars lose a lot of heat out of the windows. It's not the most efficient thing to keep heat inside. If you have your heater going all the time, it's gonna get cold tonight. It's gonna be about 26 degrees here at the coldest. I know for lot of you, that's not very cold. There should be a sleeping mode inside of this Tesla that will regulate the temperature to whatever temperature I want it to be. But then also, what is the battery gonna do overnight? We'll look at it before I go to sleep to see where the battery is at. And then we'll look at it in the morning to see how much battery I drained just from running the heater. I don't know. This is a weird experiment. Let me show you the vent. I gotta show you the bed. (door bangs) This is the bed. It's called Dreamcase. Well, supposed to be a bed inside of this box. That's just for Teslas. Take my little key, open up my trunk. You will notice this car does not have as much room as a model X. So how could you sleep inside of a family sedan? Well, a couple things. This thing up here, this should just come off, I think. Oh, okay. So this cover is off. That makes room for it. Those seats should go down. I've never actually taken them down. How do I do it? Maybe this button? Hey. Okay, those are down. This is made by a company called Dreamcase. You can see it right there on the side. They did not pay me for this video, but my friend, Eli, you know Eli with the My Tesla Adventure with the full self-driving car? Well, he sent me this as a gift. Thank you for sending me this. He saw that I had a Tesla model S. I'm not sure you can probably do this in a model three and a model Y, maybe smaller. He said, if you're six foot four or shorter, you can sleep comfortably in here. (plastic snaps) A mattress for your Tesla. I already liked this idea. Being really careful with it. We've got some more things inside of here. We already have a bunch of boxes behind me. So don't mind the broken down boxes mess. what? This came from Slovenia? (upbeat music) Wow. I'm gonna need another night. (paper shuffling) Whoa, look at that. Oh my! It is such nice material. This feels like the white leather from a Tesla. And this feels like some nice rubber. Wow, let's see how we would pack in here. That doesn't take up a ton of space. Like if you're somebody that's gonna go camping, underneath here is more storage space. So the truck does get pretty big. And also remember that you have the front trunk. So if you were camping, traveling, you could store bags and stuff underneath here. Eli who sent me this asked Elon Musk, - [Eli] Is it gonna be possible to get climate control to the back of the cyber truck? Cause that will be the ultimate camping machine. If we can get all night climate control. - I agree, that would be really cool. - Elon was like, "yeah, I think we can do that." Thanks Elon. How does this work? Okay. (paper ruffles) I don't know. Guess what? I need my knife again. (upbeat music) Okay. This looks vacuum sealed. It might expand once I puncture it. (paper ruffles) That's satisfying. This is the bed. This is the bed part. Look at that really soft, really squishy, cozy. All right. Down here is some sort of Velcro. They are flipping the case over. Oh, they're using the Dreamcase. Okay, okay, okay. I've watched the YouTube video. I'm doing it wrong. Thank you, YouTube. Looks like you do use this.. Like that. Hey, that's pretty sturdy. It's like a box frame. I'm just gonna test it out before we put the blankets on it. Just to see if I've structured... (head bangs) Don't get it in that way. (upbeat music) (Narrator laughs) (Narrator giggles) (paper ruffles) In the videos that I've watched people put sheets on at this point. I don't have any sheets yet. I don't think they're inside of here. I think this is more of a blanket or a pillow. (paper shuffles) Oh, Oh, what's this? That looks like a little pillow. That looks like a little pillow. This is like a nice, wow, Look at the blue on it. Made in Hungary. That's like what's inside colors. I don't think they did that just for us. That's just their brand. But hey, it looks like a little side thing. These are sheets. These are black sheets. Cause you can get black or white. Hey, they do come with sheets and then here's some pillowcases. Okay. We got everything we need. I'm just not very good at making the bed so I need help from Leslie. - [Leslie] I can help you? - Yes. - [Leslie] For sure that's what I do. (upbeat music) - {Narrator] Check it out so far, looking fresh and nice. Oh, Leslie you putting the pillows on? (upbeat music) Let's just put it down a little bit. - I know, it looks so much prettier. - [Narrator] It does look prettier, but it looks more cozy this way. What's this one? - It's a white comforter. So I would say you definitely are gonna need to have either some heat on or (indistinct) - [Narrator] Well, that's a good thing about the Tesla is it does have a camper mode and it will regulate the temperature all night long for me. - What? - Yeah. - (indistinct) know that. - [Narrator] I mean it's cold enough already that Leslie has her winter jacket on. Check that out. - You're crazy. I'm excited to see how you're gonna like this. - [Narrator] So the real question is, do you wanna stay out here with