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series 16 Gents back three months off and we'll come back at the dinner table that will wank we've gone Thai first trip of the way in a while and we've gone Thai there's so much vegetables in my meal then right but more than whatever crap um just around the corner nipped to the shop before Suri's best Chinese as well it's important by the story times still a let me play it that's what I love about it it'll power through and just finish it anywhere first episode of the series I know what you're thinking ever enjoyed them uh the intros didn't it but we're going in sharp okay you like it we're going in sharp but don't fear not you know because we don't go with an outro for this series I'm not scoring we're coming in skills mate some things never change intro outro that title straight through me we are coming in sharp with Alicia Alicia first episode series 16 but we've got Man United late Bradford sampdoria Portsmouth as well I'll beat it Miss now that will probably is the best bit of his career for you all wearing it what do you think back in the day she was number one should we get laid could we do a food review as well because he's next here no crap a combination starter will crap the duck were all right now come on it's research here you're coming in with it yeah reality TV star celebrity love Island dancing on ice minor roll in Coronation Street Lee sharp fan club good looking bastard nothing to do with football so we'll start with that and I'll correct all correct as well uh now the the small part in Coronation Street's not right isn't it hot no I don't know where that came from I know Viv Anderson was a massive Coronation Street fan I think uh if I'm right he had a little small part I think he was a taxi driver in in one episode right well I never watched it was never into it was never on it you've not pulled us up on good looking bastard that one what's that still good looking oh you reckon yeah I think the sun's doing well for you yeah it's working that's the nicest thing he's ever said to him yes he's got me four days in Alicante a work trip stop it off in Benidorm enjoying it over here yeah love it like the the as I said the lifestyle is amazing I've got two little kids of five and a six-year-olds so they're absolutely loving it we were at a house party last night Paul part the kids are in the pool for five hours um so yeah the only downfall over here really uh is is just a Spanish sort of bureaucracy trying to get things done and working nobody wants to work over here nobody wants to get anything done so things just take forever but other than that the actual lifestyle is is brilliant is it pro golfer now is that what you'd be classic yeah well as a term probe accident in the UK I'm not officially a pro in Spain so I'm trying to go through the process of turning pro over here um by accident yeah I I was playing as an amateur because there was a low handicap amateur I was planning some pro events and then I rang up to enter one one event they said oh we've got no amateurs but if you pay a bit extra you can just play as a pro and I was like well that was sort of the goal to go get there but there's no way I'm good enough at the moment so I ended up just paying me money and then once you've paid your money and played as a pro for money you can't then play as an amateur so that sort of stopped me amateur status in the UK but I'm still an amateur some bizarre reason this might be a sound a really dark question but are you proper decent at golf I'm all right I'm off scratch right but there's a difference between scratch and plus five and all that plus five plus six European tour I mean seniors I'm looking at so um it's not it feels not quite as strong as the European tour right so that is is 104 any Bernard langone and he still pisses it every week he's ridiculous he's a robot honey he's ridiculous but yeah so it's just it's all part of getting there you know to try and get the European tour seniors is is where I'm aiming it's a long shot um and there's a lot of things I've got to do with my golf game but I love practicing I love playing gives me an excuse to the misses I've got to go and practice and play It's my job correctly just like this for us it says job in it how did you end up down at Torquay then from Dudley that's that's another sort of accidental lucky break I was at Birmingham city as a as a Schoolboy from 15 to 16. they let me go at 16 they said you've got um you got the ability we think you lack the aggression to be a Top Flight player so they let me go that was Kevin Reeves that used to be a city who looked after the scoreboards at the time so they let me go at a trial at West Brom they said no as a center forward funnily enough I was due to have a trial of wolves but they weren't having the chance until the first of July and in the meantime some of my mates that I played Sunday league with they played in a different uh School District their granddad knew a guy from Birmingham who had moved down to Torquay who worked for the local supermarket that supplied the club with food so he said can some of these Lads come yeah unbelievable link so they they went down for a trial there's about eight of them went down for a child I think four of them got invited back for a second trial in the meantime I'd been Let Go by Birmingham so they said oh can we bring our mate now so I went down with him um and got for the yts and the yts started on the first of July when the Wolves trial was going to be so I just I sort of had to take the the offer send up at Turkey through a supermarket work out through mate's Grandad played three games in three days and they offered me a yts I think it was just before the end of the season that we went down there for the trial because Turkey were bottom of the league and they could have got relegated so if they got relegated we wouldn't have had the yts right and in the other conference yeah not the conference yeah and in the end uh the last game of the season I think they needed money did a draw to stay up or something and they were losing and the ball went off the pitch and the tourkey player went running off to get it quick and there's a policeman with a police dog and the police dog thought the player was going after the policeman so bit the player and the play got stopped for like eight or nine minutes for the Vlad to get treatment on his bite and they scored the equalizer in the extra time so I was that close to being actually not having a job and this guy scored came in the old Tottenham left back which was really good for me because he had he had a different sort of level of knowledge of football and I was going to say what was it like playing in that fourth division it's a tricky tricky Winger did you get it was brutal Target yeah well I was playing open age when I was 15. so I was used to playing against men as a as a kid sort of thing and then got down to Turkey Sarah Knowles realized a few of the apprentices were a little bit lightweight and a little bit weak so he used to play Murder ball used to play First Years versus second um on a little old concrete car park he used to put too far aside pitches either end and said right there's only one rule and that's no punching so we all just used to like kicked 10 barrels of out of you so you sort of got used to using your elbows and getting kicked and kicking back and so it toughened a few of us up but it was brutal yeah I'm six foot four and I'm still riding in Corners in that game yeah it was horrible I mean silver Knowles was so aggressive it's about fights nearly got into training when he was like ragdolling people and the manager yeah I was rag Dolly's Place sent rafkin he was always against the center of he was like he'd be ragged on him he'd be nutmegging him he had the sweetest left what I've ever seen and the bloke is like mid-40s overweight and was still the best player on my pitching training sounds a bit like me so you only played 14 games before yeah we're interested I think I probably only started about seven so do you think that's you know talking about Birmingham releasing you not Tough Enough a lot must have changed in that time at Torquay you've been released gone to Torquay and then all of a sudden yeah I think I think murder ball certainly helped I think probably probably showing that you can play in the fourth division as a 16 year old kid probably helped when was when did you first realize that the interest from United you see you only start at seven because there must have been in touch before that now that there was there was nothing so so I don't think I think I think I got dropped out the squad I think I was in the squad and traveled but didn't really play and then it was after Christmas it was like February time I started playing again um and it was like February March time that um we played a game on a Friday night um I went back to the digs didn't know anything about it um and then there's footsteps coming out of the digs of the corridor knock on my door I don't know what you've been doing or where you've been but the manager and Club secretary downstairs half one in the morning so sit downstairs like what the going on uh we've just been driven around Torquay for the last hour and a half back of a Jaguar with Alex Ferguson and Archie Knox they're not leaving turkey till they shake your hand in the morning they want to take to Manchester United so I'm like okay where's that come from like out of nowhere I'm focus when you went listen he said you've got good lines he said you're tall he said you are very skinny at the moment but you'll fill out he said you can see you're an athlete you're quick you said you took a couple of wax around the head and a couple of chunky challenges he said but you just seem to get up and carry on you were you weren't particularly bothered he said so you've got everything that we looked for he said we'll we'll stick you in the reserves for a couple of years and right you sat in your room what are you what's going through your head I went to the living room first so the landlady mate was was seeing one of the players from Turkey I like called Dave Caldwell it was six foot four glass region got sent off five times a season I was there just an absolute Ed banger um but a really good lad so I walked he went right sit down son who's in for you I said how do you know he says two o'clock in the morning manager and secretary don't come realize it's important who's in for you I said it's Manchester United in it he said right I've got a bit of advice for you did you go up there you ask her this this and this so they don't give you that that's good this this and this so if they don't give you that just go this this and this they don't give you that it just sign anyway solid advice imagine now well then in negotiations are it basically that's your none it was just like you're just going around my dad because my dad had been down to the game with my mum no mobile phone so I ring the house phone and uh I said dad he's like you all right it's like you know after two in the morning I was like yeah yeah I said I've just had the manager around said uh I've got to see Alex Ferguson tomorrow morning they want to take me to Manchester United and I was expecting my dad to go oh well done some just deathly silent saw the end of the phone for like 20 seconds I'm like Dad he's like yeah yeah he said you know I'm just a bit concerned he said um he's sort of making a name for yourself you're getting in the team you're playing regular you know you could go up there and just get swallowed up and never seen again he says I'm just a little bit concerned on Dad I've got to go he's like oh no I know you've got to go he said I'm just thinking running through things yeah that's good though I think yeah yeah and see where you're coming from he's like well yeah he said absolutely Brilliance let us know where it goes so so did you say you went in with the youth team when you first got up there I went into the reserves because I saw him Pro I was I wasn't an apprentice so I signed Pro I was in the reserve team dressing room um so played with uh sort of Fergie's fledglings used to call themselves like Mark Robbins Daniel Graham Russell beers more Lee Martin um Graham Hogg was there at the time uh Chris Turner was the goalie I mean in the first team they had like Jasper Olson Gordon Strachan Norman Whiteside Robbo um so it's a pretty strong first team dress room at the time was he always on the lookout you know because he made the trip down the Torquay and did he take an interest in yeah basically pushing you to to get in with the first team this is Ferguson no no no it was he was never a pushy to sort of get you integrated into the first team he knew everybody so so the scoreboards would turn up um school holidays and he knew the parents name he knew the kid's name uh he went watching The A Team the B Team the reserves uh he ran the club top to bottom he was it was a workaholic Fergie he was non-stop I bet I'm guessing he was never at home he would watch a reserve team gaming watching 18 game on a Saturday morning he would watch yeah and then he would be going out watching teams that were due to play to do his own Wrecking [Music] he gets to shout out to people when he's out but he gets shouted that when he's out it's pretty much everybody yeah we're not see him we've heard a lot about that relationship he has with parents did he were you did your mum and dad go down when you initially went down having the them yeah yeah I mean he was he was really good with my mom and dad um he was really friendly he was just with me he wasn't friendly yeah he I mean he was when you first get there you know everybody says when you saw him for Fergie you just feel like a million dollars you know I mean it took me I was a 17 year old kid when I was 16 when I first went up and he met me off the chain at Piccadilly station I didn't send a drive with the name placard it was him at the bottom of the platform uh took me around to Old Trafford introduced me to all the the restaurant staff and all the secretarial stuff and this is our new signing and I'd come for like 200 Grand from as a 16 year old kid from Torquay and I was getting paraded around the ground as I was a five million pound signing yeah um so it does make you feel like you're at home it does make it feel like a family Club um so it is really warm in his then when you've got your name signed on the dotted line he's like he then starts getting into your rooms we are actual realistic expectations uh just a couple of years in the reserves I never even dreamed to the first team and when I got there I realized how far off I was from everybody else I was walk