Sissy Spacek Wins Best Actress: 1981 Oscars

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the actresses who are nominated tonight I think are characteristic of a new actor if you will there's a part of this town or community that we call Hollywood that make the films in which we see the studio system is dead meaning no longer can those few who are gifted enough and talented enough those actors who don't take the first job that comes along have a choice now they aren't handed a number of roles four or five within a year by the studio they pick and their choice or the careers is as much dependent on the roles which they turn down and as much as the ones they choose so each actress tonight for the most part probably has been a part of the inception of the part the writing the rewriting a part of the production of it and the selection of the other actors the post-production of it and even the promotion of the film most of these actresses nominate tonight probably have been with this one role for one two or three years there were little tots when they started out and before they get any older perhaps we should get on with the business at hand for her performance is a woman who used a power she herself hardly understood to bring healing and health to an unhappy Midwestern town miss Ellen Burstyn for resurrection and for her performance is a woman who grows from naivete to strength and survives no less an adversary than the United States Army miss Goldie Hawn as Private Benjamin her role is a mother unable and unwilling to bend her own self-imposed restrictions on the meaning of love and life miss Mary Tyler Moore and ordinary people and for her performance as a world hardened woman who finds unexpected humanity within herself during a desperate effort to save a child's life and in so doing saves her own miss miss Gena Rowlands in Gloria for her patrol portrayal of a woman who conquered ignorance and poverty to become the synonym for the world she now represents the spacek and Coal Miner's Daughter ladies and gentlemen of the Academy your choice is Miss Spacek from this is the greatest night but the first time in my life I'm speechless I I started to work on Coal Miner's Daughter with a with a bunch of strangers and I finished working on Coal Miner's Daughter with a bunch of friends and I want to thank Loretta Lynn my wonderful director my glass head and Tommy Lee Jones my Dolittle and Beverly D'Angelo and Bob Larson and Shawn Daniel and Bernie Schwartz and Michael Chen itch and Tom Rickman and Jo Thompkins and Pam Weis and the lady who gave me all that hair Lorraine Robeson and my wonderful husband Jack and all the cast and crew that worked on Coal Miner's Daughter I share this with you and I love you you
Channel: Oscars
Views: 702,918
Rating: 4.8813405 out of 5
Keywords: 53, Lead, Actress, Sissy, Spacek, Academy, Awards, Oscars, Dustin, Hoffman, Coal, Miner's, Daughter, Ellen, Burstyn, Goldie, Hawn, Mary, Tyler, Moore, Gena, Rowlands
Id: y0r7yq11OyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2010
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