SKOOLIE TOUR! (Family of 4 Travels the U.S. Full-time)

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what's up everybody this is our schooly tour our bus tour um it's been a long time coming uh we've been putting this video off for quite some time right yeah we just wanted to get used to bus life the school life the schooly bus life it has been quite the challenge especially with the kids that are rolling around here upset because they can't touch the camera to be fair though they've settled in way quicker than we have they yeah the kids have really got used to if people say if anyone's ever told you that you can't do this type of life with children ignore it we've got a three-year-old and a one-year-old and we're doing it we've been on the road now since january and uh it's been tough but also incredibly rewarding say hi anything else before we get started um we're just excited to show you our home [Music] so this is our 2008 bluebird bus it's 40 foot long it has a cummings engine in it with an allison transmission we bought it for around well we bought it for and it had a hundred and eight thousand on the clock um we obviously painted the whole thing you can't keep it yellow in certain states so we painted it which was an absolute hassle by the way priming it scraping all the stickers off and painting it we put on our own door as well which i thought was really important to get rid of the school bus one because there's a lot of holes in school bus ones with air can get in and out and during the winters when you're trying to keep that warm air inside it's not very effective we've got a ringed light up here and one on the back that turns on when there's people around it's motion detected it also gives us a notification on our phone when it goes off which is really cool we have four cameras around the bus this is to help for driving backing up and also just general use of cameras which is really cool we have one on this side one on the other and then two on the back this is our 25 foot telescope pole for our directional antenna for our internet if you want to see more about how the internet works and my work set up you can go over to the original human channel and check out my tour of the gaming setup and if you do have any questions about our internet or anything like that you can certainly dm us on there's a loud bird you can dm us on instagram um this is our diesel heater tank i wanted to kind of keep a lot of the gas related things in one area where our actual inlet for our diesel goes because that way when i'm filling it up i can fill all the other things as well we've got a 60 gallon tank on our bus this is a small 10 liter tank for our diesel heater the chinese diesel heater we have two jerry cans one for diesel so that we can get heat whenever we need it and then one for gas so that if we're running the generator we can go out and get gas for the generator this is where we keep the generator on it's all nice and chained up and secure i put a hitch on the back of the bus underneath there which was quite the hassle but well worth it because i put this cage in it and i also told the car behind us as well on a toe dog as you can see here are two more of them cameras the light right up there as well the motion detected light this is the outside unit to our mini split with the antenna the omnidirectional antenna for our internet on top of the bus so the boot or the trunk depending on where you are of the bus we've put a massive padlock on here so people can't get in because in the back of here is some of the electrical equipment so our breakers and stuff like that but then it also has all my tools all the extra equipment we need for when we're on the road so like drills or pipes 50 amp leads all these diff all these other stuff steph's giving me the eyes to open it but i'm kind of worried how messy it is back here oh it's not that bad this is really kind of necessary this is real life i guess so some of the electrical stuff and then a bunch of storage for other bits and bobs as well on this side of the bus there isn't as much uh we have our 50 amp inlet right here and we have our water inlet this other cable is just because this rv spot that we're in right now has internet so we just have a little cable running through the window as you can see on top of the bus there are solar panels we actually don't use them right now we don't have the money for the batteries the batteries are really expensive so we're just slowly saving up for that right now we do have the solar panels that's kind of like our first purchase into going off the grid with electric so for right now when we need power we're either hooked up to shore power which is an rv place or we run our generator and just plug this right into the generator and that's how we get our power welcome to the inside don't let the door hit you we'll try to um hang our coats and our shopping bags we put like sunglasses um sunscreen keys we built these shoe cubbies this all used to be plastic and we ripped out the entire dash and luke is a handyman and made it look pretty nice um we didn't touch any of this this is where all the electrical is in case anyone ever needed to get to it we put a little door to hide it all we took out the original seat um but it didn't have suspension did it no it was like a spring loaded seat and it was broke it was broke yeah it was a little wobbly when using um when sitting on it to dry so we found this one at a what do you call it a uh salvage yacht yeah for like 150 bucks and it's an air seat and what luke did was he took the air from what used to be the bus door and he just like redirected it to the seat is it comfy babe i don't know i don't sit in it i drive the bus and it is comfortable yeah this is like our drop station we didn't want to hide it we want to keep it like legit this is how we live in our bus we put a bunch of stuff over here when we're not using it like extra blankets beach towels um packages we hang stuff here this actually you can remove it these are luke's books and surprisingly yeah i mean this is all that he brought in but he has like 10 bins in storage um back home home as in maine yeah i narrowed it down to about 20 bucks yeah i'm pretty proud of you we built this baby gate so that june doesn't break her neck and this is the front room living room area we wanted to be as open as possible so that the kids could get on the floor and we can roll around with the kids um we also ended up building these dividers on both sides of the couch because june would either climb up to the front which made us nervous obviously we don't want her messing with buttons or like the parking brake and likewise she would get on the counter we would turn around and she would be up there in like three seconds that was like a safety thing but it actually gives really nice aesthetic to the bus so luke got to keep the big tv