Hello it's time for Q&A Lordareon, do you still play games? I have to explain something "Lordareon" was my old gamer nick when I was writting rewiews about games because before I became youtuber I was writing about video games and I was making films about them on website called TVgry.pl I don't recently have time to play games but I am trying to read news about it last time I played Dark Souls 3 I don't have time to finish this game ..because... That's my problem, I really like games that plot is long But I have least time for them I'm trying to finish The Witcher 3 since a year and I only reach Novigrad Fans of my gaming activity will soon have something interesting for them How often do You receiving messages like: "Hi im fan from Poland, I'm in Tokyo, Do You want to meet?" How You reacting? Very often. Every day someone want to meet with me. I very gladly meets new people, very gladly I go with someone for beer etc. But guid someone around Shibuya where I live because I already do it for many people, that was nice but it is just boring for me, I'm just living there, working, I have my stuff that I take care of, and it isn't attractive to me that I show someone sushi bar which I go twice in week for a year. What are the average earnings in Japan? Usually person after studies earn 200 000 - 250 000 yens It's about 8 000 zloty. It depends of money course. Avarage earnings in Japan are about 14-15 000 zloty per mounth and it of course depedns of money course too. Do you have a car except your bike? This is my dark secret that I don't have a driving licence, I don't drive a car and I've never been interesting of that I've never had something like I see a car and I think like "wow, cool" What is "must have" if I start filimg on professional level? Camera and microfone. I think that camera what I use, Lumix GH4, is very
unappreciated. It is great equipment. Not a lot of people use it. Tell Kasia's stroy...why knows Polish and why does she have Polish name when she lived in the USA? Why do you have Polish name? Because my parents named me that. My parents are from Poland.They are Polish. I was born in the USA. In 80s lots of Polish people went to the USA. Most of them stayed in Chicago. I am from Chicago. And you speak Polish because... I speak Polish because my parents spoke Polish at home. They still speak only Polish when I call to them. So you talk Polish with your parents but you brought up like American? Well... I brought up... In English we say I am Polish-American and this is easy to understand in the USA. But... In Polish language propobly aren't terms like that I am just American brouhgt up... Polish in the USA. It is mixed culture. For example I don't know what Americans eat during Christmas. It was always more Polish. But we celebrate Thanksgiving, that Polish don't celebrate at all. Just mixed culture. From what do you have money to live? There is money. It is company in Japan. A few youtube chanels. Books and T-shirts sell in my shop. Companies at Poland, Dozo Tofu Agency and Polish Tofu.Media. It is deals with cooperation youtubers with brands. It deals with video production. Can you leave your home not pinned and nobody will steal it? In Japan lots of people leave their houses open. In Japan is very high level of social trust. People are not scared of each other and they think other people will not do anything wrong them. It is terrifying how Polish people are scared of each other. Do you have siblings? No. Private, at home you speak in Polish or English? If we speak Polish, we know, we speak Polish. If we talk in English it is very natural communication. Sometimes we speak... fifty fifty. And it's the best. What if you will loose your sense of humor once? Japan can destroy this part of you. Will that channel die? I know this is possible. I can't be funny forever. When man get older he starts to understand that nothing is stable and nothing is forever. When I worked with video games I thoght that's it. I have a life like... It will be like that forever. It will be my life. Everything got changed and I do totally different stuff than I thought I will do. I think same about what I do now. For five years I can do the same but I can be in different place doing something totally different. Nobody knows. It is important to remember about it, and I think that Polish education system doesn't teach you this. Because people tell you secondary school certificate will be always with you... That the score you have is most important thing in the world. It is horrible! It is horrible way of thinking. Same as: will you get on college or no. If you won't get on stydies you want, you can try it for ten years! Or go to the weekend-studies or go somewhere else. There so much of options! In your life aren't a moments that decide about your whole future if you won't let them decide. Everybody has a lot of control of his own life. Don't let people tell you, that if you messed up one thing, you will never do antyhing good. Because you can change everything. What is your daily motivation to work? For sure you have days when you thing "for what do I do this?"., What do you say to yiurself then? You work on a few projects at once, it is impressed. In creativ work I usually work like I do everything at once so dailyvlogging like right now does very good for me. Because I am a man, who, when start to lie all day and do anything, fall in a series of negative... I mean it is hardest to start do anything after that. If I have a lot of things to do, more than I can do, I just work, because i don't have time to laziness And it is way I am most productive - when I am tired. I Like the most being tired I think. Have you ever tohugh about live in Japan and have a company in here before your first visit in Japan? No. I've never planned it. I just stayed here. Started a company was slow process, because first me and Kasia wondered we would like to have a webside, we would try to get new relations with customers we would to see, did it have any sense and we did a proof concept... It was very spontan. One of the most important days of my life was day, when did my first set of films in Tokio, after five weeks, the day, beofre my return filght I thought I won't get back. I just didn't go to plane. Let's see what will hapen if I stay here a few weeks longer. After this decision, that very stressed me - I couldn't sleep this night - ... Well, my life've never been the same.