you know we were going into training we'd get there 15 20 minutes before training there's lots of pinging balls around and then flushing it balls coming up around here somewhere the legs up here they're bringing it down with the outside of the boot the first touch is immaculate I've got a pair of Adidas trumpet on this place I'm like oh my God I just don't belong here so you just have to knuckle down work on your first touch work and you got Lads touching that urine I can call you the fox he's turned off and you've come in and stuff to come in here to do an ice put most money paid for a yts player at that point at United sorry so yeah so I didn't I didn't see a fee I didn't know the fee yeah um the pressure yeah I didn't really feel a pressure apart from what was putting on myself and to go up to the standard of yeah that was in the dress already yeah the tots and the organisms come in this useless you know you know all those first few days like star struck a little bit oh massive yeah massive yeah for weeks you're like that yeah you still get to know the place you but to go from Torquay where we had our we used to wear our own training kit so you get your own training kit you took it back to the digs once a week to wash it so it's getting dirtier and dirtier depending on how muddy the pictures have been or how sweaty it's been because it's been hot you're training the same kit all week then take it back to your digs to wash it at the end of the week whereas turkey to United you turn up you've got your own Squad number your own little Kip rolled in a towel your sweatshirt and your jogging bottoms on your on your pick your boots under your bench it's just like this is just a consider it's a different game you're playing yeah how long was it from when you signed to your first name debut not long I think it was like September so they were struggling for left back so then Colin Gibson was injured uh again injuries get you in and uh she must have done all right and then you know you're talking about your touch and you never let them talk obviously I was a left Winger and then we played a practice game at the training ground and for the last 15 20 minutes of the Train the practice game Brian uh White House Morris White House Morris I can't remember his name now he went I'll just go and play left back for the last 20 minutes to show the gaffer what you can do so I played 20 minutes that left back he was like all right okay well done and then I come off that was on like the Tuesday and on the Thursday manager comes to me today are you feeling it's like yeah yeah I'm all right then on the Friday economy said right I'm gonna I'm gonna play you tomorrow left back West down and the managers come to me so listening playing against Mark Ward today he said he's not going to do you for Pace he said but he can he can be a bit nasty so just protect yourself in tackles he said you shouldn't have any problem didn't any of the lads look after you in that regard always yeah yeah rubber was just sends anybody because because when we did when I was in the team there's only me gigsy and kanchelskis we could take a kick in all day long but we could never hurt someone back that kicked us so if someone hadn't sorted out someone that was kicking Us by half time the managers and what he's he's been booted all over the place none of you have sorted it out oh so they've got somebody else's responsibility oh they're not right we'll sort it will sort it so you'd have like Paul links Roy Keane Mark Hughes Brown Robson right we'll we'll sort this out and the manager that gives you a bit more confidence if they've got you back the managers let him down yeah yeah kicked all over the place they're like all right okay we'll we'll run the case and they would just smash people back in the day when you could smash people if you've got a kick as well would you like look at Robin just yeah I know what's coming I know it's coming you're it's like big brother little brother in it I met a crack at school and you also did that yeah no problem who was your wingman at this time were you were you going out and when you start getting into the team when I first got there 1718 uh it was sort of more reserves really the first team Lads are a bit older I weren't knocking around with them a lot of them had wives and kids so there's more the reserves it was more it was knocking around with then people Lads from the digs really um so we had Mark bosnich was in our digs uh Sean gota are roomed with in our digs and there were a couple of others Wayne bullymore was was a the sweetest left foot he didn't quite make it at United went to Barnsley I think yeah you know I didn't even realize she came through at United yeah yeah because yeah I think he's the only player he signed twice buzznitch right wealth up to yeah because he came early and then he left yeah so so bossnitch because he came from Australia couldn't get a work permit so he was only on expenses as a as a as like a trial list so bossy was uh possibly what a character buzzie was so bossy got in with all the gangsters because we we stayed in Salford and Buzzy got in with all the gangsters uh and I was I was in one digs not with bossy then I moved out of Diggs to get my own house when I was in the first team and then the manager kicked me out and put me back in ding he kicked it out right yeah because I was playing oh so I was 18 I've been in the team for a year I said listen I hate the digs there's 12 of us in the digs feeding time was just like Carnage feeding time because I was because I was in digs I was going my dad had a macro card so I was going to macro buying big box of sweets and chocolates and and I'd go away for an away game and come back the next night everything had just been Savaged by all the lads there's no privacy at all so they'd neck told me sweets and next to everything I bought so like I need to get out of things so 18 I'd been in the team for you I was like I want to buy my own house um I've been good at my girlfriend since I was 12. at school I said so she wants to move up and get a job and we're going to get a little louder some ways like right he says you're a bit young he said a lot of people staying digs a bit longer so because you've been in the first team that's okay so if your form suffers you're straight backs I was like yeah yeah fine whatever so she came up come up about six months later well at anfield I'm 18. remember I've been the team for 18 months I'm 80 I'm still a kid I have no idea what what day it is what I'm doing why I'm there whatever and we're at anfield we're coming at half time and he just rips into me you you little you can't run you can't edit you can't pass it your girlfriend's going back to Birmingham you're back in digs you're selling your car you're selling your dog you're useless dog dog gone get out get out there I'm sorry yeah you can play and as he's Bullock at me I'm sort of sliding down the seat like anfield of all places I went out and had a to the second half and you dragged me with about 20 minutes to go I had to go out and tell her she had to go home I was back in dig so swap digs and end up with bossy and me digs so you so you missed at the time I had to literally move back to Birmingham yeah when was it that he came to the house huh when when was it when he turned up at your house that was uh about 18 months later that was that was a different house oh so you've done your yts again in the digs and yeah so 18 halfway through the year I went back into digs which is when I was with bossy bossy got involved with the gangsters of Salford um and I went in his room one night and he just had boxes of camcorders and tellys and I'm like what are you doing he's like I'm only on expensive I've got to earn some money somewhere I'm Gonna Knock these out to the lads unbelievable I had Sean gouching the first things obviously from Bermuda felt the cold so we're in this uh Terry Stauss and the landlady bought the Terry status next door so she leave one side and all the lands leave the other and we had the front room which used to be a living room so we had a gas fire in there with two single beds and a wardrobe and I'd go away for a game I'd come back at like one two in the morning after traveling and go to be there with two pairs of jogging bottoms on a pair of thermal socks two hoodies pair of gloves wooly hat sat in front of the full electric fire like that freezing it I was like Jesus Christ incredible tell us that one when he did turn up when you and gigs were back at yours oh that was that was a so so at 90 so at 19 at 19 I got in the team and started the season while I scored the attic at Ivory scored the winner at Everton uh got an England squad um so I said he came to me says oh we're going to give you a new contract I went right okay I said um I need to move out of Diggs I need to ask you are you sure I was like yeah I've got to get out of the things I said it's murdered I said it's killing me the food's terrible so there's no privacy you've got England cup and you're still in digs yeah it's actually mud that you've got to ask in it yeah yeah so I said I said I'm not signing unless I get to get to get my own house says all right okay no problem so I'll go and buy this house a new build so Barrett or redrow whatever it was and gigs is still living at home all the young Lads are in Diggs gigs his mates are still living at home I think I was about 19 coming up to 20 maybe so gigsy Rings me uh lunch on about having a couple of beers we don't play till Sunday this is Thursday night so by the letter of the law you've got 48 Hours aren't you but you are training on the Friday train on the Friday um and it is I can I think it was I think it might have been Liverpool on a Sunday so it's not ideal really um so gigsy turns up uh with three girls that are not supposed to be there three or four of his mates um six or seven of the young Lads come down apprentices knock on the door 10 o'clock after and we're getting ready to go out and um knock at the door I'm doing me buying it upstairs and one of the lads runs upstairs says you'll never guess what managers downstairs right no no no no I said it's not so no you mean I said it's a taxi driver that looks like him [Laughter] it gets me every time I said just just go and jump in the car I said we need to be there by after 10 so guys no no I'm telling you to the manager so I sort of peer over the stairs and the manager's got his Scarlet face on with a bit of froth in the corner of his mouth and the White Knuckles sharp get your ass down these stairs get in that living room with that gigs get every one of these out this house I want a word with you too not tonight and it and he just sat he stood by the front door booted everyone up the backside and smacked around the back of the head and told them where to go there were lands diving out windows under vents into wardrobes it was something I like I would carry on film and uh and he sat me in gigs and just give us the bollocking of our lifetime and I was sat in the armchair there gigs was on the end of the couch there he's over to me in my face like that the knuckles would be on I'm thinking he's just gonna swipe me anytime now he's just gonna swipe me and I'm like that and as he's like right up against me face and he's spitting and frothing the steams coming off his face you can't run you can't pass it you're letting your teammates down you're letting your family down this and then he's over to gigsy you're letting your family down you're letting your mum down this down and there's double doors through to me dining room where I've got a big sparkly set of drums I haven't got a dining room table and that's his buttock he was saying and then what the drunk I'll give you drums not a glance on one and you're both in my office I'm like oh Jesus Christ how did he know how did you know to turn well this is the thing we had not I had no idea until about 12 months ago and someone told me it was gigsy's mum gigs his mom had rang him and said I'm not sure what you're up to Mr Ferguson but our Ryan and a load of his mates have just gone around to Sharpies so he was at dinner in Southport apparently a black Thai dinner and he put his knife and fork down halfway through his dinner put his knife and fork down and went sorry gotta go I've got a problem with one of my players I drove straight around my house and booted everybody I ruined the night for us to be fair it's in your face did you play on the Saturday at the Sunday no gigsy did I was sub we could match for a bit Yeah because we obviously he was he's coming through in the the spotlight put on him he's coming up behind you and and they were talking about the next George best and everything at that time when they're coming through the ranks yeah we knocked around for a big Yankees run out for a bit I'm not going with him and his mates his mates were good lads um yeah well I mean we we knew you always know at a club don't you winner when a good young lad's coming through so we knew about gigsy when when he was 13 14 same with Bex um Bex is always around the dressing room school holidays and he was there with his dad every time played in London he was he was in the dressing room with his dad so we knew about Bex before before most people so yeah you know these people are coming in by the way you must be one of the only people one of the only footballers Roy Kane speaks well off yeah he was amazing I love keaney I think I'm probably the only footballer that he's ever knocked around with that he's never had a Fallout with he's had fallouts and arguments and Tantrums with with everybody I know and for some reason I don't I don't know why because I'm the sort of player if I played anywhere else he would loathe and detest me because of what I stood for because I stood for entertainment fund smiley um he was he was a total opposite to me but I suppose I took it I don't I don't think I took him under my wing but I looked after him a little bit when he first got there took him out when he first got there he was he was aggressive and quite a a nasty drunk at times I looked him looked after him in certain situations and put him in cabs and sent him home and got him out of trouble so I think he he sort of appreciated that we sat next to each other in the training ground we went out loads um it was it was different class skinny absolutely loved him you tell the woman with a watch because he's told it on another one yeah the watch story was again he come into train he was like uh the hotel's been robbed when he was away with Ireland he says so I've just had a insurance policy come through I've just got five grand into my bank for me Rolex and the lads tell me you know a jeweler I think it was