SkeeterVac Mosquito Trap Review - Do They Work?

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[Music] hi I'm Robert from Northland Express we're here today to demonstrate the Skeeter vac mosquito trap made by blue rhino and if you're like me you enjoy your summers you want to be able to come outside and enjoy them more often so we're gonna show you why the Skeeter vac is a great choice in helping control your mosquito infestation we're here in northern Michigan and you know Michigan's a beautiful state a lot of woods a lot of mosquitoes so we moved into this house in 2001 and quickly realized that no wonder they sold this there's a lot of mosquitoes here so that was even before I sold mosquito traps and we started looking at them for our own personal use and I've used a number of different models in the past and the Skeeter vac we feel is the best value for the money really does a nice job first off we're going to show you how to set this unit up you're going to need a propane tank a 20-pound propane tank the Skeeter back unit this is about a four year old unit I'm still using it it does come with octanol which is the scent that mimics the human breath and this trap also uses all these Skeeter backs use a sticky trap which the bugs get stuck too and we're gonna show you how to set this up so the first thing you do is to connect your propane tank and put your propane tank on the unit screw in the connector okay that's done and take the top off the unit by twisting it you peel the protective cover off the octanol which I've already done and you set it right in the top okay now you take your sticky trap and it's got a protective paper backing on it and just grab it with the two hands and rip it off and try not to get that stuck in you or anything else because it is very very sticky the way I like to do it is to insert the tab into the slot and then slide the unit the the trap down over the top of the cicchitto back very simply done first thing you do is turn on the propane tank very slowly tilt this forward so you can see what I'm doing push the red button on there and you'll hear a pop like that that lights the burner inside it's got electronic ignition which is powered by a double-a battery down below so you push it until it starts very simple okay it takes about two or three minutes for the engine to warm up and once it does it creates its own electricity from the propane conversion process and the electricity spins a fan inside which creates suction going into here and expelling out the bottom also the octanol scent is drawn in and under and out the unit so the mosquitoes tend to swarm around here many of them will go right into this area here and be caught in the tray below and here's the tray there's a couple of them in there already from previous use also many flies and mosquitoes will also get stuck on the sticky trap and so you've got two ways of catching mosquitoes either get stuck on a sticky trap and eventually dehydrate and die or they get sucked in through the fan going to the bottom and they also dehydrate and die and you pull it out and empty it so the unit is running right now there are several queues on the skeeter vac that attract mosquitoes number one you have the octenol sent and that sent mimics the human breath and the mosquitoes are attracted to that mosquitoes are also attracted to heat moisture and movement and so the Subic hits on all those bases you've got the oxen all for the scent the byproduct of burning propane is co2 which is similar to the breath and mosquitoes are attracted to that it also creates the heat which mimics the human body and the moisture from the burning process of the propane so those are the cues that the mosquitoes come and get attracted toward the trap and simply once it's running you put the top on and you're good to go you're good for about 30 days depending on the model 25 to 30 days some units put out a little more co2 which burns a little bit stronger and they use a little bit more propane so that's the scooter back it's a great little unit reasonably priced does a great job of catching mosquitoes which we're going to show you in a minute but first where do you put it well you don't want to put it near your deck because that is where the mosquitoes are gonna be drawn to you want to put it away from your living area or deck and you want the mosquitoes to stay out in the woods or stay out in the corner of your lot or out by the pond whatever you have so that they don't come up to your patio and chase you inside we've chosen this spot for a number of reasons one it's in the shade most varieties of mosquitoes don't like to be in the hot sunny day Asian Tiger be any exception but for most varieties they like to be in the shade they can't handle the hot sunny day so they're going to bed down in this grassy area that you see here they're gonna stay out in the woodsy spots away from the Sun we've also chosen it because it's far enough from our living area in my case the deck and this is where you want to attract them you don't want them coming up to your area so you want to keep them here this is doing a pretty good job of attracting them right here as you can see it's doing its job the placement is critical try a couple of different spots if one isn't producing try another I've tried it in several locations around my place most of them will catch mosquitoes some areas work way better than others so give it a try in a lot of different spots and you'll settle on an area that that generally does good so when the wave drawer probably got close to I don't know 3 to 500 mosquitoes maybe I'd be a little hard to see here in the shade but there's there's quite a few mosquitoes in the bottom here already just after a couple days they've already dehydrated and died and we're not gonna hold a burial service for them so so it is alright we're back after 30 days and here's the results Wow look at all those bugs in this trap that is impressive there are a lot of mosquitoes in the tray holy moley there's probably I don't my CEO and that tray that thing is so full no more would fit people that is impressive every one of these is the eliminating the breeding and keeping mosquitoes from reproducing so here's the sticky trap that's 30 days worth there's the tray fall to the brim we're gonna lay these out and give you an idea just how many there are in there here they are look at that there are thousands of mosquitoes in that tray that is impressive that is a lot of mosquitos people these scooter backs really do work get yours today Northland Express calm [Music] [Applause]
Channel: NorthlineExpress
Views: 305,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skeetervac, skeeter vac,, mosquito, mosquito traps, blue rhino, mosquito control, mosquito magnet, review
Id: JEMtlxGzzZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2010
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