me. - No, I don't. (Narrator laughs) I'm freezing. (Narrator laughs) I don't even sometimes sleep that well at a King size bed together. - [Narrator] That's true, one of us snores. - It's not me. - [Narrator] Okay. So the first lay down test, get on there. - Don't take off my shoes. - [Narrator] Why? - Because of... - [Narrator] Because why? - My feet will get cold. Like this could be, like almost a hotel bed I would say. Like it really is comfortable. (car door bangs) (car alarm beeps) - [Narrator] Watch your feet. It's coming down. - Oh my gosh. (car trunk bangs) (Narrator laughs) - [Narrator] I got the thumbs up. How does it feel? - It's really, really... - [Narrator] Okay, still got a door open. Hold on. (car door bangs) - It's really cozy. It's really cozy actually. - [Narrator] It's really comfy actually, I think she said. - Can you hear me? - Can you (indistinct) You know(indistinct) what I say yelling? - [Narrator] Yeah go ahead and tell me. - It's like when we're in (indistinct) pods, the bod hotels? (indistinct) comforting about being in like a pod, like a small space. - [Narrator] I agree, I just wish they had tinted windows on my car. I need that. - Yes. More like Northern lights start showing right here and stars and the moon. - [Narrator] See, look, there's a mode down here, called camp mode. Car will stay on until battery reaches 20%. Sentry mode, security alarm and walk-away lock will be disabled. Hold on. Let's do one more thing. - Oh stop it! - [Narrator] Leslie. Leslie, come on. - Don't do that. - [Narrator] Oh no. - Don't. Stop. It's so, so juvenile and embarrassing stop please. (Narrator laughs) I don't like it. Oh yes. - [Narrator] We got a little fire going on. - I like that. - [Narrator] The heat's coming on. - This feels like we're camping. - [Narrator] Pick out the fire (indistinct). (upbeat music) - It's amazing. I really could take a nap right now. (car door bangs) You scared me. (indistinct) I thought it was like a ginormous tube. - [Narrator] I think we have a video that has like 2 million views of you laughing at farts. (Leslie laughs) You're like in a thumbnail it says fart and you're just laughing. - The kids are gonna love this. They'll think it's amazing. - [Narrator] Okay. Let's go get them. - Okay. - [Narrator] I'll start with Lincoln. - Old the fire. Let's see it. Is that a mattress under there. What is this? - [Narrator] Yeah, it's my bed (indistinct) (bell dings) - It's pretty cozy. - [Narrator] Yeah? - Yeah. Cool. - [Narrator] Incase you need me tonight, I'll be there just getting Uber eats and eating and chilling. - You're getting Uber eats? - [Narrator] Yeah. - You call me when you're getting Uber eats. - [Narrator] Oh, I think it's only for people that sleep in the bed in the car. (indistinct) - But it's pretty all sick. - That's pretty cool. (indistinct) - [Narrator] Bye buddy. - Bye, have fun in the car. - [Narrator] Okay. London, I need your help. I gotta show you something kind of weird that I'm doing tonight, okay. (door bangs) Not a new car. I know that's a common thing around these parts. This is where I'm sleeping tonight. Inside of my car. I put a bed in there, crawl in and check it out. - Oh this is a (indistinct) actually... Ooh, it's actually kinda cozy. - [Narrator] Yeah, there's a pillow. If you go a little further to the black things are pillows. - This is nice. Is it illegal? (London screams) - [Narrator] Not while you're driving. (upbeat music) (London laughs) So that's where I'll be tonight. - What if somebody comes to the window? - [Narrator] Then there'll be super surprised that I'm in there sleeping. (car trunk pops) - Good morning - [Narrator] Good morning. Bye. - Good night. - [Narrator] Right now it is 7:36 PM. 333 miles and yes, my car is called not a Honda. I am going spend 12 hours inside of this car. Let's see how many miles go down. 333 miles range. It says it'll stay on camper mode, until the car gets to I think 20% battery. So I have plenty of battery and I should. Time to get some food. Let's get some food. I don't know what's some good to eat inside of a car. It's not gonna be too stinky. 595 off of my order. I'm gonna get some pizza. Two pizzas, one for me, one for Lincoln, some cheesy bread for the girls. I'm going with the Hawaiian pizza. Pineapples on pizza is the only way to eat pizza. Am I right? Latest arrival 8:36. I have 40 minutes. (car heat blows) What am I gonna do for 40 minutes? (indistinct) I'm legitimately steering with the steering wheel and I'm using the gas pedal. I'm the first!! Finish line! (Narrator hums) Check out what else we got. You go to theater, Twitch, Netflix, Hulu and YouTube. So even better if you're camping back here, you're sitting in the backseat. Obviously I'm sitting in the front seat right now cause I'm like waiting for my food. I don't know why I'm not in the back seat. I should get in the backseat. I guess cause I wanted to push the buttons, play the video game, but it's kind of fun. And I will say the car is warmed up really nice right now. Boom! check that out. We just published that eight hours ago. It's not bad. I'm watching a car about this car from inside of the car. It's a matrix. That's amazing. I've been thinking about it. I don't really want my car