Robinson's in in Manchester you think it'd be a business would see him down yeah he probably had a few watches himself um and we just took him in after training we went in this little room downstairs had a cup of tea lad put ten Rolexes out he's like I won a Rolex and he's gonna be I don't want one too big my wrist's a bit skinny this that and the other so he's trying on the Rolex it's only one you want which one do you reckon so I'm like come on Kenny The Lads away and they're all in the pub Tuesday afternoon it's like the lad's waiting in the pub just buy a watch um just just buy a watch buy a watch man that's what we have it's not like which one do you reckon I was like well I said I'm not really into gold jewelry I put the gold on with the white face gold Rolex Daytona uh I said the gold one with the white face looks the best on you so you're just thinking I'll just tell him anyone just because yeah he did I was like I I did I didn't even look at the prices because I went buying he's like yeah I do like it and then he said to my mate the juices what do you reckon he went yeah he said the gold one the gold rate I'm like Sharpie I'm not into gold watches he said with the gold one with the white face it's the best watch there suits your skin tone right right size face is all the salesman it's the right sized face uh he said that's the best watch there he went oh yeah go on it I love this one he said he's my credit card boxes we'll finish this cup and tea and we're going to see The Lads I went yeah well donkey in a good decision so that takes up to clean the watch up and box it up with his credit card he says he's hell Sharpie yo man's top man I'm like that's so unusual for Kenny to be talking good about someone that he doesn't know I'm like yeah yeah it's a good land but why'd you say that he's like got a business he's trying to make a profit put 10 watches out there for me and out of all of them he's told me to have the cheapest one I said you're taking a visit yeah you're a no no 1200 quid for that watch says 12 Grand you that faster what are you talking about his face went Scarlet whatever you do don't tell The Lads I've only just signed they're going to think I'm all right flash bastard I mean keaney's your Secret Safe of me don't worry photos of watches and clocks in the dressing in the time he got cane for it I think he's still got it now it's probably worth about twice is out by ten thousand eight hundred pounds over 10 grand yeah he's like thank God we sign on for he's gonna record it or bounced well I couldn't have got you out there with 10 grand it was it was funny I mean keaney you know okay he's what you see is what you get he's straight down the line no messing about um he's very black and white um I think he I think he was always of the thing because because Big Pete used to come out and bollock and and shout and he was all kidneys like you're doing that for the crowd and what goes back to us so I'm not Injustice if you want to fight and you want to argue he said do it in here and we'll have it he said I'll have it with you I said not a problem but don't do it out there in front of me Bruce she was the same brief she's like don't start doing this out there waving your arms and shouting is it because it's just for show so if you've got a problem we'll deal with it in here and I think it was building up and building up with with schmikes and then I think a couple of I think there might have been a couple of 50 50 tackles Ian Wright always sort of did schmeichel and I think I think he he might shirked a couple of challenges or did something and Keely just lost it and went after him because he didn't him in Palestine used to be close and then just yeah that was that was I was with him for that I mean keaney was doing my alien I'll threatened to it myself that night no I said we're running a large trip close close season oh I'm going too much into because I don't know whether they get a bit embarrassed about it but um we we'd gone mid-season for a summer break and we've been given license to have a drink and we went out like two in the afternoon end up with some dodgy bar in in benus at four in the morning when you just you can't speak properly you've been on it for 14 hours it's like and me Pally and keaney just sat there and Patty's like right I've had enough I'm gonna go home and King just starts laying into him God yeah possibly go and ring him Missy it's gone oh my God Kenny it's four o'clock in the morning there's nothing going on we better go yeah we've had a good look at it just leave me alone get back to you Mrs under the thumb this another Polly walks out so it all gets left and within three minutes of Pally leaving Kenny's like that shall we go just gained him for leaving now he's like I know what he just deserved cane so we come out and apparley is a kebab stand waiting for a kebab and keaney's at him again honey just this year I'll go I can speak to you missy you're under the thumb how is like keaney if you don't shut up I'm just gonna drop you and Kenny's like swaying we're all sort of swaying a little bit like that none of us can see properly and keaney's chirping and chirping and chirping and I think keaney you do I'll give my head in now I'll drop you in a minute and he just keeps on and on and on and on like a little pecking woodpecker and Pali just decides to throw one so Paulie just swings at him and as he does keaney's like just on on the on the sway going back Mrs keaney's nose by about a quarter of an inch and as king goes like that he catches his wrist and you saw that you saw that okay to be fair just crack on they never spoke for two years over that drunken incident I got up next morning I thought it was quite funny and they just didn't decided not to speak for two years so not we didn't knock around as a sort of three ball as we said did you just go over there just use as a holiday how how often were you actually going obviously at the party by image how often were you actually going out uh after probably just after every game like on a Saturday you'd go out uh because you'd have Sunday off me Pally and keaney would go out into town by the time we got out after the game it would be 11 off 11. so we'll have a couple of hours for a couple of the manager pulled us he pulled the three of us like you three out again last night but like yeah he said why are you going out drinking after the game but will we all live on our own we're full of adrenaline we can't sleep it's like can't you just go home and have a drink he's like we want to sit at home on our own drinking it's like yeah but people are seeing you drinking when you're out it's not a good look and it's like yeah but we generally sit on our own and we're talking about the game that's just gone on usually because you're still fresh in your mind and it's like we only have a few drinks and go on we don't go home smashed he's like yeah but I just rather you didn't like well I'm sorry but we're single Lads we're not going to go on our own we can't sleep so it's as simple as that even I don't think you're going to be another Brian Robson we're like we don't go anywhere near that he drinks us all under the table he's like right just be careful we're like right okay so we'd accepted that you need that you couldn't sleep after the game you could have a few beers I think it was when it got close to a game or you had a runner games did you wanted you to to sort of look after yourself and he did get more into that but you knew he knew that the the team spirit and team bonding through a drink important helped help the team more than it but imagine everybody at every Club were doing this at that time oh God yeah yeah I I I went to Leeds after and I spoke to a couple of lads with when I went away with England and they were up to 10 times worse than what we were getting up to yeah because we were under such a spotlight and the club was so big and Fergie was so strict our team was reasonably well behaved yeah I would say still takes a bit of bollocks or to say no sorry I'm I'm still going out boss yeah you're within the rules aren't you you know we're old enough to drink we all lived on our own we weren't going to go home and drink on our own so we had to realize that there were certain battles that it could win and certain battles that he couldn't really Norman's just sitting in your front room drinking totally depressing yeah chat lick a bird exactly that was the other one who pulled me up on some women he ran me mum well my mom said Mrs sharp um I'm just wondering if you can have a word with Lee have a way to release not live with us for five years manager one you have a word with him what's the problem so he seems to be getting a lot of attention from the female population of Manchester and the problem is he's taking most of them upon their offer [Laughter] it must have been like picking fish out of a fish ball back there that was ridiculous yeah it was ridiculous I mean I always say to people Manchester at the time the years we played Manchester as a city um the Premier League coming in I was being successful it was just a perfect storm it was the I mean nights out we had our own little section of a bar we had our own dorm and stood on the on the on the corner of the bar where we were to make sure there's no trouble um and at the time man city were obviously I know they were even in our league at times they were definitely a division blow at times so a couple of the Man City players stood over there with like three or four girls around them and then a couple of islands stood here with like okay 300 and you look out he just wave I thought you're gonna go bounces can you go and get them for them thank you oh it's for the Nikki some of it he was hilarious did you feel like um Alex folks are treating you differently because of that portion of image and yeah but so the thing is I I had a gripe with him right because Alex Ferguson was all about setting his players down and getting them married early he wanted to get married as soon as possible because he knew he got your own more and and married men obviously don't go out as much as single men and then he wanted to have kids which is his actual responsibility so you took your game a bit more seriously you went home you looked after yourself so after he threw after he kicked my girlfriend home who always plan on marrying that was me you know I was in love with this girl when I was from 12 it was yeah score time sweetheart and the rest of it and he kicked her role and then at least once a week after he kicked her Army would come up to me and trying to go you married yet need to settle down you married yet I was like gaffer you've kicked my girlfriend now I said we've just split up she's just gone with someone else I said I'm heartbroken I said that's me I'm done I said I'm never settling down never marrying I said you come in you're asking the wrong question to the wrong person you this I said you it up I said I'm not getting married so stop asking me yeah and then he kept asking me to get married I was like mate you've done it I said it's over vocabulary I'm not doing it but every offer from that point this is your fault gaffer I worked on it did you get on withins yeah going into all right yeah yeah I knocked around with NC for a little while um I stated into his house uh when I bought the new house that the manager came around to like I said it was on a on a new build estate and it wasn't quite finished when I when I bought it uh I needed like fully fully decorated so I stayed at into his house for three weeks three weeks a month something like that so I stayed into his house um that was an experience the governor so so the funny story so go Inc is all like uh I'm the governor and I I run the show and miss that and the other and I'm like all right yeah yeah so I stayed at his house and most days I would drive my car because I would I would go off and play golf or go do whatever there's no way I was going to sit in the interview with him and his misses and the kids so some days I would drive some days I would jump in with him if I know it was coming on one day I jumped in the car with him and we've only got we've only got Chucky's on we've been to China We've Come Back he gets home he's not got a front door key it's just like he's like oh I know where Claire will be clear I'll be at Angela B is this expensive clothes shop in in bramall and near Stockport he's all got there I said oh by the way I said I'll take you up there so there's a lovely young bird working in there so in 1920. call Gail or something and see what she was doing I'll go introduce you I was like oh nice one let's go and have a look Angela beers is on a main road and the shop front is there and you pull in and there's like three or four car parking spaces right in front of the shop so we pull right outside of the front door in the middle of the shop and just as we're getting out the car Claire is walking out of the shop with about two bags under each arm herself and then two or three shop assistants with like Pretty Woman Like pretty woman walking out all done right well thank you very much see you next week and this or another we get out of the car Claire walks out and goes where the aren't you think you're going I win what you talking to him like that I went into are you having that yeah she's talking to NC where the aren't you think you're going just like that um we've just come back from training and so we're just going to pop in here because apparently there's someone called Gail that into shooting your stepping foot in no shop dressed like that embarrassing me get back in that car get yourself home I went into come on he went nah come on we'll do it another time getting by his missus Gail no oh never actually been the one but now inseas for all the same haven't we we're all governors outside until we get home yeah there's only one bus at home what were the from other Lads where when it comes to Alex wrote that Alex Ferguson there seems to be like a an element of fear but it didn't it doesn't sound like that affected you as much that oh no oh definitely had the fear I was petrified there's no way there's no way I felt comfortable going into his office and saying right I'm gonna have someone out with him because he would just destroy me and I'll be too nervous and I'll just go under he said I've got to do something I'll do it yeah I mean on the picture without a doubt I mean one of the things that was always in the backyard was you can't let the manager down he's told you to do this job you've got to make sure you do this uh and there was definitely a fear there's an area of fear around the club whenever you heard his voice down the corridor that whenever you come