Slave Interview with Uncle Billy McCrea The Civil War Diaries Season 2 Finale

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howdy loyal subscribers it is the bird dog here i know you must be a loyal subscriber if you're watching this video so thank you so much for all of your support i just wanted to take a moment before we jumped into this season finale of the civil war diaries and first off say thank you guys for all of the encouragement and support through the civil war diaries this was a project to keep me occupied while my dog was going through surgery and it's kind of evolved into a much bigger project that i really have enjoyed doing and i appreciate you guys allowing me to do this and being here for the ride so thank you guys so very much for that i also wanted to take a moment and put today's video into context and point out a few key moments in today's video for you and it might explain why i did this video so this month is black history month and of course the civil war was a very significant moment in black history and i wanted to find a way to emphasize that in some way um so i started putting this video together and i was talking to a viewer about it and telling them about the video and they said to me that nobody wants to hear that history like nobody wants to hear about that type thing and that's the type of history which to me could possibly be the most important type of history to preserve is the type of history that some people just kind of want to sweep under the rug because it makes them uncomfortable and that i think is the crux of this video so this video is an interview with a former slave his name is uncle billy mcrae and it was conducted in jasper texas in 1940 by an ethnomusicologist named alan lomax now lomax was traveling around the country and interviewing former slaves to learn about the music of the times of slavery and so he was collecting songs and having them sing songs that were sung in the fields and that sort of thing and much of the interview that was conducted with uncle billy consists of that now we're only going to be listening to some excerpts of the interview that i feel are relevant and kind of lead us to the crux of this interview and as the interview picks up where we're going to start in we're just getting some general questions about uncle billy in his life and lomax's curiosity gets the better of him i think because he asks about the civil war and about uncle billy's interactions with any troops from the civil war and as uncle billy begins to tell about the civil war he starts to stray into some territory that makes slomax uncomfortable and it becomes painfully apparent in the last 20 or 30 seconds of this interview that lomax is very uncomfortable with the direction that uncle billy is taking him and he very abruptly ends the interview by saying that'll be enough and i think that the most important aspect of this video is that last 30 or 40 seconds of the interview and i possibly could have reduced it to just that but i wanted you guys to have some context and spend some time with uncle billy and see what he was like so if you've made it this far thank you so very much again for coming along on the civil war diaries you are a true and loyal friend and i appreciate you so very much for that and i hope that you have enjoyed the series i hope to return in the fall to this i've taken a a position recently as a video editor so i've been a lot more busy here around the house and i uh just kind of need to free up a little time so we're wrapping this up 22 episodes of the civil war diaries i hope you guys have enjoyed them 22 weeks of uh sitting and cranking these out i've certainly enjoyed it so thank you guys that's the editor's note and with that let's uh jump into this week's episode of the civil war diaries [Music] do [Music] how old are you billy well i sit over a little bit to tell you my age now i don't recognize my age but i can tell you what i go for the 15th of this of october i'll be 89 89 years old and on the second hand the way they've got my age picture i the 15th i will be 117 years old but i registered in the courthouse of my age be 98 i age and we're 89 just coming to the 50th this month next month october how many children have you how many children how many children 36 36 how many boys honey boys 18 boys and how many girls i don't know i could tell this mom and a girl with the boys i got 16 right right handed after coming i can't tell you over that well you said you say okay go and tell me about i'm coming through here with cannons yeah yes now i'll tell you what to say way back in the street with time i was standing at that the [ __ ] were free uh we all got every day that's in town to see the yankees all going back home i can really disagree that this house just have a uh six and eight news to account going through and books on them uh counting down then they pick a wagon and have bullshot on them wagon and one man arriving rather than telling you you're just taking a look at him i'm saying all day long because knowledge is well and all the yankees i read like were blue were dressed in blue clothes i commented we grew jumped right in and had a little pillow on the coat right there the background and courses up here you know i regret this as well did you come around and they black muse how uh maybe oh i don't know how many black holes then they come along again a lot of these old gray mules on it this to them count on camera and then they come back with horses saw horses all these stuff all going through that way for two days they were going out three