Slaughter Gang: Atlanta’s Most Notorious Rap Crew

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[Music] you think bring you to the table you just got to sacrifice one of them ladies and gentlemen we're in this creets of Atlanta with slaughter game right here on G Block B St [Music] 21 21 can you do something for me you don't have to touch any wiers baby he touch any wiers they're my little sister but they be sling [ __ ] Atlanta Georgia is undoubtedly one of rap's most influential cities coming at you from the Fox Theater the location of the first major award show to ever hit Atlanta the new entertainment Mecca it's absolutely filled with superstars like Jeezy Gucci TI ludicrous little baby Outcast two chains and 21 Savage just to name a few today we hit zone 6 in the the notorious Atlanta Streets to roll around with rapper 21 Little Herold in the infamous Slaughter gang click this is little Herold so [ __ ] I don't shoot no on I gotot money up with think I'm some I'm [Music] a on my en my I got I got sou I got beans for you [ __ ] now on top of being a rapper Harold has a reputation for being smooth with the ladies a collector of old school and bulletproof cars and being one of 21 Savage's best friends ladies and gentlemen our adventure today begins on a gritty side of town let's begin known I had a dream hey I just sent you the location I'm like a few minutes far away from it you see a group of kids or people or [ __ ] working on their dirt bike to the back like full to the back all right we'll do that thank you guys minut 21 can you do something for me can you go to these a sketchy apartments for me this feel like a spot that we want someone to know we're coming uh yeah into the lion's den we will go this look's get tra can EAS right here this reminds me of the movie snow on the [Music] blo this on fellas I'm Tom G what's up nice to meet you nice to meet you can you tell the people where we're at right now we're right here on Glenwood 107 block I feel like this is one of the places in the country that starts the waves got all up so guess what on the way here we on the highway it was rush hour traffic and some angry white dude was Road raging me he was like this in the car he like swerved by me what's your take on road rage my baby mama the other day rid around with her mama and somebody get the argue with them and shoot the back window out it feels like people are willing to take it to the farthest over the littlest thing nowadays in life you got to enjoy every moment because tomorrow or the next second might be your last you might as well have fun today and not stress about something that happened in the past cuz that mean you stuck in the past I'm going to say a line I want you to try and finish the line for me okay okay here we go 21 can you do something for me okay okay we're in Atlanta folks he grew around here too for a guy that's that high profile is it risky to come out to the block nowaday not our block no he welcome here any time ain't nobody going to mess with him or nothing he walk freely around here F [ __ ] like guys and I ain't stop [ __ ] my brother die and now in a B for the other side hanging out the window let mmy what good to meet you nice to meet you too how you doing hey TP good to meet you guys we also noticed on the drive up here Atlanta's got a whole lot of tents going on you know if that's increased since Co I I know man I never forget though I'm I'm driving I see a crackhead to the right like he's on the expressway under the bridge like under there and it's probably like 4:00 5 in the morning coming from uh Allure and I kind of like see him like walking toward the middle of the highway so I'm like trying to like slow down a little bit like I'm like bro I don't want to hit him this man has a whole brick throw the brick at my car I'm like what the if it would have hit my my windshield i' been D but it like hit the top of my uh roof of my car like skied off the top I was mad as hell I wanted to go back around there shoot his ass my other observation about Atlanta this is a city that if you tell someone if you tell someone you're on the way you're like an hour and a half 2 hours like yeah cuz I told you I was on the way all right we got the Caravan pulling up 350 on the wild one one one one I got hard I got soft I got beans for you [ __ ] what's going on big dog what's I'm Tommy we got you on Glenwood G block yes sir I heard you were up till 5:00 a.m. last night yeah what the hell were you doing got boot for a host yeah I know you go by Harold but I also know you went by little dirty yeah back in the day yeah tell me about that see where the dirt at and [ __ ] I put that [ __ ] in my head when I was young where you from Milwaukee what what's that we got the Bucks we got Jeffrey dmer the serial killer if you're familiar with him we got certified Trapper we just got a a basketball player we just traded forre yeah we would love to do a video with him one day Yiannis you're ever watching this I know I don't look like a basketball player I'd love to see your life for day you have a song called 50 freaky [Music] [ __ ] that sounds like a logistical nightmare that sounds like a lot of big to manage at one time not really if you have them all on each other you just get in that [ __ ] pick one you want I'm gonna be honest with you is it as cool as it sounds or are there any downsides to having 50 freaky I don't know just the just experience with them hoes can you tell me a little bit more about the slaughter house we got rules first rule is like don't bring no girl in here you can't share second rule no lock do can't lock no do even for safety reason they're talking about like bedroom doors bedroom do but front door you can lock the front door you lock rule with the third rule make sure you got