you heard him come in some people would go and sit in a toilet queue because so they wouldn't have to see him other people would just walk out and go into a different dress now um so so I mean he he ruled by fear you know there wasn't there wasn't a game that we played I don't think maybe he's coming and not hair dried someone but then the senior approach would stand up and there could be nearly a fight and you'd have the staff pulling the manager off and players pulling the player off and and we could be coming in at three and a half time we're winning and he's gone off on someone and someone's got up and gone I'm not having it so a lot of them stood up to him but he still did have that fear without shoving that it was it was definitely fearful he was aggressive man you ever get close enough to swinging oh loads yeah loads of times players pulled apart yeah do you think you just saw through the ending because he comes in he's at it and then this the argument starts he's right and the players got up and he's got up and the jackets come off and the players have gone right we're having it and then the staff have had to pull the manager away the players have pulled the other players away it's been close a couple of times things I know what we're laughing about about that the stuff where your girlfriend was nothing to do with the football was it so was it that in in your head thinking I'm actually pissed off about this you know when he you end up splitting up and yeah well yeah you get angry and and bitter towards him you know and then and then certain things he bollocks you for and says things about it you're just like you yeah you know you get that and I think I think to a certain degree is a bully and and when you're bullied people push back in different ways so I push back in and they're like you I can't be asked way and in another way it was a smiley and you sort of put on a brave face because you don't know how else you're either gonna go under and cry because he's having a guy that much or you laugh and go well I'm not bothered dealing with it in your own ways did he change when the class of 92 came no he was he was still I think he probably changed a little bit of mellowed a little bit after they've done the trouble so he was definitely getting that way a bit later on while I was there but we were winning things so when you're winning things it's obviously easier to be yeah a little bit less aggressive and passive and but he was he was still still brutal did Fergie try and reel you in with the celebrations no that was that was him an insulin I did my own and then insane [Music] Ivory on the Tuesday night and the picture is like a carpet and I think I did a couple of forward rolls and a slide on my knees for the three goals they're meant to Everton on the Saturday and the picture is like a farmer's field it was bubbly and dry and so I was just warming up before the game across the pitch I just said to NC I have a score today it's no way I can slide on my knees let him do my cruise ship so you'll have to think of something else then and the game was horrible but Everton always always was at Everton and then the ball's just ricocheted over to me and I side footed it in the bottom corner right in front of our fans and I've done the stupid sort of Shuffle thing sat on the bus after the games the first week it started showing the Highlight Reel of all the goals from the league straight after the game quarter to six they showed all the goals someone's just like right quarter to six from the bus so I'm all right okay so I'm thinking I took at Ivory on Tuesday winner at goodison on Saturday right good news proper weekend of this and sat on the bus got the card score behind us I think I'm sat with and I might be my gigs eating and um quarter to six manager's not there like come on gaffer Court six plus we're leaving so he gets all about six o'clock 15 minutes later that's like give him a round of applause he's got a Scarlet face on bits of froth White Knuckles thinking Jesus just one one Miller evidence decent result he's not happy with someone come stomping up the bus I'm like can I lose after here looking around come straight up to me right in my face what was all that carry on after you scored your little get your feet on the floor where the hard you think you are stop that and I was like slowing down your seat again like that lad's like giggling at me at the card score behind he walks off and they're like what have you done wrong now it's like I don't know I thought I thought I just scored the winner I've been bought it for the dance after so that sort of got me a little bit I thought if you got got a problem with it then pull me in on Monday morning and say listen the dancing thing yeah I need to have a chat about it rather than straight after yeah was he alright with you after they'll say on the Monday morning would he forget about it and just act normal he would forget about it they're always little sort of jibes that you knew it was still in the back of his head it's not the last time you did it then no course not because I suppose you've got the manage room at one side of your bollocking you but then you've got in the press the sharpest Shuffle it all and all this stuff you're like oh yeah I'm enjoying it yeah it wasn't even so much of the press it was more like do you know what I'm 19 years old 20 years old I'm playing for probably the biggest club in the world with some of the best supporters and I I have a bit of a connection because I feel like I'm a bit of a fan myself and the fans are all like oh we love it we love it and I thought you know what I don't get to score that many I'm going to enjoy the moment when I score it because it's not going to last that long it's not going to be that many times so I think we went to Villa away not so long after and there was a scrappy gold gold line scuffle and I end up like Miss hitting one inner Summit right in front of our fans again and I did this half Shuffle type thing and I come in the dressing room after the game and Archie Knox went I've just dragged the manager back he was halfway down the running track trying to get at you after you score because he saw you doing the dance it seems like he yeah didn't want to like you yeah that that's that's part of the thing that I got rather than rather than sort of sit down and chat to me and get to know me he didn't like the bits that he saw on the surface which was more which was more bravado for me more of a more of a surface thing for me because underneath you know when I was struggling with my game I would just lie at home on the couch just staring at the telly I'm wondering how I'm gonna fix things so I would I would change my eating habits I would change my sleeping habits I would change I would not go out for a fortnight and just stay home and not not drink a beer and and I would still have a game where I would play well and a game where I would not play well in a game where I'd play well I couldn't work out it was all obviously in my own net yeah but I couldn't work I was looking for something that would help me and you were crying out for probably the managers used to say are you all right yeah just just relax and just play your game and something if you if you remember because obviously Keating is well documented now he's the the big fallen out would it started back then do you think was there always someone underlying with his relationship with uh Ferguson yeah I mean you did you definitely didn't like keaney's drinking habits because because keaney was a was a big drinker and I think the manager pulled him and said listen you can be an average player and carry on drinking or you can be one of the best players in the world and stop drinking then Kenny just stopped and then became one of the best players in the world it would talk about being my manager we went to Portugal on a pre-season mid-season trip and he followed us for not gone not pushing the boundaries not drinking he's like I want to just out I want you know prostitutes back at the hotel you're a bunch of fannies [Laughter] but I think Jack Charlton was a was a big advocate of it and I think you saw what the island team was like under Jack and what they achieved under Jacks I think he was quite happy for Lads to have a drink I think he's happy for people to have a drink now he said he still goes out with the lads that have a drink when he was with Martin O'Neill with Ireland he said he'd still be out till three four in the morning but he just wouldn't drink he just he loved the banter with the lads and being around him but he just didn't drink and I must have been one of his favorites Cantona ooh one of Fergie's oh he was like a long lost son he piss you off he could do nothing wrong no because we all like Cantona yeah and we knew what he bought to the team he bought an arrogance he bought um a flare he bought a belief that if we're under the cost pardon upon he would he would produce something later on in the game when the game when we look like we're never going to score for as long as we're playing like he would come up with summer and and he was aggressive so so he would get stuck in he wouldn't share tackles and he wouldn't shirk responsibility so and he was one of the boys he liked to come out for a beer he liked to you know get on get on the town and be one of the boys so I think that they all took to him pretty quickly what are you a good trainer yeah yeah really good trainer really good standard in training really good finishing when we did cross and finishing always really good uh always to stay till the end so it was a it was a really good Pro so do you know when he's gone Kung Fu kicking into the crowd are you like yeah that's why that's Eric no that was a bit that was a bit normal because because obviously you've got to remember before that are you on the pit yeah before that he's been sent off a couple of times for stamping on people I think he stamped on monkure at Swindon he stumped on someone else so we know he's he can lose his head and he can get sent off for for stupid stuff but that was just to Kung Fu somewhere and then and then get up and drop them left uppercut right off he thinks he's surrounded we're thinking no are they really just done that you think the manager's got to go off on him when he comes in there's no I know the manager likes him but you can't allow people to get away with doing stuff like that but there's a lie in it and that's definitely a line but yeah this The Story Goes because a lot of the time we can tonight it did give the ball away loads of time so so a lot of the game we'd get players coming in like Robson or Bruce or they'd come in and go listen you need to get the Frenchman off he's giving the ball away all day long he can't keep hold of it he's just you've got to bring him off to the manager I'll just leave him just leave him he'll be fine keep giving him the ball and at Crystal Palace he'd nearly been sent off already make a couple of Rush challenges so the lads are like get the Frenchman off his head's gone he's going to get sent off we're going to be down to the Friendship are you referred to him as the Frenchman get the Frenchman off a man just like I've just pulled him in the tunnel I've done took a deep breath and count to ten we need him out there to win as a second and he's promised me he's going to do something special so like all right okay no problem so we go out 20 minutes later keeper kicks the ball out catches Augusta windy turns around to chase it sent Rob's all over him volley's the center off straight to the back side three yards from The Ref red card straight out you're off like told you pleasure manager told you so we're like we've got a game in our hands 10 men Crystal Palace we've got to do he's blowing a gale pitch is dry bubbly horrible they're kicking ten barrels of out of us well we've got a game on here so the game starts again we look over you're a big cheer and there's Eric halfway over the Billboards left uppercut right off guys picking up teeth we're on the Pisco you know manager's got to go we're we're scot-free we couldn't do it we can do a bit here now we'll show about in high five and up Corners slapping each other's asses okay Canton I was gonna get it and I'm just talking about cantal getting sent up and we're getting the dress soon come on Lads dress room now remember head down don't make eye contact with the manager put your towels over your clothes keep your clothes dry because everything's gonna shoot's gonna be the fan out so we come in manager smashes the door jackets off shirt sleeves are up medical bench in the middle of the room balls and shirts to be signed pots of tea and coffee plates of sandwiches that's turned over food and pots of tea we're getting scolded like that nudging each other what's these counts and I was gonna have it and he starts ballista you can't edit you can't tackle Kenny you've not laid a glove on anybody Sharpie you can't run my grandmothers quicker than you Coley you can't trap a bag of cement history of this club traveling fans performance like that you're only nine o'clock tomorrow to run your balls off and Eric you can't go around doing things like that so you are and then he carries on oh um because Gareth Southgate scored their goal and Eric was supposed to be picking up Southgate from corners and then he carries on and by the way who the else picking up Southgate their scorer no one's like that um the Frenchman Eric gaffer Eric well amazing you should have picked him up I'm not sure I can't think of well you should have got it that wasn't the problem like what was just like that just one rule for him one rule for everyone what did he do in there mate eight months he got banned for yeah what are you allowed to train no no no we didn't see him so he just he came back for a month or two before um and then played in a behind closed doors is Beyond closed I know it was it wasn't Beyond close it was a reserve game and like 25 000 turned up it was it was mental for reservation never been heard of yeah and um and someone tackle him after about 20 minutes and he went off he tweaked a bit of his knee ligament so he went off and I think at half time he came on the tunnel and apologize to everyone because he's had to come off early so put him back a little bit I not apologize for the Kung Fu kicking I'm sorry I've had to come off so even paid your entrance fee especially with the lads did any do you have a conversation with him afterwards did you say like if he had just and just wait yeah I don't know he was never really he was never really that talkative to be fair so he'd sort of say something to him and just come shrug his shoulders I don't know whether the lads talk to