Skateboard Kings (1978) Full Documentary

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I love the Lords of Dogtown I grew up skating in Los Angeles and I’m so happy I stumbled on this you earned my upvote my good man.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/arecigsbad 📅︎︎ May 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

V13 for life holmes...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wordjacker2 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
No Oh dedication from Bobby Orr's to the Ohio knees in Manhattan beat you guys in grooving hell yeah hey come on dad let's go look at the is is there any ways did you look at let's go looks like Villa man I wanna go sir hey Bill yeah do it let's go surf and look at the waves come on so anyways I don't know but it will see get up here I three up grab that creams time is it eight o'clock yes Bob oh you have a nice day but we're gonna go let your young males go and live in the city how do you prove yourself in the most materially comfortable country on earth how do you show courage daring skill strength how do you prove you're a man if you're a Masai tribesman in Africa you kill a lion if you're an Aborigine boy you go on walkabout if you live in Dogtown Los Angeles you ride a skateboard match to strong guys come over real early to wake me up like this again you die Oh leaving the stage three members of the Dogtown tribe Aliya ron paul Konstantinov and tony mad dog alba scaped through the streets of venice california to the beach stretching from here to Malibu to perform their daily ritual as tony alva world champion skateboarder explains every morning it's usually habit that we just go down to the beach and check out the waves and if the surf skate will go surfing and then we go skateboarding later but if it's no good we usually always go skateboarding we have a lot of energy every morning and you wake up so we want to go down and do something to burn it up so it's usually skating or surfing you know something constructive it's what we like to do this they meet up with other members of the Darktown tribe we were already on the scene don't got no good with ah it's like you're a weirdo I'm sure it is man look at this pretty friend the wind's officer how you doing how long have you been in sweetheart now anyways it looks like it's time you should go stretch so much because we go offshore the wind is right now look at that alright that way right there I love it check it out take off the way with no liens done Dogtown has used their pent-up energy surfing and skateboarding throw your skateboard at the dog today the waves aren't sufficient challenge and this being Los Angeles the nearest skate park is 75 miles away but you can skate in an empty swimming pool if you can find one at their favorite snack bar they meet ray Flores who's been scouting out a possible hunting game or chair did you order already no I just got my menu I just got here let's crank that lets thank so much you should have seen Malibu this morning it was little tiny waves but perfection who discovered one thing up we're officially I want to thank you enough that's four out Dogtown has gained the reputation of being the renegades the skateboard world because of their antisocial habit of invading private swimming pools and using them to skate it hey Tony you know we should do after we eat breakfast empty carnies Oh Hollis is pool sounds good I could go for a skate session really except it's been raining for so long the pool is gonna be so full of water man I know Benny axe got a pump yeah leave a yeah let's go get us Reza good does he does he really Oh breakfast arrived in time before the dog towners energy got out of hand all right my kid saw eye cream the hard way hmm this can be so can I get another professional skaters are in large sums of money designing skateboard products manufacturers acknowledge that the skaters themselves are best qualified for this job Paul is on contract to design a new board a six way tail Paul why don't you draw or sketch out on a thing what you want on the board Ellis should bring this nose a little pointy or like this the designer of a successful product can earn up to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in royalties for the use of his design and his name yes then just a bootie relay for the immigrant Mexican workers employed to make the wheels this is a straight industrial job not an emotional outfit the popularity of skateboarding today is largely due to the development of urethane wheels which improve the quality of the grip and the speed of the action they've replaced the clay in steel wheels of the 1960 all wheels are made of the same materials and of the same standards but clever commercial packaging produces a phony system of graded qualities pumped out onto the world's markets the truck which attaches the axle of the board allows the greatest flexibility enabling the skater to experience the sensations of skiing and surfing here you get no J's how'd you got katana to better anything else despite saved up pocket money the high cost of this equipment can come as a nasty surprise to parents talk to me a pong snottiness alright just a professional skater Kent sanatory gives technical advice and promotes the stores good turns ago the bearing comes out to see some parents