rubber you think condoms are a good idea yeah for sure what's special about this car she say you like it doesn't Echo that means it's bulletproof you know what it is this is a safe way to roll around town have you ever been in a situation where this came in handy no we we won't be going through all that I ain't going Li ready be safe you normally ride around in a bulletproof car just this year a lot of your music is intense but I hear that you really like aatha Franklin and some old music you know who AR Franklin yeah yeah r s p e c what are some top old classics you like to listen to what kind of artist you ever heard of BBY woman no be a with did you grow up in a church family yeah my mom said cuz that almost sounds like Sunday cleaning music you know like it's my buddy T's house man one of the older dudes 21 and why 21 why not 20 or 22 cuz our mailbox say 21 not the emailbox the next scet over it's for my [ __ ] lock behind that wall you know I pick up ESS n every time they call post it on the ground they hit are you a dog breeder yeah we breed dogs you bre K coros when one of those looks you in the eyes it like they're like oh yeah I can take you buddy like that's what they tell you I feel like with their eyes yeah sure how old were you when you had the slaughter house 19 18 do you ever want to be married one day no do you think marriage brings anything positive into your life yeah cuz you should want to godamn have somebody on your side before you die like you don't want to just die alone do you have any kids yeah I got two of them what do you think about it what is it like being a dad yeah probably the most precious [ __ ] ever in the world yeah yeah I got girls [ __ ] yeah every really tough dude I know has daughters you know what I mean huh put on the working so if I'm having a boy I didn't put enough work in she probably doing it to you he wasn't putting the work in y'all what a successful to you when you got everything everything put up this your mama stra your friends your kids your everything put up if you had to fight a Kan Corso you bare hands versus that dog do you think you could win not going to fight that dog pop she right there I just see she in the thing lock in I'm going to go down that CH for yall know I got to back you up I got to back you up we're this together all right come on bro yeah go my city I got the young [ __ ] going crazy all that free I know you getting money back then [Music] but my first time walking P it down dog it feels good though be brave to overcome things we just overcame a little bit of obstacle down there we made it [ __ ] wagies in the B catch like a statue1 so have you lost a lot of people yeah where is that like tell me how you lost somebody I haven't lost people that are my age as m i l like my dad you a lost none of your friends yet I had a friend by I lost but it's different I feel like when someone's life is taken you know what I mean you know what Drake got that little line you know heard say G block I'm sure I have this is what he's talking about God my right so one thing I've been thinking a lot a lot about lately is like the rap industry I've seen Tik toks about like Illuminati in the rap world or like how dark the industry is is that real I'm part of that [ __ ] you part the Illuminati yeah yeah what does that even mean they ask me you did that I want to knock off more I said [ __ ] next 5 years she going to be so so enjoy her right now you do this thing you walk into a meeting or do you think I can join I can bring you to the table you just got to sacrifice one of them so you have to sacrifice somebody to make it in yeah it ain't part of all that gay [ __ ] that that you be hearing and [ __ ] I've heard some of that you have to someone but you don't have to touch any wiers touch any wiers how much money are we talking billion dollar but a billion dollars is that worth living with knowing you knock the out of course you know what [ __ ] mean a guy that's a [ __ ] a snitch you can't count on him honky you could talk you could say that too right what did honky mean I don't know Honky is like a nicer way of saying cracker some people say honky or some people say the HW the other day I was watching the documentary that uh the defant ones you seen that they was like showing old clips like MTV Clips when they were like talking about rappers back then when they had like NWA they were saying [ __ ] the white reporters they were saying niggaer all the time I don't know them I don't approve that message it wasn't me it wasn't my family this [ __ ] crazy you're a different type of [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] I want to ask you about this the Illuminati the music industry is it as Twisted as people say it is I believe it but I don't I ain't seen no [ __ ] up hand cuz we talked to the son of one of the most famous rap groups of all time but and he said he was convinced that there's some really evil [ __ ] behind the scenes the you serious though I was yeah I was serious though but if you really want to sacrifice Mo I mean hey go graduate we got a lot of little road graduate we you know s used to do that [ __ ] for one for our little road like you graduate I go to get you a car graduate high school I'll buy you a car yes damn I should have gone to high school around here is my observation correct that Atlanta folks replace the T with a K the streets instead of the streets you want to East Side what side are we on right now East Side East Side like yeah do like this or west I can make it into West yeah you come around here without tapping in with me first it's going to be God e man that [ __ ] rap too to the a lot of with rub a [ __ ] down to be trashy just let me know when you packing it's Tash down in I don't think a [ __ ] want to see me with the fo think