him individually but there's a few things got mentioned just like we didn't know for about a year that he spoke English he came in and pretended he didn't know anything and then we found out his missus was a was a French woman obviously but she talked English that was a subject matter so we knew everything that was going on the lads just didn't think he had a clue at first and he's just yeah I don't really get yeah it's like how he does seven major trophies which one meant the most uh it'd probably be a tie between the I think the European Cup winners Cup in Rotterdam against Barcelona was was huge for us and then the first premier league and the first premier league was was massive I think that because we'd lost the the last first division to Leeds after being a in a in a strong position and then just having so many games towards the end of the season and not a big Squad um killed us and to lose that League um I think that sort of spurred us on to go in the Premier League the next year but I think I think the the cook winners cup to beat Barcelona gave everybody the confidence that we could go on and win things against big teams we're difficult in them last last few years at United being going in and out it was was it a personal choice I want to get I need a change yeah it was yeah I just I've not played regular the last couple of years um I was I was sick of him bollocking me for everything from haircuts to Carl I drove to friends and Ops around with to clothes Awards and um everything it was just nitpicking everything about me and and the sort of the sort of player I am as well I was always nervous before every game and I needed to I'm sort of like I want to get at it and I want to go out and do well but I'm so nervous and I'm so like edgy I need to calm myself down and to have him on my shoulder knowing he's going to bother me for every little move just made it a hindrance rather too intense and two I just I just I wasn't enjoying it and I like I said I was at the biggest club with the best players The Lads were great the fans were great I just wasn't getting on with him I wonder if he looks back now and and thinks that it was the wrong thing to do the one wrong way to deal with ya do you know what I mean because all you needed was a it's an arm on the shoulder in it and yeah yeah well one of the texts I got from text I got from keaney it's a couple of years ago we were texting about something uh I think I might have just done an article about Fergie bollock give me loads and we'll talk about somewhere else then on the end of the text it's actually about going yet Fergie was a bit out of order he was a yeah I was like oh thanks it's nice to know that someone else was thinking it as well as nothing just maybe a little bit too late Roy but yeah a little bit in the end because some people need a dormer you know what there's different characters in changing rooms need that type of yeah you you obviously weren't like I could see with I could see why it worked with the players that he had they were so aggressive that I mean schmeichel Palace de Bruce ins Keane Robson Hughes Cantona that's the that's the spine of our team and they're all real aggressive winners Big characters I could see why try and fight him they'll fight you back and go right watch this whereas for someone like me who's not aggressive who's more of a creative confidence type player I can't have someone watching every movie because I'm not going to beat the fullback every time I get it I'm gonna have to have someone trust me that I'm gonna be able to do it two or three times a game and then put two or three good balls in and that'll be the two or three chances that we create and hopefully we score one or two of them and it's not going to happen every time so you need the the trust and the freedom to be able to you know that he knows that I'm gonna do it at some point and but you have to keep trying and keep trying to go inside you go outside you try and race them you're trying one two people you have to try different things to get past certain people and you have to be patient with it I don't know the the full story or back and what it sounds like it was the city was a knock on from you he took over your man oh you know this thing with the the cot on his eye and the hair dryer treatment you guys get streaks in their air and that don't it you're like pretty [Laughter] as well because Bex had just started seeing posh and was to and from London he weren't happy with the traveling that he was doing a couple of haircuts and hairstyles that he didn't like about Becks and a couple of clothes you know pieces of clothing he was wearing so I think he did have it a lot with with Becks as well but I think Beck's got himself in with a decent agent that explained to Beckham how to handle Fergie better than I did right yeah so I probably could have handled the situation better if it had someone outside because I mean fair play to me to me Dad you know I'm I'm late teens early 20s earning a good wage playing for a big Club my dad's like just sucking suck it up and get on with it like nobody it shouldn't work like that because I shouldn't be able to be playing it I should be playing better and better than what I'm doing because I'm just not getting help um I mean that's like I just gotta go and we liked you really like a son to him he's just tough love and I was like I can deal with tough love I said I just can't deal with being put down and caned for everything I'm doing so that's just that's not tough love that's just nice was that shake hands when you left when I left he was like listen you've been no trouble at this club anytime you ever need anything I'm always at the end of the phone not a problem thanks for your service and good luck to you it'd be no trouble apart on that time I had to come around and then and then when I'd finished I think it was not finished I did a book and I put in my book that he was a bully and then I went to do the Player of the Year Awards at uh Old Trafford for mutv and me and Lou Makari with the two sort of guests on but there were players come down from the award ceremony so we would step offset the current players would go on have an interview we would get back on chat about whatever and the manager was coming down at one point they were the managers coming Andrew and standing off set so like yeah yeah so me and lumakari stood over there why don't you come walking down the stairs and before he went on set he walked up to us both Shook lumakari's and blank me and walked onto the set oh I was like you small man that's just not it's not gentleman to me it's not you've not let bygones be bygones and just let things go he actually took an elder Grudge and wouldn't even shake my hand and say hello but even then even not recognizing the fact that you it's had that effect on you the fact that he was a bully it's more the fact that you've called him out for being a boy I actually made him feel like this yeah yeah sorry kind of thing yeah and if you oh it's a weird it's it was it was it was a weird a weird relationship that I had with him and have you spoke since that moment no no no no no did you feel there was a weight off your shoulders when you left then you know when you got the leads you just feel like a bit free yeah massively yeah yeah went to Leeds under Howard Wilkinson and um after a week and we've been there I would say to me listen sorry so I've paid a lot of money for you he said and I knew you were good he said but I didn't know you were that good he said the left-hand side of the pitch is yours get yourself fit go take people on get yourself back in England team enjoy your football confidence thanks for coming in Hallelujah ten foot tall he got sacked after a month you obviously weren't doing that for good well yeah by man united funnily enough he got sacked and then George Graham came in it was worse than Fergie oh no very quick break gentlemen for a message for our sponsor for this episode once again hello fresh I like this bit of the yeah yeah the podcast because it makes me saliva and we're getting excited and that we've got an under the cash boxing didn't we special for our trips away and we picked a meal each so happy with mine well do you know why convenience yeah I went for the 20 minute uh we live busy lives don't we yeah when we're on the go on the go young kids flying about yeah 20 minutes good very good well if you don't know hello fresh provide all the fresh ingredients on your doorstep have you used the app yeah you mean it's even easy with the app all the meals are there you can just scroll through and like you said what there's them 20 minute meals you've got low calorie meals what did you love John I had the Miso beef noodles so easy to cook coming from a non-chef but they do family friendly ultimate specials and all the ingredients are just there with the instructions on the card look at that turn it around photographs as well stop that is idiot proof idiot processor on your doorstep I think so you think I think what people want to know have we got an offer anything like that 60 off your first box and 25 off your next toolbox follow the link in the description we've got on the screen as well with the chord and um off your pop getting their meals on your on your doorstep feed all the family I made a nun Pizza as well the other day and in case you were bothered from hello Fred hello fresh nice did you like it 20 minutes again lovely she said to put her tooth into it it's not that idiot proof it doesn't say at the end turn the oven off no but yeah the Link's in the description and yeah get yourself involved get some uh the poor summer you know get back in your routine get some good meals inside you links in the description like I said 60 off your first Box 25 off your next two so you mentioned George Greenwell worse my what George Graham are worse oh George yeah well George Graham was was just stuck in the 80s a little bit he was he was it was just a little bit behind the times I suppose psychology wise training wise training was just all defensive man for man he used to play man for man on a Saturday so I mean at the time we had some some really good players and strong Squad at leads I think we played four or five games when he came in one or two drawn one lost a couple so sat mid table how would get sacked it comes in first thing he says George right Lads first things first we're going to avoid relegation we'll look at each other and think okay that's it's not very positive we're five games into the season just a little full of Internationals we were thinking if he kicks us on air we're looking at top six and he's saying we're going to avoid relegation then he played man for man on a Saturday so we'd have Lee Bowyer and Carlton Palmer in Midfield Lee Bowie and macca run into the box I'd cross it in keeper comes out collects it Lee Bowers man's on the edge of the Box cheating rolls out to him he runs 60 yards without anybody going near him because everybody else is like well I've got my man I'll be playing next week I've got my man it was just let him run through let him run all the way through yeah no one goes near him so he gets the edge of our box the other end I've seen it it was Bonkers but I think defensively he had everybody hunting in packs and everybody everyone was well drilled he liked people to be shown inside to where the crowded area was so defensively we became really good and solid um and that's why when he left there was a freedom amongst everybody and that's when they became a really good side and scored goals were really good defensively that's when they're the really good running Europe and you must have done well that first season though top scorer was I yeah probably that's three five I think it were five yeah nobody else was scoring yeah Ian Russia mark eightley Mark 8ly brought back it was about 38. Ian Rush was 36 37 although he had rushy playing right wing back clearing the ball from our own Corner flag legendary goal scorer 37 years old clearing the ball from our own Corner flag um now Tony about where he sort of got rid of Rod Wallace Brian Dean up front uh can't Palmer Lee Bowie Midfield Lucas redubian I think we had with it all he bought Robert molinar while we were there Nigel Martin in goal and Paul Robinson understudy so we had some we had a strong side yeah we're Carlton did a girl we call him yeah Colton was all right I quite like Colin um he's one on his own he's like Elise sharp on steroids yeah he's he's on summer I don't know what he's on but we love him but he's definitely Marmite it would seem with it with everybody yeah I mean even in training he would he was Stanley Midfield and he would try and spray balls out to Wingers and they'd be like all over the place and then they didn't want and he'd go Rooney seriously [Laughter] Rudy that's one out of 12. and climbed up but now I can't was a character I like Carlton oh well you're in that you're out injured yeah that was that was that that was that was even tougher because the first year I was there under George like I said he was it was really defensive really dour the team weren't great to play and we weren't scoring goals um so at the end of that first season I thought you know what I want to do my own thing a little bit so I went away and trained for a couple of weeks on my own before I come back so I came back fit and then at the end of the end of the preseason the the week before the season started we played Forest away on the Saturday and on the Friday George Graham pulled me in and said listen you've been by Far and Away our best player pre-season let's get you back in England squad let's get back scoring goals and enjoying your football again so it's like all right I've sort of won him over I've got him uh and then went to Forest on the Saturday and start my cruise ship the week before the season started so I was like oh after all that I've now got a season out and George made it difficult for everyone that was injured so you would have to be in before everybody else came in for training so you'd have to drive through rush hour then you'd have to do a session after they'd done lunch so you would do like a three o'clock session so you'll be finishing at five so you'd have to drive home through Rush Hour so he's just making things really awkward it was a real depressing dark time to be injured for me the thing is with that is it's all your punishment for being injured yeah that's what it felt like it felt all the injured players were being punished and it was just it was it made it twice as hard we've gone out a lot when you're injured at the start I did my my I'm not a massive Drinker I can drink and I can I can stay all right and then I get to a certain