Sleep Hypnosis for Manifesting Holistic Abundance: Unlock 7 Dimensions Law of Attraction

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do not listen to this recording whilst driving or whilst operating machinery only listen when you can safely relax and bring your full awareness to your own complete comfort hi this is Michael Seeley warmly welcoming you to your incredible deeper Minds transformative experience this guided session focuses on improving your life across seven key areas of connection to holistic Universal abundance as you journey within to an easier blissful night's sleep so here I invite you into your hypnotic meditations to help you better craft and create your life's ultimate master key to unlock the most sublime and potent powers of your subconscious resources and abilities and to tap into a flow of divine energies according to all universal laws of attraction if that idea is open to your beliefs because just in case no one has ever explicitly told you in so many direct words now you're focusing intentions really are powerful beyond measure so if this already appeals and you are already settled in allow your calming orientations to make you most comfortable as you discover even here at your beginnings your natural-born gifts of abundance are so much closer than you think just as soon as you choose to close down your eyes in your own time and to take in a fuller and deeper breath [Music] attitude your higher-self innate focus wisdom and inside as your serenity unfolds and you now begin to relax [Music] now as you breathe a little deeper [Music] you can begin to foster a growing space to ponder inside [Music] which areas of your life right now in this very moment today or tonight as you are listening could best use your deeper encouragement can you think of something now that would attract your better focus [Music] and as that wandering continues for you it will play automatically like a soft ambience in a background [Music] and you may notice some curious and pleasing sensations taking a more centered stage [Music] as you become more aware of your physical body moving further into its rest it feels entirely easing to stretch out and find a lengthening stillness to allay the energies of your arms and your legs unbending your limbs stretching those fingers and toes as my voice now goes along with you knowing and remembering my words are always here for you to hear to freely interpret and associate however you will [Music] and even if at times your mind begins to drift or meander moving somewhere away perhaps even soon foreshorten will link the our moments [Music] taking its own cause my words are always here for your findings like a return again to home base as you decide right now how much or how little to follow on a little deeper down [Music] or how best to imagine visions of enriching pleasing scenes or how to feel soothed with a quieter inner smile which can develop and arise from you inside [Music] just like a happier memory over time to remind you just now all it continues to take is to allow yourself to relax as you breathe and go deeper with each subsequent breath [Music] relaxing more and more with the pleasing changes and extensions of each breath extending effortlessly overall transforming durations [Music] it's fascinating to descend into your hypnosis in this way to feel the small muscles around their eyes becoming looser and longer as they unwind to [Music] spacing out just like all thorns all muscular tensions behind their eyes can dissipate to melt like soft wax in a candle as tensions there dissolve [Music] and you become aware of the eyes inside like softly felt in a theater curtains [Music] and very likely you may soon see some newer colors or tones behind your eyes [Music] [Music] as you begin to imagine and your imagination begins to entrace [Music] ribbons or shapes or streaks in this side of the eyelids [Music] watching any subtle oranges or Purple's or magentas or Gold's flowing and playing like rainbow kaleidoscopes [Music] as soft echoes of a changing interior perception trancing parts of you so much deeper and deeper down [Music] always into protective peace and the tranquility of inner poise [Music] now because you know so many of your positive changes in life often come first from those new impulses arising within I'd like to remind you of something you probably already know which is that those familiar habits behaviors and thoughts which have brought you to your present day here are not always the same habits behaviors and thoughts which will take you into your future tomorrow there and I'd like you to become even more curious now about what that might mean as you ask yourself which areas of your life and holistic well-being can benefit the most from these higher self tuning from this focus from this question and for a starting example what could it mean to imagine receiving complete abundance into your physical being for the body itself to flow with an easier and better ease to make space to receive all healthy nutrition and all positive nourishment and to move so easily to allow the body to heal and to grow and to feel exceptionally good [Music] or having asked yourself that what could it mean to receive complete abundance for your mind well be to develop and strengthen and expand the minds clarity - happily flow and grow in wisdom and thought [Music] and for intelligence and understanding to more easily be learning how the mind in its best harmonies can naturally expand and focus and evolve [Music] or what would it mean for your emotional being to receive complete abundance [Music] to find your car confidence and your emotional resilience [Music] to bring a stability of self-esteem and self-acceptance and self alone to more easily allow your authentic happiest consistent and harmonizing demeanor [Music] to just allow you to feel empowered and joyous each and every day [Music] or what would it mean for you to just imagine your social being receiving complete abundance to open yourself socially towards