SLAC's early history: A "monster" of an idea changed how we see the universe

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If you’re from the Bay Area or know it well, you’ve likely noticed the long building under 280 near Stanford. If you’re like me,  you may not have always known what it is. This is the SLAC Linear particle accelerator.  Today, I’m gonna take you through how  this accelerator came to be in this spot  and how it’s helped make many important  discoveries in particle physics. In the 40s and 50s, researchers like  Robert Hofstadter, WKH Panofsky,  and Edward Ginzton made huge developments  in linear electron accelerators, or linacs.  These were essential in pursuing the  relatively new field of high energy physics. Here, you can see on the map of  the area where Stanford physicists   set out to build a 2 mile long  electron accelerator in 1956.  It was called “M” for monster,  poking fun at its ambitious size.  At the time, it was the biggest US  Government funded science project. In 1964, US Atomic Energy Commision  Chairman Glenn T Seaborg said that  “High energy physics is one of the leading   intellectual developments of our age. It is not only very exciting   but experimentation in this field will probably  lead to some of the most important theoretical and  perhaps then the most practical  developments of our age." SLAC’s linac was completed in 1966   and in May of that year its first  electron beams bounded through the tunnel, The accelerator sped up electrons  to nearly the speed of light,   which helped them achieve huge amounts of energy. The electrons were smashed into targets in the   building on the right and their results  were captured by large detectors. Richard Taylor co-led the team  that designed these experiments  which would go on to reveal  signs of an inner structure   within the protons and neutrons  that make up the atomic nucleus.  This work was crucial to other major  discoveries both at SLAC and other labs beyond. Richard Taylor and his collaborators  over at MIT (Jerome Friedman   and Henry Kendall) went on to share  the 1990 Nobel Prize of Physics. You can see them together here. While the linac was a huge step for experiments that used fixed targets, physicists were looking for other ways to work. You can see their solution here - a figure-eight  beam storage ring on Stanford’s campus that would be able to generate collisions   with increased energy by colliding  positrons and electrons head on. Encouraged by these experiments,  SLAC scientists proposed adding a   circular ring at the end of the linac to  create these head-on particle collisions. In 1972, SLAC completed the construction of SPEAR, the Stanford Positron Electron Accelerating Ring. And right away the project started colliding its high-energy beams into one another in an attempt to discover new subatomic particles. In 1974, SPEAR scientists found an inconsistency in the data. But it wasn’t just a glitch or an error. It actually turned out to be evidence that their collisions had discovered a new subatomic particle! Pretty nuts. At the same time, a team of scientists over at MIT had discovered that same particle independent of the SLAC group. The MIT group had used Brookhaven National Lab’s proton-proton collider. So they had used a different method to discover the same thing. The discovery of this new subatomic  particle, dubbed J/psi at the time,   confirmed the original theory of its existence.  Today the particle has been  renamed a “charmed quark”.  SLAC’s Burton Richter, pictured here on the left,  and MIT’s Samuel CC Ting pictured on the right  shared the 1976 Nobel Prize in  physics for the J/psi’s discovery. SLAC researchers kept improving  their particle colliders,   building several more to continue  their research on particle physics  and improve the ways we understand  accelerators and particle collisions. In 1975, SLAC’s Martin Perl  proved another particle existed,   the tau lepton. You can think of the tau Lepton   as the electron’s heavier cousin and the first  known member of a third family of particles.  This chart shows how particle  families are categorized.  As a result, Martin Perl shared  the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physics. Perl’s discovery inspired other scientists  to seek out two more quarks and a neutrino,   rounding out the third particle family. By 2000, only 44 years after the original   linac was built, all three had been  discovered at other laboratories. As SLAC’s particle physics research pioneered  important discoveries, SLAC expanded its mission.  The main accelerator became one of the  most advanced tools in X-ray science   and SPEAR became Stanford Synchrotron  Radiation Lightsource, or SSRL.  These facilities now support  30 experimental stations and   around 2,000 visiting researchers every year. Now, SLAC’s research has branched out  into fields like cosmology, materials  and environmental sciences, biology,   sustainable chemistry and energy research,  scientific computing, and much more. Now, this is only the first  part of SLAC’s history.  To recap, we explored the early years  of SLAC and the lab’s contributions   to the field of particle physics. In the next videos, we’ll look at SLAC’s   more current history and dive into some of the  lab’s more well known research and experiments.
Channel: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Views: 3,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SLAC, National Laboratory, history, particle physics, linear accelerator, synchrotron, SSRL, ssrp, Burton richter, Samuel Ting, Richard Taylor, nobel prize, physics, Panofsky, DOE, Department of energy, National science foundation, NSF, electrons, quarks, charm, fundamental research, mit, stanford, collision, monster, US atomic energy commission, Seaborg, spear, Brookhaven, SLAC history
Id: mI6G3i6msN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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