Skulltricking Greedy Runescape Players in Safe Zones

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almost three years ago I dropped this video we got two prime prospects right here look the free loot over there look here he comes go pick it up he did it you got him Eli oh let's go I got one oh my God it's big bro it's big dude let's go it's big dude and in this video I tested out some of the most obscure ridiculous skull tricks and PK methods that I've ever attempted in RuneScape the one that stood out the most and yielded the craziest results was the bridge trick outside of the fox Enclave is a safe Zone and most people know this and they feel comfortable entering it since you can't attack people here unless the person you want to attack is tele blocked it might seem like such a small insignificant mechanic but with just a bit of peang Ingenuity a skull trick can occur here if I teleblock myself that means players can attack me and by transforming myself with a third age ring to become nearly invisible I'll mimic a loot pile hoping that someone comes outside of the enclave and tries to loot it in the past this trick had great success I pked all sorts of weird items but now that we live in the era of PK skull prevention it's a lot harder for people to skull up and I'm curious to see whether or not this trick will still work so for just one whole week I'm going to be sitting here on this bridge pretending to be a pile of loot hoping that greedy players will test their luck and lose some big items this is elute vers wild episode 71 the bridge trick no dude no Channel he tried it oh oh chill got one CH actually got one spec him out Speck him out Speck him out you got a farm Runner no way that could be anything Chandler it could be anything that could be huge don't click it don't click it oh my God why is he saying anything Chandler hello listen listen it's not that big because it's not that big because you're in a clan and it would have said yes dude it's not that big S oh yo that's still pretty cool though you got one yeah is cool he's like oh my God a bar play got him got oh what the [ __ ] what's happening doesn't have food right oh yeah he probably he smed for what Big Bolt claws claws I I dumped them no he he has claws you just SM him for claw no no no no no come come I can't hit oh I can help I can help oh no puke P did you let him go I couldn't hit him anymore you after watching Chandler get two skull tricks and I only got the one who got away I decided to up the item to a DFS hoping a bigger lur would attract some bigger fish yep come on Ling way what's that over there oh is that a DFS [Music] no no way how get it I clicked it dude [ __ ] you this skull trick is going to make me lose all my hair dude I oh my I clicked it as soon as I heard the noise oh my [ __ ] god guys the holiday season is upon us and I have the perfect gift idea for friends or loved ones who play RuneScape thanks to today's sponsor Creator crafted creater crafted has a huge selection of affordable highquality LED signs based off of some of the most iconic logos and items in RuneScape whether you're an Iron Man a Skiller a pvmr or even a peer like myself you'll be able to find a sign that matches your or a loved one's own gameplay style these signs have a 50,000 hour LED lifespan which equals up to 5 years of light time and are so easy to set up and install just plug it in and adjust the brightness to your liking crater crafted also has an awesome line of highquality mouse mats that showcase the Wilderness the trome stronghold TOA raids Trailblazer leagues and even my personal favorite dror Village greater craft that are running a holiday sale right now so take advantage while you can support my channel and grab a slice of gilor for your gaming space using the link down below or just use code El 14 at your checkout to get 10% off your entire order shout out to creater craftter for sponsoring this video and let's get back into the skrien content after a terrible start at the FX Enclave bridge and losing two dfs's I ran into this guy who wanted to do a risk fight for full verdice we went up to the chaos alter and this is what [Music] happened oh bolts man come on yes there we go yes dude this Fang eats man I got to use this thing more never misses what how is he alive dude that's literally like 400 mil this guy's risking like 300 mil [Music] man this first day just wasn't my day my blood was boiling so I just got in a smaller set and went to the altar to unwind and just have some fun this is the guy I just killed 40 I'm pretty sure he risks you're that streamer LOL good fight to your Obby cape and your dong and your what I'm sorry stay there stay there crazy guy there's crazy guys get on the floor get on the ground get on the ground dude that guy is crazy what the [ __ ] would have worked oh no no no no no go away you little Noob oh my God they're you're throwing dude I he's Iron Man zish is that monk fish this is Monkish oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] you Monk there's some weirdos in 302 bro the the Rune prim's biting he's biting he's biting here we go good luck there it is yep yep yep way yep [ __ ] yep [ __ ] give me your prims give me your prims give me your Prim osr Angel you [ __ ] role player yep yep [ __ ] it happened it happened it freaking happened gone like the wind po oh my God no way right no way no way listen please let the dude that guy was like a role player he could have anything dude please jagex please beginner's luck give me some juice give me some dank give me some dank let's go dude we'll take it we got some pries if you're not subscribed help me hit my goal of 40,000 by the new year we only need 800 new subs thank you for watching Smite that seed no way dude that could be any bro it really could be anything it really could be anything how you got food I don't know but that I think that makes it more [ __ ] I actually have no idea just keep smiting she has a little too clean with the prayers yeah be careful be careful this could be a multilayer 100% this could be a multier just be careful this could be center link right now is this could be CER right [Music] now oh no he didn't I don't know [Music] Budd he right yeah ready for this [Music] Robin I'm not look I'm looking yeah come Robin come Robin it's going to be multi come come come back up back up I can't hit him it's okay can't hit him over there oh he's a 126 I got him to level one doing no damage he might be baiting you multi I don't multi is I can't hit him over there can't hit him at all could be getting baited CH doing no damage man like he's just going to straight up tank it going try something just Camp surge no oh my God oh my [Music] God de what the [ __ ] how much you lose a lot I pay everything back if you haven't seen the first video yet that I mentioned in the beginning it'll be Link in the description of this video but all the loot you see me pulling out and selling right now is literally everything I made doing this skull trick for one week just 3 years ago I died for just about all my profits and this is when the Dual Arena was still around so you guys know