Skate the Sustainable Way - Money For Nothing - Reality TV

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[Music] what are you throwing away how do you make money for nothing I like the look at that the answer could be hiding in over 20 million tons of household waste thrown out by US every year H what else you throwing away anything exciting that's why entrepreneur Sarah Moore wants to get her hands on things before they hit the skit f ing transforming and selling stuff we throw away is an obsession and it's that Obsession that I turned into a money-making business I make new stuff out of the old stuff and I sell it for a profit and with some of the country's Elite designers and makers you've got a bucket of fun for me it's a big one is it she can transform her finds into desirable they are amazing valuable I've never seen anything like them and hopefully sailable items that's a lovely job thank you thank you if Sarah is successful then she can hand the profits back to the very people who had no idea there was cash to be made from their trash £65 here [Music] no Walo recycling center near Birmingham a Non-Stop Hive of activity Sarah's on a mission to turn your trash into Hard Cash I'm on the hunt for items that I can turn into something really desirable I'm looking for tired old tables chip chairs and Mankey metal work because once they're transformed they can all make some money for nothing but before you make a beine for your local tip take note Sarah's been given special permission to seek out three three items that she can rejuvenate repurpose and sell on for a profit although he doesn't know it yet first up to offer some possibilities is Ian arriving with some furniture that may not be all it seems hello there hello there right I like the look at your legs oh thank you what hold on yeah these are cool are these yours they dad's I'm emptying his house out okay were they always stools or have these been chairs probably chairs back in 1970 something wow they're they're cool and that's look at that what's that 1950s do you think like 50 60s other there for both they were sweet little collection of you're actually fabric like that no more retro aren't they they really are so have you got a house full of this stuff yes I have yeah it's my father's house he's all trapped in the' 70s and I've thrown love just stuff like this away you something I know exactly why you're throwing it away because these you know put that next to some Modern stuff and unless you're going to give it an update It's tricky to get it in the house but three little things like that for me it's my lucky day I can take it somewhere and give that a proper old makeover and get it so even you might like it again probably really well I tell you what would you mind if I took your stool's way I do not mind at all lovely well it' be nice that they got a second life for probably third or fourth yeah brilliant well I I'll take those away and say thank you so much and if I managed to transform them into something fabulous can I come and find you and show you what I've done with you certainly can yes seems like Ian's delighted that Sarah has taken those old things off his hands I'm very surprised that Sarah took the Stalls I didn't think there was uh worth anything just uh in the skip ready to be crushed up for something else but it would be nice to see them used again for what I don't know it'd be very interesting to say what a sweet little set of seats and these have been in the hands of an avid upcycler there's four layers of fabric on these stools and they used to be chairs but I reckon they've got one more transformation left in them I think you might be right Sarah and luckily she knows just the man to take on this challenge Anthony Divine the upholsterer with the moerer Anthony takes his two decades of design experience and passes it on to the younger generation in his school of upholstery Anthony's work is loud exciting and experimental so I've been in upholster now for 21 years uh I started straight from school that's me ever since really now I teach people who want to become upholsterers and through that then I get my self- satisfaction I still enjoy the passion of it but now I pass that knowledge and passion on to all our students don't pass on too much of your passion Anthony you may need it for this project with one item found Sarah's still on the hunt for two further opportunities to find a diamond in the dump but please please don't tell me she has plans for this little fell that's that's nice isn't it it's really quality no it's not Sarah I'll leave you to to it I'm going to find some rubbish thank goodness for that hopefully there will be something much more suitable in the boot of William's car oh no what have you done with it oh unfortunately I've uh broke it up I couldn't get it in your car you should have tolded I've got a van oh no um so uh your table is it no it belongs to me daughter actually okay it was it was the late table Yeah Yeah so is it being stored in the garden it does love it just put it out there it's done quite well though considering it well it is you stand the weather do you think he's got any potential left in it or not well you'll probably find something you going to let me have it of course I will yes right I'm going to try and take it away but thank you so much for letting me have it you're welcome it might be a jumbled up sa in half jigsaw at the moment but does William think it's got legs I haven't got a clue what Sarah's going to do with it but you might turn it into something wonderful and it' be beautiful for somebody else to look at something beautiful to look at well that might be a tall order what's the plan then boss well it's such a shame that it's all been broken up but actually I think even salvaging the top of this table is going to be worth it cuz though it's been left outside for days and days and it's