Slash Interview | SVT/NRK/Skavlan

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we saw in the in the clip here the last clip from your your new album we saw you and Fergie from Black Eyed Peas yeah what were you doing there what was I doing there she was putting something in your drink I think yeah she she plays an obsessed stalker fan and she's trying to lure me into her hotel room so she puts a little Mickey in my cocktail and drugs me out so she can get me into the car and takes me back to the thing I see that's the premise I see okay well then I have to ask you how are you these days good because I read a few years ago that you had you have a major heart heart trouble well I had I had a alcohol poison and so I had a cardiomyopathy which is where your heart and larges and it doesn't beat as strongly as it supposed to and so they put me they gave me a what do you call it it's for a pacemaker defibrillator uh-huh I think I said that'll you know hopefully keep you alive you know and and you know cuz they told me you only have like six weeks to live it at that time so it could be smoking and drinking then I did I survived it but I've been uh mmm that was in 2001 so I just got completely clean like four and a half years ago does it like if you're you know the the defibrillator they put on you where they pump your chest yeah it's like that only from the inside so if your heart starts beating too fast or too slow it kicks it back into its normal rhythm um I have avid has it gone back yet or or is it I mean no cuz yeah it hasn't done it did it when I first got it because I forgot to tell the doctor that when I go onstage my heartbeat goes way up and so I went and did some shows with Michael Jackson and was on stage and all of a sudden this thing kicked in it's like getting hit getting hit with a baseball bat you know without the pain but there impact of it and I said what the hell is that but we Andy did it like five times it what happens if let's say if the battery goes out or something do you let them die or no still leave all your old not know I mean basically it's there to protect you if your heart goes out of rhythm okay so if the battery goes out and your hearts okay yeah okay we'll be fine yeah when I read the book about you i-i've I it's like you you took pills like like it was candy you know or drugs like it was candy and and I wonder how could you play the guitar so amazingly when when he did that that's it that's a good question um I don't know it was just a something that that I was just sort of good at doing you know I had it it's a great balancing act you know um I was a little bit more responsible than I probably appeared I was very aware of how much I was doing but there would be moments when you know that this was this particular thing was with alcohol and it was just I'd been drinking so much for so long that it finally had to affect something and it just turned out to be my heart good fine you start with drugs he's not doing it I was probably like 13 to obtain yeah because it was you know I was one of those sort of rebellious kids that was getting into everything and you go old are you now 45 45 I'm still here and still there and you actually grew up in a sort of rock-and-roll environment I mean you're originally British original yeah and what are you so British and your mother I understand was was really a big-time designer doing doing clothes for John Lennon Yoko Ono David Bowie yeah it's amazing yeah it's great she she both my mom and my dad she did the the clothing designing for really a lot of the big entertainers of the 70s and my dad was doing album covers so we were in that sort of entertainment circle you know which everything especially in the 70s there was a lot of drugs a lot of sex a lot of stuff and you know I just naturally fell into that kind of lifestyle is it true that that she she actually dated David Bowie / she did so did she bring him home yeah he was sort of like you know I guess for one of the better words sort of like my stepdad for a period that doesn't seem natural to call him that no but I mean he was the first the first man to come along and sort of take the place of my dad in the household so it was an interesting critter what period the Bowie's was this this was his thin white duke period incredible having the thin white duke oh well you know and the thing was is she was my my mom was making clothes for him and designing his clothes but I mean I got used to him pretty pretty easily it was a good guy you know it was a very mild-mannered very soft-spoken creative individual something like total different are you always going to Hostin the sunglasses a lot just curious I mean in in in sort of public situations like this it's yeah she always have image happy happen it's more of a comfort zone for me because I'm basically pretty shy and if I was out here without the shades and without a guitar and I mean you were dancing around the stage I'm playing the guitar fantastically and doing all these things so that's great cuz yeah as a performer and with the guitar I feel a lot more comfortable than without so that it's safe to hold the guitar that's you know then you're you're safe when you have it yeah glasses no one will recognize you well that's not really the whole thing of it though I think all things considered I think it's something that people started to recognize me like that because I always wear it if if anything what do you miss from the Guns'n'Roses yes I know I don't really miss anything because I had such a full experience doing it and really took it to as far as one could take it and still have a good time so that was all you know that was really it's not something I miss cuz I did it and when I moved on I was pretty satisfied with where it ended and you you got to you got to work with a lot of other musicians as well and more than Michael Jackson as you mentioned Brad could you relate to him as a person yeah as an artist for sure I mean we were our relationship was purely you know professional I didn't go over to the house and hang out and all the kind of stuff but on a professional level we got along great and I really liked him as a person on that level you know and III also I also have to ask you about one of your I think he's one of your neighbors in LA Robbie Williams right because he's coming on this show in a few weeks for her and how is he as a neighbor he's great you know I go over there and I mean you know he's a good guy play poker over there and stuff you think for you see a polka place he's a good poker player really yeah he does not much of a poker face it wouldn't actually he's got a great poker face he just he's a it's hard to explain he's just acting himself while he's kicking your ass and poker it's he doesn't look like he's trying very hard and he talks a lot to other people while he's doing it and actually the way I met Robbie Williams I was in the courtyard of a hotel in Hollywood and this guy which I had never I didn't know who Robbie Williams was you know in the states he's not as popular as he is in Europe and so this guy comes up to me he goes hey you're from Stowe and I was like yeah you know and and I said you know yeah I'm from Stoke and I said he goes I'm from Stoke and I was like that's great you know I mean I wasn't really interested in this conversation and he goes I'm Robbie Williams and I was like okay later that night I went to do a jam a guest spot with some musicians called camp Freddie which is a core band that have all these different celebrity musicians get up in jail and so I got up there to start playing and the guy who was singing was Robbie Williams incredible I mean he's a you're both from Stoke I mean they must be very proud of you in Stoke I haven't been back there but my you know my family is proud you know I talk to them all the time and I see them when they come out to visit it shows and so on but I actually haven't been back to Stoke in 40 years well you probably made that probably you have a statue of theirs well they want to build a statue I just want to build a statute yeah so I plan on going back there at some point next year and doing during the UK tour and actually doing a show and Stoke if I can because apparently they have a great venue that we come on they they will have a statue there I don't know I think I think I think they're lobbying to have a statue you know I don't know more literal be as well then I don't know I know that they want to build one at me and they want to build one of Lemmy from Motorhead but no probably I don't know I haven't this might be an issue you know I'll certainly discuss this woman
Channel: Skavlan
Views: 19,727
Rating: 4.8979592 out of 5
Keywords: Skavlan, interview, talk show, Fredrik skavlan, Slash (Musical Artist)
Id: 0531AilnEcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 08 2014
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