Skillfully Write Essays with these 20 ChatGPT Research Prompts

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I'm excited for today's video because I made you guys something it's just right here which I know just looks like a bunch of words but it's actually 20 brilliant prompt ideas for college students I recommend downloading it from the description below because we're about to blast through each and every one of these prompts now if you just listen to that and you had no idea what I was talking about apart from the fact that I made you something you have a couple options one in the download I've included a few pages of introduction introductory material or two you can go the extra mile and watch this video right here so now that we're ready to dive in go ahead and turn to page four where the first thing we need to do is we need to come up with a general topic to demonstrate each of these examples so I'm going to come up with a few and we're gonna pick one all right let's see here we could choose a mental health topic say social media and its impact on teenagers we could do something in computer programming say how to write code or maybe we just choose something in the modern realm perhaps dating apps and how modern relationships are changing yeah that's the one I say we venture down that route so here we go we have prompt number one which is to ask for an explanation so in this case it would be explain the concept of dating apps or you could simply ask what are dating apps it doesn't have to be wild but let's take this and let's go to to see what response we get as I'm putting in the prompt notice how I'm explaining that I'm a college student who's writing a research paper in my psychology course this is called prompt priming which simply refers to giving context to your situation this way chat GPT understands that I'm a college student not that I'm say a relationship coach or perhaps a person trying to improve their dating app so as a rule of thumb the more context you give the more curated your responses will be but ours is ready to go so let's take a look okay so chat GPT starts by explaining that dating apps or mobile applications designed for individuals to meet and interact with potential romantic Partners great going down the line it discusses that users create profiles that typically includes photos a brief bio and sometimes additional information is education occupation then if two users both express interest in each other they can begin chatting within the app and potentially array range to meet in person and finally it discusses how as dating apps become popular there are also some things to be wary of for instance that there are concerns about safety privacy and even the impact on traditional dating Norms in relationship Dynamics all right so that's our response and overall I'm going to say chat GPT did a pretty good job at capturing the highlights of what dating apps are now let's say that this topic was a bit more complex it's something difficult or new to you and so by this initial response you're still unclear as to what it means something else you can ask to further your understanding is to Simply have chat GPT regenerate their response so you can ask them to say this differently or reword your explanation as you can see here we have our new response and it's a bit shorter than the previous response because I think chat GPT understands that if you're having it reword something thing that means that you weren't quite clear on the first response so what it does is it maintains the essence of the previous response but it condenses it into a more concise summary to help with your understanding now a completely different use of this prompt is say you're writing the introduction to your paper and it's not quite where you want it to be you could paste your introduction into chat GPT and have them reword it have them say it differently provided you do the research and the initial writing yourself this is an acceptable way you could lose chat GPT to help you improve the writing but going back to our example let's continue down the path of different prompts you can ask to help you understand something so number three on the list is you can ask for context this is a follow-up prompt so you have your initial explanation of what a dating app is now you can ask chat gbt to give you context which is is going to help expand your understanding by discussing the parameters in which dating apps apply and here we go so Chad GP starts by going over the history of dating apps stating that they gained popularity over the past decade especially in 2022 when a lot of people turn to online dating or online for everything matter of fact but then it moves on to the back end perspective talking about how algorithms are what are used to match potential partners then it moves on from the back end to the front end by discussing the user interface and the user experience in which it talks about some of the features so you can pay for a premium subscription they offer virtual events a few other features and then again it goes back to that concern the warning of safety and privacy issues but it expands on the morality by discussing the arguments about how dating apps they lack in authenticity and tend to focus on physical appearance over deep emotional connections now I will point out that there's been a decent amount of overlap with these first three responses and that's simply because these first three pumps prompts fall into the same bucket and that we're trying to understand a concept so naturally some things are going to be similar I want to give you one more prompt however that is also in the nature of helping you understand something but hopefully it'll give us a bit of variation and so moving down the line to prompt number four we're gonna ask for a comparison you could also ask for an analogy but for this one let's just ask chat GPT to compare dating apps to something else let's see what we got here okay so dating apps can be compared to a virtual bar or nightclub I feel like that's a pretty logical comparison so here chat GPT is comparing it to a nightclub because it says in both cases people are looking to make connections with each other and are often using visual cues or First Impressions to make decisions about who they might be interested in that's a fair comparison now it also discusses some of the key differences so between a dating app and a physical bar for example on dating apps people have the ability to be more selective about who they connect with based on such criteria such as age location and interest they can also communicate with potential matches before meeting in person which can help them establish a deeper connection before taking things offline dating apps also provide a wider range of potential matches particularly for people who live in more rural or remote areas again that's a fair point now in terms of academics we're veering off topic because you're probably not going to include a comparison of dating apps and virtual nightclubs in your research paper however an example of when this prompt came in handy for me is when I was researching the topic of writing code so writing code is so far out of my wheelhouse I might as well be speaking another language however when I asked chat GPT to create an analogy for it it compared the process of writing code to the same process of cooking a complex dish in that you have to come up with the ingredients they have to be perfect and in order and everything has to go in its place that was incredibly helpful but where were we ah yes number five now we're going to assign a Persona so who are they are they a beginner or an expert a college student a graduate or a professor in this example we're going to be a relationship therapist that specializes in dating apps and our question is to understand what the most prevalent negative side effects of using dating apps are now if you're wondering why in the world would it be helpful to you a college student to have artificial intelligence for pretend to be a relationship therapist and tell you this well here's the thing this is a brilliant creative way to perform preliminary research so let's say you're in the beginning throes of writing a research paper feeling uninspired this is going to help you refine your research topic maybe even develop your research questions so check it out we're writing about dating apps we could choose to write about how they increase anxiety and stress or perhaps from the perspective that they're time consuming or that they cause burnout and disillusionment maybe we can discuss the dehumanization factor of dating apps finally all of the risks of scamming in catfishing mind you I simply asked for five negative side effects we could have asked for the positive ones it simply depends on your vision and that's the thing about all prompts is they depend on your vision and your goal the only real constraint is your ability to formulate the prompts which is why I've created the free download mind you these are 20 out of thousands of opportunities you simply need a try and if you're worried about academic Integrity or you want more tutorials be sure to check out one of these videos next foreign
Channel: Smart Student
Views: 8,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt, chatgpt prompts, prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt, chat gpt prompts, chatgpt prompt engineering, how to use chat gpt, prompt engineering chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, how to write an essay, chatgpt how to use, chatgpt prompts for writing, chatgpt explained, gpt 4, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt 4
Id: 9kcxoucvZt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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