days for two days and i remember and the yankees stopped here freedom bureau you tell us anything and the prosecuting people know what to do you know and all like that and i reject how these photos i've seen two mans that had that were punishing for what they do and i seem to take them like that had a little big tent we go to go and see him and they take them hang them up with a storm and just let the tip at that time of me hang out so many millions and let him know that's the punishment they got i reject the old man they haven't come an old dead his name is yankee white and the man the judge's name i forgot his name but then i know you regret nothing white that's what he's doing well then they come and my old marshall will come agree he brought one to the horses women i really wrote the hole to many times one little big horse they called yanket tom and another big old horse was a saddle horse old clown on the crate board and he was called boston he was a good big black horse now you get wrong he took them all down to a farm that was how he took all of that other good big boy then and could be bored and the yankees didn't come and after a while there'd be a whole troop of men come they said they were younger all walking that's cool younger to go through next time you see there come a whole super yankee all riding horses big guns hanging on there all like that you know okay you always stand looking at them all going home and i'd say i asked myself i'll attack marshall mama what if what are they going said they're all going home now and who come and create that old master he was looking at they said well hi all of you [ __ ] is all free now yankees all going home i remember that this is where right right in town so what were you living there right well then you then you're uh post office there's my old masters home actually but that is his square from that post office came down to the citizen bank all that is his whole square down and came over to the other part come on up he told the message church that's my old martial state i can remember he was a speculator i can remember that good big boy there he had a big old shed down and and they had cotton all in that shed and we boiled it all up praying on that [ __ ] everyday and he had a he had wagon never every day he'd load up all them wagons and take all that cotton and go oh now you see that that doesn't save the time i regret this as well and he bring back a whole lot of colored people what kind of crazy they said he was a speculator and he settled down to all these people around this time a lot of people all dead now but he brought in so we all go off and bring him in oh you called that small pupper with his wagon i should go he's chatting with him all the time used to haul cotton cat cotton from jasmine to wire this blue and and category wild roof and the cap cotton overhead the wheelchair is a piece of corner i've got the case now cat caught an enemy i remember houston he was all rewarded i was a good big boy guy and he headed off to hello head off they had all rocks named brandon that's how come to use his wagner he'd get tired and sit down bill oh yes sir they don't know he just whipped you down and i'd ride on brand new ride over and drive the rest of them right here so i get tired and get down and walk side on that other own all that stuff that that doesn't slam the tire that's all good and i'll remember and take them over every time right down i can't tell you that i don't care right now coach mr nikki mae's place there was no jailhouse on old logging house all jailhouses are that that's only that's why i went that stuff away and you wouldn't know what no no oh some kind of quotas i rejected and you put prisoners in that day house and me me and another young white brother named colin mcqueen hang them on and we used to go home to people that want some teeth we could go home and steal bread and stuff and focus on the bar to the prisoners with the boys that's why i changed jackal and there's no law jailhouse yeah and all around our okay and i regret one time we all was looking at it and they brought him they had hounds and he brought some hound in and brought three [ __ ] with them run away and they using cutting wood and they right right across that's a creature they take down [ __ ] and put them on and put them on the wall going down the basement and hook them you let them be just hauling and praying when they're not and that was a minute to bring them in then they take them all down and put them in there now i've seen all of that if you enjoyed today's video and would like to see more content like this be sure to take a shot at the like button subscribe and ring that notification bell to stay up to date with all the latest bird dog content if you'd like to support the channel for a limited time there's exclusive civil war diaries merchandise available in the video link below [Music]
Channel: BirdDogg
Views: 3,263
Rating: 4.8793101 out of 5
Keywords: History, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Vlog, BirdDogg, Relic, Show, Relic Hunting, Relics, Outdoor Adventure, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett AT Gold, Nautilus Metal Detector, Daily DIg Log, A Day in the Life, Day in the Life, Vlog, Treasure, Man FInds Treasure, Treasure Hunting, Bluegrass, Nokta, Nokta Makro Simplex, Simplex, Anfibio, Nokta Makro Anfibio, Anfibio Multi, Amazing Treasure, Civil War Relic, Magnet Fishing, Magnet, 2021 metal detecting, 2021
Id: f5YIAHS1G3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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