been out in the wet and it's got so much potential because I know where to take it to and I've got a fair idea about what they might be able to make out of it so I'm going to take it just like it is and hopefully Mak money out of it say hello to Josh and olle designer makers business partners and best friends these boys use natural and recycled materials to create handcrafted furnishings and high end interior pieces we kind of like joined forces in 2013 and started working together the best thing about working here is probably when you have a new idea for something and you can just kind of come in you've got the tools you need you can kind of sit down with your Sketchbook I mean the feeling that you get when you make something actually original and it's come from your mind and you then take that idea and bring it into the physical world yeah it's an amazing feeling Josh olly may like a challenge but they might not be so Keen when they see Sarah's pile of old tra well table or [Music] suppose two items loaded into the money for nothing van now it's time for Sarah to search for her own pound making project just going to drama a few more customer you say drama I say scare away which is exactly what I hope you haven't done to Jimmy who is about to add some color to today's proceedings hi what are you doing up here today then uh I'm just on a b clear out of few different things got bits of old wood and been doing a bit of work so I'm just getting rid of the the leftovers I like the look of these so the kids just had enough of those then yeah the youngest six today so getting rid of and I've asked a few people and nobody seems to want them so have a look at them yeah yeah it was more than that originally but a few been lost oh I know over years yeah I can imagine why yeah I think they're really appealing I reckon there's something that could be done with those would do you mind if I took them away and tried to make something out of them no that's fine I mean I'm only throw the m I don't know what I'm going to do with them but I'm going to have a good thing and hopefully if I make something can I come and show you and the kids what I've done with them yeah that would be great yeah lovely so well thank you so much for those okay no problem I have to start thinking now have a good day okay thanks you may have to break out the extra large thinking cat for this one Sarah help her out Jimmy any ideas yourself I'm not really sure what Sarah's going to do with the balls but maybe uh some sort of decorative item for the uh kids bedroom or something like that like there plenty of colors there bright colors so thinking maybe and string them together or somewh put them all together not a bad shout Jimmy Sarah well you probably think I'm a bit mad taking these correct but I reckon they've got potential I mean there must be probably what nearly hundred of them and aund of anything got to be able to make something out of them in fact got a little idea that might work I'll show you later fantastic I can hardly wait there it is then three items found Anthony will take the lead with Ian stalls the weather beaten old oak table will be handled by Josh and olle and Sarah will get creative with Jimmy's multicolored play balls we've had a great time Gathering now we're going to go make some beautiful [Music] things Manchester once famous for its cotton Mills and textile factories now a whole new generation of fabric fanciers of bringing that tradition into their presence and not least among them our kid Anthony the upholster well I've got three stools 12 legs and no idea how to turn a profet but I'm here to see a man who will hello oh hello how are you I'm good how are you what you got help help me I need help what' you reckon very nice and that nice I like them what reason do you like them they've got great legs they have these have been at the hand of a serial up cycl because I think they're supposed to be chairs aren't they uh yes they are chairs uh and they've got layers and layers of upholstery on them already these are the bases to the exact dining chairs I have at home so we just need to put the back on if you can put the backs on the chairs that's beyond my expectations something fresh something smart but I think this little stool could actually be the icing on the cake right I thought you could use the legs to make a lovely big foot stool to go with them but I think it has to be in scale with the chairs and if we put the same sort of fabric on all of it then I'm thinking it can be sold together as a lovely Trio so Sarah's got a Clear Vision for our tip rejects but is Anthony feeling it looking at at all I mean we've got quite a bit work to do this quite a bit work to do this we've basically got everything to do B the legs on this the fabric is going to be mind-blowingly spectacular but obviously it cost a a reasonable amount of money but we're only using small amounts of it which is going to be good stop beating around the bush Anthony what's it going to cost Sarah cutting to the chase 675 675 quids sounds like a lot of money but I've got this Vision that you're going to make it look fantastic so go for it brilliant thank you for believing in me if you can come in under budget though that would be amazing well we'll see what we can do one less biscuit biscuits I don't get any biscuits can someone get my agent on the line please well we could have gone down the safe boot we could have just covered the chair seats and maybe shove the foot stool aside but we haven't I've commissioned over 600 quids worth of furniture I think it's going to look really impressive I think so too Sarah Anthony has a budget of 675 to give this confused Trio a new identity No Easy Task so you may need that extra biscuit [Music] Anthony in deepest West Sussex close to the Sleepy Hamlet of halaka Lies the workshop of Josh and olle which is where Sarah has brought her bits