still worried about their kids going surfing but today every kid escapes it's a great outlet for them it really is physically it's fantastic and it's fine as long as they don't get carried away by the whole number you know like with anything else he wipes out on bicycles he wipes out on skateboards same difference and he does have all the safety equipment which he doesn't right when he's bicycling you know he has his helmet he has his knee pads now on his gloves and everything else for just today so it's I think it's just as safe as anything else he suffered more injuries on a bicycle than he has with his board so he has a healthy all-around sport yeah what do you think I don't know I just ride him it's great it's dangerous but ya can't be there every minute watching everything they do like this but on the other hand I think it does give them a lot of balance and they creates a little agility and ability so I'm not objecting to it but I'm curious as to the safety aspects of it the problem is they do overcrowd those little whatever they are the court you know I think I can't see four and five kids riding pretty side-by-side and down this little lane that isn't so safe to me you know and it is seven dollars initially for them to walk into one of these parks this is where it starts this is where the kids learn the art see what the big boys can do where in their jargon you learn what radical skating is all about mosquito one of the most popular parks in California is big business last name because we need your attention the two sets of details three sets of overpass she and speech after a couple of hours you pay for a new session if the kids can't persuade their mothers to let them stay on there are always plenty of others waiting to take over the skate guards are on duty day and night making sure the kids taking over the new session stay in life right in front of your eyes buddy are you guys come on out yes yes what he said push the board together back there and you're not put the wheels on up here okay 5846 all together 5846 God right and today today is the 4th he need to know what I don't understand you want the wrong age 9 where did they underwear they learn where all of these little piece magazines are a skateboarder Dave - editor of Surfer also publishes the widest selling skateboarding magazine the first time we spotted the potential was about November of 1974 we did a little research amongst our advertisers who were presently advertising skateboard products and surfer and asked them if they would be interested in advertising in a skateboard publication second hey Paul I need to see you on the cover in the next issue so when you get a chance I'll see you okay okay it sounds good I'm a little bit concerned about the logo being in white though these are so many clouds in that photo they said yes they would be interested very interested in a skateboard publication so that's when we started pulmonary work and we came out with the first issue in June of 1975 the dynamics of action photography have helped to popularize the sport and given the young skaters their own here are is photography I think we tend to accentuate sometimes the radicalness of curves or ubers to some degree because of the type of lenses we use but for the most part these kids are doing incredible things on skateboards it's caused worldwide sales of skateboarder magazine okay are rapidly approaching the half million mark we used yellow last issue the yellow would work and we framed it with the oranges red outline or something like that the yellow would work and we framed it with the oranges red outline or something like that okay I'm a surfer myself I've been a surfer for 18 years and I enjoy a skateboarding very much in surfing you have the whole outdoors your bodies bare if the weather permits it to a great degree it's sunny the waters warm there's the waves that are kind of a flowing motion and so it's almost like it's alive so there's a great appeal there once you're standing up on a board the sensation is very much the same as skateboarding this is the tying that basic sensation that you get a speed and turning and you can look some places that I want to be up there and you can just drive your surfboard up there and in the same way you can drive a skateboard up to the top of the lip or a bowl Tony well bail will lift it up to you guys you guys throw it up over in the plants over there the Mad Dog tribe have staked out a private swimming pool and as soon as the coast is clear they move in there pump is broken down so they grab the next best thing okay now what take it way down I take right huh don't get too close to the porch it'll go down into the patio at last I'm gonna go get a better trash can there's a better trash can yeah and the dog town guys photo ride fools they're all pretty hyped up and rowdy they just feel like getting crazy you know and if they can't if you pull a little bit crazy stuff by trying to ride it before it's amp time you know just rowdy stuff oh cool little dirt the walls are all dirty ah oh my god I forgot to wear my safety equipment I can't ride this pool man one of the most important things in skateboarding is to wear your safety sometimes uh when you're writing pools neighbors don't think of it's too cool you know it's not like riding the park you have to sneak in so