my old pass away before the 21 we used to be 2100 he proba the one that pass away so does Atlanta have a lot of beef cuz my kind of impression was that a lot of people got got no beef on this is got to be the coolest kitchen I've ever been I've never seen a kitchen with the miral before why is it so many popular rappers are from Atlanta I feel like this is like Ground Zero of rap [ __ ] you got look at Atlanta memph going crazy Chicago going crazy Detroit Detroit and Flint St Louis probably should come out of St Louis too one thing I've noticed is everyone that's talented in Milwaukee it seems like they go to Atlanta or Houston they leave the city y don't got no bigger rap out there certified Trapper is probably our biggest rapper Milwaukee hasn't caught it hasn't got it do yet but I feel like it's coming soon what's up brother what's up I'm shav nice to meet you how you doing good brother good everyone in the squad either has the cross the knife or 21 yeah I got my [ __ ] right here Slaughter gang I got Slaughter gang right here Slaughter G let's head in the room if you want to come to slaughter house there's a few things you got to know one never lock the front door two you share the [ __ ] for sure number three you wear rubber for sure for sure he locked in I feel like rule number four is you can't have blue balls by the end of the day Dam right you just made a rule you just made a rule even if you're a blood you can't do blue balls you know what I mean crazy you ready to go get eat let's go let's go we're bouncing out of this you're the CEO of Slaughter game right she she she getting Slaughter she get Slaughter I don't be touching her they're my little sister but they be slau her and [ __ ] uhhuh yeah uhhuh get your mind right [ __ ] get your mind [Music] right you the cops right now he work for the police we have detective Harold here 5 we got him you know busting me busting respectfully huh it's busting respectfully know like busting like as like this [ __ ] good as hell it's busting No Cap some people might say what the hell bust No Cap mean like I'm not lying to you dog this [ __ ] is for real I told you you what you're a [ __ ] now oh I appreciate that Mom I'm no longer part of the family I'm sorry we your ass what's him at Atlant lingo TW like I'm telling you like like I'm telling you what going on like T I'm telling you this is busting No Cap though do you feel like America's going in a good direction right now my B is in office no you want Trump back in office yeah when was the last time you cried probably when my grandma just passed away Sor to hear that man what makes you happy kids yeah how old are your kids 6 eight that's a good age those like kids are really fun at that age I feel like they're smart enough that you can like talk to them have conversations but I feel like they say stuff that like surprises you or they're funny they just BL out [ __ ] you look across the border across Americans fatherhood seems to be dropping what do you think it takes to get fathers back in the picture there none of that you you can take it's up to the person some father just take yourself out the picture being a dad is one of the coolest things you can ever be and you need like kids need that leader yeah yeah for sure so you got to probably meet a lot of cool rappers right who's someone that just impresses you with how they move what they think about how they act how they talk like who's a rapper that you learned something from her that you're really impressed with Y yeah [ __ ] smart as real entrepreneur it ain't no rapper K heart smart as yeah he don't give a money just blow it met him at a gambling table like gambling millions of dollars we met U Jamie Fox [ __ ] had like whole bunch of gold cards and [ __ ] you know who I want to me Shaquille O'Neal I met I met Shaq too you met Shaq Shaq you ever watch one of my videos I would love to do a piece on you all right Atlanta friends have given us a warm welcome I'm going to give them just a little bit of merch to as a thank you if you want yours you can get it at Tommy and we'll be happy to ship you one you just a little thank you for the hospitality we got a gorill got a gorilla shyy for you my right what advice you have for the Youth out there know I mean just stay positive you know I mean and you know stay focused and stay out the way was your like a single moment in your life where everything changed like a pivotal moment or like a moment you're like holy [ __ ] things are different now my first song yeah what was your first song two chain K Metro made the beat wait your first song ever Metro boom and made the beat that's pretty cool got said yeah and how long ago is this 2 years ago you only been rapping for a little bit 2 years what's the deal yo what what we need to do what can you tell us about him good man in school I got a run behind him he's be just laid on the bus everything CU he was out there making him some money how is Atlanta change over time Atlanta's been Atlanta but y'all just fize y'all just seeing Atlanta we've been doing this one well folks you got to take a journey through a place where rap history has been made and will continue to be made this is 21 hero I'm Tommy G and we'll see you guys next episode Peace lock behind the wall you know I pick up ESS n every time they call post it on the ground they hit my line see me that's why I be acting like this [ __ ] I F but I miss my dog this in my head they hit you with all that time how the F folks hope you enjoyed this episode you want to watch another here you want to subscribe over here see you next week
Channel: Tommy G
Views: 1,714,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZR11sCsHLtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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