point and I'm like right now I need to go to sleep and and I reckon my my pint limit on a good day seven or eight pints and then maybe a couple of shorts to see me off at the end when you've had too much too much beer up to you and I reckon I was going out there and I was drinking 15 pints and not feeling drunk because of the situation because of the situation I was like a trauma thing really yeah it was a bit of a trauma thing yeah so then it's like 15 points a day not only factors you're in the gym on your own with the with the alcohol coming out of your system feeling stressed if it is depressing not depressing I'm depressing yeah and all of a sudden you're like this is horrible and that was a year a year ago that was a year I was out yeah did um did David O'Leary come in before you came back or was after David O'Leary's assistant to George right did he take over so he just took over here right did you come back yeah he was a different player he was he was another one um there was not a particularly favorite with it with the players he uh as assistant under under George Graham he never really had a lot to do because George took all training took all authority over everything um and then Paddy we always thought didn't really know I mean he played the game at the highest level for like 20 years he had unbelievable career but then as far as coaching he didn't really have much of an idea [Laughter] so George foreign [Laughter] I was trying to be nice to be honest um so so then when when George left to go to Tottenham David already pulled a meeting and said listen Lads I don't want the job I'm not gonna have the job we're thinking he's certainly going to Tottenham with George he won't be here much longer and there was all talk of um Martin O'Neill coming from Leicester and uh we play Leicester on the Saturday and David David O'Leary in training is like my best mate give the ball Sharpie good oh well done shopping different clad the land's like someone going on there you checking his message some sort of like connection between YouTube because you best make talk about your weekend talk about golf is you best mate do you knock around I was like no no I don't see us I don't know what's going on and then he took over his manager played me against Leicester on the Saturday I played wide left in the first half we went one little down he put me beyond the front two second half I got man of the matcha come off the pitch and Martin O'Neal come over and shook me and went looking different class today so I'm well played I thought oh God I hope he comes to the club and then the week after it's announced like David O'Leary's got the job it doesn't we then get a forest on them a week on the Monday after because we're live on the on the Telly and I'm not even on the bench so Eddie gray pulls me on on after the game and says uh you were the best player on the pitch last week you need to go and see him on Monday about why you weren't playing I went two right well what role was he was he assistant yeah he's coach so go and see him I said what's what's the crack white he said well um it's a after your injury you're not getting down the wings like you used to this is something it might be time for a change I said probably I've just been out for a year I said you played me behind the front two second off how do I get down the wing from playing beyond the front two no no I'm on about evening training you're not getting anything so we play five aside how do I get down the wing in a five aside I still been out for a year unless I'm trying to get involved I'm trying to get on the ball I'm excited I'm hungry to get on the ball I want to play and well I just think you need to change and that was that and then play it's been playing for like three or four weeks and then the next game he picked before so I've obviously not much fit he said I don't want you to play in the reserves because you're a big match player he says so don't bother playing the reserves it's beneath you he said uh he said we'll just try and get you get get away I was like all right okay thanks very much I've had a year out I've played like twice because George didn't play me at the start of the Season probably played me once or twice didn't play me for three or four weeks next game he played me at home Champions League AC Milan against kafu [Laughter] and who's playing every minute is it Eric is he is he playing well no that that was that was my issue with George so when when I came back after the cruise ship Harry had played the season before and had a really good season but the season I came back after the cruise ship he was struggling a little bit for fall but Harry just wouldn't leave him out and in the meantime uh David platter called me up he was manager of uh subdoria he said defensive coming over here for a little bit I was like yeah I said but he said how's the knee I said the knee is absolutely fine so I've not got a problem with the knee I said I'm obviously uh not much fit because I haven't played I said my muscle Tone's probably a bit down so I could probably do with them a white circuit he's like we'll sort all that out he said a half fit you here will do me a right fave he said you're better than most I've got here I said so come over we'll get you fit we'll build you back up we'll put you in the team slowly I was like all right I'll come up so I went over start of January um there was already a bit of a cloud over him because they were they were bottom three relegation battle he hadn't got his coaching Badges and all the Italian managers kicking off because there was some amount of work with coaching Badges and he had a job and also they had um little Argentinian in Midfield Ariella Ortega he was like the Fan's favorite and then he bought me in and the fans thought I was coming in to replace Ortega and I wasn't because I was obviously left Winger Ortega's number 10. he wanted to play us together but and then we lost a couple of games when I got there uh and he sort of got fired off and the old manager came back who got the sack for platy to take over he was spoleti who ended up going to Roma and he came back and went listen I don't know yet he said I've got more players so you won't play so you might want to try and get yourself back go back you've been on lockdown yeah Howard getting sucked yeah but but then the transfer window didn't close until mid-march so I was luckily lucky enough lucky enough to get back before the end of the season and what was the conversation with all the lady when you got back was it I didn't I didn't chat so Larry there was no option about going back there I didn't even chat about going back there um I chat to there was Bradford and Man City man city was still they were second division not even in the playoffs looking to come up to the championship and Bradford was second in the league in the in the championship looking to come up automatic promotion to the Premier League do you just want to get playing yeah I just play regular yeah so that's when I spoke to Paul Jewel about Bradford so I went back last last couple of months of the the title running and I sort of played a couple and didn't play a couple because he had Peter beagley there who'd obviously had a good season they were chasing the championship so they'd obviously had a good season so I was in and out of the team there which I was I was fine about because you know the team had already done done well to get to where they went where they got to and then end of the season for promotion they took us all to magalov for four days to celebrate promotion by the way you looked at John [Laughter] um so we went there and then we sat on the plane on the way back and I was sat across the offering Paul Jewelers when he said the the chance of coming full time next year I said well I said there's a couple of other people I've got to speak to I said but obviously you you're Premier League now and I've met most of the lads I said so um you will be one of the favorites for me to to come back to and yeah he said listen we want to sell a couple of people Biggs he's going to go and we want you to be the number one on the left and he's going to go and we're looking to bring in such and such in and quickly changing things about strengthening I was like well yeah that's definitely an option for me go on with a go on with the lads the Bradford yeah I mean unbelievable set of players are captured when you've got people like Dean windass um Stuart McCall Jamie Lawrence who was my roommate the ex-prisoner yeah great lad but me and he knew some characters few arms dealings going on and uh but now and the goalkeepers Aiden Aiden Davidson and and clarky Gary what a fair few of these on them yeah we've got Aiden Davidson yeah but it was a zoom so it doesn't really bonkers yeah there's another one with the goal because because I always knocked around with the goalkeepers and one of the lads actually had me a pair of goalkeeper gloves done with my name on the sharpster because after training I used to do shooting shooting penalty competition so I'd go in goal The Lads would have three penalties and if they scored one I had to give them a fiver if they missed one I know they had to score all three I had to save one for a fiver and I used to say to take money off a few of them because he used to save a few so they always just say you're like you're in the goalkeepers Union so we went to play I think it was crystal palace with Bradford and I was injured so I wasn't going to be able to play but the manager decided to take me for God knows what reason second choice keeper but God knows not to not not let me uh enjoy my weekend I think because Crystal Palace is a horrible place to get to as well so I'm in the hotel and the lads are like oh we're gonna have a couple of beers in the room I was like what play tomorrow no it might have been Charlton actually not Crystal Palace Charlton no but we always have a couple in the room and do something you're not playing you're in the goalkeepers Union come in the room So Jamie Lawrence is in my room on the ground floor and there's a couple of bushes outside the hotel and we're in the first floor right right above our room so I mean with the goalkeepers having a couple of beers start running out of beers in the mini bar and the ones we bought from the supermarket so bring down to Jamie Lawrence Jamie send the beers up at the mini bar throw them up out the window and we'll catch him so the windows open like that right so they've got the safety catches of ours so our windows open like that the lads are hanging out with the golden gloves on ready to capture grip but the window only opens like that it's still got the Safety Lock on where where Jamie Lawrence is there says you can't get the safety lock up so he's he's having to like virtually flick him up with his wrists on that so it's not really going up so one comes up it's the wall Eddie Davis is next minute one's hit the wall hit the windowsill and landed in the bush Adidas don't worry Lads I've got this I've got this like no no you're not you're not you're not straight out the window straight into the bush can't see him no he's got a game tomorrow it comes out goalie glove kind of Carlin [Laughter] Jones [Laughter] great Lads yeah great salads are Bradford brilliant yeah stand with her Stan was my roommate for a little while yeah yeah did you get on well with him I did yeah she's another one like they say a complex characters but very complex yeah I mean you can you can lose Stan in in an instant and he can switch from one stand to another but I've gotten great with him anyone you didn't get on with no not really yeah not really Peter bigger is the only one that's ever really um we went to we went up north to play Newcastle and Middlesbrough I think and stayed in a hotel overnight so we had a couple of beers after the game on the Saturday and we sat in the hotel um yeah anyway sharply um twice the player you are like that's well I said how old are you Big's 12. [Music] you've got great tricks and all that I said but sent it forward to doing the cruise ships every weekend when you're trying to yeah I was like I just get off the yard and whip him I said set it forwards like playing with me so I'm not sure they're like playing with you isn't that what I'm trying to justify yourself I think it must have been must have been because we were the same position and he was you know competition for me he was he was he was quite full of himself though because he didn't like I mean he was Quality quality on the ball bigs but my god did he like a chop and a fake cross um but even in training you know when you get the worst Jersey Youngblood gets the vote five aside on a Friday go around collect the votes from all the lads who's the worst player Peter bigger Rings it one one Friday so on Monday he's got to wear the bib with I'm a and I'm and everyone's silent and all the rest of it and we've got two we've got big bins where you put the dirty kit in for the kitmail after the picks one of them up launches it down the gesture and that's ridiculous how can someone in my ability get voted worse can you joke what a strong front free this would be off the pitch sharp Ashley Ward and I'm going to stick Carboni in there as well for a night out oh yeah yeah hit them up to wardy wardy tap tap arms sensible married man though wardy just a handsome yeah I fancy him strongly when I were at Barnsley we're like oh I looked up to and I just apart from the tattoo you were a long way up apart from the tattoo thing on yeah he was stacked yeah really good trainer we went to an army camp for three days at catrick when we were Bradford pre-season um did the assault course I think he came second the Army joined in with us he did this whole course he came second went on runs they couldn't beat him he was unbelievably fit we got there walked into the barracks and there's one Barracks like 12 beds another Barracks with 10 beds and we walked in Benito Carbone he goes where do I stay and then I'd say like I'll just pick a bed it's like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hello Mr chairman this is not this is not right I can't sleep you know it's like no it's all teams it's all team bonded Aiden Davidson I can lock the door there's the bin Lads don't leave those doors they're going to try and get us up at four o'clock in the morning something stupid it's locked I'm gonna knock him out when they come in there's the piss bucket don't go out the door piss in there if you want it during the night I'll slap out in the morning not a problem looked at me proper Army range [Laughter] Jorgensen I think he went to Coventry in the end uh it was quite busy as well to be flying around all over the