from the house that we moved out of it's a 43-inch oled samsung tv great for watching a lot of the rings in 4k and the compromise was that i got to keep the actual sofa that we had so this sofa is great because it's sectional we can take it apart we actually didn't put the back pieces on um we kept those off because a it was too big for the space and b we added seat belts so the brand is lovesack right [Music] there's storage under each seat so we just put arts and crafts extra blankets pillows for guests if you take the back pillows off this is as big as like a twin size bed so it's pretty comfy um these are ikea shoe bins but we are using them for legos and train sets and they are amazing kid storage yeah what do you have for toys in there i lego lego giant trains do you love your toy bins no can you close them all now yeah high five to the side to the other side down low too low the rug that you see here and there's a few more throughout the bus it's ruggable we're not sponsored or we don't even have an affiliate link or anything but i highly recommend for children or pets they're completely washable you just take this off the bottom non-slip pad and you throw them in i think this huge like five by eight rug it's probably the equivalent to like four or five towels [Music] so we ripped out our um emergency exits there were two that the bus originally had and we invested in these boat marine hatches and they are amazing in the beginning we had some issues with like these handles leaking but the company sent us plenty of replacement parts yeah as long as there were video evidence of them leaking they just resent them which was yes so since then we haven't had any issues you'll see velcro here um i special ordered like covers from etsy this is amazing and really hot sunny days when we want to keep it cool in here we'll close all the curtains put this up we have some for the curb skylights too so this is where we eat all our meals um we just got a butcher block and we cut it in half so that we can either have like two foot by two foot table or we can double the size when we're all eating together as a family luke and i sit on these stools under here june sits in her little high chair that is removable ms silas gets his little bench seat so after we put the tables down there's even more space for the kids to play we installed the sensory swing show them how to use the swing okay wow under silas's little bench seat we have the squeaky right now it's storage but this is our diesel heater which is not in use right now because it's really hot in texas yeah way too hot and that's the chinese diesel you can get on amazon with a little screen here we've had a couple of issues with it but it's been relatively decent hasn't it a fun part of this kitchen build we cut off the bottom of all of the kitchen cabinets and we put these slide out drawers luke made them by hand it was a little diy project we have two of those drawers and then a lot of people ask why we have like two levels of the countertop i actually love cooking and like chopping up here we're not like the tallest people but i just like the height of this it's actually sitting on the wheel well so this is the wheel well we just put peel and stick tile on there and some trim and we had to cut off the bottom completely so there's no hidden drawer or anything we use magnets for safety while driving nothing opens and so that the kids don't get into things they're not supposed to this is a temporary storage solution that we have where we keep our dishes cups plates bowls eventually we want to get like we want to install slide out drawers or something a little bit nicer and easier to use we don't have a sink in the bathroom so we brush our teeth here we made one of these little like hinge situations and we keep our toothpaste in here toothbrushes up here a mirror we went for a very deep wide sink um the kids bathe in here they don't like showering and they love taking baths in here they can both fit in here the ones one and a half one's three and a half so that's a lot of fun so we have two curved skylights that we installed um the adventure partners started the whole like curved skylight thing in school buses on b adventure partners website they actually have a manual and you can learn how to do this in your own spoolie it was actually not that difficult to do no it was very simple it was scary to cut four huge holes in that's not good yeah highly recommend checking out their website to find out how we did it and the materials we use which is really important yeah brian and erin are so sweet and right now they're building their own homestead so you should check them out too um bridge this is a unique classic brand and we got ours from home depot i like the fridge on the top freezer on the bottom it's a good place to find food everyone loves this fridge though so let's show them the inside plenty of space for a family of four the jam lid's not on proper so on top of the fridge in bins we just keep like bread chips kids snacks we have our self-built diy pantry which took like two weeks to perfect as you can see we put a lot of it's like i don't know half inch plywood quarter inch plywood three quarter inch pine like it took a lot of the messing about with to try in trial and error right yeah it was a pain in the butt it's great though it holds a lot of food and we don't find ourselves wanting any more space for food this is our toiletries section i have a couple bins down here luke's bin medicine cabinet we built these drawers as well this is funny show them this we had to wedge like cardboard to make it straight yeah nothing in a school it is square no the trash is down here we have two bins which is nice we used to have a washer in here like a small portable washer um we just found ourselves not using it ever and it uses a lot of water um mine in luke's clothing or part of it is stored here we have our vacuum our keyboard we're hoping to make that a little bit nicer at some point yeah it's good it does what i used to do yeah okay as you can see we don't have any appliances built into our countertop we did that deliberately because we didn't want to like regret putting something in not liking it and then we have a huge hole in our counter so we went with just like portable appliances we have a microwave a kitchenaid toaster oven which literally does everything that you could ever need bake broil reheat airfry toast bagel proof dehydrate we love it and i've made muffins in there pizza fit in there perfectly yeah anything for a stovetop we use this i don't even know what brand it is quiz and art um we went through like four or five of these before we found one that we actually liked the induction stovetops right yeah so there's like they're electromagnetic and some of them make really high-pitched noises that were like giving us headaches this one's actually the best