Slap Splashes Will Change Fortnite Forever

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today we're using the new slap Splash a lot of them let's go slap everyone and get a win come on hey that was easy I didn't actually expect that to work all right so here's the deal today the only thing I'm allowed to heal with is slap Splash and uh it doesn't heal you that much to make it a little bit easier I'm gonna start myself off on 100 Shields but then as soon as I take damage the only thing I'm allowed to use is slack splash I hear somebody Hello prepare to be slapped ah slap time wow I hate this gun okay all right slap activated yes hold on it's working oh wait wait no no chill chill all right you know what bye don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me better whoa we've escaped good news and bad news everybody mostly bad news I am horrible at this game and now I only have 15 health and like I said the only thing I can heal with is slap splash so I can't use this somebody's coming all right I need the slap augment come on oh yes what are the chances only four of them they couldn't even give you an exotic one okay by the way there are two different types of slap splashes this season there's rare slap Splash which I have right here and exotic slap Splash rare slap Splash gives you 15 health and shield and gives you sprint for 30 seconds exotic slap Splash doubles that 30 health and shield and 60 seconds of Sprint which is pretty solid the problem is it's incredibly hard to find exotic slap Splash honestly it's pretty hard just to find regular slap flash or is it oh nice more slash flash this is getting way better all right I'm gonna need two keys two keys lets me get exotic slap Splash I'm gonna mark this so I can remember I originally planned on doing this video yesterday when slap Splash came out but I never really used it to heal it's actually a much harder challenge than I thought hello hold on let me get another slap Splash going take this noob slash thank you yes let's go honestly for me to get a kill already you win in my book they've been slapped upon oh we got a key we only need one more nope can't use this this is perfect two more keys let's go back up here and we now could get some exotic slap splash I hope it's worth it hold on I hope it's like a million of them two two three two keys flash I spank two keys for 30 Health are you kidding me all right it's fine whatever it's part of the challenge since I have some extra dude I'm gonna be like never I'm never gonna be full health I literally need infinite slap splashes it's just to get even close to full health this is an incredibly hard challenge I actually think it's one of the hardest ones ever even though I could use whatever weapons I want like I'm pretty much stuck at like no health somebody just exploded hello this is not good wow they are very bad at driving Hi friend what are you doing let's go that was cool little whip yeah and now I know I just cheated but hear me out I found little whip special serve like three times and every time I found it I never got the chance to eat it I always died before I got to eat it so let's just pretend that never happened this is this is a crazy game I've got little whip special serve and exotic chug splashes or slap splash more splashes more splashes now we're getting there now I've actually got some serious amounts of splashes I think I just spotted an enemy in this building should I attack there they are I'm nervous where'd they go they must have had invisible splash somebody's next to me let's get slash going for infinite Sprint I am the goat shout out to slap slash the greatest weapon in the history of weapons Mythic pistol all right let's get a little bit of Splash going let's get out of here pretty sure I just whoa I'm pretty sure I just heard somebody luckily I've got slap effect anybody here no way oh somebody just left a golden shotgun thank you I was hoping this was touched dude this floating island scares me every time it starts I was hoping this was exotic Chuck Splash but it's fine we're getting down to the wire 15 players left I've got a really good inventory I'm not gonna lie to you problem is I've only got five splashes for the rest of the game and they don't do that much healing like at all do I want this explosive repeater I think I do now my inventory is even better I just saw a player that's not good but did they see me don't think so you know what perfect time for some slap Splash let's get out of here oh no I took seven damage now normally that wouldn't matter but when you only have four Chucks lashes it matters slap Splash is whatever they're called seven damage is a lot ten players left we're getting down to the wire I never thought I'd get this far especially on the first try but can I catch this dubsky huh stuff perhaps they have some slap splashes just relics MK Alpha no big deal I'm actually gonna ignore it which I know is crazy but ah do I take it what do I replace I don't know what to do fine whatever I'll take it I'm so nervous people on top of that mountain someone right there wait is that an NPC okay that's an NPC real players are right there I think it's a good opportunity for one of the Exotic splashes before I fight I want to get as close to full health as I can yeah I gotta go for it oh I don't know whoa people everywhere I'm safe right here for now five players four players get scary bees hi bees why are they I guess they're getting into the storm maybe they're trying to win aha you think you could chill on top of that tree oh somebody's about to fight you I gotta go all the way this way everybody's gonna come towards me I think one person is right above me luckily I could sneak my way in right here I don't think anybody's gonna expect me here hello hi um if I don't move they can't see me and they have a victory crown how did you know how did you do that but it doesn't matter because I'm the goat exotic truck Splash time I'll be taking that Victory crown and I'll be running towards the storm this is insane pretty sure somebody's like close to me I hate this Raptor why stop it Raptor stop it player fine how did you they jumped on the Raptor that's cheating bro this is insane that was nuts I need some splash dude the splash actually got me in a good spot right there where they shot me through a window oh no so close so insanely close dude that was so insane bro I give slap Splash a 7.2 out of 10. I feel like it might change fortnite forever
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 274,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite slap splash, fortnite new item, i only used slap splash in fortnite, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite
Id: x0qS-L4zSIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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