Sleep Meditation on Psalms 121 (3 hours)

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find rest as you listen to this peaceful bedtime story for more Bible stories that bring you refreshing sleep download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you are fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind and your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth you will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending to help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms he is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark in unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil it will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now you still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep Lord God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them a sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen [Music] God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the Creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your Savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace then Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be there help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you're fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind and your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil you shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I had lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending the help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held vastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as that he trusts in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep lure God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace and Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you are fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green Valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley god the father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending the help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way you will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now their feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep Lord God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the Creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace in Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you [Music] welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you're fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you went to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind and your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth you will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper or it is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore [Music] you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade the Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps Israel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper you were protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep [Music] your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending to help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held vastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there is nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father brain this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep lor God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them a sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace in Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or god I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms the father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you are fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth you will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day or the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his real safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper you were protector your guide his spirit fills your room shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending to help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear [Music] the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms he is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held vastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love had been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you were surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep or God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them a sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace and Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you [Music] welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms and father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you are fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind and your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth it will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade the Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back fill light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending the help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way [Music] you will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be there help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you are fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth you will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps Israel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending the help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms he is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark in unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil it will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now you still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep lor God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them a sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen [Music] God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the Creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your Savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace then Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms and father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you're fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind and your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper you are protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green Valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending to help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you were surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep or God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace and Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you're fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you wanted to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade the Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his Spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep [Music] your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending the help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way you will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on the solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep Lord God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen paster breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that piece and Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you [Music] welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you're fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore [Music] you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade the Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper you were protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep [Music] your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending to help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way he will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great shepherd he watches over your coming and going there is nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as that he trusts in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father brain this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep lor God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge and the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the Shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus telling you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace and Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or god I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms the father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you are fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walk side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth you will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade The Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his real safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper you are protector your guide his spirit fills your room shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green Valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending to help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way you will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear [Music] the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms he is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure [Music] the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held vastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love had been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you were surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep as they trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning Lord God you never sleep or God you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning and soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in Jesus name Amen God is covering you tonight God is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of God tonight God's faithfulness is your shield tonight God's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so that you can rest tonight in God's presence tonight in God's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let this sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creator that sits down now by the side of this child as they sleep in Jesus name Amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from Luke chapter 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in this boat Jesus and His disciples are all around you you hear Jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the Sea of Galilee you watch as Jesus falls asleep Jesus your Savior curls up in the boat to sleep you crawl over and sit down next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face you feel the spray from the waves then you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace in Jesus waves his hand perhaps without even taking his eyes off of you and you feel the winds stop the waves are gone and Jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you [Music] welcome to the bedtime story my help comes from God taken from Psalm chapter 121 I invite you now to relax and close your eyes softly get comfortable and allow the presence of the Lord to fill your heart take a slow deep breath as we journey through the mountains and valleys of Psalm chapter 121 as we reflect on God's comfort and provision for you remember God loves you and cares for you all the help you'll ever need comes from him allow me to pray over you as you begin to dream and drift into a peaceful night of sleep or God I ask that you watch over your child tonight hold them in the fold of your tender loving arms and father I pray for deep rest and security for this dear and wonderful person that you love and care for give them visions and dreams of your hope and refresh them for a new day be their help in time of need and allow them to sleep deeply tonight in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen so imagine that you're in a peaceful Valley it's lush and green with glorious rolling hills that rise and fall into the distance wildflowers dot the landscape with a vibrant color yellow daffodils white jasmine with sweet-smelling petals you walk slowly through the valley in perfect peace breathing the fresh spring air up above you see a clear blue sky with wispy clouds floating overhead there is stillness and peace all around you're fully content and fully relaxed in the valley and Jesus is there with you he is happy that you want to spend time with him here see the glow of his smile as you walked side by side you hear Jesus speak Psalm 121 out loud to you the words fill the valley alive with his spirit they calm your heart your mind in your soul I [Music] will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth it will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and evermore you come to a soft blanket spread out for you in the shade the Sun will not strike you by day nor the moon by night Jesus invites you to rest here and you lie dreamily in the valley the Lord is your keeper he who keeps you will not slumber he keeps his reel safe and he will keep you safe he will neither sleep nor slumber your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper your protector your guide his spirit fills your room he shall preserve you from all evil you drift slowly softly into sleep your mind is refreshed your arms and back feel light and restored from deep sleep Jesus walks again with you through the valley he continues speaking Psalm 121 over you slowly like a command making each word true I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come as you walk through the beautiful green valley the gentle rolling hills rising up around you you know where your help comes from he is standing beside you and glowing robes the risen Lord he is so peaceful you are immersed in a sense of stillness and security as you look around at the Magnificent landscape you know just by the beauty of creation that God is your Creator your provider your help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord is with you in the valley God the Father calls out to you from the hills your heart rejoices at his voice and you call out to him but before a word is even on your tongue he knows it he is already sending the help that you need at just the right time and in just the right way [Music] you will not let your foot be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep and you are amazed by the faithfulness of God the one who does not slumber or sleep he never grows weary of that you can be sure he is a constant presence in your life you feel his presence now your feet are steady on solid ground and you have nothing to fear the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade on your right hand the Sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the warmth of the sun is shining down on you you bask in its light and when it becomes too hot God becomes your shade the coolness on your face he is your keeper and your guardian you allow yourself to relax fully in his loving arms is guiding you in the way you should go even in the night watches when the way seems dark and unfamiliar your foot does not stumble his spirit is there to lead you feel him now leading you tonight no matter how dark it seems your footsteps are sure the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the safety that you feel in the fold of the Lord's loving arms is the most secure feeling in the world all the cares of life have faded into the night you are able to breathe deeply and know that you are completely safe no evil can touch you for the Lord is keeping you from everything that is harmful or contrary to his love for you your very life is held fastly in the palm of his hand you've never felt so protected it's as if walls of love have been placed around you so that nothing can reach you you are surrounded by God's perfect peace the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore as you go through the valley and find pasture your life is locked in and secured in the fold of the great Shepherd he watches over your coming and going there's nothing that escapes his sovereignty he is your keeper he watches over you from this time forth now and forevermore tomorrow God will watch over you he will guide your steps peace of Jesus will guard your heart from this time forth and forevermore you are kept by the love of the Lord he is your help in time of need he is your rock your fortress and your deliverer now be still rest deeply and know that God is with you allow his presence to cover you as you sleep in total peace tonight just dream peacefully as I pray gracious God thank you for your provision over your loved one tonight I ask for healing rest and peaceful sleep is that he trust in you help them always to remember that their help comes from you alone in Jesus Holy Name I pray amen now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace we hope this meditation brought you peace to listen to the full collection of Biblical bedtime stories download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store
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Views: 1,177,272
Rating: 4.6259255 out of 5
Keywords: guided christian meditation, Christian meditation app, Christian meditation, Free Christian meditation, Free meditation app, Christian meditation guided, Abide app meditation, Meditation, Christian, Meditation Christian, Christian prayer app, Best meditation app, Prayer Christian meditation guided, Guided christian meditation, mindfulness, Bible Story, Sleep prayer, insomnia, Bible meditation, deep sleep, Psalms, Psalm 121, comfort, valley, peace, guided meditation for deep sleep
Id: 8D2O_b8Um6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 13sec (10813 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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