all loving kindness and warmth to automatically give the very best of yourself in all personal connections [Music] and all interpersonal relations and communications [Music] [Music] to make a safer room for your happier friendships [Music] to make room for your most loving partnerships [Music] to receive and then return everything that is good everything that feels good [Music] or what would it mean for you to imagine receiving complete abundance into your financial being to be open to receiving the energies of prosperity and wealth [Music] with so much positivity that new monies or new opportunities for wealth and abundance naturally flow to you [Music] more easily imagine and see and feel money is simply a transfer of energies [Music] which can easily be earned and saved and invested [Music] and freely given and donated to others according to however you choose with the most incredible feelings of joyful freedom and expanding choice [Music] and what would it mean to imagine receiving complete abundance into your temporal being also known as your x dimensional self to see an experience for your time in this world as a valuable gift we're so easily you harness and focus your minutes and your hours and your days and your nights with so much flowing productivity that you enjoy both your work and your play [Music] and you rest when you do with total satisfaction when you take that time to reflect gently back upon each day because you are living so openly with your focus and your time always well-spent [Music] and what would it mean for you to imagine complete abundance receiving into your spiritual being to allow the deepest rooms in your sacred self to heal in your heart [Music] for your divine spirit to receive its healthy soul food [Music] and for all spiritual nourishment to flow powerfully into you [Music] as you open the souls fulfillment to all joys and the deepest comforts of bliss [Music] so as you're unconscious continues to ask your deeper self these questions there is that part of you that understands here you're seven key areas of abundance are all opening to receive this new holistic healing a new energy and a new flow as you continue to check in with and visit each dimension whenever you choose even as my words continue you can revisit each dimension however you choose because I'm sure you would enjoy relaxing now and drifting even more than before [Music] to move into your dream reveries [Music] where you can really see and hear and feel and know yourself becoming a high-powered Universal magnet [Music] to attract automatically to you all the mentions of this beautiful well [Music] and so you now float to somewhere very special to a place found at the frontier ends of all conscious travels [Music] where you find a set of magnificent spiraling stairs awaiting you and you see a stairwell leading down like a bridge and a connection to the quality of total abundance [Music] a place of deep power and deep prosperity and such strong energy calling you deeper down to every possible healthy wealthy and divinely opening door [Music] and so picture and feel now beneath your feet be circular spirals of an ancient stairwell carved and made from such strong oaken wooden slats of beautiful Timbers [Music] or if you would like to see garden-like steps made of natural green grasses or solid earthen footholds in aside of a stunning mountain no matter what you see it was all to your benefit as the sturdy stairs may even change in their shape and in their form over time becoming as fluid as your dreams now continually winding you down and relaxing you towards your most favourite and most serene places of tranquillity [Music] and as you experience this gentle slow spirally a kind of inspiring sanctuary begins to grow in your heart [Music] a place where detailed oil paintings and photographic portraits in such vibrant colors expand into wider windows of magnificent views [Music] and each of you shows you clear images and even clearer displays depicting the qualities of what prosperity and total abundance means to the most authentic unconscious imagining parts of you and you can thrill with the sights as spontaneous flashes feel into your awareness with such new possibilities [Music] new opportunities to expand and improve each of your seven holistic dimensions [Music] [Music] each window shows to you so many successful enriching and happy moments where you see yourself directly enjoying your happiest life exactly as you would choose to be [Music] feeling completely vital and energized so healthy and so active prosperous and freely giving of your energies and abundances because you love to be alive [Music] and you feel all of these revelations in pictures and sounds moving you beyond all cynicism and all disillusions of doubt [Music] and instead you choose to dive off and become blissfully lost in the very qualities of a life filled with free-flowing abundance just like stepping into the rich fantasies of your most cherished books [Music] or hearing motivating songs and albums which speak directly to your heart you experience moments here from those special movies and films that you love and have longed to act out [Music] and to live wonderful romances and fun adventures and exciting travels abroad everything that might satisfy and make you feel so good and fulfilled [Music] everything becomes available to you here because you are continually learning to allow all positive frequencies inside of you to finally open their powerful channels of receiving abundant vibration [Music] and to take you even further now in this journey to your abundance in just a moment my voice will count down from seven to one and when I do reach the number one you will find yourself alighting and stepping off these incredible shape-shifting stairs and flights of possibility to arrive you at the very ground basement of your twilight harmonies ready to reset and completely open yourself to receiving the purest and most real energy of Universal abundance you have ever felt and ever known [Music] to