of old oak table to leave with the boys I'm sure they'll be delighted it's at times like this I wonder what exactly was it that I saw in this table at the tip I'm hoping that Josh and Ollie have got some good ideas cuz at the moment this is not looking like a money maker Sarah kind of brings us things that are quite kind of Niche and uh she already has a bit of an idea of where she wants to take them but then we kind of like say usually just do our own thing yeah we we don't want to do that no we're going to do uh something completely different but that's what we like like doing the thing that isn't really so obvious yeah H hello you doing okay how are you yeah good how are you doing yeah don't look at the trolley don't look at the trolley step away from the trolley oh okay is it I wasn't quite sure some Oak um what do you think no is right it's a nice nice wood yeah certainly nice wood quite heavy is it yeah so it is isn't it I thought it's it is that's what way so much isn't it other than sort of a really funky restoration is the stuff that you immediately Springs to M that you make it into I mean I can't see us ever putting this back together into a table or anything it's just not really uh our cup of tea um but we can certainly use the wood for something cuz they're nice boards um we just started making a range of skateboards as well skateboard sound mad is it big enough to make a few then what how many do you think you get out of something like this there's probably four or five skateboards in there I reckon really yeah I think that sounds like a total transformation that for me is really exciting yeah um I'm just can't imagine what they're going to look like we just use um nice Hardwoods to create like a beautiful deck to it um and then you just get these little trucks and they're just good for getting around and cruising places so this old oak table is about to become five upm Market skateboards so so how much does a handmade Boke skateboard cost these days what about like 110 per board okay I mean there are some people who are going to think I'm Bonkers say 550 criid on skateboards but if you love them and they're your thing I know they're going to be amazing get to it get to it thank you sir thank you 550 quid to turn an old table into skateboards I must be bonkers skateboards yeah yeah good actually uh yeah it's good cuz any opportunity to make a skateboard really yeah it's quite current for us as well so like yeah we we're kind of in that zone any and it'll be fun to make some more skateboards so that be cool Sarah's looking at five skateboards at £0 each that's a whopping 550 in total I can't wait to see if Josh and Ollie can flip this one around [Music] just 10 miles from Josh and Ollie Sarah is about to take on her own Challenge and it will ho ho hopefully be a successful one there's one for you look oo ramble loves a tipf find these ones are for me though don't touch these well the moment I saw this lovely B B full of play balls I thought I know I'm going to make Christmas decorations out of that lot so I thought I'd Channel a little bit of victoriana cuz they were the original Christmas fans and used some old idod down Fabrics a bit of vintage wedding dress and dressed these lot up to be a set of heirloom Christmas bubles I want them to be seable and the kind of thing that people want to hang on to and use year after year not only were the victorians crackers about Christmas they played a huge part in laying the foundations for the way it's celebrated today Prince Albert introduced the Christmas tree to the royal family and the idea of ball balls Grew From the family custom of handing out decorations filled with sweet meats to nibble on first things first for Sarah cutting the fabric so the basic idea is to cut little slightly ey shaped pieces of fabric like that that will stretch from the top to the bottom of each ball leaving a little Gap at the bottom and I'm going to paste them in place and when they start building up hopefully I'm going to cover the bble all the way around in this pretty Fabric and then I'll put a little ring at the bottom and the top and a loop on the top to attach it so that it can hang from the Christmas tree so once you've got a good number of those segments cut it's time to glue now that is PVA glue it's children's glue it's non-toxic it's easy to wash out of your clothes and it dries clear which is essential for this so all I'm going to do is paste a little bit of the glue on the section of one of these balls and then attach a bit of the [Music] fabric once they're all all nicely in place but plenty of glue over the top and I just make sure they're tightly stuck on and the whole bble is sealed it is a messy business indeed but messy equals fun Sarah's breaking the job down to six balls at a time once the first bits of fabric are glued on it's time to break out the scalloped edged scissors the what I hear you say it's for making things look pretty so now's the time to finish them off with some pretty festive trimmings this old wedding dress is really doing the trick only cost four quid at the car boot now it's going be a really pretty little rough to go on the top edge of these that only 50 more to go well we better leave you to it Sarah or Christmas might be cancelled but having spent £30 on materials so far will there be a reason to be jolly let's hope [Music] so while Sarah cracks on it's time to head to Manchester where upholsterer Anthony has begun work on the trio of old foot stalls which he plans to make into two chairs and a bench so we'll get all these sanded down and cleaned up and then we're just going to kind of touch over it with wax to make them all nice while the bases of the chairs are being sanded Anthony will work on the third seat which will help form his bench so this is the frame for the bench which matches the two stools SL chair chairs that Sarah's dropped