what I had to do we'll get to that later though for now we're back in the present day where we find Chandler in the same situation that I was just stay on it bro don't give up [ __ ] it bro just okay I don't think it is bro I don't think it is they would have hit you he's dead hit you he's getting chance on 2p bro I have a maxc and I got two luckily Chandler wasn't getting baited but his kill was only 500k I found this guy up at the altar who was risking way more than that on robes that's insane oh my God damn I got I've got him guessing now he's not sure what to pray I'm going to die cuz I'm sitting really low against this guy but on ropes oh my God this game Dead Brother yes woo that was nice oh it's only a minute 30 long 21 million good fight brother I'm sorry that you got clean if you're watching this he was wearing a ring of wealth chat this guy's Avenger pretending to be on ancients is that what's happening right now is he [Music] dead what is that what's going on with the AL there's some weird ass [ __ ] going on he's only pring Mage which is like really weird to me come here come here oh my goodness no combo eats die I killed him ooh 5 million quid that's pretty good damn that is a weird PK man why do you dude you're you're standing up too quick man you can't like you got to give him a second to click on the pile no he'll come back cuz he really wants this 350k no he won't you got to give them a second Channel you don't want to pop up right away wait he took it that's why actual [ __ ] brain dead neon you got him you actually got him no way come back come all right no way bro okay we we still got more money though finish them finish okay we still got one more 50 at least by way by the way by Way by way way are you staking no we're not no we're not 23 barrels glove so so I've lost all the loot I've made skull tricking and my set no no no no no no we don't do come on bro we don't what I'm down Robin oh I have the volatile and an Arcane as well said it I was like yo this is a bait Rob what did we learn today 's a dumb ass I'm a dumbass unfortunately there's some copyrighted audio on these clips but I I'll leave in as much as I can cuz this staking session is truly hilarious the craziest comeback this guy's going to be oh my god dude easy win put him in the dumpster bin and finish him tank and SLA tank and SLA [Music] tank there no way dude what is that pain um ominous chanting [ __ ] there you go fuse cryptocurrency here we go baby everyone just stay quiet for this one okay let the pain music do the talking yeah yeah yeah this man shall know pain [Music] pain all right [ __ ] this music I think you need to make your name like dragon fire Shield or something no I'm done I'm done I'm done doing this they took it got it the bridge skull trick takes such insane patience cuz people are always taking your vistage off the floor and people who won't fall for the skull trick are just messing with it the entire time I got heated so I went to the altar to blow off some steam once again oh actually I guess it's in the war right yeah maybe not well maybe they add like 2.5% to the AR and then they put the extra on top of the ward honestly honestly it should be the other way around Ward should be a small percentage and Arcane should be the most arcan like genuinely hard to get and his hard yes dead never mind but that a freeze it is hit the instant freeze I beg yeah I'm sure there you will bro I actually got a kill holy I just complained enough and I finally hit the numbers I needed 50 mil which is pretty good off a voider to be honest good fight mate put company in a bit yeah I think it oh no way Tiggy oh my God that was so sick tonight what's up whiskey [Music] bar kind of like this syy right now I don't know why sir there's no way fight up there already in the [ __ ] ch5 million how bad I'll take that oh my God Rosemary came back don't hit me you [ __ ] no what who's on him that sounds like a terrible existence that was not it but still no way he stayed before now he's I can't believe I can't believe he stayed full [Music] HP Frozen how does he pray everything right F man so at this point I was streaming up at the chaos Altar and there was a multican killing my friends and trying to spear me into the Altar and I knew this guy was baiting so that's why I flame him a little bit a there was a there was a bunch of Breakin in my neighborh oh he's dead wow we had a spear who would have guessed it damn get rid of that ancestral hat bro you don't need that [ __ ] no no no no I need it I need let me two Den's bull work what do you need two for one for each hand true one for each hand three DFS chist be heart oh yeah for why for why like for literally why 13 Barrack skirts I wear them bro you might literally have to do that skull trick to get your back back no I'm going to just win you cannot go live you get one back I know that's why we're going back to the casino you should title the video ilio 14's Fall From Grace how I explain how I'm disgusted with myself and like I just I feel awful about it I need to seek professional help after selling literally every single drop of gold I had left in my bank I had 330 mil in a dream we need to make back at least one bill let's do this [Music] casino [Music] remember oh my God I Believe come on we've done it we've done work we've done it from further depths of Despair tonight I only ask of you to give me two jacket only two is all I need will King P be the one I take it from promising let's go he's got nothing that I don't Eli use LS you're really going lash we're aggressive arrogant and cocky we're going to win all two of these let's go baby big ELO 14 giant elop giant ELO baby the giant Titan of all power he will tank and he will deal damage and he will finish the Stak that's a good start all he needs is one more steti all he needs is one more it's an easy win for L the x-range tank it's anyone's game but it's mine to win yes good hit finish him El finish him in the grave put him in the dirt let go let's go yes oh my god let's go all it needed was the music Eli your mic is gone I think your mic was dead or something m is I didn't say anything because I've been here before and I handle myself like a winner we [ __ ] record is lagging we cannot be beaten center link it is approximately 41 minutes since you've killed me and I would like to thank you for making me more money tonight than I ever could have made skull tricking with that pathetic method I'm rich again and now I truly cannot be stopped I end the night up 38 mil what did you do tonight center link did you enjoy playing RuneScape apparently this the way it's going Eli you [ __ ]
Channel: eliop14
Views: 72,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osrs, skulltricking, luring, runescape luring, ferox enclave osrs, wilderness luring, deep wilderness, eliop14, ditterbitter, c engineer, pip, framed, torvesta, odablock, luring greedy, runescape luring greedy, deep wild, mage bank, mage bank skulltricking, osrs luring, runescape skulltrick, skulltrick
Id: Rnr7mG0kcp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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