place like a little bumblebee Aiden Davidson that night bought a pair of his misses his tights put his misses tights over his head like that went into the bedroom next door to this Jorgen so I went right you're having it like trying to get his clothes off [Laughter] was one telling us that he'd go in on a Friday and he was a chain smoker full strength marbles the chairman and he'd sit there watching cfax or teletext or whatever it is and see different things then he'd be looking at his computer about what the fans are saying and um and he'd have Paul George sat there for like hour and a half without even speaking to him he'd just be sat in the office like what do you want before he said just give us a minute and we sat across from him for hour and a half just look at the Telly looking at his screen they go right then uh you've got the team for tomorrow and Paul Julia yeah there's the team you go all right okay I think uh I think that should be the team would you play that I'm not sure whether he would or whether he wouldn't but after after Paul Jewel left um Jim Jefferies came in with uh Billy Brown I think he was and I really like Jim Jefferies and uh he pulled me and he said listen he said I want to play Center Midfield he said um he said Stuart McCall as great as a player as he's been he says his legs have gone a bit he's 37 38 he said he's playing so far deep that he's virtually playing as a center-back and he's bringing teams on to us he says so I want to play you sent me first instead of Stuart McCart he says but I've been told by the chairman they're for player I'm getting the sack he said so I'm sort of caught between player in general yeah he said so I'll cook soon rocking a hard place it's like all right I need to get out of here then so I went online to Portsmouth um regret well Steve Claridge took me down there on loan to Portsmouth and then got sacked again after a month uh he got sacked up and Graham Rick's came in oh I absolutely loved uh and I wanted to sign for grahamrix he said but I can only give you I think my best wage at Bradford was going to be my last year and it was going to be something like 13 and a half Grand a week I was going to be on and uh at the end of the season grammar Excel I can't give you anywhere near that so I'll give you 250 Grand a year five grand a week I said all right then I said I said put me on that for the first year but if I have a good season you've got to like look after me after that it went not a problem you saw he said we can double it trouble it the year after this is not a problem so I went back to the chairman oh I got the solicitor to ring the chair and I said tell the club they owe me 650 Grand I think for the year we worked out about 13.5 Grand a week I said tell it ask the chairman if you'll give me 100 Grand to leave Us in the club will save half a million quid I said I'll go to Portsmouth and he came back to this he said no he said you're staying yeah and you're not gonna play so it cost the club 650 Grand rather than let me go and let me play somewhere else and we how bothered were you oh I was like that's me John so I said you I'll pick the money up and then I'll just leave so I'll Jack you after that like if that's the way football's going to be then understand I'm out of it I don't understand why you'd make that decision there's no there's no reason wrong or Reason to it part of it was just being an absolute tosser I think even I know you want to play and stuff but even throwing that money like partner with that money yeah looking back it's probably is it the right thing to do oh 500 Grands yeah I went but I went bothered I'll take five grand a week give us 100 Grand which is what a couple of grand a week so I was gonna get a seven from 13 and a half so it's nearly half of my wages just to go and play yeah but you go into somewhere with a manager that you know you want to work with I would probably get sucked anymore but I'll probably get stuck until Christmas I think he did I think he uh well I think um yeah Harry redlap was uh director of football awareness I think he was like stoking the fire behind Graham Rick's to try and get the job yeah yeah so I don't think he was far behind grandmix but you know if Grandma got sacked then maybe Ari would have been a good manager for me to play for as well so at that point we just after this season I'm done yeah I was done I think um I think one of the one of the last things that happened was I think we ended up Bradford went to Barnsley I think and I I was having a shitty game and I was getting abuse from our fans from their fans my mum and dad were in the stand and I got I got home got in the district got in the Players Lounge after and my mom said you sure you want to carry on doing this I was like well so I think it's there's so much time I think about it because I'm not enjoying it and what age were you here 30 I think I'd have been coming up to 32. who's your favorite man in football um favorite man in football oh God that's a tough one really I've had some great Lads in dress rooms people like Robo that's just been an unbelievable player and an unbelievable captain and leader and winner and Drinker and he just does everything so well but he was never really someone that I knocked around with and then you have people like keaney and Pali and gigsy that I've been mates with and knocked around with but then you've got people like Dean windass and Jamie Lawrence um that are maybe not the high profile but the characters of them and the stories and the times that you have with them are just unbelievable it's just different level in the day in Windows oh phenomenal I mean I'll share the room with Dina for a while shared room with Jamie Lawrence for a while um they're just genuine down to earth salt the Earth guys that are we're all just enjoying the best living you can ever do and you just bending rules breaking rules going out drinking when you shouldn't like score boys and Schoolboy fun but they're all top players as well and maybe not your Brian Robson or you're Roy Keane or you or you're writing gigs but as far as characters and laugh and banter and I still speak to quite a few David Johnson's just been Overland went to Forest he's just been over I was at United with him Ian Taylor's here from Villa I'll meet up with him for for a beer Dwight York I spent in the year we went to magalov with Bradford um Villa were there and I ended up spending the night with Dwight drinking he was talking about Fergie and what he's like and what it's like at United and six in the morning I'm like Yorkie I've got to go and at six o'clock he's just pecking my head about United and Fergie and then at six o'clock when you're okay I'm done he's like yeah it's been it's been a good night mate he said um he said thanks for all the info he said I didn't tell you he said but I chat to Fergie last week he said I'm supposed to be meeting Barcelona at nine o'clock in the morning he's well I think I'm going to give that a miss and I'll just sign for United I was like you tell me now at six in the morning you're supposed to meet in Barcelona tonight that's the so it's hard it's hard to pick one out too far I don't think I could pick one one person out Robbie Birkin a Doncaster and he was 40 and but I wish I played with him when he was at ease Robbie Blake Robbie Blake I he was a player as well Blake I mean blakey's feet yeah on his day he was Untouchable he was he was unplayable when he has that factor to whip it top corner and then just drags it his fast feet rocket shot he was incredible but again mentality not not he's not nowhere near the mentality that the top boys have ability wise he has just different brain do you think it like more a lot of careers go up the way you'll probably started and did you feel come down but there's only one way down from United really ain't there yeah I think you're right and it did and I think you see you don't realize what you've got while you're at United especially I do I mean coming from Turkey you do when when you get there but when then when you come sort of part of the furniture and you've been there for a number of years and you've won things you just think that's the way that football is that's the way the Premier League is and you go away from United and you see how the clubs run the teams run training's run uh people's attitude towards training towards games towards time keeping towards respect for managers it's all done differently I didn't realize that the pre every Premier League round wasn't full until I left United I thought every Premier League round was just full every week and it's not this is when you play for United it is yeah yeah you don't realize and and the behavior you know everybody goes oh you must have been must have been Carnage when you're at United no it wasn't it was quite sensible yeah there were some big days out where the lads went out at one o'clock and it got a bit messy and someone got punched or someone fell over or but generally it was pretty well behaved it was pretty sensible everybody had a drink everybody knew when the limit was everybody went home at the right time you hear stories from some of the Liverpool Lads when they were playing and some of the leads Lads when I was there what they were doing it was just on another level and you can see why we had Brian Robson and Alex Ferguson to tow the line for everyone everybody else had well at least you had Carlton Palmer and Amy Davidson and you know crackpots in the team that everyone got an egg in one and they're like go on do that it must have been quite an eye-oper it was yeah it was it's meant when she got there I keep going back to 80 but 80 is one of the craziest players I've ever played with he's when you stood at the toilet during a piss on the night out and he comes from behind you and picks you up with one hand like that and you're still doing a week [Laughter] it's just different it's different mentality I disagree with John about you starting United and working your way down I'm saying United's here but love Islands that's right that's what the only reason I mean yeah the love Island was um I'd gotten I got into TV a bit uh I'd come out of football and not I've been to Iceland and played which was which was a bit of a bizarre situation and then come out of that and I was doing little bits of little bits of TV here in there Ponder to more than anything and then the agent rang me up and said there's a there's a show called celebrity wrestling and then all these different physical games one of the lads is broke a finger so he's got to pull out so do you fancy going down obviously they've been training for two weeks you haven't we've just not gonna come out of football so they're expecting to be off I was like yeah I'll have a go so I went down there and uh the first game I had to start playing was they're the boxing ring and they had a big circle on one corner a metal circle and a big metal circle on the other corner and me and this other fella six foot four bodybuilding gay guy it was an interior designer did Jordan's house and did someone else's celebrity's house we had to wrestle over a medicine ball and whoever could put the medicine ball in the ring like a basketball hoop won the point you have to get first to three so we're wrestling in this wrestling ring and I end up trying to pull it off him and I end up like lifting him off the deck with this ball and I fall onto the deck and the medicine ball Falls there and he falls on top of the medicine ball and I pop I break two ribs so I'm on the floor like can't breathe they all think I'm messing around I'm like no can't breathe can't carry on go to the hospital yeah you got two ribs like this broken sit out just sit with the team so I sat with the team at the end of that they come to me listen you broke two ribs you've not moaned you've not complained you've cracked on with the team we're doing this thing called love Island five weeks in Fiji six boys six girls do you fancy oh do I someone strapped me up I'm loving it I'm even not even fancy uh six Lads and two women I think I've got a joke on a dark night you know what I mean some good looking Ladson there so that was that was pretty much it when I went on to the love Island Fiji for five weeks which was pretty boring to be fair they only let us get pissed I think three times in five weeks one of them which was my birthday so we absolutely steaming on my birthday um I met Abby titmus ended up going out with Abby Titans for a while after the show it was an absolute lunatic uh I always remember the video I had a mental couple of mental couple of months were there and then was like right this is not for me and she went away I went my way and I remembered is it certainly had the Meltdown yeah yeah Ollie Oaks Summer hollyoaks so he was just about to go into rehab for a cocaine and marijuana addiction and he started to go cold turkey on the show it's medication time it's like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest come on oh you're crazy come on Paul there's a couple of lines and just flipping them for you it comes like a different guy but he was he was nearly fighting because he was obviously suffering with a bit of paranoia and so I I spent most of the time on her with uh Callum best and Fran and we'd be chatting away today he's over there on the sun beds chatting to the girls Paul Donald where's that on the decking area just chatting and we'd start laughing at something and he'd be like what what are you saying about me what are you saying about we're like about you well you're the last person he was uh he was entertaining it's like the first love island ever yeah the first one ever yeah yeah can you not can you remember it oh yeah I'm I'm Coronation Street man I know it Viv I'm after Google all this love Island Watcher people he's the man to ask lose she wants to pick off as well didn't you yeah [Laughter] Frank Cosgrove on it and Jane middlemiss me and Liz McLaren came second for second 50 grand for the winner that would have been nice how did you win it just last month standing got voted public vote public votes of that so the last two days I had to go on a date with Liz McLaren and then and then on a date with Jay middlemas and Fran has to do the same and then the public voted for the favorite because a lot of companies a lot of lads have not come off great on the old uh celeb like jungle Shores jungles reality shows yeah it's all in the Edison that's what you've got to be careful of the Edison what they put in what they show what they don't I had a really good reception when I come off because sometimes I've been famous on another level because obviously football fans obviously knew me but then it was like I stayed