off uh so what Tom is doing is just measuring up for the plates so we can angle the legs to replicate the legs of the chairs SL [Music] stools with the height and length of the new bench done it's time for Anthony to work his magic with the upholster the span of the seat frame is stapled with webbing burlap material is then attached to give it an even surface to fix the phone too this seat padding foam is secured with spray glue and Staples so this is daon this here is to take out the friction um from your foam to allow your fabric to Glide oh made for it so now we have the the fire at tancy on so what you can notice as well is the shape that's started to develop so that's all the hard work and the stressing the straight and done so when we decide upon the actual choice of fabric is the universal upholsterer sound effect for job done so with the bench now ready to be covered Anthony turns his attention to the [Music] chairs Anthony has decided to use flexible plywood for the backs measured and screwed into the existing frame the flexibility of the plywood allows the back to bend with the curve of the frame without it breaking or cracking very cool what I've done is I've now shaped the back um so we'll have a pair like this and then we've got the bench which will also have a back on it like so and like the bench foam is attached to the back followed swiftly by Dacron and fire retardancy layers so I'm happy with the bik now we got good shape it's going to be nice and comfy uh so now I'm going to turn my attention to the seat so far so good Anthony but there's still a long way to go more importantly fabric has yet to be chosen will Sarah be pleased with the results I do hope [Music] so from Manchester we head south to West Sussex where in the workshop of Josh and olle work is about to begin to turn an old oak table into skateboards right work out how many boards we can get out of this yeah um let's have no measure up then we could get two strips out of each where we've got the original hinges on there that's one more thing that we're going to have to like work around I'm sure there will be quite a bit of wood in it but just got to bear in mind things like that cuz you don't want a hole in the bottom of your skateboard we'll just have to cut our strips around those points and hope that we've got enough if I remember rightly it was five skateboards that Sarah's expecting so I just hope that when all the hinges are removed and the holes cut around there's enough good wood left to glue back together together I think we're about to find out although it looks really rough on the outside you can tell it's still really nice Oak in the middle so some nice wood well that's some good news at least so we're going to use a machine to cut the shapes of the skateboards out so what we need to make are rectangular blanks so Josh has cut these strips out and I need to work out um cuz we're going to glue them up with contrasting wood so I need to work out how much of what size strips we need to make up the right size rectangle once the calculations have been made Ole can begin to join the strips together using a multis and Tenon method which involves routing matching slots in each piece of the wood to be joined using a pre-prepared wooden biscuit I prefer to dunk mine in the tea personally the pieces of wood can then be sandwiched together and clamped till the glue is dry these blanks can then be trimmed and sanded ready to be cut into a skateboard shape right this is the CNC machine then and from the computer we've taken our Vector diagram and then put it into the machine and then it's going to cut it out on the board there plenty can go wrong with this machine as we found out in the past if you don't get some of the settings right then you can bend or break the tools and then it's just like wobbling all over the place and it's kind of doing loads of damage to your work and the board underneath it's quite scary when that happens cuz this big loud powerful machine just going really wrong but hopefully that won't happen now we might have to evacuate the building I think yeah if if it goes wrong I I'll tell you and we'll just run for our [Music] [Applause] lives skateboard not far from the boys at Sarah's house it's finishing touches time for the plastic play balls turned Christmas decorations I'm hoping the little roughs are going to add that kind of Victorian charm to the top and a bit of value because I think it was just a plain bble I don't think I'm going to get as much money for one like that when Sarah found these play balls they were destined for the skip now I think we should be very proud of our efforts on this occasion showing wonderful creativity in turning unwanted plastic into reusable pieces of Christmas decoration beautiful on their own and all boxed up they'll look great on the tree and under it too even Santa would be impressed well I'm really pleased how these have turned out in the end they don't look like a play ball now do they but what I've tried to do is package them so they look really appealing I want to sell these as heirloom Christmas decoration the kind of thing that you keep and use every year you put away and you treasure them so I've packed them up into these little tins couple of quid each with all the trimmings and I'm hoping that that way they've got the maximum amount of [Music] appeal Sarah first C of these kids soft play toys as Jimmy was about to finally chop them to make space for new toys so the kids just had enough of those then yeah they young six today so get rid and I've asked a few people and nobody seems to want them so until of course our Sarah saw their Potential from balls of children's fun to balls of Christmas fun and it is the season to be jolly as Sarah sold all the decorations to the pack house a vintage and antique store in Su sales assistant Annie believes they're surprisingly versatile because