finally unlock your deepest unconscious connections to the riches of what your always meant to be and you have always been [Music] so now seven and six moving down and further down five and four feeling yourself filling with even more wander and hope and three and two and on the next number I say you arrive directly at your most sacred space of total holistic abundance and now one feel yourself stepping off and away from those stairs see yourself letting go of the handrails and opening your own consciousness completely to discover whatever is here waiting for you [Music] to appreciate touch feel here an LC as you now behold and step into a sublime sense of subtly buzzing power here [Music] feeling that powerful emanation from such depths within you [Music] because each and every word I am now saying to you carries with it the tones of your own immense abundant expansion [Music] and from the limitless field of energetic abundance now expanding around you your higher-self connections reach out to grasp the infinite loving vastness of this entirely giving universe [Music] because everything that was once hidden is now clearly revealed and you know and sense innately all previously secret doors and all previously hidden portals and our opening so easily leading directly to the infinite treasure troves of universal prosperity and higher richness [Music] expanding across all seven of your dimensions to shine like a diamonds light upon you and you see and feel yourself permanently aligning to a shining new optimism to a bold a confidence and a new hope because everything good is strengthening inside of your mind and your body and your spirit [Music] because you see and feel yourself floating directly into so many new Shores and new frontiers new discoveries and every new Shore you do discover here as a shore of expanding abundant [Music] as you find yourself stepping barefoot on soft white sand of sprawling natural beaches [Music] then you look down to see every stretch of beach underneath you is sparkling with billions and billions of small white orbs each and every one full of the purity of abundant positivity [Music] and you feel each grain of sand touching you passing tingles and waves of pure abundant energy into you [Music] and you feel ecstatic sensations because you are beginning to believe now in your own powerful words [Music] since every grain you touch transmits to you the highest warmth of the universe's best assurance and most loving protective wishes for your abundance [Music] and when you look up it's so easy to see the warm waves of a starry seaside tide now massaging your feet and caressing your ankles the natural world unfolding and shining upon you matching your inner smile as it gifts and gives to you its immense favors [Music] and naturally you are welcomed here as a child of the grandeur stars [Music] experiencing what it is to own and embrace your true cosmic heritage but you know down to your tiniest cells and your DNA you are connecting completely with total abundance to the very stars you're made of [Music] building you and renewing you with true health and gifting you true revelations and pathways to wealth and prosperity and joy [Music] and you realize and see as you look into the bluer skies every old fear of failure and every older doubt now plays out there projecting everything that has ever been in the way as an obstacle to your own true success [Music] every misperception of our to limited and no-win world around you every worry that this world wants did not give you enough every worn out self-criticism or self-directed harsh word everything that told you from whichever voice it was you were somehow not good enough or not deserving enough all of this you see with newer eyes a newer perception because you now understand where that negativity arose and came from [Music] because every past negativity that once blocked you or held you back or prevented you from receiving your deserving total positive Universal abundance everything you know you no longer want to stand in your way all of that and more is now being sucked out from your deepest dimensions because every cell and every thought and every feeling which once associated you to negativity is now being cleared and cleansed and vacuumed out and removed by the infinite powers of the blue sky had you seen [Music] and just like seeing old dust and smoke blown out and away a gray smog is now releasing out from you with each exhaling breath sent out to be purified by the healing lightness of the clouds [Music] until you watch and observe those darkening clouds disperse and you see them dissolve far away over the horizons [Music] easily emptying their contents into the vast seas below [Music] and immediately now you feel such a deep cleansing of energies inside an opening of all channels within you that you feel yourself radiating and humming so quietly aware now that there is a new and powerful spaciousness within you [Music] and very soon you find yourself traveling within again traveling freely with such a new happiness until you see a brand new longer tunnel stretching out and opening like a majestic cosmic hallway before you [Music] a tunnel beckoning you towards a starry field vortex of peace and harmony a tunnel you see stretching out to be lined and lit with beautifully shimmering torches lining each wall [Music] a portal of magnificent brilliant calling now to your highest self [Music] even as you already know yourself yearning to move closer and closer you feel inside and feel more strength and more purpose than ever before calm and confident in yourself you feel such innate worth as you pass through the tunnels mystical entrance and move now into its beyond [Music] now you experience shimmering star beams beginning to shift and a swirl [Music] as the metaphysics of pure energy are unfolding to dance all around you [Music] and you sense an even deeper innately kind and universal presence here as infinite benevolence of total abundance is seeking to connect and join directly