one that we found and yes it's only one cooktop so if you want to do say we're on like the generator because we don't have solar yet and we want to run multiple appliances at once since the toaster oven is like 1800 watts usually the generator can't handle the toaster oven plus something else so that's where our oops is how you pronounce it i think so um comes in handy this pairs really well with that and we've had no issues so we have two more appliances that we use all the time our vitamix blender and just pan in here babe it's hiding but our instant pot bba instant pot yeah star wars instant pot we use it all the time for rice soups we've never made soup in it we basically just cook rice in it basically just for rice um we have a divider here for privacy if we have people staying on the couch or if the kids are asleep and we're trying to like watch a movie or hang out with friends or something behind this lovely mirror are many holes so in here um that's where the water pump is and we have access to all of the switches and on and off valves one day we noticed that there was like a puddle of water in here um so luke had to put multiple holes in this wall behind the mirror which is the complete opposite side to where the shower had his on the inside yeah so basically what happened was we did our plumbing in maine in the winter we couldn't test anything because everything was frozen we got down to florida tested it started leaking had to cut holes in the wall to get into the shower head plumbing and fix it all thanks dad for helping me with that yeah thanks dad so this is kind of like the bedroom area with the bathroom and my office we do have a max air fan up here which has a remote for it which surprisingly works really well like sucks air out and in and it also has a cover on top so if it's raining it stops water from getting in which is really cool um if you want to come back here this is the bathroom um we have a composting toilet on this side is the shower and everything you'll notice on this on the far side there's a seat in the shower um underneath there's where all the plumbing we had to put a seat in there because that's where the wheel well is so we basically made this into a wet room with the shower and everything um yeah and it's worked out really well so far we put a little curtain up around the toilet when we're taking a shower obviously we take the towels out when we're showering and uh yeah that's really nice so far and this little sticky window thing makes it look really nice as well [Music] so this is the bedroom um as you can see we have the mini split in the back when it's hot like a day like today this is a 9000 btu right 9000 btu pioneer mini split um it's really good it makes the back of the bus really cold and it doesn't put much heat that way so we usually put a big fan here uh this fan right here and it pushes all the cold air to the front of the bus and it works really well uh we also have all our storage for extra clothes socks underwear fitness clothes extra books all the goodies back there as well this is the kids room um they are under our bed we installed like what are they hydraulic yeah murphy bed lifts um it takes like 150 pounds i think or maybe 100 pounds to bring it down so it's safe the kids aren't going to be able to bring that down we took for june's bed a crib the side of a crib and just like did a diy project she doesn't stay in bed so we had to do this to keep her in bed she actually loves it she loves getting comfy in there she actually puts herself to bed so that's june's this is silas's um we have a bookshelf here for him four toy storage bins they're from target i painted them white and more book storage underneath on the floor these are actually just standard crib size mattresses and silas still has probably a few years left on this bed so a lot of people ask like what are you gonna do when they outgrow them but we're not gonna be doing bus life forever who knows how long we're gonna be doing it for but for the next few years they're gonna be pretty comfortable over here so we'll leave this up most of the day so that the kids have head space to play underneath there um after they're asleep is when we'll put it down and they're really good at not hitting their head so this is the office uh this is where i make all my videos for the original human channel um there's a lot here so i'm gonna do a separate video a tour of the office how i get the internet how i make my videos what i use for a green screen and stuff like that i'm gonna make a tour for that over on the original human channel so there'll be a link down below it should be up at the same time as this video so check that out and i'll go over all the intricacies and if you do have any questions you can certainly dm us and ask us about internet and videoing and youtube and all that stuff on the road so the whole kind of design around the bus was to keep it as open as possible um obviously steph grew up in maine i lived seven years in may and the kids grew up in maine we were used to them winters where you were pretty much indoors for the whole winter so we wanted to make sure that if we're ever in a situation where we're in a i don't know like a walmart car parking lot or something camping for the night or somewhere where it's raining or snowing it's nice for the kids to have that room and have the energy to run around to do what they need to do so that was the schooly tour i hope you enjoyed it if you've got any questions um leave them in the comment section and we actually think we might do a q a in the near future [Music] yeah if you have any questions let us know family life bus life work life work life anything like that again there will be a video over on the original human channel of the office tour now we should go before the kids knock the camera over so we'll see you in the next video have a good one [Music] eight blue birds blue birds blue bird and bluebird fights i guess but it's also way more rewarding rewarding it's too heavy come here baby okay just start getting so i don't know what to say we spend most of the time going in and out of the fridge like and the kids won't they don't really get into i don't know what i'm saying um
Channel: OriginalAdventures
Views: 80,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retired city bus, diy bus home, city bus, converted bus home, small space furniture, living big in a tiny house, self built skoolie, self built bus, diy home, diy bus, tiny house, tiny home, room tour, living in a village, living tiny, Skoolie tour, modern farm skoolie, tinyhousetour, bus life, bus renovation, architect, living free, budget diy bus, low budget tiny house, explore alternatives, alternative house, florb, tiny home tours, bus, transit, skoolie
Id: YqhZhZ5Pd08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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