they are unique they can be used in all sorts of different ways and still look fresh a good time for me to add a gentle reminder that great care should be taken when placing any decorations close to lights now Sarah is on route to Jimmy's to hand over some cash Hi H how you doing nice to see you again when we last met you were dropping off some of your old children's toys at the tip weren't you that's right yes did you wonder what what might have happened to them yeah yeah I wondered what you might might with them really decorations was pretty much the route I went down oh yeah I thought they were round I thought I've seen these before I'm sure I can do something with them so I've actually got some pictures here to show you how they ended up I went down the vintage Route inside these Christmas B are your children's play balls what' you reckon oh yeah I wasn't expecting that oh very nice very smart and an interior design and fashion shop who specialized in vintage stuff in farum thought that their customers would love them so I've sold them and I've got some profit from them so um I don't know quite what you're expecting but um there's £5 here that I made after I updated your playable so that's for you oh that's great thank you I wasn't expecting that really what might you spend 100 15 maybe a day out somewhere oh fantastic with the children yes yes and are they here ah yes the children of course it is vital that all parties are satisfied with your workmanship I made them into Christmas decorations what do you think seal of approval res thank you so much bye guys bye Sarah spent £30 on materials the decorations were sold for £145 giving Jimmy a profit of £15 Merry Christmas when it [Music] comes in Manchester Anthony is putting the finishing touches to what were those sad looking old stalls and it's been a toughy so this one was a big challenge she left us with a couple of things that represented like stalls and basically we had to pretty much start again see yeah big challenge this one I really hope she likes it well I'm back in Manchester to pick up the two broken chairs and a tired old foot stol this could be three pieces sweet or one project [Music] sour Sarah dropped off these DIY foot stalls knowing that Anthony was facing a very difficult task and boy oh boy the man has delivered keeping only the legs Anthony has used mind and muscle to create a Natty little Trio and he showed off his skills with the flexy ply backs married with that funky fabric but what does Sarah think hey I can't believe it is that really what I left no no it isn't what you left as at all you left us this I have been so excited about coming to see what you've done with these because I thought that they were so bad where we left them that you wouldn't be able to do anything with them it was pretty bad they've come out beautifully so dark so exciting do you like it yeah I think it's beautiful good I'm overwhelmed I have to ad your response is Justified I love them too they look really classy don't they yes I think it's the fabric that's a uh really kind of pulled it all together you should be really proud of that I think you've seen a vision and really pulled it off because they are looking amazing here here good job an toy so what do you think we sell this at is it dining set height is it coffee table where I think it's like a kind of like small apartment once like kind of a dining set that it's not too imposing on the room like a nice little table height everything will sit underneath it nice little square table boink all praise for Anthony at the moment but did he stay within the budget they look like a million dollars tell me you did them for 675 quid yes unless you want to pay me more of course I'm going to quit while I'm ahead say you've done a great job and come back and uh get those CED away they're fantastic [Music] well that is more than a massive relief I cannot believe what Anthony has achieved I left him with literally some sticks of furniture and he has created something stylish sleek and I think they might be salable too the upholstered stools belong to Ian who found Sarah's approach quite unexpected I'm very surprised that Sarah took the Stalls I didn't think there was wor worth anything and you would have been correct Ian but that was before Anthony waved his magic tools and Bing job done the threepiece was snapped up by a home furnishing Emporium in chle for owner Donna purchasing the chairs was a no-brainer these are just beautiful I love the colors love the blues and the greens it's just so current and then with the the urious looking black velvet as well it's just um I think these will appeal to quite a few people and now it's left to Sarah to hand over the profit hi there there hi nice to see you again all right thank you um how you doing great yeah great now you were dropping all sorts of stuff off at the recycling center and in particular those little stools that you dropped off and did you wonder what might happen to them after I took them away no no just puzzled just to what you could do if something that I was going to throw them in this skip I've got some pictures here to show you what happened to them so I think here's pictures of them how you probably remember them yes so oh yes hello and here's how they ended up oh you joking I was shocked I don't know what to think that's brilliant yeah are you surprised very very I did manage to sell them actually I've got £75 here for you from the sale of your old stools transformed into a little dining set so that's for you oh thank you complete pleasure I didn't think that was worth a penny well I'm so pleased we managed to make a little bit of profit for you what might you do with £75 I've got my three children I know with their three children there's always something that one of them needs never ends lovely to catch up thanks thank you bye bye bye then bye Anthony charged £675 