with you [Music] as all positive energies of existence even more so than ever before are bringing a richness of spirit to be aligning now to you because right here you are experiencing what it means to live and debris as a soul who is completely abundant and free [Music] and you know here in this long tunnel and in this greater world the divine source of the universe opens itself to you in so many profound ways because so many real world opportunities life opportunities good opportunities and promising opportunities are now coming your way [Music] so often springing up spontaneously into your visions and your reality each and every day and night and here you see yourself surrounded by the highest forces in your life beings of light who smile and nod and reach out warmly to you [Music] reaching out to your higher-self with their many prosperous offerings [Music] and so you receive them along with their best intention to lovingly grow you and to heal you and to see you succeed [Music] because you are learning to believe that there really is more than enough for everything good to go around [Music] there is more than enough wealth enough money enough health enough prosperity enough happiness enough friendship enough love and enough divinity to embrace you to grow you and to see you succeed more than enough wisdom and kindness and freedom in this world and in this wireless universe to completely satisfy you inside and out and you are learning to believe that you yes you are wholly deserving of this goodness you really are deserving of this universal light and joy all success and all abundance now surrounds you and you do receive [Music] and because you listened and attune more and more to these forces you feel so much more empowered to more easily take direct conscious active actions in your waking mindful days moving you positively toward that which always makes you much stronger much wiser and always more available to healthy growth because the very spirit of the universe is heeding your call your cosmic guides here in this tunnel lovingly nurture and support you in your choice their light and their pathways encourage you towards a greater and greater oneness with abundance [Music] and so you easily manifest this spirit of intention directly bringing it in and allowing it into yourself and into your daily choices and your daily actions to easily express the truth of your authentic deserving real self [Music] and so here it is you imagine deeply and dream more positively than before taking this time now to freely explore this tunnel wherever it may lead [Music] venturing to any area of your seven subconscious dimensions to connect any dimension to complete abundance however you may now choose [Music] and because your tunnel connects you so easily to all-powerful command and control centers within you to your deepest habits and thoughts and beliefs you find you are connected to deep programming which allows your physical mental and emotional well-being to be retuned to be reprogrammed [Music] deep deep programs which set your relations to money and health and wealth you are now in control of your social connections and how and where to best invest your time all of this is here available for your positive change [Music] for your action of choice [Music] and to visit with your most profound and spiritual highest realms if you choose [Music] because here you are the master programmer and entirely free to write and create your new codes and to set your new patterns [Music] to see your best ways to adjust and balance everything within you and to switch and turn every controlling dial to those green lights which say I am now open to abundance [Music] [Music] and now you're unconscious resources only continue to search for and create and manifest all of your powerful solutions all solutions across your coming pleasant relaxing and tranquil dreams [Music] and always you feel safe and deeply protected as you dream of your daily life changing for the better changing and evolving with these new understandings aligning you to the highest vibrations of your abundant world and unfolding within you like the Bliss of Nirvana inside of your heart and mind [Music] as your deep a dream self now integrates and expands upon all of these learnings opening and aligning you to manifest more and more self-worth self value self acceptance and all feelings of abundance [Music] [Music] and very soon my voice will leave you as your deeper self continues to move you into many beautiful and pleasant dreams [Music] as every part of you is now unifying and joining towards a deep and sound sleep [Music] sending you now so warmly and comfortably into all calming harmony and serenity [Music] where you continue to feel so blessed and deeply Eddie so I wish for you to sleep now as you completely let go as you drift and float even further away [Music] slowly traveling into your sleep with such a refreshing calm [Music] and whenever you're next do hear my voice all feelings of absolute happiest abundance will only speak and sing with positivity to your richest heart and so for now I bid you a very good night and the sweetest of dreams because now you can relax completely into sleep feeling relaxed and more rejuvenated than ever before as you sleep and sleep well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Michael Sealey
Views: 1,843,244
Rating: 4.5883889 out of 5
Keywords: sleep hypnosis, hypnosis for sleep, hypnosis, hypnosis sleep, guided meditation, sleep meditation, meditation sleep, meditation, sleep, sleep music, music for sleep, sleeping, manifest, law of attraction, attraction, mind, body, spirit, energy, guide, power, heal, while you sleep, healing, wealth, money, subliminal, dreams, meditation music, love, prosperity, happiness, law, the secret, deep sleep, lucid dreaming, astral, positive, affirmations, higher, mindset, frequency, michael sealey, abundance, unlock
Id: SB1goPdrEcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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