in a hotel the night we got back I had to stay in London in a hotel because I was on radio one talking about the next day and I was outside the hotel waiting for the car to pick me up at half six quarter to seven and two middle-aged women walk past them went oh it's you awful lot of Island I was like I've made it [Laughter] it's all that experience and it I mean it was it was quite boring for a while but um and I was wary about the reception I would have when I come off but when I come off um I couldn't have wished for for a better reception really it was really good I thought my seven major trophies I'm like a cup with its first ball of cream talking about love Island man I'm embarrassed uh I don't know I mean hindsight's amazingly um I think the only thing I would ever like to go back and do differently is with Fergie they're just out of the situation was with Fergie I'd like to have gone in and chat to him and see exactly where he was coming from and what his point was um but like I say at the time I was just petrified of him and I didn't have anyone as far as an agent my dad was probably a little bit scared a bit in awe of the situation like so that's because you've got a better understanding like you said in hindsight a better understanding of the situation yes best player you've ever played with uh it'd have to be out of two Robson and gas going I think I think Robson week in week out you know it was just incredible but it was always sort of fair and then and then Gaza played with Gaza with England and he was just absolutely phenomenal the the guy was most nervous before any game I've ever seen edgy couldn't sit still couldn't sleep two nights before a game just one just wanted the game and wanted to be in the game and play the game so much hated playing with rubbish players I played in charity games with them a couple of times he canes people that can't pass they've paid fortunes to play it's like dude he's just Keynes him to the face and then like shoves them out the way tackles them just to hate to play with players three grandfather told you my Royal Gas coin for his uh money well spent as far as a player I mean just drifted past people like they weren't there not make people in situations where you just thought have you done that it was just phenomenal best practical joker I mean Aiden Davidson was always a heading Davidson would we'd be on a coach going somewhere and drinking and we'd have no toilet and he'd piss in the bottle and drink piss and drink someone else's piss and then stick a Johnny up his nose and have it coming out of his mouth through his nose challenge in it how do you know you can do that what first starts you off sticking to Johnny snorting a Johnny up your nose and then like Fleming it out how'd you do that sort of thing we went to the open we went to watch the open me 80 clarky and uh and a mate of mine and we drove down Clark is doing soccer I am live on the Telly I'm driving the Range Rover at the time we've all got bottles of beer he's like yeah sure he's just driving down the bed I'm like no I'm not driving with a bottle of beer man then we get there Aiden Davidson's been to the toilet logged one in a some toilet roll he's got it folded down like the top of a banana so just the turd sticking out like that he's putting someone the back of someone's backpack as the watch in the open it's like someone's got a turn pretending to be security yeah can I have a look in your bags it was like that yeah there you go oh I'm not sure about that's not gonna fit yeah Gary Gary Kelly's another one he's mental to go to Kelly I can do an impressions of the manager Dean Saunders he'd be another one Dean Saunders stand-up comedian yeah absolutely stem he used to do 20 minutes stand up before train every morning at Bradford then impressions of Paul Joel and Chris Hutchins the assistant and do impressions of them all telling jokes one of the funniest men ever do well they're much like uh you know you know well they're much in washbags and all that sort of carry on which no there's nothing like that at all but you know no no no cutting up socks no no burning clothes no there wasn't there wasn't any when I got there there was no not even a induction ceremony where you sing a song or something like that there's nothing like that for the Christmas for the Christmas bonus the kids the apprentices who all the all the apprentices had two players each they only had two or three players to look after um and it leads me and Gary Kelly had Nikki Byrne who's in Westlife so he was a trainee at Leeds he was our boot boy so they had a Courtyard at the training ground all the kids had to tell a joke or sing a song to get the Christmas bonus off the lads and we all had eggs everybody had like a dozen eggs so if you you get pelted with eggs because you're probably going to get pellet away Nikki Byrne stands up Westlife really stands up belts his song out in this Courtyard this Goose pimples stand up on your arm and on the back of your neck like you know that's like it again two Gods sorry son you're doing good uh well cheers do you still get the dance moves every now and again rarely now yeah the skin full of beer like people get a burden dance around the flag does it they look at you like what are you doing especially when you bogey the next pops you up a bit no but thank you very much [Laughter] from the Javier Palms Golf Club in Alicante to a working men's club in Barnsley where did it all go wrong back with a bump right what episode first first one back this might come as a surprise straight in the top ten that I'm gonna just for sure a lot of the stuff I hadn't heard you know like because he's a bit of a aloof yeah like he he doesn't really he's not on the radar yeah you know I've never seen him on the other podcasts or anything else because nobody puts in the work that we do to to fly out fly out to Alicante yeah but the afternoon on the beach get up next day drive to him in an hour drive back get back on the beach with a few beers in us get on the next day drive another hour south to record with Mark I'll say you're a slog wouldn't it get back and then get back on the beach and have the next day on the beach and then fly home yeah no no other podcast will put that kind of effort in I don't think I think we need to say a special thanks to Matty as well for all the driving yeah was there's been there was times when I thought rather you than me especially yeah tracks and then there was the thing you want the standoff he reversed to the wrong side of the road you give up at one point [Laughter] yeah you won in terms of uh like top tier names as well being discussed and and being able to tell them to you know when we when we do some bigger names sometimes you feel like they're a bit guarded yeah and like just not so far I've come in with them Tails you've got to dig a bit more but Sharpie just getting the good stuff out I'll tell you what's up like we've had quite a few Lads we've played for us for Alex Ferguson and he's the first one who's had a not the best difficult relationship with your own sir yeah which were also very interesting hit the nail on there but saying that possibly similar to that dip Beckham relationship that he had with him later on yeah and I know Shelby says about because he were weren't as serious he didn't see himself as being he liked he's like you know doing his hair and having a bit of a laugh and a joke and but that where he he played his best football but that what surprised me was that people go on about Ferguson on a personal level like getting to know them knew these players inside out Sharpie wasn't like that really Sharpie needed an arm on the shoulder yeah but it just wasn't recognized yeah he just misjudged the type of character that he was do you know what I mean yeah when really he just needed a bit of love yeah I wonder if he changed like because this is like at the start of style experiencing success in it those first time it is the first few years of his success at United yeah but then the unbelievable value actually got there in the first place ooh Sharpie I just went to Torquay for a crackling yeah yeah I'm his uncle noon block at supermarket or something could you do it bugger off to Spain I'm back to my usual regular attire now I got a special outfit for that podcast because what was it oh yeah and a few good shirts didn't he oh well if you're on your shirt yeah not a good one just new ones they weren't good where did you pull them from flowery yeah yeah I like a flowery number but I had a plain one for the podcast because I were a bit a bit of anxiety about what you should wear at a golf club like especially like it's yeah I don't like the the or the official Behavior around the golf club and then not knowing where you go you know this Spanish club where he's just asked doesn't it would help you through it it's good to talk if you're feeling anxious so I thought I best get to some some regularly looked an absolute million dollars yeah I know I know yeah we got there and ended yeah we got there but uh so yeah that's the that's the effort that we're putting in to get these podcasts up yeah so it's good to be back yeah we said we put these intros and no out trolls so this is gonna be tough for me outros because you can't remember you can't remember a lot of the episode you've normally got a free pass haven't you because you don't want to make out like you don't want to kill it for the viewers but really I'm no you just can't remember yeah so if I could get some notes especially doing it like a month later month and a half later you could write what I did like was that him and came with me it's like in terrible good mates can't you yeah make his watch and uh surprising what team were like back then I thought it was a nightmare on a drink he said he got a bit of a nasty drunk yeah did he actually say in the podcast that he nearly Keen himself yeah when he had when uh Gary pallister had a bit of a do with him he said how we're ready for returning myself and he doesn't look like a fighter does he no so yeah I know it's good to be back how long been doing a long time off I've I've missed it it seems to be the last couple of weeks that we've had the more messages like starting off highlights when you're back to take it piss now yeah every break unless we wanted in it yeah it is it's nice just to for people walk us back who was it next week by the way it goes into my top five really yeah the Wesley stuff Wesley I think it's we've got a new super fun number one Super Fan yeah he said that's a beanie from the start let's do it with patreon he was using patreon hello yeah five five quitter all about it so the best patreon for me was when we were sat talking to Stewie down and about the podcast he's like you don't need to sell at the mail ads I'm a patriot and as he said that February and Brandy episode I think you always know within the first five ten minutes if it's going to be a good episode and with with Scots you do I think we knew before we we even energy levels yeah I think when we just turned up straight away and then when is what are we talking about the Wesley stuff like are we still in the outro of the first one yeah [Applause] what's up man you thought so what America yeah I went on holiday you've been on holiday we all have I haven't I've been a puppy were in it can we get that picture up by the way have you seen it that's it's nice to see that side here I don't I don't think there's something wrong with that the big man was tired probably me purpose I can't walk too long when the puppies got little legs could you not just give it one of them I've got some results fish and chips if John just saw another blow six foot what are you four five walking down the street with it with a little dog I think you're right you would have some of us here it is the cutest dog you've ever seen what is that I think I think the would come out do you think look at that yeah all right so we had two puppies stretch that man do you do this regularly we've got a little Percy lawn your mind uh we'll take the Pulse on a walk because I can't walk with all the two dogs I don't think it's needed too far but what if you're just going to shop like not even taking for a walk like what what what's what's dog called Percy Parker you just like come on Percy and just put her in him in the pool just leaving me out and what do you do with the papoose when you walk and do you just have it hanging it's a nice proposal I think it's a nice person with a little face popping uh and a little little pause you would definitely have someone to say yeah yeah uh so yeah the dog's fat dogs are fine all I need is him for him to start having bigger shits and then I can get away with dropping one myself right out he's been on again uh yeah Percy parking did you boil the kettle for them don't you what Skidders yeah I've never had to get to a level where I've had to buy a kettle for get rid of me skid marks always still do you know do you pop kettle on before you go to the toilet that it's done and then straight down straight down another oven tell you what if you leave them probably more than 36 hours oh it takes from getting shifted I can imagine someone coming around visiting right in case isn't kitchen and click goes and go oh we're making a brew no John's having a no we're using all the water yeah after the next boil the reload so we've got Scotty next week thanks for uh tuning in for the first episode back got some good guests lined up for this series we always have Chris I always have always have a good mix again a few surprises self producers a few surprises episode number one 14 more to go it's gonna take us till Christmas drop yourselves in Lads are we uh getting them in how do we sign off these sign off now I know why do we finish yeah cool we've never done it goodbye before have we just cut it there man so thanks thanks everybody for watching we'll see you next week goodbye say bye they always are awkward though aren't they
Channel: Under The Cosh
Views: 376,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: under the cosh youtube, youtube under the cosh, under the cosh, undr the cosh, podcast under the cosh, under the cosh podcast, undr the cosh podcast, football podcast, football podcasts, podcast football, soccer podcast, best football podcast, best soccer podcast, uk podcast, sport podcast, podcast spotify, spotify podcast, apple podcast, podcast apple, podcast soccer, Lee Sharpe, Manchester United, Roy Keane, Alex Ferguson, Leeds Utd, Paul Ince, Bradford City
Id: 66f50F7RNU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 37sec (7417 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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