they get uptight and they call the cops and stuff so we can't hang out for too easy up a split and go get rowdy somewhere else it's such a bummer that Gonzales is poor got busted man yeah but it's not really busted you know if we just be mellow there but all those jerks mess it up so bad for us they're so hyperactive they're just so full of energy they always dig the radical scene they want to be partying that all the time you know Harding just 24 hours a day they can't sit still for a minute too bad we couldn't just build a pool right here man look at all this land I've been real you could build such a big pool I mean it's it's not even funny for sure it's so much different than the old days man remember the old days what which old days days on the sidewalk the very first days man right on the side on what you were like you're probably about seven or eight yeah the fourth grade Holden was in first grade the first grade out I'm five years older than you are so we started about the exact same time first grade cruisin on the sidewalk is either that or cruising your trainer wheels Thunder bicycle I remember I used to go down Ocean Park all the time we lost a little kid we had the light just all the time and we just I don't know we just go for it and then they go God that skateboarders going faster when we just kind of go oh jesus you know what is this guy hey guys this is no spark walking one get yourselves killed downtown is a pretty cool place you can do that stuff and the people the people will get totally blown out because you they see a kid riding a skateboard down the street the people are so used to that and doggone so many skateboarders they're here dog towns what the kids call their hometown Venice Venice California it's one of the show places and good old Americans self-expression here you do your thing the world watches the kids thing escape sir me just never hello friends the star Oh over 600 million people but not half as many people that have big Aleutian I trade you got too far away take the guy they right now there's no comeback drink I'm gonna love mama Pro Skater jury Valdez has had the chance to design his own skate park the endless wave now he's ready to test it the demand for skate parks is spread on California to create a coast-to-coast multi-million dollar industry you know I always wanted to design a park because I always kept saying God all these people are blowing it they don't know exactly what the skater wants cuz they don't even escape I was just visualizing is all coming you know a reality from wow it looks so hot it was really really nice you know it's like a dream come true Kent sanatory and Dogtown show Goku Bo come to put Jerry 16-foot pool to the test I dig skating the pool because it's really a good pool it's really shaped well you can do a lot of things you can draw a lot of lines and it all the locals you know they skate the thing every day and even the worst skater can get good that's what's really that's what I designed my Park for you see it's designed for the average skater and even the beginner to advanced who approach Gators you know level tony alva describes some of the maneuvers cool riding this show Goku Bo doing some frontside cars with an intense surf style kent-san tour and jumping up the edge looks like just an edge Ariel makes it every time now he's doing frontside kick turns into a frontside Ariel more frontside kick turns a grinder but he didn't make it Shogo Kubo again front side cars front side cars are hard-earned back side cars into attempted front side ariel sharon valdez the tail tap extreme tail tap into another jer tap and the last chair tap broken hospital yeah my sugar to drive of these data production ana I really couldn't handle it alright it's essential to keep physically fit so you can endure all the thrashings that you're going to give your body like myself I need you myself a lot so I need to be healthy most Gators after they fall asleep a lot of times it actually can turn off pain they don't skateboarding can be dangerous but statistics show that in the 10 to 18 age group more injuries occur from cycling and walking well you know the adrenaline is just covering up to the panic it's an unreal thing the skater he can take abusement beyond control fractures and something parents like ken sanatoria father learned to live with first time or the second time maybe he broke his wrist the first time I was really upset the second time I tell him I was gonna chop up every one of his skateboards and just you know just make sure that he never skated again and he wrote me a little note he ran away from home for about eight or nine hours until he can find a place to stay and he wrote me this little note saying you know this is my life and the thing that really sunk in and really made sense to me when he said how would you like it if somebody told you stop playing the bass after days of hunting fruit swimming dog towners big chance came with Jerry's invitation to christen his hot new pool The Fool seems to be really one of the best in its class right now and a lot of heavy sessions and a lot of energy was really a tossed around back and forth the world to a miniature get over ah I like to get hyped up Plus you know like what the DTS are around and other skaters other places you know everybody's in it it's a very