Skeletal remains identified as Sarasota mom never reported missing

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I'm Allie Corey Chris Cato Infer Mark Wilson tonight. Thank you for joining us first up here at 10, a major break in a cold case in Sarasota. This woman's remains found back in 2007 have been identified. Now, though investigators are trying to figure out what happened to her, and they're hoping you can help a lot of unanswered questions here. FOX 13's Jordan Bowen live in Sarasota. Jordan's tech gives actually made this idea a few months ago, but they're just now turning to the public because they're hitting some walls in the case. Chris. The remains belong to 39 year old Gina Burress around the time of her death. The sheriff's office says she was she was unemployed and married to her husband, James Burress to have one son, James Harris Jr. We know he was a student at golf Gate Elementary up until 2006 about a year before her remains were found. But what makes this case rather strange is that her family never reported her missing, raising a lot of questions for investigators. What happened to 39 year old Gina Burress. Pictures from the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office show brewers with her husband, James Burrows, and their son, James Burroughs. Junior detectives are asking anyone who knew Gina or anyone who might know her husband or her son to come. Forward Enforcement's gonna go back to these old files and, you know, try and figure out why she wasn't reported missing, But there could be 100 reasons, you know, simply being estranged from her family, not having relationship you know any any one of those things could have occurred. DNA testing and genetic Jeannie. Ology helped the sheriff's office identified Burris's remains last November. The bones were found in this wooded area off Ashton Court and Sarasota back on February 6th 2007 this building, which backs up to the same wooded area used to be an automotive body shop, where deputies say Burris's husband, James worked. New management says investigators searched the building a few months ago for blood, but found nothing. Public records show James Burrows may have relocated to Maryland. Wednesday FOX 13 made attempts to reach him, but our calls went unanswered. They want to interview that husband. He may have important details you can expect the police will have traveled up to Frederick, Maryland. They'll try and interview him not only before they announced that the identity of the identity of this woman, but now that if they'd be likely to re interview him again, public records show the family used to live in this home on Pauline Avenue and Sarasota. The woman who rents from there now says the landlord used to rent the family. Few months ago, she says deputies searched the home for evidence but also found nothing one of the real dangers of these kind of old cases is maintaining and retaining the evidence in these cases, if what was gathered, you know, you know 15 18 20 years ago, you know was that stored correctly, Is it still available is a chain of custody good enough to take it into a courtroom. And at this time, deputies are not disclosing how Gina Bruce may have died or how long her remains may have been there before they were found. We're told there will be releasing
Channel: FOX 13 Tampa Bay
Views: 9,146
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Keywords: Crime, murder, homicide, cold case, missing, missing mom, mother killed, skeletal remains found, Jeana Burrus, James Burrus, what happened to Jeana Burrus, Sarasota, Florida, murder mystery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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