SKOOLIE TOUR: Most Gorgeous OFF-GRID Bus for Iowa Family of 6

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[Music] so emily here i am so excited to introduce you to our friends that we've met so we met another family this is the hawking family and they have four kids they beat us they have four and we have three so they're living in a bus with four kids which is awesome and their bus is so cute i'm really excited to show it to you and some of our favorite features and give you a quick tour and they are working on their own tour for their own channel so we're excited to for you guys to check that out on their channel but we want to give you a quick sneak peek so one of the first things that i noticed that i love that they have in their bus is this co-captain chair so i'm assuming cara yeah that is my seat most of the time every once in a while i do switch it out with the kids if they're fighting or um i guess everybody loves to have a spot in the co-captain chair but it's been great i travel in there i bring my laptop up in that seat and yeah it's cozy i mean yeah we got a system that kind of works right i i enjoy driving it and she enjoys being captain chair and she takes care of the kids while i focus on where we're going and how to get there so it actually we thought we'd switch more but we just haven't since we've been on the road so nice the next thing i wanted to feature that i love is this table that they actually did themselves so there was a table here when they bought it but then they put this table in so tell me a little bit about this table yep so when we got the bus it had the original kind of like these kitchen counters are over here and we had built a had a barn wood door or table built for our basement in our house that we loved and so our neighbor who built this we asked him if he would get us in and build a table for the bus so kind of reminds us of our house and our home and bringing that in here a little smaller scale a lot smaller scale actually but we love it we can all sit down as a family have dinner together play games together so it's been a great space for us and you said it easily lowers into like so you can make a couch right yes if you just pull these legs off here there's cleat that goes around there and it drops down and we have a cushion that we added that we store in the back behind our bed that comes down so movie nights or even there's some travel days the kids actually enjoy just being able to kick their feet out and get comfortable so yeah that's cool yeah yeah i love that and of course i love all the decor in here the plants the fruit the spices love it feels so homey thank you the jars this is what everybody drinks out of yes so those at home we always did smoothies that's always been a big thing for us so we brought our vitamix and everybody has their own smoothie jar with lids and straws um so that was just the easiest way with glass to store yeah just to do it that way love that so fun uh this is probably the first and only time i've ever seen a full-size washer and dryer in a bus i was really surprised by that we have a small washer dryer combo in ours and so i was taken by surprise to see full size in here so how do you guys how do you guys like that we love it actually and it was one of those things when we got the bus we talked about do we really need this and would it make more sense to better utilize the space with something else and now that we've been using this on the road and doing laundry i can't imagine not having that um there i don't know if we did three loads of laundry one day so it saved us from going to the laundromat um yeah it's just super convenient to just be able to know we can use it when we need it so yeah so i'm curious to hear what's your favorite thing jim about your bus setup um i think karen i both agree just the whole off-grid capabilities are awesome it's uh so we have 3 150 watts of solar and we have 200 gallon fresh water tanks so it was really important to us to be able to be off-grid to be able to park where we wanted to park and not have to worry about you know having electricity or having enough water so it's been great for us it the bus luckily when we got it came with it so we've just been able to enjoy it this whole time but it's been we just love that we can sit we've been sitting here for i think we're on day five now with no no electricity no water just using what we already have in the bus so definitely that's what i like most about it yup i would agree with that it's been great so one of the things that was important for us when we were looking for a bus and something we could live in was a space for our children we knew this was going to be a big adjustment for them and so each kid has their own bunk bed here with their own cubby so we just feel like every kid has their own personal space for the bus they hang out in these in the morning have quiet time night time they actually enjoy playing minecraft and hanging out in their bunk beds so that's been great and then of course our bed is right back here so everybody is nice and cozy and all together we usually have at least one child with us but yeah i like it it's a lot smaller than what i had at home but it's still comfortable and we enjoy it [Music] my name is jim this is my wife kara this is my daughter amaya she's 12. beckett just turned 10 on the bus actually stalin is seven little man hendrickson four is four and then uh this is our high maintenance cat gemma nice
Channel: The Lost Bells
Views: 48,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hocking adventure, skoolie, skoolie tour, bus tour, tiny tour, tiny house, adventure family, family on the road, road schooling, off grid living, school bus tour
Id: RP7gpLjFwFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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