competitive thing for one you really got to always have a super go forward attitude because if you don't want to go for it and then you're not going to really be that radical and if you're not radical you're not that hot bull riding you know it's like definitely the hardest thing to do it takes total body coordination and it's just so different than any other like part of skateboarding because it's not on horizontal and horizontals the easiest thing to ride it's so easy to ride it's ridiculous I mean all you have to do is really stand there but when you're hitting from a wall to another wall just hitting the top doing doing your best to either justify how to pull and make it or just hit the top and then that's totally different I mean it takes dedication but like when I'm riding I get flashes like everything just flows and it seems like it was totally in slow motion but like when I'm doing it a flashing certain thing to the top hit the top and I feel that you know if it's a good connection I'll either send me into a slide across the top or else I go for air if I go for air next thing I see is just a flash of my faith and the next thing you know this is just air how weightless you are you know you're just out there and then you just want to make it and you feel more air and more air and if you have it under control you just totally go for skateboards have developed from roller skate wheels nailed on to a simple piece of wood now almost museum pieces to today's highly diversified equipment supplied equipment giving scope to three very different types of skating the aggressive virtuosa performances of pool riders the style and speed of downhill skating and slalom racing and the sophisticated elegant movements of billeted freestyle skaters such as stacy peralta russ ha stacy has a surfing background easy we got to surf down an Australia together and it's really he's an excellent surfer back forward it doesn't matter but he can do almost as much as he can on a wave as he can on a board and mine with physical education I blend a few more sports in it and do a lot of gymnastics and spins ice skating things like that and it's a tremendous versatile sport where you can get out there and whatever is inside of you whatever your mood is you can just get into it and just express anything it has a tremendous potential and it certainly puts a grin across your teeth where you can actually you know express your smile a lot more than a lot of other sports I'm calling skateboarding one of the most highly physical things I've ever done in my life it uh people don't realize it but it is high-performance I mean heavily high-performance this is Freddy I'm chip and this is a skateboard safety clinic and I'm involved in skateboard safety this is Ellen my wife Leslie what we are doing is the skateboard safety clinic program and bringing safety to the skateboarders of today ladies and gentlemen like to welcome you today to the opening of the skateboard safety clinic bringing you a show today that you'll all enjoy participate and learn you bottle for okay Stacey is going to help me here we're going to show you some of the equipment kneepads your basic beginning stage one trick I'll show nuts jump now knees we show people at a fall we teach them to wear safety equipment and teach them where to skate there's proper places to skate in the parks you know if people cook dinners in the streets every night they get hit by cars and you know cooking out cooking's banned from the United States they say you can't skate the parks you can't scape the youth clubs you can't use the ymcas you can't use any of the facilities the kids are forced out into the street as far as skateboarding accidents go it's said that in the first week a kid has a skateboard that's when the most injuries occur also most injuries occur on borrowed boards you watch NFL football on Saturday night television every single play they're carting off Joanie and again with a broken knee for OJ Simpson has to oh well there goes another season poor Jo you know and it's telling like that they overlook that stuff it seems like but you know that it's an only source one kid gets hurt wolven since it's kids and it's not older people they think you know we don't want our kids getting hurt let's have him sit in the corner and just to hang out all day hi Mary how are we doing today John Baron skateboard executive checks out the monthly sales figures you should be able to have good need after the sales analysis since Manny I'm an importer and manufacturer and my connection with the skateboarding industry is one of the major producer supplier of safety equipment and one of our major products are safety helmet for freestyle light and cool such as the hard helmet for Bank and bull riding especially made gloves with a lot of studs sliding and rubber tips for the extra protection well for instance this elbow pad here got a hard cap so when a skater Falls you need something that's slides and that's with extra protection foam padding on the inside and a kiss favourite similar concept with the needs again the sliding action absorbs the energy so the kids won't be able to scrape your knees and elbows in this another version of our knee pads and this is a special freestyle shoe very thin sole get the extra grip portable ramps brought a new thrill John Baron with the