for the makeover Sarah sold the three piece for £750 with the £75 of profit passed on to [Music] Ian with profit provided by today's first two items Sarah's back at the workshop of Josh and olle to find out what became of that old oak table definitely an enjoyable one making these skateboards we're really happy with how they've turned out it's really nice they've got this kind of old school feel to them they don't really look good but uh they're good fun to ride as well I've come to see the kings of cool Josh and olle to see if they've managed to kick flip that old table into some fabulous skateboards kickflip oh she's gone all down with the kids before the old table was legless but now Josh and olle have created Five bespoke skateboards by using strips of the oak table and adding a few extra pieces of maple they have created a two-tone effect Penny trucks are the metal components that hold the wheels and a non-slip surface has been added to the top I must admit they do look the part but will Sarah thinks so hi Hi how are you very very well how are you yeah good thanks where's the big one uh now have you done a risk assessment d yeah of course you're really good at it aren't you um so is that something that you made out of a table down there uh not this one but maybe some under here so it work then yeah come on then see [Applause] yeah they look what I know they're brand new they're amazing aren't they cool beautiful so we've mixed the old oak with some new Maple okay um just to give these nice kind of stripes and then uh yeah aren't they cool I mean just 100% edgy they're fantastic yeah they're Penny style skateboards like old school Surfer Style like you can't do too many tricks on them it's not like you can go down the skate park and do a kick flip or whatever but I was expecting to be able to do that from a to yeah yeah they for like really smooth rolling around like cruising cruising Along on these they are cool aren't they yeah yeah really clever stuff um did they come out on budget cuz I think we had with everything10 a board yeah yeah yeah I think comfortably on budget for these ones yeah yeah they are beautifully crafted things they look thank you great crisp sailable um I'm going to go share them with my coolest friends and see what I can make out of them lovely well I'm going to take my favorite run and say thank you very much all right Che Sarah see you lat bye Sarah's going to get in touch with her coolest friends oh hang on I've got a call coming through Sarah seemed well tring which was really cool um yeah I mean it it was a really nice project to do just both being skaters uh it was just nice to turn one of the items into into these boards so it's cool yeah I think they've come out real nice as well well look what they've done with that dodgy old table such cool design these skateboards are beautiful obviously I'd skate home on it but um I don't want to ruin the trucks when s saw William he was dumping his daughter's old table and the Damage had already been done unfortunately I broke it up I couldn't get it in the car undeterred Sarah took it anyway I haven't got a clue what Sarah's going to do with it but she might turn it into something wonderful looks like a big glue seat at the moment doesn't it look fortunately for us all Sarah didn't make the table into a lose seat but she was quick to advertise the skateboards on Instagram and Two Sold instantly the three remaining boards were snapped up as a Job Lot by Nick from Smithers of Stanford yeah I really like these remind me of the 70s when I had a skateboard myself I think they're going to make a great gift for somebody out there as well yeah really like them Sarah has returned to Aldridge in the West Midlands sadly not on a skateboard to catch up with William to show him what became of his daughter's old oak table hello hi there will how are you doing I'm fine thank you you yes very well thank you very well now I saw you being very busy helping your daughter is that right that's right yes there were lots of interesting things coming out of your daughter's shed but it was that oak table was a thing that caught my eye did you wonder what I might do with it after I took it away I haven't got a clue not a clue well I work with some really lovely guys who specialize in using wood and refound items and metal particular L for their things and they're also great skaters so I took them your table and this is what they made out of it oh those are marvelous they are beautiful they've chosen these special trucks on them so real skaters can really use them mhm what do you think of those oh they're beautiful they are all of the boards have sold and I've got some profit to give to you today so I have 60 here for you for that old table oh that's brilliant thank you thank you very much my my daughter will been very pleased are you going to give it to her oh yes you're sure she's got a birthday coming up and so I think that will go towards it most of it will you know well I'm sure she'll find something lovely to remember her birthday by that it was great to catch up and it was lovely to see you again thank you very much thank you thank you very much Sarah the cost involved in creating the skateboards was £110 each which was a total of £550 Sarah sold all five for £610 which left a profit of 60 quid to hand back to William Sarah salvaged three items that were destined for the dump Anthony did a fantastic job for the old stores Josh and Ollie worked wonders with Williams oak table and Sarah got festive with some play bows three items destined to be dumped have been transformed into three unique pieces all of them worthy of their new lease of [Music] life
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 2,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fDZoCMEsrvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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