to smell like pizza. And if you really were camping, would you eat your pizza in your car? No. You would eat outside of the picnic table. I'm gonna go inside and eat my food. All right, thanks. Have a good night. (indistinct) - Pizza for you. (upbeat music) - Okay. I know I'm kind of cheating, but I'm bringing two pillows. I just... I like having extra pillows, okay. Claire has not seen the Tesla bed and what I'm up to tonight. So she's gonna throw away our pizza boxes. Oh, it's so cold out here. - Oh. (Clair giggles) - Look at that. Climb in it. - This is fancy. - Pretty nice. Huh? I can set the car on camper mode and then it'll stay the same temperature the whole night. As long as the battery has enough battery to do it. - That's cool. Are you gonna like charge it at the same time? - Nope. I wanna do a real-world as if I was camping what would it be like. Good night - Good night. - We have 328 miles. It is currently 40 degrees outside. Got a few extra pillows. Oh my cold is so cold in here. (car alarm beeps) First time I've actually been in here with the door shut. (car trunk hums) (Narrator laughs) That is a bright street light out there. Why? But this is it. I'm legit doing this tonight. Sleeping in my bed in my car. I need to turn off the lights to the actual house cause they're super bright in my face. I've got all of the lights on my phone here. Let's turn off the garage. Let's turn off the driveway and the other driveway. Okay. That's not bad. It's just that light from the street is crazy bright. Full review in the morning. I'll let you know. I'll let you know how this night goes. All right. Sleeping in my Tesla. This is kind of fun. (upbeat music) (Narrator sighs) (upbeat music) Good morning. This is what I look like when I wake up. 7:49 AM. I did pretty good. I don't know. It was pretty comfortable. The bed is pretty cozy. If you can hear the heat is running. (heat blows) It's blowing pretty hard. I ended up doing it on automatic set for 70 degrees in here for the first hour, it was just full on cold feet. My feet were so cold for an hour and then finally I started getting warm enough from what I can tell, I don't think that fan ever got any less pressure throughout the whole night. I'm curious how many miles are left in the Tesla? Let's take a look. So yeah, 266 miles left. That's not as much as I thought we'd burn. That's still safe number that we're at right now. I mean, obviously you're not gonna spend a week in these cold temperatures in your Tesla. I slept pretty well. That light was driving me nutty for a while. Tinted windows would obviously help. My feet, they do touch the end. I'm six foot two. But overall like honestly I thought once the sun came up, I was gonna have to go inside and sleep for the next like three or four hours. I know I look tired with my face, but I actually do feel refreshed. I think I went to bed around 10:30 last night, but then I just woke up at 7:30, eight O'clock? Thumbs up on the mattress. That's really cool. That is one thing I've never done with the Tesla. We've done a lot of weird Tesla videos, but sleeping in it. If I was going on a long road trip and I got tired, I could totally sleep inside of here and then wake up refreshed and not have to pay for a hotel. I would totally do that. Like I said earlier, Eli gave me this case for free so I didn't have to pay for it. I just looked it up. It's expensive. It's $700. That's probably more than I thought that it would cost. Is it worth it? I mean, if you're somebody that's already buying a car that's a hundred thousand dollars like the testimonial S, an extra $700 is not gonna be a crazy amount. You stay in here seven times instead of a hotel you've paid for it. It could be a cool way to see like the national parks to go and just sleep. Would you sleep inside of a Tesla? Would you buy the Dreamcase? I'm curious to know what you think. I'm gonna go inside and get showered and get some cereal and go have a fantastic day. Thank you for watching my Tesla, sleeping in my Tesla and video. I still can't believe I slept in my car. (car trunk pops) (upbeat music) - Oh, it's cold. - Sorry guys. (car engine revving) So nice and warm in here. Wow. The hair feels really nice. Oh, Hey. I'm back. I'm home. I was gone all night. Oh, hi, buddy. (Narrator laughs) - If you were camping and you're like, you can sleep in a tent and then somebody gave you this as an option you'd be like all the way. I don't say for it because I don't say it. - [Narrator] I know I'm right. That's satisfying. I'm doing it wrong. I'm doing something wrong. Thank you, YouTube.
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Keywords: spending the night in my tesla mattress review, tesla, tesla camping, camping, tesla mattress, review, tesla bed, car camping, dreamcase, camper mode, tesla camper, tesla camp mode, camp mode, sleep in car, tesla accessories, camping in tesla, how to sleep in tesla, sleeping in tesla, mattress for tesla, model s, sleeping in a tesla, best mattress for a tesla, tesla motors, what's inside, what's inside family, tesla model s, tesla camper mode, tesla model s camper mode
Id: uJiuFCwsQ88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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