help of some young skaters was a pioneer in manufacturing them taking the excitement of vertical skating all over the country they the hackett brothers ride the ramp for a commercial being made for the amusement park other skaters arrive on the set Eleanor Neal and Stacy Peralta they wait till he gets to the very top really nice when you went up from the close work up to a full thing yeah well I have the size of white hands off which is fine yeah they'll give us strengthen that so that that's a good shot too besides now the late team is the full-time skaters become businessmen to protect their own interests our working conditions are getting much better skaters in the past have been exploited in ads and not been paid for them nowadays manufacturers are working much more closely with the skaters and many more skaters are finding that the money is going into their pockets but still you know it's the same old thing you never get as much as you think you're worth do you want to try that or no okay put the rail to 16 finger hands the commercials gonna be all over Southern California you might as well get a little press oh no Sally I'm Miller international skateboarding Association go to Paris and the role of the ISA is to make sure that Stacy's gonna be treated well but he gets paid for what he does I like to think of them as my younger brothers you might say I like to lead him guide him to a point where they can mature into fine business me oh that's nice yeah as a matter of fact maybe we do one of those in the foreground like Rick was saying saying ago maybe there's a couple of freestyle things maybe she's featured cuz she's kind of a right axle and I have a hair flies the Kosta boys Giants of downhill and slalom racing speed their way to the Black Hill near San Diego my name is Henry Hester I uh 1976 and 75 slalom champion my name is Bob Skov are currently on the 1977 World Science l'olam champion I've been skateboarding competitively for about four years so I've been in just about every competition it's taking place in terms of slalom downhill cross country I'm getting there it is so hard you know did you my interview it was mostly like free stuff yeah exactly morons quite Ellen you gotta get on bags you know that's what the Hobie Queen Ellen Emil wait until the others like John Hudson 1977 downhill champion are ready for the warm-up session the La Costa boys from the richest suburbs of San Diego see themselves a superior to the wild dog towners in the intertribal competition that exists in skateboarding huh so okay ready John Hudson Henri Hester and Bob's Goldberg kickoff to break their own records of 60 miles an hour for them slalom and downhill skating is more exciting than pool riding which they only now accept as part of their big organized competition racers in the gates on your mark get set go Bob's Goldberg and John Hudson set a hot pace slalom racing is judged on two counts actual speed and precision in avoiding the cones their feet mustn't leave the board three four hut he slid those ones they kept going off to the side another Dave Olson puts techniques developed as a ski instructor to the test I race with Dave Altman it was give you again da doo da guys our new race hassle grip gives the star okay pick it up harder faster we're really up on that what I think get that rhythm kind of click-click click-click Kim Cespedes and Chris hassel grave take off and what turns out to be the last race the day ends stop freestylers Bob Moore and Alan Berryman take to the road you la is definitely a partying place everybody likes to go out and do whatever they like to do best at night like just you know going out to the Roxy or going out to the discos or the movies whatever you know but I think the dog tenors they just like to you know party with their friends Oh pleasure the party wasn't enough dog towners take to the Arizona desert to fulfill their pipe dream they make it just in time as the pipe mobile moves in another pipe to bring water to the desert dog towners ultimate dream has come true skating the 21 foot pipes trying to make 12 o'clock high top dog tony alva sets up a competition by getting one of these stickers as high as you can on the pipe hit that sticker Tony so you can get it pause to raise the level of intensity of the skating you okay tree oh this falls bad oh ah yeah walk it on they used to call me the cat stuff cuz you know like they they could just throw me totally upside down just like a cat I land on my feet that's just my instinct it's such a dynamic sport right now that almost everything you read about it its impact is true don't push it it's not exciting I dig the excitement it's really hot I retired professionally but I would never retire from skateboarding I would always skate because skating is a cast I mean it's unreal it's good I dig to do I think that there's a very very good chance that skateboarding will be in the 1984 Olympics as long as they keep making Geritol we'll keep drinking it and be able to skate skateboarders never die they just roll a little slower you
Channel: rockwellmediadundee
Views: 761,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2014-09-06, Skateboard (Sports Equipment), Documentary (TV Genre)
Id: 7FTQbyUI_W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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