Sir Roger Penrose, Aeons before the Big Bang (Copernicus Center Lecture 2010)
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Keywords: Philosophy, Conference, Коперник, Aeons, Kraków, Studies, Mathematics, Centrum Kopernika, Bang, Centrum, Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Center, Roger, Kopernika, Copernicus Center, исследований, центр, Big, Badań, Lecture, Interdyscyplinarnych, Penrose, before, Physics, Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych, Interdisciplinary, Copernicus, Methodological, междисциплинарных, Cosmology, model, universe, big bang
Id: 4YYWUIxGdl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 35sec (7055 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2011
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