Slackline-Tutorial: How to Walk a Longline

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hi I'm Sam and in this tutorial I'd like to explain you how to walk a long line first of all what is the difference between walking a long line and a short beginner line the big difference is a short beginner line is not raining moving to the side and a longer line is really shaking to the side so on a beginner line this is the line you have to bring your body weight over the line because the line is not moving you only have to bring your body weight over the line so this is the movement and on a longer line you can really pull the line with your force beneath your body weight what does it mean if you are standing on a short beginner line you need to stand on one leg because then you have second leg to counterbalance as soon as you have dynamics in the line it's easier to pull with both legs because you have more strength with both legs so when you want to pull the line like this you're better off with two legs so now how to walk on the long line one of the key points is your hip so if you want to move forward what many people do they go forward with the shoulders and then they always lean more to the front and more to the front and at some point they lose the balance so what you should do is you have to move your hip to the front so when you make a step you try to feel the line you move the hip to the front and my back foot is standing on the toes because like this I already have all my weight on the front foot and I switch fast and I move the hip to the front again I switch I move to the front I switch you often see also good long liners walking with the back foot like not in a straight position on the line but like 90 degrees to the line and I would not recommend this position because you're always one-sided and that might even cause some knee problems if you do it too often so better try to keep standing straight and not like with the back foot to the side something important in long lining is that every long line is different you have different lengths different tensions different Underground's different weights and every time you go in a long line you need a few minutes to get into it that your body learns how to react on the shakes so here I have a super heavy long line it's 240 metres long and there are three layers so it's really heavy and that makes it super super difficult and now I'm going to show you some oscillations how they are coming back so these oscillations that you've seen now are the second really important difference between a beginner line and a long line on the beginner line you are part of the system so when you make a mistake you just have to keep your body over the line on a long line where you make a mistake the mistake goes to the end so first of all to the closer end and comes back and then also to the other end and comes back so if you make one mistake you will have two additional shakes coming back to you and the whole line will start shaking if you're not really precise so you here you who really have to be aware or you really have to be careful to keep your body nicely on the line and as soon as you start making mistake everything is moving and in case you make a mistake and you realize there is almost no chance to keep you on the line then you can try to push the line down this gives you a split second to correct your body again I often see people wanting to control the line they are like this and they really want to keep the line totally under control these no good tactic on long lines try to be relaxed try to make really smooth movements because like this you will not even build up the shakes the more your rigid the more you will build up the shakes and the second thing is your hip as soon as you make this kind of mistake that your hip goes to the side that always gives a shake to the line so don't be too stiff in your body but also don't be too stiff in your brain don't focus too much on your body movements but keep your brain running with other things like counting steps listen to music and so on so one further important difference is the amount on a short and low slack line you can simply take your foot stand on a slackline and start like this and on longer lines you have to be able to make a good mount need a cheongha mount like this or one of my favorite mounts is like the seat mount like this so these two amounts you can see the tutorials here so when you are in control of the slackline and you want to dismount you can put both feet to the same side and then simply like slide down right the even nicer solution of course is to sit back down like to go down to this position and then make like a reverse Chonga mount you
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Keywords: slackline, longline, lesson, tutorial, learn, longlining, slacklining, basics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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